V. V. MittaRussian Academy of Sciences | RAS · Paleontological Institute
V. V. Mitta
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1. Middle Jurassic ammonites & biostratigraphy of European Russia and Boreal-Tethyan correlation of the Bajocian, Bathonian and Callovian
2. Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary beds: ammonites, biostratigraphy, Boreal-Tethyan correlation
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Publications (235)
The paper discusses Stephanoceras humphriesianum (J. de C. Sowerby), an index species of the upper zone of the Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) standard scale, for the first time identified from the lower subformation of the Djangura Formation of Karachay-Cherkessia. The fixation of the lectotype of Ammonites humphriesianus is discussed. New finds...
Установлен новый род Alatyroceras, в объеме видов A. nageli (Mitta) (тип рода), A. keuppi (Mitta), A. efimovi (Mitta) и A. infimum (Gulyaev et Kisselev), характеризующих в Центральной России интервал, сопоставляемый с зонами Variabile и Calyx верхнего бата Восточной Гренландии. По уточненным данным, зона Keuppi Русской платформы понимается в объеме...
Обобщены данные по систематическому составу и стратиграфическому распространению аммонитов семейств Perisphinctidae и Parkinsoniidae в байосе и нижнем бате междуречья Кубани и Урупа. Уточнен возраст Infragarantiana primitiva (Wetzel) – древнейший вид перисфинктоидей на Северном Кавказе
происходит из зоны Humphriesianum нижнего байоса. Приведена но...
This paper discusses Early Bajocian Leptosphinctes found for the first time in the interfluve of the Kuban and Urup rivers (Karachay- Cherkessia). A microconch of L. (Kubanoceras) bolshensis sp. nov. is described. Fragments of macroconch shells recovered from the same concretion containing the holotype of the new species were identified as L. (Lept...
The data on the taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of ammonites of the families Perisphinctidae and Parkinsoniidae from the Bajocian and Lower Bathonian of the Kuban-Urup interfluve are summarized. The age of Infragarantiana primitiva (Wetzel), the oldest species of Perisphinctoidea in the Northern Caucasus originating from the Lo...
A new genus Alatyroceras is established for the species A. nageli (Mitta) (type species of the genus), A. keuppi (Mitta), A. efimovi (Mitta), and A. infimum (Gulyaev et Kisselev), in Central Russia characterizing the interval correlated with the Upper Bathonian Variabile and Calyx zones of East Greenland. According to the refined data, the Keuppi Z...
Over the last decade, a large group of authors has been studying the fossils and biostratigraphy of the Djangura Formation (Bajocian – Lower Bathonian) in the interfluve of the Kuban and Urup rivers (Karachay-Cherkessia). This report provides information on the most unusual ammonite taxa found in this region.
The first specimen of Cadoceras milaschewici (Nikitin) found in the Middle Callovian Jason Zone of Tuarkyr (northwestern Turkmenistan) is discussed. Rare records of ammonites of the subfamily Cadocera-tinae (Cadoceras, Pseudocadoceras, Chamoussetia) are known from the Lower Callovian of adjacent areas-the Northern Caucasus, Mangyshlak, and the Bols...
This paper deals with new findings of conifer macrofossils collected from the Upper Bajocian Niortense Zone of the Northern Caucasus (Karachay-Cherkessian Republic, Russia). The material studied is represented by cones, i.e. both male and female strobili, sterile leafy shoots and anatomically preserved wood. The female cone consists of seed-scales...
A large-sized upper jaw of an ammonite from the Niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of the Kuban basin (Karachay-Cherkessia) is described. In its anterior part a pointed calcified structure (rhyncho-lite) is located. Judging by its shape and size, the upper jaw belonged to a species of the genus Lytoceras (family Lytoceratidae), the lower jaw of w...
The results of the study of microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are presented. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with nodules scattered in the stratum, often forming interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Format...
The paper discusses Stephanoceras humphriesianum (J. de C. Sowerby), an index species of the upper zone of the Lower Bajocian (Middle Jurassic) standard scale, identified for the first time from the lower subformation of the Djangura Formation of Karachay-Cherkessia. The fixation of the lectotype of Ammonites humphriesianus is discussed. New finds...
A new genus Alatyroceras is established for the species A. nageli (Mitta) (type species of the genus), A. keuppi (Mitta), A. efimovi (Mitta), and A. infimum (Gulyaev et Kiselev), in Central Russia characterizing the interval correlated with the Upper Bathonian Variabile and Calyx zones of East Greenland. According to the refined data, the Keuppi Zo...
The data on the taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of ammonites of the families Perisphinctidae and Parkinsoniidae from the Bajocian and Lower Bathonian of the Kuban-Urup interfluve are summarized. The age of Infragarantiana primitiva (Wetzel), the oldest species of Perisphinctoidea in the Northern Caucasus originating from the Lo...
Microfossils of the Strenoceras niortense Zone of the Upper Bajocian of the Karachay-Cherkessian Republic are studied. The zone is represented mainly by dark gray silty-sandy clays, with scattered nodules often arranged in interbeds, and belongs to the lower part of the upper subformation of the Djangura Formation.
The taxonomic composition and di...
This paper deals with the discovery of possible caytonialean pteridosperm macrofossils from the Middle Jurassic of the Kuban River Basin. Numerous remains of these plants have been found in the Upper Bajocian of Karachay-Cherkessian Republic of Russia, in association with various age-diagnostic ammonites (Spiroceras, Baculatoceras, Strenoceras, etc...
New finds of ammonites in the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone in the interfluve of the Kuban and Urup rivers (Karachay-Cherkessia) allow their identifications and the rank of infrazonal subdivisions to be clarified. Djanaliparkinsonia egori sp. nov. from the upper part of the Garantiana Zone is described. The zone includes three subzones...
New finds of ammonites in the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone in the interfluve of the Kuban and Urup rivers (Karachay-Cherkessia) allow their identifications and the rank of infrazonal subdivisions to be clarified. Djanaliparkinsonia egori sp. nov. from the upper part of the Garantiana Zone is described. The zone includes three subzones...
Upper Bajocian–Lower Bathonian perisphinctids are studied based on new collections from the upper part of the Upper Djangura Subformation in the interfluve of the Kuban and Urup rivers (Karachay-Cherkessia). Lobosphinctes costulatosus (Buckman) and Planisphinctes tenuissimus (Siemiradzki) are redescribed, and P. pirkli Mitta, sp. nov. is described;...
По новым сборам из верхней подсвиты джангурской свиты изучены перисфинктиды верхов верхнего байоса–низов нижнего бата междуречья Кубани и Урупа (Карачаево-Черкесия). Из стратотипического разреза свиты на южном склоне горы Джангура описаны Lobosphinctes costulatosus (Buckman), Planisphinctes tenuissimus (Siemiradzki), P. pirkli Mitta, sp. nov.; опре...
This paper is devoted to the first record of the fertile organ of the bennettitalean affinity in the Middle Jurassic of Northern Caucasus. A single but well-preserved cone (“flower”) was collected from the Upper Bajocian Niortense zone of Karachay-Cherkessian Republic of Russia. This cone consists of concentrically arranged petal-like lateral appen...
Representatives of the genus Parkinsonia were studied using new material from the upper part of the Bajocian Parkinsoni Zone (Middle Jurassic) of Karachay-Cherkessia. Ammonites were found ex situ in the stratotype section of the Djangura Formation (southern slope of Mount Dzhangura). The species P. per-planulata Wetzel [m], P. wetzeli Schmidtill et...
На новом материале из верхней части зоны Parkinsoni байоса (средняя юра) Карачаево-Черкесии изучены представители рода Parkinsonia. Аммониты найдены не in situ в стратотипе джангурской свиты (южный склон горы Джангура). Определены и частью изображены P. perplanulata Wetzel [m], P. wetzeli Schmidtill et Krumbeck [m], P. cf. parkinsoni (Sowerby), P....
In the Izhma River basin, the Upper Bajocian–Lower Bathonian sections crop out at several localities along the Dreshchanka River. A recently published opinion (Ippolitov, A.P., Kiselev, D.N. “Geological Features of the Bajocian–Bathonian in the Reference Section of the Izhma River Basin (North of European Russia) and the Succession of Ammonites of...
In the Izhma River basin, the Upper Bajocian–Lower Bathonian sections crop out at several localities along the Dreshchanka River. The recently published views (Ippolitov A.P., Kiselev D.N. “Geological Features of the Bajocian–Bathonian in the Reference Section of the Izhma River Basin (European North of Russia) and the Succession of Ammonites of th...
The ammonites of the genus Cadomites from the Upper Bajocian and Lower Bathonian of Karachay-Cherkessia are discussed. The new material makes it possible to precisely identify macroconchs of this genus in the Kuban River basin. C. (Cadomites) lissajousi Roché is described from the middle Subzone of the Upper Bajocian Niortense Zone. C. (C.) sturani...
Обсуждаются аммониты рода Cadomites из верхнего байоса и нижнего бата Карачаево-Черкесии. Новый материал позволяет уточнить видовой состав макроконхов этого рода в бассейне р. Кубань. Из средней подзоны зоны Niortense верхнего байоса описывается C. (Cadomites) lissajousi Roché. Из осыпи пограничных отложений зоны Parkinsoni верхнего байоса-зоны Zig...
Ammonites of the genus Lissoceras from the Upper Bajocian of Karachay-Cherkessia are discussed. The new material, represented exclusively by macroconchs of different age stages, makes it possible to clarify the taxonomic composition of this genus in the basin of the Kuban River. The new taxa L. kubanense sp. nov. from the lowermost horizons of the...
Jaws of ammonites which inhabited the Panboreal Superrealm during the Jurassic and Cretaceous are poorly known in comparison to those of Tethyan ammonoid faunas. This paucity may be explained by limited thickness, or even absence of an outer calcitic layer, in lower jaw elements (aptychi) of Boreal ammonites. Here we describe, for the first time, t...
Обсуждаются аммониты рода Lissoceras из верхнего байоса Карачаево-Черкесии. Новый материал, представленный исключительно макроконхами разных возрастных стадий, позволяет уточнить таксономический состав этого рода в бассейне р. Кубань. Из низов зоны Niortense описывается L. kubanense sp. nov., из средней части этой зоны – L. paviai sp. nov. Найдены...
A paper revising the taxonomy of ammonites of Tethyan origin from the Ryazanian (=Berriasian) Stage of the Russian Platform and adjacent regions is critically examined.
Критически рассматривается статья, посвященная пересмотру систематики аммонитов тетического происхождения из рязанского (=берриасского) яруса Русской платформы и прилегающих регионов.
The first representatives of the genus Parkinsonia previously described from Georgia as P. djanelid-zei Kakhadze, 1937 and P. djanelidzei var. dertshiensis Kakhadze, 1937 are revised. P. djanelidzei [M] and P. dertshiensis [m] are described and illustrated. The name P. (Okribites) djanelidzei Kakhadze, 1937 is a junior primary homonym of P. (Parkin...
The results of the study of the Upper Bajocian Strenoceras niortense Zone (Middle Jurassic) and several ammonites from the sections of the Kuban River basin (Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia) are presented. The zone is subdivided into tree subzones (from bottom to top): Orthogarantiana humilis, Orthogarantiana rostovtsevi, and Baculatoceras baculatum, i...
На новом материале из верхнего байоса (средняя часть зоны Parkinsoni) Карачаево-Черкесии ревизованы первые представители рода Parkinsonia, описанные ранее из Грузии как P. djanelidzei Kakhadze, 1937 и P. djanelidzei var. dertshiensis Kakhadze, 1937. Приведены описание и изображения P. djanelidzei [M] и P. dertshiensis [m]. Название P. (Okribites) d...
The results of a comprehensive microfaunistic study of the Ogarkovo Upper Jurassic–Lower Cretaceous reference section on the Unzha River (Kostroma oblast) are presented. The Lower Kimmeridgian, the Upper Volgian and the Ryazanian stages contained variably mineralized three-dimensional remains of radiolarians. The radiolarian genera Protovallupus an...
Infragarantiana primitiva (Wetzel) is recorded for the first time from the Upper Bajocian of Kara-chay-Cherkessia. The species "Garantiana" primitiva was previously known only from the holotype, originating from the lower part of the Niortense Zone of Germany, and is the type species of the monotypic genus Infragarantiana Westermann. New material f...
Обсуждаются находки Infragarantiana primitiva (Wetzel) из верхнего байоса Карачаево-Черкесии. Вид “Garantiana” primitiva был известен только по голотипу, происходящему из низов зоны Niortense Германии, и является типовым для монотипического рода Infragarantiana Westermann. Новый материал с Северного Кавказа позволяет уточнить диагноз и систематичес...
Based on the study of the systematic composition and stratigraphic distribution of ammonites, principally the subfamily Garantianinae of family Stephanoceratidae, a scheme for the infrazonal subdivision of the Strenoceras niortense Zone in the Northern Caucasus is proposed, consisting of three subzones and seven faunal horizons.
Palynomorphs from the Toarcian and Aalenian Djigiat Formation of Karachay-Cherkessia in the Kuban River Basin (North Caucasus, southwest Russian Federation) are reported for the first time. Five samples carefully selected for their biostratigraphical content were studied to document the palynological assemblages. Four samples (1, 2, 3, 4) were coll...
The ammonite species Olcostephanus bidevexus Bogoslowsky, 1896 and O. suprasubditus Bogoslowsky, 1896, established in the Ryazanian Horizon (=Stage) of the Oka River basin, are discussed based on study of their type series and new collections from the type locality. Both species characterize the middle part of the Ryazanian Stage (the lower and upp...
Data on fossils and stratigraphy of the Bajocian and Bathonian boundary deposits in the north of European Russia recently published by Ippolitov, Zakharov, Kiselev, et al. are discussed. Their previously proposed correlation of the Middle Jurassic reference sections of the Pechora North region on the Dresh-chanka River (a tributary of the Izhma Riv...
Обсуждаются недавно опубликованные В.А. Захаровым, Д.Н. Киселевым, А.П. Ипполитовым и др. данные по руководящим ископаемым и стратиграфии пограничных отложений байоса и бата севера европейской части России. Критически рассматривается предложенная этими авторами корреляция ключевых для стратиграфии средней юры Печорского Севера разрезов по р. Дрещан...
The validity and index species of the standard ammonite-based zones (from bottom to top: Rjasanensis, Spasskensis, and Tzikwinianus zones) of the Ryazanian Stage in the type region are discussed. The species Surites spasskensis (Nikitin, 1888) and S. tzikwinianus (Bogoslowsky, 1896) are reexamined and re-described. It has been established that thes...
Обсуждаются правомерность выделения и виды-индексы стандартных зон рязанского яруса типового региона по аммонитам (снизу вверх: зоны Rjasanensis, Spasskensis, и Tzikwinianus). Приведены описания Surites spasskensis (Nikitin, 1888) и S. tzikwinianus (Bogoslowsky, 1896). Установлено, что эти два филогенетически последовательных вида характеризуют два...
An unusually large anaptychus is described from the lower part of the Upper Djangura Subforma-tion (Upper Bajocian Garantiana baculata Subzone of the Strenoceras niortense Zone) on the Kyafar River (Karachay-Cherkessia, Northern Caucasus). Judging by the shape and size, it belonged to a representative of Lytoceras (Thysanolytoceras) (family Lytocer...
Ammonites of subfamily Leptosphinctinae, ancestral to Perisphinctoidea, are revised based on the study of new collections from the lower part of the Upper Djangura Subformation (beds with Orthogarantiana humilis of the Upper Bajocian Strenoceras niortense zone) at the village of Krasnogorskaya on the Kuban River (Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia). The m...
Microfossils of the upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone of the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkess Republic) are studied. The zone is represented by dark gray claystone-like clay series with sporadically scattered nodules, often forming interlayers, and is recognized in the upper subformation of the Dja...
Из низов верхней джангурской подсвиты (подзона Garantiana baculata зоны Strenoceras niortense верхнего байоса) р. Кяфар (Карачаево-Черкесия) описан необычно крупный анаптих. Судя по форме и размерам, его обладателем был представитель Lytoceras (Thysanolytoceras) (сем. Lytoceratidae). Крылья анаптиха отчасти деформированы и асимметричны, на большей...
Приведены результаты изучения микрофоссилий зоны Garantiana garantiana верхнего байоса р. Кяфар (приток р. Большой Зеленчук, Карачаево-Черкесия). Зона представлена глинами темно-серыми, аргиллитоподобными, с рассеянными в толще конкрециями, часто образующими прослои, и относится к верхней подсвите джангурской свиты. Установлены систематический сост...
Elements of the jaw apparatuses of the ammonite genus Kepplerites (Ammonoidea: Stephanoceratoidea, Kosmoceratidae, Keppleritinae) are described from two Upper Bathonian and one Lower Callovian localities of the Russian Platform. The lower jaws (aptychi), based on their size and shape can be assigned to two groups and certainly belonged to the co-oc...
По новым сборам из низов верхней джангурской подсвиты (слои с Orthogarantiana humilis зоны Strenoceras niortense верхнего байоса) у станицы Красногорская на р. Кубань (Россия, Карачаево-Черкесия) ревизованы некоторые аммониты подсем. Leptosphinctinae. Приводится описание макроконхов Leptosphinctes (Leptosphinctes) kardonikensis (Kakhadze et Zessash...
Microfossils of the upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone of the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkess Republic) are studied. The zone is represented by dark gray claystone-like clay series with sporadically scattered nodules, often forming interlayers, and is recognized in the upper subformation of the Dja...
На основе изучения типовых серий и новых сборов аммонитов из типового района обсуждаются виды Olcostephanus bidevexus Bogoslowsky, 1896 и О. suprasubditus Bogoslowsky, 1896, установленные в рязанском горизонте [=ярусе] бассейна р. Оки. Оба вида, характеризующие среднюю часть рязанского яруса (соответственно, нижнюю и верхнюю части зоны Spasskensis)...
New finds of cephalopod jaw apparatuses from the upper part of the Niortense Zone and the lower part of the Parkinsoni Zone (Upper Bajocian) from the interfluve of the Kuban and Urup rivers (Northern Caucasus) are described. Two isolated valves of aptychi which are considered to be ammonoid lower jaws are assigned to the superfamilies Haploceratoid...
The results of integrated microfaunistic study of the Upper Jurassic and Lower Cretaceous key section in Ogarkovo on the Unzha River (Central Russia, Kostroma region) are presented. In the Lower Kimmeridgian, Upper Volgian and Ryazanian variably mineralized bulk forms of radiolarians were found. For the first time representatives of radiolarian gen...
Aptychi are the lower jaws of Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites, which consist of a pair of mirror-symmetrical valves. In various evolutionary lineages of ammonites, aptychi differ in shape as well as the structure of the outer calcitic layer and the sculpture of its surface. These differences are the basis of the parataxonomic classification of ap...
Abstract: The paucity of ammonite recovery from North Sea wells has meant that offshore correlations are largely dependent
upon microfossil assemblages. While rare, ammonites have been found in a few boreholes during the course of oil exploration
activities. The occurrence of ammonites in ten wells in the UK sector of the Viking Graben and the Mora...
Some ammonites of the subfamily Garantianinae are revised based on the study of new collections from the lower part of the upper Subformation of the Djangura Formation (Upper Bajocian Strenoceras niortense Chronozone, Middle Jurassic) near the village of Krasnogorskaya on the Kuban River (Russia, Karachay-Cherkessia). The dimorph pair Strenoceras a...
Some structural features of the suture line of adult representatives of the family Parkinsoniidae are analyzed. It has been established that in the genera Caumontisphinctes, Pseudocosmoceras, Sokurella and most Rarecostites, the ventral lobe (V) is deeper than the first lateral lobe (U). On the contrary, in the microconchs of the later Rarecostites...
The northernmost representative of the genus Gregoryceras, G. boreale Mitta et Stupachenko, sp. nov., is described based on a holotype from the Mikhalenino section on the Unzha River (Kostroma Region). The new species comes from the lower part of the Tenuiserratum Zone (Zenaidae subzone), comparable to the tops of the Plicatilis Zone (Arkelli Subzo...
The northernmost representative of the genus Gregoryceras, G. boreale sp. nov., based on a holotype from the Mikhalenino Section on the Unzha River (Kostroma Region), is described. The new species comes from the lower part of the Tenuiserratum Zone (Zenaidae Subzone), comparable to the tops of the Plicatilis Zone (Arkelli Subzone) of the Middle Oxf...
The short geochronological span and wide geographic distribution of the genus Hectoroceras in the Boreal Paleogeographic Superrealm make it exceptionally important for correlation of the Volgian-Ryazanian boundary beds. The Ogarkovo Section on the Unzha River (Kostroma Region), which is essential for this correlation, is described. The revised genu...
This paper presents the results of the study of the Upper Bajocian Garantiana garantiana Zone (Middle Jurassic) and characteristic ammonites in sections of the basin of the Kuban River (Karachay-Cher-kessia). The assemblage contains species of the genera Garantiana, Pseudogarantiana, Paragarantiana, Djanaliparkinsonia (all family Stephanoceratidae)...
На основе изучения новых коллекций из низов верхней джангурской подсвиты (хронозона Strenoceras niortense верхнего байоса, средняя юра) у станицы Красногорская на р. Кубань (Карачаево-Черкесия) ревизованы некоторые аммониты подсем. Garantianinae. Обсуждается диморфная пара Strenoceras acre [m] / Orthogarantiana humilis [M] – таксоны, описанные изна...
Описываются новые находки остатков челюстных аппаратов цефалопод из верхней части зоны Niortense и нижней части зоны Parkinsoni междуречья Кубани и Урупа. Изолированные створки двух аптихов, трактуемых как нижние челюсти аммонитов, отнесены к надсемействам Haploceratoidea и Stephanoceratoidea. Две верхние челюсти предположительно принадлежали также...
Early representatives of the belemnite family Dicoelitidae (Belemnopseina) from the Northern Caucasus are reported from the Upper Member of the Djangura Formation of Karachay-Cherkessia. We document the first records of Dicoelites (s. str.) from the Upper Bajocian of Eastern Europe and introduce the new species Dicoelites aprilis Dzyuba sp. nov. an...
The type species of the genus Praesurites, P. elegans Mesezhnikov et Alekseev, was described from the basal Berriasian of the Subpolar Urals (Sosva River basin). Finds of species of this genus in other regions are of importance for the interregional correlation of the Jurassic-Cretaceous boundary interval. The taxo-nomic composition and stratigraph...
This paper presents the results of the revision of the taxonomic composition and stratigraphic distribution of Central Russian representatives of the Valanginian genus Delphinites. The lower Undaloplicatilis zone of the Valanginian in the basin of the Sura River (Menya River) contains D. undulatoplicatilis (Stchi-rowsky) [subjective synonyms: Oxyno...
Типовой вид рода Praesurites, P. elegans Mesezhnikov et Alekseev, 1983, был описан из базальной части берриаса Приполярного Урала (бассейн р. Сев. Сосьвы), и находки видов этого рода в других регионах имеют большое значение для межрегиональной корреляции пограничных отложений юры и мела. Изложены результаты ревизии систематического состава и страти...
Широкое географическое распространение представителей рода Hectoroceras Spath в Бореальной палеогеографической надобласти и узкий хроностратиграфический интервал существования обусловливает исключительное значение этих аммонитов для корреляции пограничных отложений волжского и рязанского ярусов. Приведено описание разреза Огарково на р. Унже (Костр...
An analysis of the current state of research in the field of Boreal-Tethyan correlation of the Middle Jurassic marine sediments of Siberia is given. Further perspectives are closely related to the obtaining and mutual coordination of the results of bio- and chemostratigraphic, biofacial and biogeographical studies of the Middle Jurassic of Siberia...
Impressions of the geological excursions of the Congress on the Jurassic system, held in Mexico last winter, are provided. The still insuffi ciently studied ammonites, Parastrenoceras tlaxiacense Ochoterena [m] and Oppelia (O.) subradiata erbeni Westermann [M] from the upper part of the Tecocoyunca Group (Taberna Fm) of southern Mexico are illustra...
New occurrences of cephalopod jaws from the Lower Aalenian and Upper Bajocian of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River basin are discussed. Two new fi nds of aptychi (cornaptychus), presumably of Leioceras and Bredyia from the Aalenian Opalinum zone, are displayed.
Nomenclature types of ammonites of the genera Dorsoplanites, Pavlovia, Zaraiskites and Cras-pedites from the Volgian Stage of the Russian platform are discussed; for some species type specimens are designated and illustrated. The date of the establishment of the genus Pavlovia Ilovaisky, 1915 is emended, and it type species is detailed. The name Am...
This paper contains the results of a comprehensive study of the standard Rarecostites subarietis Subzone of the upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone in sections on the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkessia, Russia). The subzone is represented by shales with marl
interbeds and sideritic concretions of th...
The genus Djanaliparkinsonia Kutuzova, 1975 was originally described as an endemic subgenus of the genus Parkinsonia (family Parkinsoniidae of the superfamily Perisphinctoidea) from the Upper Bajocian (middle member of the Degibadam Formation) of the Gissar Range (Uzbekistan). A new species D. alanica sp. nov. is established from the Upper Bajocian...
Aptychi are reported from the Lower Aalenian Leioceras opalinum Zone and Subzone of the Khussa-Kardonik section in Karachay-Cherkessia (Kuban River Basin). They are associated with conchs of the ammonites genera Leioceras and Bredyia (superfamily Hildoceratoidea) and interpreted as their lower jaws. The Hildoceratoidea aptychi are referred to a for...
Ammonites of the genus Patrulia Sturani, 1971, represented by the type species P. aenigmatica Sturani, are known from a few specimens from the base of the Upper Bajocian of Italy and France. A new species, P. karachaica Mitta, the youngest representative of the genus Patrulia, is described herein based on a single specimen from the lower part of th...
This paper presents the results of the study of ammonites of the family Himalayitidae from the Surites spasskensis Zone of the Ryazanian Stage of Central Russia. The new taxa Transcaspiites tscheffkini sp. nov., T. transitionis sp. nov., and Karasyazites gen. nov., with the type species Subalpinites bajarunasi Luppov, are described. The hypothesis...
The 6th Kilian Group meeting of the IUGS Lower Cretaceous Ammonite Working Group (the Kilian Group) was held in Vienna, Austria, 20th August 2017. The Group mainly discussed the standard zonation
that is suitable for and based mainly on ammonite data of the Mediterranean Province of the MediterraneaneCaucasian Subrealm (Tethyan Realm). Some changes...
The Boreal–Tethyan correlation of the Bathonian successions is one of the most complex
problems of Mesozoic biostratigraphy. The C-isotope variation curve obtained in this study strongly supports the previous proposal of Mitta et al. (2014) to correlate the Oraniceras besnosovi Zone and the Arcticoceras harlandi Subzone of the Sokur section with th...
Обсуждаются номенклатурные типы аммонитов родов Dorsoplanites, Pavlovia, Zaraiskites и Craspedites из волжского яруса Русской платформы; для некоторых видов обозначены типовые экземпляры, приведены их изображения. Уточнены дата установления рода Pavlovia Ilovaisky, 1915 и его типовой вид. Название Ammonites Panderi Eichwald, 1840 признано nomen dub...
The results of a comprehensive study of the standard subzone Rarecostites subarietis of the Upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone in sections along the Kyafar River (a tributary of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, Karachay-Cherkessia) are presented. The subzone is represented by mudstones with interbeds of marl and siderite concretions belonging t...
The chronostratigraphic zonal succession of the ammonoid-based biostratigraphic subdivision of the Ryazanian stage in its type region (the Russian Platform) is discussed. It is proposed to recognize (in ascending order) the Kochi, Rjasanensis, Spasskensis, and Tzikwinianus zones, as the Ryazanian standard. The chronostratigraphic ranges of the genu...
The study of ammonites from the upper part of the Upper Bajocian and lower part of the Lower Bathonian in the sections of the basin of the Bolshoi Zelenchuk (Karachay-Cherkessia) allowed the recognition of Beds with Parkinsonia djanelidzei (approximate equivalent of the middle part of the Parkinsonia parkinsoni Chronozone) and Beds with Oraniceras...
The ammonites of the genus Rarecostites (subfamily Parkinsoniinae) are studied from the lower part of the Upper Bajocian Parkinsonia parkinsoni Zone of the Kyafar River (Bolshoi Zelenchuk River Basin, Karachai-Cherkessia, Russia). The locality contains numerous microconch shells of R. subarietis (Wetzel). We follow de Grossouvre (1919) in consideri...