Unnur OttarsdottirThe Reykjavik Academy
Unnur Ottarsdottir
Doctor of Philosophy
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Research interests includes: art therapy in education for children with specific learning difficulties who have experienced trauma, art making as an experiential teaching and learning approach, drawing for memory and therapy as well as the relationship between contemporary art and art therapy. Has written articles and book chapters about memory drawing, art therapy, art educational therapy, writing-images and the research methodology of Grounded Theory.
August 1998 - May 2006
University of Hertfordshire
Field of study
- Art therapy in education
Publications (10)
In recent years, the comparative effectiveness of drawing and writing for memory has been investigated, but the findings have mostly been analyzed for the entire sample of participants rather than subgroups. In quantitative two-way crossover experiments involving 134 children and 262 adults, drawing for memorization as compared to writing was inves...
La memorizzazione tramite disegni e parole è stata oggetto di una ricerca quantitativa in 134 soggetti. Nove settimane dopo la memorizzazione iniziale, la mediana del numero dei disegni ricordati era cinque volte maggiore rispetto alle parole scritte. Subito dopo la memorizzazione iniziale, non c’era nessuna differenza tra il numero dei disegni e d...
Gerður var samanburður á því hversu vel 134 þátttakendur í megindlegri rannsókn mundu teiknuð og skrifuð orð. Níu vikum eftir að þátttakendurnir lögðu orðin á minnið mundu þeir að jafnaði fimmfalt fleiri teiknuð orð en skrifuð. Enginn munur var á því hversu mörg orð þátttakendurnir mundu þegar þau voru rifjuð upp strax eftir að þau voru teiknuð eða...
Memory of drawings and words were compared for 134 subjects in a quantitative research. Nine weeks after the initial encoding the median amount of recalled drawings was five times higher, than for written words. There was no difference between memorised drawings and words when recalling took place right after encoding. Qualitative case studies were...
Grunduð kenning, sem fjallað verður um í þessum kafla, er ein af eigindlegu rannsóknarhefðunum (Creswell, 1998). Sérkenni aðferðarinnar er kerfisbundin greining á gögnum í þeim tilgangi að smíða kenningu (Bryant og Charmaz, 2007). Upphaflega var grunduð kenning sett fram af Glaser og Strauss (1967). Bryant og Charmaz (2007), McLeod (2001) og Morse...
In the art educational therapy (AET) method introduced in this article, school coursework is integrated into art therapy with the aim of facilitating such learning and enhancing the emotional well-being of children with learning difficulties who have experienced stress or trauma. A grounded theory research study based on the cases of 5 middle schoo...
Setting the Scene
Before conducting the present study I worked in a mainstream secondary school as a special educational teacher while simultaneously being an art therapist within the same lesson/session. I inevitably observed the children from two perspectives: the view point of a special education teacher and the psychodynamic perspective of the...