Una Popović

Una Popović
University of Novi Sad · Department of Philosophy

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (66)
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U ovom radu biće reči o problemu individuacije, jednom od centralnih problema srednjovekovne filozofije na zapadu. Problem individuacije predstavićemo iz ontološke perspektive, kao pokušaj da se odgovori na pitanje po čemu pojedinačno stvoreno biće jeste. Ovo pitanje razmotrićemo naglašavajući paralele problema individuacije sa nepojmljivošću i nei...
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Ovaj rad posvećen je razmatranju prosvetiteljske ideje znanja i naučnosti, analizirane na pozadini opštih tendencija novovekovnog mišljenja koje prosvetiteljstvu prethodi i priprema ga. Promena razumevanja znanja biće predstavljena kratkom analizom metafore svetlosti, sada rezervisane isključivo za prirodne saznajne moći. Na temelju te analize, dal...
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Ovaj rad posvećen je razmatranju odnosa epistemički odlikovane ideje i osnova metafizike u filozofijama Dekarta i Spinoze. Namera nam je da pokažemo kako su ideja Cogito ergo sum kod Dekarta, odnosno ideja najsavršenijeg bića kod Spinoze, odredile i postavke njihovih metafizičkih projekata. U radu ćemo analizirati Dekartove i Spinozine razloge za i...
Although the process of education and learning is traditionally related to reason and its abilities, aesthetics has long played with the idea of emancipation of sensitivity and its enhancement through the aesthetic experience of the arts. In this paper, I will address one particular example of art experience being able to indicate an emancipatory p...
In this essay, we will reflect upon comparative aesthetics with regard to the thesis about so-called different art kinds, i.e. their comparison. The analysis shows that the thesis is based upon considering the art starting from the artwork?s appearance, as well as the artistic medium and the technology of making the artwork supported by the medium....
Članak je posvećen razmatranju svojstvenosti pojmovnosti fundamentalne ontologije, koja će biti predstavljena na primjeru egzistencijala, kao za nju karakterističnog tipa pojmova. Analiza, najprije, pokazuje smisao i ulogu egzistencijala u vezi s osnovnim postavkama fundamentalne ontologije, te Heideggerovu kritiku kategorija. Potom se u drugom dij...
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This paper is about the specific character of the aesthetic experience of icons. I am arguing for the idea that the aesthetic experience of icons is a necessary condition of their role and function in Christian worship, and, moreover, that this particular aesthetic experience is of an apophatic kind. My arguments will be developed on the background...
Rad je posvećen tumačenju nekoliko Hajdegerovih komentara o Baumgartenu iz predavanja Pitanje o stvari. Analiza pokazuje da Hajdeger u vezi sa Baumgartenom ističe odnos metafizike i estetike, te da zasnivanje estetike vidi kao implicitno vođeno novovekovnim razumevanjem bivstvujućeg kao stvari i predmeta čulnog opažanja. Rezultat analize ukazuje na...
Ovo istraživanje posvećeno je problemu razmatranja bivstvujućih različitih od čoveka u Hajdegerovoj misli tridesetih godina XX veka. Cilj rada je da se ukaže na značaj ovog problema u poznoj Hajdegerovoj filozofiji, a spram pozicija rane faze. U radu ćemo pojam stvari uzeti kao odlikovani pojam za ovaj tip bivstvujućih, a problem prostora predstavi...
This paper is about Heidegger?s understanding of the artwork experience, with regard to the notion of Stimmung, which is to replace traditional conception of aesthetic emotion, that is, of aesthetic experience. Namely, Heidegger disregards modern discourse on cognitive powers of the soul, and so he also abandons the conception of aesthetic emotions...
Relations between persons in the contemporary world often resemble those of the same persons towards objects. We are accustomed to ‘use’ – and even see – others as if they are, to put it in Kantian terms, merely a means to an end, and not as if they are an end in themselves. Such blurring of lines between objects and persons surely has significant...
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Ovaj rad posvećen je ispitivanju promene u razumevanju filozofske pojmovnosti kod Dionizija Areopagita. Da bi filozofija kao oslovljavanje Boga (teologija) mogla biti opravdana u apofatičkom duhu, Areopagita napušta dotadašnje matrice i uvodi nov tip pojmova, koji poreklo imaju u sveštenim himnama. Veza himničkog jezika i jezika filozofije biće pre...
U ovom radu predstavićemo semantičku teoriju istine Alfreda Tarskog, kao odgovor na pitanje odnosa formalno-sintaksičkog karaktera savremene logike i mogućnosti njene primene na prirodne jezike, odnosno kao odgovor na problem logičkog karaktera prirodnih jezika. Semantičku teoriju istine Tarskog razmotrićemo na pozadini preosmišljavanja smisla i ul...
This paper is about the possible relation between aesthetic experience of the sublime, as presented in On Sublime by Pseudo-Longinus, and aesthetic experience of abstract art according to W. Kandinsky and A. Reinhardt. The analysis confirms the complementarity of Pseudo-Loninus?s description of the sublime and the idea of spiritual ascent provoked...
Ovaj rad posvećen je istraživanju teorije jezika Džona Loka. Lokova glasovita razmatranja prirode jezika iz treće knjige Ogleda o ljudskom razumu analiziraćemo na pozadini osnovnih stavova njegove teorije saznanja, odnosno primata ideja nad jezikom i rečima. Nakon analize razlike mišljenja i jezika shodno njihovom sadržaju i strukturi, nastojaćemo...
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The motives for bringing about the Hellenic-Serbian Dialogue Series originate from the sentiment that mutual relations between Greeks and Sebs far surpass the cultural exchange between Greece and Serbia. Knowing that cooperation does not simply fall into one’s lap, but must be initiated by human will and energy, a group of philosophers from Athens...
Avgustinova teorija signifikacije je tema ovog rada. Analize imaju za cilj da pokažu da Avgustinova teorija signifikacije odstupa od tradicionalnih tumačenja u pogledu svog domena i u pogledu tematizacije problema značenja. U prvom slučaju Avgustin pod teorijom signifikacije obuhvata i verbalne i neverbalne znakove, kao i jezik Svetog pisma. U drug...
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This paper is about the musical meaning and its relation to verbal meaning. My aim is to show that musical meaning should be sharply differentiated from the verbal one, that it should not be understood as a subspecies of verbal meaning, or as a meaning of a verbal sort whatsoever. I will address this issue starting with the sounds of music and lang...
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The main focus of this paper is Heidegger?s interpretation of Klee?s painting. I am aiming to show that the interpretation of Klee has radicalized earlier Heidegger?s understanding of art, so that now painting is an alternative to poetry in the context of Heidegger?s philosophy of art. This will be exemplified by a comparative analysis of Heidegger...
U ovom radu estetika prirode predstavlja se u kontekstu njena oživljavanja u suvremenoj filozofiji. Priroda kao objekt estetskog iskustva i vrednovanja uglavnom je pitanje tradicionalne estetike i stoga je njeno oživljavanje u radu prikazano kao problem redefiniranja estetike u suvremenim terminima. Analiza se sastoji od primjera iz suvremene estet...
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Action can only be spontaneous and impulsive if not guided by contemplation; contemplation, on the other hand, may only be luxurious playfulness if not either purposed - or suitable - to motivate action. This volume seeks to prove what may seem self-evident to common sense, but adhering to common sense is never pointless nor excessive. Next to this...
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This paper is intended to give an account of the problem of memory as presented in the philosophy of G. W. Leibniz. Leibniz’s understanding of memory is here analyzed with respect to the problem of knowledge, that is, to the way in which memory can have an impact on workings of reason. The analysis is followed by a comparison of Leibniz’s and Desca...
Česta predispitna obaveza studenata filozofije na Filozofskom fakultetu u Novom Sadu je pisanje seminarskih radova, što, zajedno sa praksom čitanja naučnih radova, za cilj ima da obuči studente u pisanju filozofskih tekstova u adekvatnoj naučnoj formi. Pisanje valjanih apstrakata značajna je veština u okviru tog zadatka, te je ovom prilikom ispitiv...
This paper is dedicated to Batteux' characterization of a new concept of fine arts. The author examines the way in which Batteux in his theory of fine arts forges the new modern understanding of what art is, as well as the conditions under which such formation of a new concept of art has happened. The analysis given in this paper compares the tradi...
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This paper will discuss the concept of atmosphere in the new phenomenology of Hermann Schmitz. It is one of Schmitz’s central concepts, and it is used to indicate the basis of experience of reality and the self, with respect to how they are revealed to the phenomenological analysis. This concept, therefore, refers to the concrete phenomena of atmos...
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Renesansno shvatanje poetike se u ovom radu razmatra s obzirom na istaknuti značaj imaginacije i inovacije u stvaranju umetničkog dela. Značaj imaginacije direktno je suprotstavljen Aristotelovom pojmu podražavanja, a njegov primat pokazuje uticaj Aristotela na renesansno razumevanje poetike, kao i osobenosti tog razumevanja u otklonu od Aristotela...
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Filozofija Džona Loka u ovom radu razmatra se iz perspektive njegovog razumevanja ideja i opažanja, sa ciljem da se rekonstruiše Lokov metod mišljenja. Lokov metod, novi put ideja, razume se kao bitno vezan za njegovo empirističko opredeljenje, i kao konstitutivan za celokupan projekat njegove filozofije. Centralne analize u radu posvećene su razma...
Ovaj rad posvećen je istraživanju nastanka i osnovnih odlika logike Por Rojala. Logika Por Rojala razumeva se kao nova ideja logike, bitno novovekovna po svom karakteru i utoliko suprotstavljena sholastičkoj i aristotelovskoj tradiciji. Sa druge strane, nastanak ove nove ideje logike naročito je problematičan usled razvoja mišljenja o metodu adekva...
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The analysis offered in this paper is focused on the consideration of three examples of phenomenological aesthetics of music. Considerations of music which can be found in N. Hartmann, R. Ingarden and M. Dufrenne represent the focus of the analysis with respect to the key differences between their positions, which are the effect of a different use...
The research presented in this paper is focused on the atomistic theory of P. Gassendi. Gassendi's atomism is discussed in terms of formation of modern idea of science, primarily in context of the new physical understanding of matter. Through the analysis of concepts which explain the basic characteristics of atoms and their function in the explana...
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This paper presents a critical exposition of Baumgarten’s foundation of aesthetics as a specific philosophical discipline, primarily with regard to its premises. In this context, the paper examines the meaning of the foundation of aesthetics as a discipline, as well as the adequacy of its interpretation according to Leibniz-Wolff system. The author...
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Centralna tema ovog rada je problem jezika i tumačenja Hajdegerove filozofije. Problem tumačenja Hajdegerove filozofije ovde se sagledava kao bitno vezan za njen jezik, te se stoga analizom karaktera i uloge jezika u Hajdegerovoj misli načelno pokušava iznaći i pravo polazište za njeno tumačenje. Analiza jezika Hajdegerove filozofije treba da pokaž...
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Ovaj rad posvećen je elementima Lajbnicove filozofije koji prethode zasnivanju estetike od strane A. G. Baumgartena i pripremaju ga. Analiza je posvećena Lajbnicovom razumevanju recepcije i produkcije lepote, odnosno estetskog iskustva sa jedne, te metafizičkog karaktera lepote sa druge strane. Analiza pokazuje da su u pogledu razumevanja estetskog...
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p>Naša filozofska kultura dugo je trajala u znaku nedostatka brojnih neophodnih elemenata. Nedostajala su sistematska istraživanja nacionalne filozofske baštine. Malo je knjiga, studija, ogleda, prevoda i bibliografija koji bi u svom misaonom i istraživačkom središtu imale problematiku filozofske propedeutike, metodike i didaktike filozofije, kao i...
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The paper is focused on the analysis of the possibilities of a verbal and theoretical understanding of art, adequate to art itself. On the one hand, this problem is considered with regard to the perspectives of contemporary philosophy of art, and on the other, with regard to art itself. The thesis argues that, starting from itself, art has the poss...
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Renaissance conception of poetics is discussed in this paper with respect to emphasized importance of imagination and innovation in the process of creation of the work of art. The importance of imagination is directly opposed to the Aristotelian concept of imitation, and its primacy shows the Aristotle's influence on Renaissance understanding of po...
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The philosophy of John Locke is discussed in this paper from the perspective of his understanding of ideas and sensation, in order to reconstruct Locke's method of thinking. Locke's method, new way of ideas, is here understood as essentially determined by his empiricist position, and as constitutive of the entire project of his philosophy. The cent...
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Hajdegerovo tumačenje i kritika tradicije filozofije u ovom radu predstavljeni su preko jednog od njihovih najvažnijih motiva, naime preko tumačenja tradicionalne filozofske pojmovnosti. Analiza ponuđena u radu pretenduje na to da ocrta pojmovni i metodski karakter temeljnih pojmova, kako ih Hajdeger razumeva u svojoj ranoj filozofiji, te da time b...
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Kasirerovo razumevanje kulture u ovom radu razmatra se s obzirom na celokupni okvir njegove filozofije, odnosno s obzirom na njegovo centralno mesto unutar tog okvira. Pojam kulture pokazuje se kao mesto sistemskog jedinstva Kasirerovog projekta filozofije simboličkih oblika, shvaćene kao filozofija kulture. U tom kontekstu pojam kulture analizira...
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Hajdegerovo pitanje o tehnici u ovom radu biće analizirano s obzirom na osnovne postavke njegove pozne filozofije. U okviru tog istraživanja pitanje o tehnici biće razloženo na svoje konstitutivne elemente, za koje će dalje biti pokazano da su integralni aspekti Hajdegerovog drugog početka mišljenja. Smisao postavljanja pitanja o tehnici shvata se...
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Spinozin geometrijski metod u ovom radu ispituje se u poređenju sa Dekartovim i Euklidovim metodima, a sa ciljem da se ukaže na osobeni karakter ovog metoda, kakav je ponuđen u Etici. Analize fokusiraju geometrijski metod kao metod izlaganja, problematizuju ga kao metod saznanja i metod otkrića, te kao metod imanentan Spinozinoj misli. Napokon, ana...
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The main theme of this essay is the problem of language and interpretation of Heidegger's philosophy. The problem of interpretation of this philosophy is here seen as fundamentally connected with its language. Therefore, the analysis of character and function of language of Heidegger's philosophy should leed to proper position for its interpretatio...
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This paper presents those aspects of Leibniz's philosophy that both anticipate and prepare the founding of aesthetics by A. G. Baumgarten. The analysis is directed on Leibniz's comprehension of reception and production of beauty or the aesthetic experience one the one hand, and on the metaphysical character of beauty on the other. The analysis show...
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Cassirer's understanding of culture is in this essay analyzed on the basis of his entire philosophy, i.e. concerning its central position in its composition. The concept of culture represents systematic unity of Cassirer's project of philosophy of symbolic forms, understood as philosophy of culture. In this context concept of culture is analyzed on...
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This essay presents Heidegger's understanding and critique of tradition of philosophy using the one of their most important motifs, namely the interpretation of traditional philosophical conceptuality. The analysis given in the essay is dedicated to defining the conceptual and methodological character of fundamental concepts, such it is presented i...
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U svojim ranim radovima Hajdeger će putem analize hrišćanskog religioznogiskustva tematizovati problem faktičkog životnog iskustva. Cilj ovog rada je da osvetli karakterovog Hajdegerovog interesa za hrišćanstvo, te da potvrdi značaj dijaloga sa hrišćanskimmisliocima za formiranje njegove fundamentalne ontologije. Hajdegerove analize hrišćanstvatuma...
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The main idea of this paper is to show how Plato’s theory of arts can be analyzed in view of poetic character of his dialogues, that is, how can this poetic character be confirmed against Plato’s critique of arts. This poetic character of Plato’s dialogues is considered as a kind of methodically guided strategy, which is intended to help in the ini...
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In this paper Spinoza's geometrical method is examined in comparison with methods of Descartes and Euclid, with intention to accentuate the unique character of this method, as it was given with Ethics. Analysis is focused on geometrical method as the method of demonstration; the geometrical method is problematized as the method for cognition and di...
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In this essay Heidegger's question concerning technology will be analyzed against the background of the basic conceptions of his later philosophy. The question concerning technology in this framework will be analyzed in its constitutive elements, which will be presented as integral parts of Heidegger's inceptive thinking. The meaning of posing of t...
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The concept of God in this essay is analyzed through similarities and differences of its forging and development in philosophy of Descartes, and the tradition of scholastic philosophy. The author is trying to reveal the way in which Descartes' thought was determined by this philosophical tradition, both in its critical aspects and in the view of co...
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In his early works Heidegger focusses the problem of factic living experience using the analysis of Christian religious experience. The aim of this paper is to reveal the character of this Heidegger's interest for Christianity and to determine the significance of his dialogue with Christian thinkers for the development of his fundamental ontology....
(nemacki) In diesem Versuch ist der Begriff des Menschens in Martin Heideggers Philosophie in der Perspektive seiner ?berwindung bearbeitet. Der Mensch ist erstens als Begriff verstanden, weil solche Weise der Bearbeitung spezifische M?glichkeiten bietet, die Grundmotive und Grundlinien dieser Philosophie im kurz zu umfassen. Der spezifischen Ver?n...
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In this paper, inspired by the Predrag Krstić's book Philosophical Animal author is trying to find hers way through a broad and complex web of philosophies and roles that different animals play in them. The main question is how to understand philosophy itself in a present day context, which philosophy is supposed to think and rethink through....
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Ovaj rad posvećen je razmatranju estetike igre, shvaćene kao filozofije umetnosti plesa. U radu se razmatraju uzroci činjenice da umetnost igre, za razliku od drugih umetnosti, nikada nije predstavljala jednu od centralnih tema filozofskog istraživanja. Ponuđene analize orijentisane su na rađanje modernog pojma lepih umetnosti u XVIII veku i formir...
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Rad je posvećen analizi filozofskog razmatranja muzike Suzan Langer. Predmet ispitivanja je način na koji se Langerova postavlja spram pitanja odnosa muzičke forme i osećanja. Interpretativni ključ predstavlja jezički okret unutar kog Langerova dela, te postavljanje problema u horizont razmatranja uslova mogućnosti izvođenja jedne filozofije muzike...
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Hram, most i skulptura primeri su čijom analizom ćemo u ovom radu razmotriti Hajdegerovo razumevanje prostora, odnosno veze umetnosti i prostora. Analizom karakterističnih mesta iz Hajdegerovih tekstova, na kojima se pojavljuju ovi primeri, potvrdićemo da je promišljanje prostora, u zaokretu od ranih ka poznim radovima, za Hajdegera bitno vezano za...


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