V. N. Lukash

V. N. Lukash
Russian Academy of Sciences | RAS · Astro Space Centre


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Publications (207)
Телескопом им. Дж.Уэбба было обнаружено неожиданно большое число галактик с массами ∼109−1010M⊙ на красных смещениях z ≥ 9. Возможным объяснением повышения функции масс может служить наличие локального максимума (бампа) в спектре мощности возмущений плотности на соответствующем масштабе. В данной работе мы отмечаем, что одновременно с ростом функци...
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A surprisingly large number of galaxies with masses of $\sim10^9-10^{10}M_\odot$ at redshifts of $z\geq9$ are discovered with the James Webb Space Telescope. A possible explanation for the increase in the mass function can be the presence of a local maximum (bump) in the power spectrum of density perturbations on the corresponding scale. In this pa...
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A surprisingly large number of galaxies with masses of ~10 ⁹ –10 ¹⁰ $${{M}_{ \odot }}$$ at redshifts of $$z \geqslant 9$$ are discovered with the James Webb Space Telescope. A possible explanation for the increase in the mass function can be the presence of a local maximum (bump) in the power spectrum of density perturbations on the corresponding s...
A model of an illuminating black hole surface (“parabolic screen”) is proposed. This allows to avoid in a natural way the appearance of edge effects related with photons moving along the screen plane. The temperature distribution along the radius corresponds to the corresponding distribution for a relativistic disk (Novikov-Thorne disk). It is show...
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We consider three cosmological models with non-power-law spectra of primordial density perturbations and test them against $\Lambda$CDM in density profiles. We found that, despite the significant difference in initial conditions, the mean density profiles of all models are still close to the Navarro-Frenk-White one, albeit with some dispersion. We...
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Modified matter power spectra with approximately Gaussian bump on sub-Mpc scales can be a result of a complex inflation. We consider five spectra with different Gaussian amplitudes A and locations k0 and run N-body simulations in a cube (5 Mpc h−1)3 at z > 8 to reveal the halo mass functions and their evolution with redshift. We have found that the...
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An analytical model of a parabolic screen illuminating a black hole is constructed. This makes it possible to naturally avoid the occurrence of edge effects associated with photons moving along the plane of the screen. The temperature distribution along the radius of the screen corresponds to that for a relativistic disk (Novikov-Thorne disk). It i...
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Modified matter power spectra with approximately Gaussian bump on sub-Mpc scales can be a result of a complex inflation. We consider five spectra with different amplitudes $A$ and locations $k_0$ and run N-body simulations in a cube $(5 Mpc/h)^3$ at $z>8$ to reveal the halo mass functions and their evolution with redshift. We have found that the ST...
Conference Paper
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The paper presents a catalog of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) sharpened for interferometric observations at millimeterand submillimeter wavelengths, based on open sources. The catalog includes the object’s name, coordinates, angular size,and mass, the angular size of the gravitational radius of the SMBH, and the integrated radio flux associated w...
Conference Paper
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We consider the black hole (BH) shadow images which can be restored by data processing and image recovery proceduresin future Space VLBI (Very Large Baseline Interferometry) missions. For sources SgrA ∗ , M87 ∗ and M31 ∗ we consider threekinds of observation: the ground-based interferometer, space-ground interferometer with a satellite at low geoce...
Conference Paper
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The maximum possible depth of future far infrared and submillimetre telescopes will be limited by the confusion noise. Herewe use the definition of the confusion noise as the width of the left side of the pixel histogram. In this paper we investigatethe influence of the large-scale structure of the Universe and gravitational lensing on the confusion...
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In this paper we use the model of extragalactic background light to investigate the factors that have influence on the confusion noise. It was shown that (1) Large-Scale Structure of the Universe is an important factor; (2) gravitational lensing does not have a significant effect on the confusion noise; (3) lower redshift limit of objects that cont...
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We consider the black hole (BH) shadow images which can be restored by data processing and image recovery procedures in future space Very Large Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) missions. For Kerr BHs with masses and coordinates of SgrA*, M87* and M31*, illuminated by light source behind them, we consider three kinds of observation: the ground-based i...
We investigate a possibility to find an accreting isolated black hole (IBH) with mass 1–100 M⊙ within Central Galactic Molecular Zone in the submillimetre and infrared spectral range with help of planned space observatories James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Millimetron (MM). We assume the spherical mode of accretion. We develop the simplest pos...
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We investigate a possibility to find an accreting isolated black hole (IBH) with masses $1-100~\mathrm{M}_{\odot}$ within Central Galactic Molecular Zone (CMZ) in submillimetre and IR spectral range with help of planned space observatories James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) and Millimetron (MM). We assume the spherical mode of accretion. We develop...
We present a theoretical description of different types of accretion disks and jets near supermassive black holes (SMBHs) that can be observed in the (sub)millimeter wave band. Special attention is paid to the possible formation of the shadow of a black hole illuminated by an accretion disk or a jet. We suggest a simple criterion for identifying su...
The paper presents a catalog of supermassive black holes (SMBHs) sharpened for interferometric observations at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths, based on open sources. The catalog includes the object’s name, coordinates, angular size, and mass, the angular size of the gravitational radius of the SMBH, and the integrated radio flux associate...
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Sensitivity of future far infrared space telescopes like Millimetron will be limited by a confusion noise created by distant galaxies. We construct a model of the Cosmic Infrared Background (CIB) aimed at exploration of methods of prediction and reducing the confusion noise. The model is based on a public available eGALICS simulation. For each simu...
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The paper presents a catalog of supermassive black holes (SMBH) shapened for the interferometric observations in millimeter and submillimeter wavelength ranges and based on the open sources. The catalog includes the name of the object, coordinates, angular distance, the mass, the angular size of the gravitational radius of SMBH, the integral flux o...
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The extragalactic background radiation produced by distant galaxies emitting in the far infrared limits the sensitivity of telescopes operating in this range due to confusion. We have constructed a model of the infrared background based on numerical simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe and the evolution of dark matter halos. The...
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The extragalactic background radiation produced by distant galaxies emitting in the far infrared limits the sensitivity of telescopes operating in this range due to confusion. We have constructed a model of the infrared background based on numerical simulations of the large-scale structure of the Universe and the evolution of dark matter halos. The...
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Weak interacting particles (WIPs): neutrinos (ν e , ν μ , ν τ ), the hypothetical photino ( ), the gravitino ( ), etc., may have nonzero rest mass. This fact is extremely important for cosmology. WIPs do not annihilate in the very early Universe and their number is preserved. If they have a rest mass, their mass density may dominate in the Universe...
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At present cosmology experiences a qualitatively new state of its development. Up to now cosmological theory successfully extrapolated to the past the Universe we observe now. This extrapolation was reliable up to the temperatures T ∼10 ¹⁰ K. The endeavors to advance nearer to the singularity imply that even cardinally new hypotheses in the element...
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Both large and small-scale ΔT/T anisotropies of the microwave background are reviewed in the context of the modern theories of the Universe structure origin. A number of primordial perturbation spectra and various types of cosmological missing mass are considered. Theoretical predictions are compared with the observational data. Importance of the Δ...
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Scaling of the transfer function of primordial perturbations in the multicomponent Universe is found. New tests for detecting light weakly interacting particles and dark barions are proposed.
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Matsumoto et al. (1988) have reported a significant distortion in the spectrum of microwave background radiation in the submillimetre waveband 400-700 μ. This follows a rocket experiment by a team from Nagoya and Berkeley in February, 1987. This experiment has resulted in a series of papers which have attempted to interpret this excess (see Carr, 1...
We discuss key physical problems related to the interstellar and intergalactic medium, which are the subject of far infrared (FIR) and submillimeter (submm) astronomy. We outline the most impressive results of the last 25 years and summarize the characteristics of the most successful space and ground-based FIR and submm observatories: those current...
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We discuss the problem of singularities in general relativity and emphasize the distinction that should be made between what is understood to be mathematical and physical singularities. We revise examples of space-times that conventionally contain a singularity which, in a sense, does not manifest itself physically. A special attention is paid to t...
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This paper describes outstanding issues in astrophysics and cosmology that can be solved by astronomical observations in a broad spectral range from far infrared to millimeter wavelengths. The discussed problems related to the formation of stars and planets, galaxies and the interstellar medium, studies of black holes and the development of the cos...
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This paper reviews a wide range of questions in astrophysics and cosmology that can be answered by astronomical observations in the far-IR to millimeter wavelength range and which include the formation and evolution of stars and planets, galaxies, and the interstellar medium, the study of black holes, and the development of the cosmological model....
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This work investigates a set of cosmological collisionless N-body simulations with featured power spectra of initial perturbations in the context of the core-cusp and satellites problems. On the studied power spectra some scales of fluctuations were suppressed. Such spectral features can be caused by multicomponent dark matter. The density profiles...
We extrapolate the Cosmological Standard Model to the past, determine initial geometrical conditions in the early universe, and consider a new cosmogenesis paradigm based on the concept of black-and-white holes with integrable singularities.
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We use the phenomenological approach to study properties of space–time in the vicinity of the Schwarzschild black-hole singularity. Requiring finiteness of the Schwarzschild-like metrics we come to the notion of integrable singularity that is, in a sense, weaker than the conventional singularity and allows the (effective) matter to pass to the whit...
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We discuss status of the singularity problem in General Relativity and argue that the requirement that a physical solution must be completely free of singularities may be too strong. As an example, we consider properties of the integrable singularities and show that they represent light horizons separating T-regions of black and white holes. Connec...
With help of a set of toy N-body models of dark halo formation we study the impact of small scale initial perturbations on the inner density profiles of haloes. We find a significant flattening of the inner slope $\alpha={d \log \rho \over d \log r}$ to $\alpha=-0.5$ in some range of scales and amplitudes of the perturbations (while in the case of...
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In this review, the formation, evolution, and decay of the large-scale structure of the Universe is discussed in the context of observational data, numerical simulations, and the Cosmological Standard Model (CSM). Problems concerning measuring and interpreting cosmological parameters, determining the composition of matter, and normalizing density p...
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We discuss various aspects of the inner structure formation in virialized dark matter (DM) halos that form as primordial density inhomogeneities evolve in the cosmological standard model. The main focus is on the study of central cusps/cores and of the profiles of DM halo rotation curves, problems that reveal disagreements among the theory, numeric...
We explore a broad class of three-parameter inflationary models of the very early Universe, called the Λ-inflation, and its observational predictions: high abundance of cosmic gravitational waves consistent with the Harrison–Zel'dovich spectrum of primordial cosmological perturbations, the non-power-law winglike spectrum of matter density perturbat...
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We review different approaches to the problem of generating the observed Hubble flow, whose discussion was pioneered by A.D. Sakharov. Extrapolating the Cosmological Standard Model to the past makes it possible to determine physical properties of and conditions in the early universe. We discuss a new cosmogenesis paradigm based on studying geodesic...
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We briefly review the problem of generating cosmological flows of matter in GR (the genesis of universes), analyze models' shortcomings and their basic assumptions yet to be justified in physical cosmology. We propose a paradigm of cosmogenesis based on the class of spherically symmetric solutions with {\it integrable} singularity $r=0$. They allow...
We suggest a method for extracting important cosmological information from observational data on galaxy proper motions on the celestial sphere. These data can be used to reconstruct the three-dimensional velocities of galaxies relative to the cosmicmicrowave background (peculiar velocities), and to separate the Hubble and peculiar components of the...
Introduction Parametric Amplification Effect Physical Meaning of the Parametric Amplification Lagrangian Theory and Perturbations Potential Perturbations in Friedmann Cosmology Quantization and Conformal Non-Invariance Origin of Primordial Cosmological Perturbations Scattering Problem for q-Field Generation of Perturbation on Inflation Inflation Ch...
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Since the discovery of quasars in papers often appeared and appear the assertions that the redshift quasar distribution includes a periodic component with the period $\Delta z = 0.063$ or 0.11. A statement of such kind, if it is correct, may manifest the existence of a far order in quasar distribution in cosmological time, that might lead to a fund...
Nowadays we are on the verge of discoveries that can change the essence of our world-view. The matter concerns origin of initial conditions and physics of dark matter.
A scientific session of the Physical Sciences Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS) was held on April 25, 2007 in the Conference Hall of the P N Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS. The following reports were presented at the session. (1) Novikov I D, Kardashev N S, Shatskii A A (Astro-Cosmic Center, P N Lebedev Physical Institute, RAS, Mos...
We present a new normalization for the linear density-perturbation spectrum in a multi-parameter model of the Universe. Using the differential mass function for the nearly galaxy clusters obtained from optical data, we have constructed a functional relation between the dispersion of the density contrast σ 8 on the scale 8h −1 Mpc and the cosmologic...
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We discuss the questions related to dark energy in the Universe. We note that in spite of the effect of dark energy, large-scale structure is still being generated in the Universe and this will continue for about ten billion years. We also comment on some statements in the paper "Dark energy and universal antigravitation" by A D Chernin, Physics Us...
Using cosmological data on the CMB anisotropy and large-scale structure of the Universe, we have obtained new constraints on the sum of the masses of three generations of active neutrinos: Σm ν < 1.05 eV (95% confidence level). Data of the third year of the WMAP mission served as the source of CMB anisotropy data. The mass functions of X-ray clust...
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The progress and problems of standard cosmological model are considered. We analyze geometry and matter composition as well as the origin of initial conditions and dark components in the Universe.
The spectra of many Seyfert galaxies display broad Fe K α emission. The line profile has two maxima, suggesting that the line emerges in the innermost regions of an accretion disk around a black hole, making it necessary to take into account general relativistic (GR) effects. Identifying GR processes occuring in active galactic nuclei (AGN) requir...
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We propose a solution of the cusp problem in framework of the standard ΛCDM cosmology. To provide this we describe the linear and nonlinear periods of halo formation by the entropy function of dark matter particles. This approach allows us to take into account together the impacts of both the small scale initial velocity perturbations in collapsed...
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Observational cosmology is on the verge of new discoveries that will change the essence of our world-view. The matter concerns origin of initial conditions and physics of dark matter. Comment: 12 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Il Nuovo Cimento, an invited talk presented at the conference "A Century of Cosmology : Past, Present and Future" (August 2...
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We propose a solution of the cusp problem in framework of the standard $\Lambda$CDM cosmology. To do this we describe the linear and nonlinear periods of halo formation by the entropy function of dark matter particles. This approach allows us to take into account together the impact of both the processes of nonlinear relaxation of compressed matter...
We consider the main population of cosmic voids in a heirarchical clustering model. Based on the Press-Schechter formalism modified for regions in the Universe with reduced or enhanced matter densities, we construct the mass functions for gravitationally bound objects of dark matter occupying voids or superclusters. We show that the halo mass funct...
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In spectra of many Seyfert galaxies there is a wide emission line of Fe $K_\alpha$. The line profile with two maxima supposes that the line emerges in innermost regions of an accretion disk around a black hole, hence, it is necessary to take into account General Relativity (GR) effects. In order to determine GR processes which occur in active galac...
In this article, some results of the Great Attractor (GA) simulation are presented. The author concludes that the standard cold dark matter model cannot explain the GA appearance. New models of the early Universe accounting for the required primordial spectrum are proposed.
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An elementary derivation of the fundamental relation T/S = 4gamma between the tensor and scalar modes of cosmological perturbations in the early universe is given. Statements by L P Grishchuk on this problem are commented on.
Observational data on the large-scale structure of the Universe and the anisotropy of the cosmic background radiation are used to derive constraints on the parameters of an inflationary model for the early Universe (Λ inflation).
We find degeneracies between cosmological parameters in mixed dark matter models based on observational data on galaxy clusters. In particular, neutrino degenecy is determined for m_nu
Observations of active galactic nuclei and microquasars by ASCA, RXTE, Chandra and XMM–Newton indicate the existence of wide X-ray emission lines of heavy ionized elements in their spectra. The emission can arise in the inner parts of accretion discs where the effects of general relativity must be counted; moreover, such effects can dominate. We de...
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We modify the Press-Schechter formalism to calculate the mass function of gravitationally bounded objects in a local Universe with size $L> 10h^{-1}$Mpc, i.e. separately in voids ($\Omega_{m,L}<\Omega_m$) and superclusters ($\Omega_{m,L}>\Omega_m$). The dependence of the abundance of gravitationally bounded objects on local matter density is analyz...
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The time evolution of the number density of galaxy clusters and their mass and temperature functions are used to constrain cosmological parameters in the spatially flat dark matter models containing a fraction of hot particles (massive neutrino) additional to cold and baryonic matter. We test the modified MDM models with cosmic gravitational waves...
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The galaxy cluster power spectrum and mass/temperature functions are currently the most precise observational tools for constraining the theory of the formation of large scale structure (LSS) in the Universe. Complementing these tests by the observational data at larger (cosmic microwave backgroud anisortopy (CMBA)) and smaller (distribution of $Ly...
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The time evolution of galaxy cluster abundance is used to constrain cosmological parameters in dark matter models containing a fraction of hot particles (massive neutrino). We test the modified MDM models with cosmic gravitational waves which are in agreement with observational data at $z=0$, and show that they do not pass the cluster evolution tes...
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An analysis of cosmological models in spatially flat Friedmann Universe with cosmic gravitational wave background and zero Lambda-term is presented. The number of parameters is equal to 5, they are (1) sigma8, the dispersion of the mass fluctuations in the sphere with radius 8 h-1 Mpc. (2) n, the slope of the density perturbation spectrum, (3) Omeg...
An analysis of a five-parameter family of cosmological models in a spatially flat Friedmann Universe with a zero Λ term is presented. The five parameters are (1) σ8, the dispersion of the mass fluctuations in a sphere with radius 8h −1 Mpc, where h=H 0/100 km s−1 Mpc−1 and H 0 is the Hubble constant; (2) n, the slope of the density-perturbation spe...
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The current status of the theoretical and observational cosmology is reviewed.
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We argue that a Λ-inflation model can ensure large relative contribution of cosmic gravity waves into the ΔT/T at COBE scale preserving at the same time a near scale-invariant spectrum of cosmological density perturbations favored by observational data (nS≃1). High efficiency of these models to meet observational tests is discussed.
We propose a -ination model which explains a signicant part of the COBE signal by primordial cosmic gravitational waves. The primordial density perturbations fulll both the constraints of large-scale microwave background and galaxy cluster normalization. The model is tested against the galaxy cluster power spectrum and the high-multipole angular CM...
We propose a Λ-inflation model that explains a significant part of the COBE signal by primordial cosmic gravitational waves. The primordial density perturbations fulfil both the constraints of large-scale microwave background and galaxy cluster normalization. The model is tested against the galaxy cluster power spectrum and the high-multipole angul...
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An analysis of cosmological models in spatially flat Friedmann Universe with cosmic gravitational wave background and zero $\Lambda$-term is presented. The number of free parameters is equal to 5, they are $\sigma_8$, $n$, $\Omega_\nu$, $\Omega_b$, and $h$. The normalization of the spectrum of density perturbations on galaxy cluster abundance ($\si...
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The possibility of determining cosmological parameters on the basis of a wide set of observational data including the Abell-ACO cluster power spectrum and mass function, peculiar velocities of galaxies, the distribution of Ly-$\alpha$ clouds and CMB temperature fluctuations is analyzed. Using a $\chi^2$ minimization method, assuming $\Omega_{\Lambd...
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The possibility of determining cosmological parameters on the basis of a wide set of observational data including the Abell-ACO cluster power spectrum and mass function, peculiar velocities of galaxies, the distribution of Ly-$\alpha$ clouds and CMB temperature fluctuations is analyzed. Using a $\chi^2$ minimization method, assuming $\Omega_{\Lambd...
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We propose a $\Lambda$-inflation model which explains a large fraction of the COBE signal by cosmic gravitational waves. The primordial density perturbations fulfil both the contraints of large-scale microwave background and galaxy cluster normalization. The model is tested against the galaxy cluster power spectrum and the high-multipole angular CM...
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In these lectures we dwell upon the cosmological corner-stones of the Very Early Universe (VEU) theory: Parametric Amplification Effect (PAE) responsible for the generation of Primordial Cosmological Perturbations (PCPs), Chaotic and Stochastic Inflation, Principal Tests of VEU, and others.
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