V Gyselinck

V Gyselinck
Gustave Eiffel University · Laboratoire Psychologie et Ergonomie Appliquées



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  • Professor (Associate)


Publications (97)
Few studies have explored ageing through the prism of an embodied and situated approach to cognition. Due to its sensorimotor and cognitive components, crossing the street is a good paradigm to tackle this issue. Using an experimental approach, an ageing simulation suit was used to disentangle cognition from its sensorimotor context in 29 young par...
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Dense mass transit systems are prone to suboptimal exploitation of their infrastructure when passenger congestion concentrates on specific routes, leaving alternative routes underused. This imbalance may arise from passengers relying on a cognitive heuristic to find the fastest path without considering other parameters, partly for lack of informati...
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Spatial representations play a fundamental role in navigation, decision-making, and overall interaction with our environments. Understanding how individuals construct and use them holds significant importance in spatial cognition research, and even bears practical implications for urban planning as it can explain how we interact with the spaces we...
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Goal-directed approaches to perception usually consider that distance perception is shaped by the body and its potential for interaction. Although this phenomenon has been extensively investigated in the field of perception, little is known about the effect of motor interactions on memory, and how they shape the global representation of large-scale...
This study explores the impact of the interplay between the valence and arousal dimensions of landmarks on spatial memory. Participants were asked to watch a movie of a walk in a large urban virtual environment with landmarks that differed in terms of arousal and valence across conditions (high-arousal-positive; low-arousal-positive; high-arousal-n...
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Understanding how individuals mentally perceive and navigate urban spaces is a significant subject in spatial cognition, and it is crucial for urban planning and design. Transit maps are central in these matters, as they present and represent information about public transport systems. They primarily include the positions of transit lines, transit...
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Grounded views of cognition consider that space perception is shaped by the body and its potential for action. These views are substantiated by observations such as the distance-on-hill effect, described as the overestimation of visually perceived uphill distances. An interpretation of this phenomenon is that slanted distances are overestimated bec...
While the role of landmarks is well documented, little research has focused on the characteristics that allow landmarks to benefit the construction of spatial representations. Although their visual saliency has already been explored, cognitive saliency deserves attention. It could benefit to older people who experience decline in their spatial abil...
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The effect of body-based information on spatial memory has been traditionally described as a facilitating factor for large-scale spatial learning in the field of active learning research (Chrastil & Warren, Psychonomic Bulletin and Review, 19(1):1-23; 2012). The specific contribution of body-based information to spatial representation properties is...
Comment et sous quelle(s) forme(s) les connaissances spatiales sont-elles acquises et stockées en mémoire ? Différents modèles théoriques ont été proposés afin de décrire le fonctionnement de la mémoire spatiale selon des prémisses empruntées à la philosophie : l'espace tel qu'il existe dans l'esprit humain ne semble pas posséder les mêmes propriét...
Field of view (FOV) allows us to perceive and learn our environment. Reducing the visual field impairs our ability to estimate distance and direction. It has been demonstrated that distance is estimated more accurately in outdoor environment (a lawn) than in indoors (hallway or lobby). This evidence suggests that features like width of environment,...
Mention of landmarks and actions in spatial descriptions: A developmental study We are still poorly informed about how children acquire and communicate a complex spatial representation. This study analyses spatial descriptions of virtual routes by 8- and 10-year-old children and young adults. Based on the work by Denis and collaborators on the feat...
The embodied meaning approach posits that understanding action-related language recruits motor processes in the brain. However, the functional impact of these motor processes on cognition has been questioned. The present study aims to provide new electrophysiological (EEG) evidence concerning the role of motor processes in the comprehension and mem...
Thirty healthy elderly participants (mean age = 77.3) learned the names of manipulable and nonmanipulable objects while adopting a control posture (hands in front of them) or an interfering posture (holding their hands behind their back). Results on a recall task showed a postural interference (PI) effect, with the interfering posture reducing the...
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The grounded cognition approach posits the involvement of sensory-motor processes in the representation of knowledge. However, the functional impact of these processes on cognition has been questioned, and some authors have explored the effect of motor interference on memory to test causally this hypothesis. In a seminal study, Dutriaux and Gyselin...
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With recent technological advances and easier availability of computer equipment, virtual reality has been widely adopted in various fields among which basic research is no exception. However using VR to design experimental protocols requires a good knowledge of several central concepts to the interaction between human and virtual. In this paper, w...
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The rise of virtual reality has overcome many of the methodological challenges faced by researchers studying spatial navigation. Yet, the difficulty in developing life-like virtual settings still remains a substantial barrier to most studies when fidelity to the real world has to be achieved in order to ensure some psychological validity of the res...
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Many people with cognitive disabilities avoid outside activities, apparently for fear of getting lost. However, little is known about the nature of the difficulties encountered and the ways in which these individuals deal with them. None of the few studies on wayfinding by people with cognitive disabilities have explored the various specific diffic...
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The Mastering Time project focuses on paving the way towards understanding time perception and time practices in real travel conditions, towards the comprehension of how individuals represent (psychological) time and act in time during complex journeys. The fast development of transportation modes over the last century has increased our collective...
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According to grounded cognition, the format of representation of knowledge is sensorimotor. This means that long-term memory shares processing resources with the sensorimotor system. The main objective of this work is to provide new evidence in favour of two claims from the embodied cognition framework: (1) memory is grounded on the sensorimotor sy...
Depuis plus d’une vingtaine d’années, des aides à la navigation ont été développées afin de faciliter nos déplacements. Alors que le défi initial était de proposer des systèmes efficaces et utilisables par le plus grand nombre, le développement actuel de ces aides doit être envisagé en intégrant le fonctionnement cognitif humain. Dans cette perspec...
This study aimed at demonstrating the role of sensorimotor information through the influence of walking effort perception on the process of route planning for navigation. Participants were asked to walk wearing weighted or non-weighted ankle belts prior to learning virtual environments. They then had to plan routes between landmarks and to estimate...
This study aims to understand the role of verbal and visual-spatial components of working memory in children's encoding of virtual routes. Children aged 8 and 10 years and adults memorised virtual routes in three conditions involving either a secondary task (visuo-spatial or verbal) or no such task (control). The learning phase was followed by four...
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Memory is one of the most important cognitive functions in a person’s life as it is essential for recalling personal memories and performing many everyday tasks. Although a huge number of studies have been conducted in the field, only a few of them investigated memory in realistic situations, due to methodological issues. The various tools that hav...
The aim of the present study was to better understand how public transport users make their choice of route, in order to favor the use of public transport (henceforth PT) in large cities. Based on decision-making theories, a classical choice paradigm (Slovic, 1975), and recent findings in psychology (Chowdhury & Ceder, 2013; Grison et al., 2016) we...
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Planning routes using transportation network maps is a common task that has received little attention in the literature. Here, we present a novel eye-tracking paradigm to investigate psychological processes and mechanisms involved in such a route planning. In the experiment, participants were first presented with an origin and destination pair befo...
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The embodied cognition is a framework which has been developed in contrast to the traditional cognitivism. This theory claims that, instead of conceiving the mind as a computer, it must be understood in the context of its relationship to a physical body that interacts with the world. Surprisingly, spatial cognition has received very little interest...
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The embodied cognition is a framework which has been developed in contrast to the traditional cognitivism. This theory claims that, instead of conceiving the mind as a computer, it must be understood in the context of its relationship to a physical body that interacts with the world. Surprisingly, spatial cognition has received very little interest...
Résumé La cognition incarnée est un mouvement de pensée qui s’est développé en opposition avec le cognitivisme traditionnel. Elle considère que l’esprit ne doit pas être conçu comme un ordinateur, mais doit être compris dans le contexte de son corps, et de l’interaction de ce dernier avec l’environnement. Étonnamment, la cognition spatiale a reçu p...
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Grounded cognition proposes that memory shares processing resources with sensorimotor systems. The aim of the present study was to show that motor simulation participates in the conceptual representation of manipulable objects in long-term memory. In two experiments, lists of manipulable and nonmanipulable objects were presented. Participants were...
List of the French words and their English translation for the manipulable (Appendix A in S1 File) and nonmanipulable (Appendix B in S1 File) objects. Words are presented together with their length, frequencies and imageability. (DOCX)
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When planning a route, people have a bias to disproportionately select southern than northern routes, whereas they don’t make any differences for east or west routes (Brunyé et al., 2010 ). It has been proposed that, this bias is due to an association between the north and the mountainous terrains. Our goal was to confirm and explain the bias find...
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Some studies have shown that locomotion is a crucial tool to construct metric properties of spatial models (e.g. Iachini & Giusberti, 2004) and Proffitt et al. (2003) have shown that the perception of distance relies on effort and action ability. It follows that the mental simulation of one’s walk should be influenced by her/his perceived motor abi...
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This exploratory study aims to achieve a better understanding of the users-related factors that affect the choice of routes in public transport (PT). We also look at what can motivate route and modes changes towards alternatives in a real situation. We investigated the experience of 19 users of PTs, using the critical incident technique (Flanagan i...
This study examines the involvement of spatial and visual working memory (WM) in the construction of flexible spatial models derived from survey and route descriptions. Sixty young adults listened to environment descriptions, 30 from a survey perspective and the other 30 from a route perspective, while they performed spatial (spatial tapping [ST])...
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Wayfinding at night in nature is challenging due to limited lighting and a low number of clearly identifiable landmarks. However, several activities in nature involve wayfinding at night, such as rescue services or hiking, but only a few human navigation studies have addressed these conditions. In the present study, we investigate the effects of ni...
The College de France was the first university-level institution to actually recognize psychology as an academic subject (Ribot in 1888 and Janet in 1902). We present here a historical note on the introduction of Henri Piéron at the Collège de France in 1923. The objective of this paper is to describe, on the basis of available historical documents...
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Two experiments were run to complete our understanding of the role of verbal and visuospatial encoding in the construction of a spatial model from visual input. In experiment 1 a dual task paradigm was applied to young adults who learned a route in a virtual environment and then performed a series of nonverbal tasks to assess spatial knowledge. Res...
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Le Collège de France fut la première institution de l’enseignement supérieur à reconnaître officiellement la psychologie (Ribot en 1888 et Janet en 1902). Nous présentons ici une note historique sur l’introduction en 1923 de Henri Piéron au Collège de France. L’objectif de cet article est de décrire, sur la base des documents historiques disponible...
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This study investigates the development of landmark and route knowledge in complex wayfinding situations. It focuses on how children (aged 6, 8, and 10 years) and young adults (n = 79) indicate, recognize, and bind landmarks and directions in both verbal and visuo-spatial tasks after learning a virtual route. Performance in these tasks is also rela...
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We tested the hypothesis that a route's memorability is dependent on the frequency with which people are exposed to visual landmarks. Undergraduates learned either a route through an urban area lacking visually salient features, or a route in a neighborhood with many shops and urban objects. They were then asked to recall the learned route in the f...
Conference Paper
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This paper expands on the results of a previous study on the factors influencing the users’ choice and experience of routes in public transport (PT) (Grison et al., 2013). Based on the critical incidents reported by 19 users of PT, we have highlighted four situations which describe users’ experiences as specific combinations of context and personal...
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This study aims to achieve a better understanding of the variables that affect the choice of route in public transport. We investigated the experience of 19 users related to public transport, using the critical incident technique. The incidents were collected through interviews. The results show different patterns of route that differ according to...
Experimental episodic memory assessment using virtual equipment from the Memory and Cognition Lab, University Paris Descartes, Institute of Psychology & Center of Psychiatry and Neurosciences (INSERM U 894). The virtual equipment consists of a computer-generated 3-D model of an artificial environment created using Virtools Dev 3.0 software and a no...
Two experiments investigate how people create spatial mental models (SMMs) as a function of presentation format. Spatial representations following a route within a virtual environment (visual) and an auditory description (verbal) were compared. Moreover, a dual-task procedure was adopted to depict the role of working memory (WM) components in such...
The present study investigates the joint role of spatial ability, imagery strategy and visuospatial working memory (VSWM) in spatial text processing. A set of 180 participants, half of them trained on the use of imagery strategy (training vs no-training groups), was further divided according to participants' high or low mental rotation ability (HMR...
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The aim of this study is to broaden our understanding of the construction and early decline of spatial mental representations in route learning, considering the extent to which spatial ability and age-related differences in environment learning interact. The experiment examines spatial mental representation derived from taking a realistic route acq...
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An experiment was run to complete our understanding of the involvement of working memory (WM) components in the construction of a spatial model from visual input, considering some of the visuospatial abilities known to modulate performance. In addition, to allow for consideration of the flexibility of the spatial representation, routes in a virtual...
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This research investigates the role of different memory components in the age-related decline of new route learning. Few studies have considered real route learning, for which the situation can be more complex, and the richness greater than with simple mazes. In this experiment, the memory of a route in a real city has been assessed considering vis...
This research investigates how visuo-spatial abilities (such as mental rotation — MR — and visuo-spatial working memory — VSWM —) work together to influence the recall of environmental descriptions. We tested a mediation model in which VSWM was assumed to mediate the relationship between MR and spatial text recall. First, 120 participants were asse...
The study investigates the relationships between working memory (WM), amount of learning, and strategies used in spatial description. WM involvement and strategies reported were assumed to change, depending on whether the text learning was extensive or limited. Two experiments were carried out using dual-task paradigm: participants listened to spat...
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Imagine you are a tourist walking around an unfamiliarcity, and you read in your guidebook that somewhere in thecity there is a famous museum of modern art. How do youget there? You stop pedestrians and ask them. Answersmay be different. Someone might say: ‘‘You need to takethe subway, because it’s a long way from here. Go straighton, and then turn...
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The aims were (1) to explore the effects of normal aging on the main aspects of episodic memory--what, where, and when,--and on feature binding in a virtual environment; (2) to explore the influence of the mode of learning, intentional versus incidental; and (3) to benchmark virtual environment findings collected with older adults against data reco...
The present study investigates the relation between spatial ability and visuo-spatial and verbal working memory in spatial text processing. In two experiments, participants listened to a spatial text (Experiments 1 and 2) and a non-spatial text (Experiment 1), at the same time performing a spatial or a verbal concurrent task, or no secondary task....
This study investigated the construction of a spatial model in relation to working memory (WM) and visuospatial abilities. Participants were trained to use either imagery or verbal strategies to process route spatial texts. Results obtained on a free recall task, a verification test and a graphic representation task showed the beneficial effect of...
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[ger] Um das Textverständnis bewerten zu können, müssen bestimmte theoretische Konzepte definiert werden, die aus den Arbeiten der Sprachpsychologie stammen. Das Verständnis eines Texts oder eines Dokuments ist eine komplexe Tätigkeit mit dem Ziel, sich vom Inhalt eine kohärente geistige Vorstellung machen zu können (Gernsbacher, 1994, Kintsch, 199...
This article argues that conducting experiments involving the ability to control and even manipulate the cognitive load in working memory (WM; storage and or processing load) should make it possible to identify the processes involved during the integration of information coming from multiple sources. Some experiments using the dual-task paradigm ar...
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The purpose of the present study was to assess the navigational behaviour of adult humans following a disorientation procedure that perturbed their egocentric frame of reference. The assessment was carried out in a virtual reality (VR) environment by manipulating the disorientation procedure, the retention interval, the relative positions of target...
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The paper investigates the involvement of verbal and visuo-spatial working memory during the processing of spatial texts via a dual-task paradigm. Subjects were presented with three texts describing locations from a route perspective, and had either to imagine themselves moving along a route in surroundings or to rehearse verbal information. Concur...
Conference Paper
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An experiment was conducted in a virtual town to investigate episodic memory and false memory assuming that an active condition would increase memory compared to a passive condition. Subjects were university undergraduate students; active participants drove a car through the city, and passive participants were only passengers. Subjects were instruc...
Background Some studies have shown that individual differences in spatial abilities play an important role in the comprehension of spatial descriptions (de Vega 1994; Haenggi et al. 1995; Pazzaglia and Cornoldi 1999). The mental rotation test (MRT, Vandenberg and Kuse 1978) is a rigorous measure of spatial ability that correlates with other spatial...
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The purpose of the present research is to investigate whether different components of working memory (WM) are involved in processing spatial and nonspatial texts. The interference effects of two concurrent tasks on comprehension and recall of two kinds of text were investigated in two experiments. Each participant listened to a spatial and a nonspa...
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Nous étudions la mobilisation de la mémoire de travail visuo-spatiale et verbale au cours de la mémorisation et de la compréhension d'informations multimédia. Les résultats, concordants avec ceux d'une étude précédente, indiquent que des apprenants experts sont peu sensibles au mode sensoriel dans lequel les informations linguistiques sont présenté...
Translations are provided of extracts from reports by the French-speaking scholars Alfred Grafé and Emile Durkheim concerning the instructional procedures in place at Wundt's Institute for Experimental Psychology in Leipzig in the summer of 1886. It is stressed that reports such as theirs were of importance, not only to researchers, but also to tea...