Ulrich Wieneke

Ulrich Wieneke
Ulrich Wieneke's Lab



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September 1979 - March 1993
University of Münster
Field of study
  • Theoretical Chemistry


Publications (30)
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Material from the Upper Eocene Tavda Formation of Western Siberia contains a new species, Aporrhais siberica sp. nov. It has been misidentified as A. cornuta Korobkov, 1949, an aporrhaid originally described from the Upper Eocene / Lower Oligocene of the Turan Sea. The main difference between A. siberica and A. cornuta is the missing spire-adnate d...
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As a follow-up of the gastropod chapter of the book "Fossilien aus dem Campan von Hannover" (Pietzonka et al., 2023), a revision of the Campanian gastropods from Northern Germany has been started. The framework of this project is structured around a series of investigative challenges: finding the types and museums they are located in; finding and a...
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The calyptraphorine stromboid, Aulacodiscus lissoni (Douvillé, 1921), found in northern Peru in bioclastic sandstones of the lower Eocene Basal Salina Formation, is notable for its complete envelopment by calluses, including massive left-lateral callus knobs. Previous shell descriptions suffered from the absence of the anterior end. Newly reported...
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Herausforderungen mit Typen und deren Abbildungen in der Literatur werden am Beispiel "Goldfuss, 1841" dargestellt. Challenges with types and their representations in the literature are illustrated using the example of "Goldfuss, 1841".
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Eines der schönsten Tafelwerke des 19. Jahrhunderts, die "Petrefakta Germaniae" von Goldfuss (1826-1844) sowie Werke von Müller, Holzapfel, Roemer und anderen Autoren der Frühzeit der Paläontologie bilden den Grundstock unseres Wissens über Schnecken (Gastropoden) der campanen Oberkreide der nördlichen (borealen) Zone. Nur wenige Arten wurden seitd...
We document three species of Tibia from the European Oligocene and Miocene, which probably form an anagenetic lineage. Two of them that are found in Europe are revised (Tibia dentata, T. ordalensis), and a new species is described (Tibia cluzaudi sp. nov.). The paleogeographical background is discussed, and challenges for future research are identi...
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Ein besonderes Kennzeichen der Familie Xenophoridae ist das Anheften von Fremdmaterialien an ihr Gehäuse, z. B. Steine, Korallen, Muscheln sowie andere Schnecken. Diese Anheftungen hinterlassen deutliche Spuren auf dem Gehäuse, die fossil sogar am Steinkern erhalten bleiben. Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags werden frühe Fossilfunde recherchiert, die der F...
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The history, authorship, and printings of the “Museum Boltenianum … pars secunda” are discussed. It is confirmed that P. F. Röding alone was responsible for the 1798 edition. Anton August Heinrich Lichtenstein only wrote an introduction to the catalogue and, in all probability, had no role in creating the names, which was, in all probability, only...
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listen to it: https://youtu.be/aF7aAYBi-80 Reviewing species is faced with several challenges. Besides finding the type specimens, historical literature is essential. A chresonymy, a list of all occurrences of your considered species in the literature, would be an essential starting point for a revision. During the work for the gastropod chapter o...
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[German] In dem Vortrag werden die fünf rezenten Gattungen der Xenophoren und ihre Unterscheidungsmerkmale vorgestellt. Gründe für ihre interessante Morphologie werden genannt, sowie zwei mögliche Erklärungen ihrer Evolution werden diskutiert. Ein Video dazu findet sich unter: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ISdyVdUp9Ko
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A population of Lambis lambis from Papua New Guinea shows a small size and an orange colouration of the aperture, which may be smooth or have well-expressed folds. Therefore, the statement by DEKKERS & MAXWELL that Lambis lambis "never has lirae in the aperture" is refuted.
One hundred forty-seven species of gastropods from the Campanian of Hannover were described. Species of the following genera are found: 1. Patellogastropoda: Patella; 2. Vetigastropoda: Fissurellidae sp, Emarginula, Monfortia, Bathrotomaria, Conotomaria, Leptomaria, Euomphalioidea sp, Calliomphalus, Calliotropis, Eucyclus, Trochacanthus; 3a. Caenog...
One hundred sixty species of Bivalvia from the Campanian of Hannover are discovered. Shells from the following families are found: Nuculidae, Malletiidae, Mytilidae, Noetiidae, Arcidae, Glycymerididae, Inoceramidae, Arctostreidae, Ostreidae, Gryphaeidae, Bakevilliidae, Pinnidae, Dimyidae, Anomiidae, Pectinidae, Neitheidae, Spondylidae, Entoliidae,...
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The family Aporrhaidae (Gastropoda: Stromboidea) comprises six extant species. In a study of the soft parts of three of them, a deep evolutionary split between “Aporrhais” serresiana on the one hand and Aporrhais pespelecani/Arrhoges occidentalis on the other hand was found. This talk presents an attempt to explain this based on an analysis of the...
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Morphological information within the fossil record delivers the main criteria when discussing evolutionary lineages. On the other hand: studying recent animals allows digging much deeper into evolution by looking into information from DNA, ecology, behavior, and others. This raises the question of where knowledge of extant animals can improve our u...
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Schnecken der Gattung Lambis tauchen schon in frühen Sammlungen naturhistorischer Objekte auf. Groß und interessant geformt beeindrucken sie auch heute noch den Sammler. Der Vortrag beleuchtet die Formenvielfalt wie auch ungewöhnliche Lebensgewohnheiten. Weniger bekannt ist, dass sie eine Großzahl von Hybriden hervorbringen; einerseits zwischen den...
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A new species of the fossil strombid genus Spinatus is described. Further species are added to the genus, thanks a newly identified particular character. Für die fossile strombide Gattung Spinatus wird eine neue Art beschrieben. Weitere Arten, die sich durch ein neu identifiziertes Merkmal zuordnen lassen, werden dem Genus hinzugefügt.
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In a Showcase which was presented in the Loebbecke Museum / Aquazoo Düsseldorf from 11/2021 to 2/2022 I presented a first sketch of the evolution from the aporrhaid genus Pietteia to the recent families Rostellariidae and Rimellidae based on morphological analysis.
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Presentation about the campanian fossils of Hannover (in German): Ulrich Wieneke leitete seine Zuschauer durch die vielgestaltige Welt der Hannoveraner Campan-Fossilien. Nach einer stratigraphischen und paläogeographischen Orientierung stellte er die wichtigsten Fossilgruppen anhand von ausgewählten Einzelbeispielen und von Übersichten vor. Besonde...
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Although some authors have expressed doubts, the nominal species Strombus maculatus G. B. SOWERBY II, 1842 is generally considered to have an extensive very wide distribution range in the Pacific, stretched from the Hawaiian chain in the north and Palau in the west to Rapa Nui, also known as Easter Island or Isla de Pasqua, in the southeast. Based...
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About the Aporrhaidae of the lower Oligocene of the North Sea basin
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We examined the collection in the Museum der Natur Gotha (mng) for specimens of Stromboidea, once in the collection of the German physicist Joachim Friedrich Bol-ten, first described in a sales catalogue by Peter Friedrich Röding in 1798 and subsequently auctioned in 1819. We were able to recognize nine specimens of Stromboidea originating from the...
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Recent endemic Aporrhaidae from West Africa are discussed. Based on morphological and biogeo- graphical analysis, three species are recognised, viz. Aporrhais senegalensis J. E. GRAY, 1838; A. pes- gallinae BARNARD, 1963 and A. elegantissima PARENZAN, 1970; two further morphs cannot be attributed to either of these species, and because these sp...
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The name Strombus pavifrons was introduced in 1842, and since then the name appeared only twice in the literature. The introduction of the name S. pavifrons was accidental, and constitutes an incorrect subsequent spelling of Strombus pacificus Swainson, 1821, which in its turn is a subjective junior synonym of Lambis vomer Röding, 1798, currently k...
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A putative hybrid Lobatus gigas × L. costatus is reported from South Andros Island, Bahamas. It is compared with the putative parental species, and compared with the description of Strombus samba CLENCH, 1937, and other Lobatus taxa. Genera names introduced by PETUCH (1994) are briefly discussed. Zusammenfassung Über einen möglichen Hybrid Lobatus...
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Document search on PubMed, the pre-eminent database for biomedical literature, relies on the annotation of its documents with relevant terms from the Medical Subject Headings ontology (MeSH) for improving recall through query expansion. Patent documents are another important information source, though they are considerably less accessible. One opti...


Questions (2)
Geinitz names a gastropod as "Strombus bicarinatus d'Orbigny" in 1849, referring to d'Orbigny's "Pterocera bicarinata" (1843). Both are different species. Question: Is the epithet "bicarinatus" available from Geinitz to name Geinitz's species as Tundora bicarinata?
Thought about the suffix -iana / -ianus:
My opinion: These suffices are related to the first part of the noun (eg Serres / Uttinger) and build the second part. Following ICZN Art. 31.2.1 and considering uttingerianus and serresiana as a compound noun in apposition, these names need not follow the gender of the genus. Therefore under ICZN art. 31.1.3 these names have to be preserved. That means it is Aporrhais serresiana (Michaud, 1828) (described as Rostellaria Serresiana Michaud, 1828) and Aporrhais uttingerianus (Risso, 1826) (described as Rostellaria uttingerianus Risso, 1826) although the gender of Aporrhais is feminine.
Am I right or wrong?


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