Uwe Riecken

Uwe Riecken
Until Nov. 2021 Bundesamt für Naturschutz

Offering support in ecology and nature conservation projects as consultant.


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My current research interests are habitat management, wilderness areas, ecosystem dynamics, red list ecosystems, ecological networks.


Publications (80)
Abstract (Paper is in German language!) Successful action in conservation calls for close exchange and effective feedback between science and practitioners at all levels. However, many examples and experiences indicate that this mutual exchange does not function optimally nor according to requirements. From the authors' point of view, there is a ne...
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The Red List of threatened habitat types in Germany was first published in 1994 and it is updated approximately every ten years. In 2017 the third version was published by the German Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. In the course of the revision, the criteria system was also extended. In doing so, an attempt was made to find a compromise bet...
Die Bundesregierung hat 2007 im Rahmen der Nationalen Strategie zur biologischen Vielfalt (NBS) u.a. das Ziel formuliert, 5% der deutschen Waldfläche einer natürlichen Entwicklung zu überlassen. Die andauernde Kritik von forst- und holzwirtschaftlichen Lobbyverbänden nimmt der vorliegende Artikel zum Anlass aufzuzeigen, dass der Beitrag, den ungenu...
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Leseproben, Inhaltsverzeichnis und Erwerb über https://www.abu-naturschutz.de/projekte/laufende-projekte/naturnahe-beweidung (18 Euro Einzelexemplar). Im Vordergrund des Buches stehen die Auswirkungen naturnaher Beweidung auf die Lebensraumtypen sowie die Tier- und Pflanzenarten der FFH-Richtlinie und die Vogelarten der Vogelschutzrichtlinie. Mittl...
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Insekten sind weltweit die artenreichste Tiergruppe und für die Funktion von Ökosystemen unerlässlich. Der dramatische Rückgang der Insekten hat in Mitteleuropa inzwischen alarmierende Ausmaße erreicht. Er ist Anzeichen einer globalen Biodiversitätskrise, die sich bereits seit Jahrzehnten abgezeichnet hat und die unabsehbare ökonomische und ökologi...
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There are numerous reasons for the establishment of more wilderness areas. The issue is becoming more and more important worldwide, considering the increasing natural disruption. This also applies to densely populated countries like Germany. The National Strategy on Biological Diversity (NBS) sets goals for preserving and establishing more wilderne...
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Biodiversity is being lost at alarming rates in spite of efforts to conserve ecosystems, species and genetic diversity. There is broad consensus that biodiversity conservation needs to become more effective, and this requires an analysis of the causes that have prevented previous efforts from reaching their goal. A lack of knowledge exchange and co...
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The European Red List of Habitats provides an overview of the risk of collapse (degree of endangerment) of marine, terrestrial and freshwater habitats in the European Union (EU28) and adjacent regions (EU28+), based on a consistent set of criteria and categories and detailed data and expertise from involved countries (http://ec.europa.eu/environmen...
The German National Strategy on Biological Diversity (2007) has achieved successful implementation in many thematic areas. However, current analyses and monitoring programmes reveal fields of activity in which, up to now, the measures taken have led barely or not at all to an improvement of the situation of biological diversity. These fields includ...
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The European Green Belt forms a pan-European ecological network extending along the former Iron Curtain from the Arctic Ocean in the north to the Mediterranean south of Europe. In many regions the network still has a remarkable biodiversity. Until now 20 of the 24 states bordering the Green Belt expressed their support through political declaration...
25 years after German reunification, this article takes stock of the German Green Belt in terms of its current state, accomplishments, preconditions for its conservation in the future and factors of success. We further present some current and planned projects and give an outlook on the need for action and development perspectives for the future.
Die Fachinformation des Bundesamtes für Naturschutz enthält ergänzende Sachinformationen zu den zehn Handlungsfeldern des vom Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz, Bau und Reaktorsicherheit (BMUB) 2015 herausgegebenen Handlungsprogramms „Naturschutz-Offensive 2020 - Für biologische Vielfalt!“ download: https://www.bfn.de/publikationen/bfn-schr...
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In der Nationalen Biodiversitätsstrategie wird die Entwicklung von Wildnisgebieten auf 2 % der Landfläche Deutschlands bis 2020 angestrebt. Zur Operationalisierung des 2%-Wildnis-Ziels wurden im Rahmen eines vom Bundesamt für Naturschutz (BfN) mit Mitteln des Bundesumweltministeriums (BMUB) geförderten Forschungs- und Entwicklungsvorhabens Kriterie...
You can order a copy of this publication here: https://abu-naturschutz.de/veroeffentlichungen/naturnahe-beweidung.html (copy is for free, but you have to pay 11 Euro for forwarding expenses)
In 2007 the German Federal Government formulated and adopted the National Strategy on Biological Diversity. With this step the government set a challenging agenda for the conservation and development of biological diversity in Germany. The strategy was drawn up in a comprehensive consultation process involving a broad range of social groups and sta...
The German National Strategy on Biological Diversity (NSBD) contains a vision for predominantly large-scale wilderness areas to be established on at least 2% of the German surface area by the year 2020. Moreover, by the same year forests with natural forest development are to account for 5% of the wooded area (corresponding to 1.6% of the total sur...
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An understanding of risks to biodiversity is needed for planning action to slow current rates of decline and secure ecosystem services for future human use. Although the IUCN Red List criteria provide an effective assessment protocol for species, a standard global assessment of risks to higher levels of biodiversity is currently limited. In 2008, I...
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Definitions of terms. (PDF)
Der terrestrischen Biosphäre kommt eine zentrale Rolle im globalen Kohlenstoffkreislauf zu. In terrestrischen Ökosystemen sind weltweit rund 2400 Gt Kohlenstoff gespeichert und sie haben eine jährliche Austauschrate von etwa 200 Gt Kohlenstoff mit der Atmosphäre (IPCC 2007). Damit setzt die Biosphäre weltweit jährlich 20 Mal mehr Kohlenstoff durch...
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In 2011, a survey was conducted of the current status and approaches used in habitat mapping among the agencies responsible for nature conservation in all the individual German federal states (Länder). This delivered the following findings: The data of some federal states are quite old. In most states, habitat mapping has been performed twice up to...
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Biodiversity hotspots in Germany - Selection and demarcation as a basis for the federal programme in support of the national biodiversity strategy To provide a basis for the nationwide programme on biological diversity, the biodiversity hotspots in Germany were identified. This work was conducted as a publicly-funded research & development project....
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Major progress has been achieved in improving the chemical water quality of water bodies in Germany. Nevertheless, freshwater habitats and floodplains still count among the country’s most threatened habitat types. Based on the latest issues of the red data books of biotopes and freshwater fishes as well as the national report on the conservation st...
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Major progress has been achieved in improving the chemical water quality of water bodies in Germany. Nevertheless, freshwater habitats and floodplains still count among the country’s most threatened habitat types. Based on the latest issues of the red data books of biotopes and freshwater fishes as well as the national report on the conservation st...
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Bogs and fens are among the most threatened biotope types in Germany. Thus there is a strong need for action on bog and fen conservation and revitalization. However, such activities not only serve the conservation of the biological diversity characteristic of bogs and mires but also are important instruments for the maintenance of further ecosystem...
European bisons were eradicated in the wild at the beginning of the 20th century. Intensive efforts of conservation breeding have meanwhile led to the re-establishment of a worldwide population of more than 4,400 animals. From the 50s onwards bisons have been reintroduced to the wild, which means that about two third of the world population are roa...
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Establishment of a Herd of European Bisons in the Rothaar Mountains – Testing and development project of federal government European bisons were eradicated in the wild at the beginning of the 20th century. Intensive efforts of conservation breeding have meanwhile led to the re-establishment of a worldwide population of more than 4,400 animals. From...
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Das Grüne Band entlang der ehemaligen innerdeutschen Grenze verfügt über einen besonders hohen Artenreichtum und stellt einen Verbund kostbarer Lebensräume dar. Gleichzeitig bietet es einen hohen Erholungswert. Ziel des gleichnamigen Erprobungs- und Entwicklungs-Vorhabens (E+E-Vorhaben) war es, das Grüne Band zu erhalten und als Erlebnisraum im Kon...
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In order to realise a nationwide ecological network of habitats as prescribed by the German Federal Nature Conserva - tion Act (Bundesnaturschutzgesetz, Articles 20 and 21), a working group of relevant Länder authorities has cooperated with the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation BfN to produce a system of criteria which can be used to identify...
As part of an evaluation of the achievement of 2010 targets regarding species and habitat types on national and European level, data from current red data lists for vertebrates and habitat types, mandatory reports under the EU Habitats Directive and a range of international activities were analysed. Despite some progress in the conservation status...
In 2006 the second edition of the Red List of endangered habitats in Germany was published. It includes information on causes of threats to the distinct habitat types. The relevance of individual threats to specific groups of habitat types is analysed. As a result it may be stated that individual causes of threats have varying relevance, both to al...
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Wilde Weiden - Praxisleitfaden für Ganzjahresbeweidung in Naturschutz und Landschaftspflege (Wild pastures - Best Practice Guide for year-round grazing in nature conservation and landscape development)ISBN 978-3-00-024385-1
These proceedings contain 123 papers which are divided into 5 main sessions. The first session includes the characterization of silvopastoral systems in a global context while the second session deals with the effects of the management tools on the productivity and quality of silvopastoral systems. The ecological implications of the silvopastoral s...
Rote Listen gefährdeter Arten haben sich als eine wesentliche Argumentation im Artenschutz und auch im Naturschutz allgemein bewährt. Neben ihrer eher naturschutzpolitisch-strategischen Funktion dienen diese Listen in vielen Fällen auch der konkreten Bewertung von Raumeinheiten bei allen naturschutzrelevanten Planungen. Auch eine Rote Liste der gef...
Eine zentrale Aufgabenstellung des Naturschutzes ist der Schutz der heimischen Tierarten. Vor allem Schutzbestrebungen für bestimmte Vogelarten oder aber Programme zur Erhaltung seltener Säugetierarten (Raubkatzen, Wale usw.) haben dabei eine lange Tradition. Aber auch besonders auffällige Wirbellose wie zum Beispiel bestimmte Schmetterlings-, Libe...
Nacheiszeitlich haben sich in Mitteleuropa fast überall Waldlandschaften entwickelt. Großflächige offene Biotope waren mit den Wäldern und Gebüschen durch vielfältige Wald-Offenland-Übergänge verknüpft. Entlang der Flüsse und in diesem Mosaik waren stetige Austauschprozesse zwischen den Populationen der verschiedensten Tier- und Pflanzenarten, aber...
Theproposed criteria system should be ableto describethe status of biotopes and biotope complexes as exact- ly as possible and it should provide useful guidelines for nature conservation. The given proposal includes two criteria to estimate the threat of biotopes: 1. threat by destruction (loss of area); 2. threat by qualitative changes (creeping o...
Low-intensity pastoral systems have long provided substitute habitats for many species adapted to open landscapes in Europe. Modern developments in land cultivation techniques have caused a dramatic decline of valuable habitats, thereby threatening the biodiversity of open landscapes. However, for many years grazing was basically considered a probl...
Pasture landscapes with free ranging grazers were once typical of large areas in Europe. These ecosystems are important habitats for a great number of endangered plant and animal species. Roaming or transhumant grazers support the dispersal of plant and invertebrate animal species both by transporting diaspores or specimens and by creating open lin...
Numerous European landscapes and habitats - both natural and cultural - developed and persisted through the activities of large herbivores. In many cases these landscapes were characterized originally by a high level of biodiversity and are therefore of extraordinary importance from a nature conservation perspective. However, due to the ongoing int...
Red Lists are expert reports that record the endangerment status of species, plant communities and habitat types. Looking back over the last 25 years, it can be said that Red Lists have proven to be an important and successful argumentation tool both for raising public awareness and in nature conservation policy. Today, they are one of the few natu...
Epigeic invertebrates such as spiders are of increasing importance for habitat character- ization and for assessments within environmental plannings in Germany and other European countries. Due to high costs for spider sampling (e.g., with pitfall traps), proposals for a limited sampling effort are required for the practical use. The results of a t...
In the high-tension field between nature conservation and agriculture there are a number of specialized concepts which can have a quite different emphasis depending on whether they are used from the agricultural or nature conservation point of view. In practice there are naturally many points of contact and overlaps between these two subject areas....
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The use of small radio-transmitters (0.6-0.7 g) for tracing movements of Carabus coriaceus L. in the field is described. Compared to more established methods such as recapture experiments or the use of harmonic radar systems the main advantage of this method is the possibility of using different frequencies to trace and identify several specimens i...
The proposed criteria system should be able to describe the status of biotopes and biotope complexes as exactly as possible and it should provide useful guidelines for nature conservation. The given proposal includes two criteria to estimate the threat of biotopes: 1. threat by destruction (loss of area); 2. threat by qualitative changes (creeping...
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The 'Iron Curtain', running from the Barents Sea to the Black Sea, divided Europe for almost 40 years. No activity was allowed in the 'forbidden zone' along this inhumane barrier. While landscapes all over Europe have been shaped and modified by processes of intensive agricultural (and industrial) development, many habitats lying in the vicinity of...


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