Tuuli HirvilammiTampere University | UTA · Faculty of Social Sciences
Tuuli Hirvilammi
In search of sustainable wellbeing
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I am a Senior Research Fellow in social policy based at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Tampere University, Finland. My research interests include sustainable wellbeing, eco-welfare state, ecosocial policies, welfare theories, degrowth and ecological economics.
Current research projects:
Towards a sustainable wellbeing economy: Integrated policies and transformative indicators (ToBe) www.toberesearch.eu
Towards EcoWelfare State: Orchestrating for Systemic Impact (ORSI) www.ecowelfare.fi
Skills and Expertise
Publications (48)
In eco-welfare states, welfare provision must operate within planetary boundaries, entailing societal transformations and significant emission reductions. This article contributes to the research on sustainable welfare and eco-social policies by examining transformative and integrative eco-social initiatives that aim to reduce environmental impacts...
Social policy developed as a research field and academic discipline to ensure protection from social risks in the era of emerging capitalism and industrialization. While welfare states have successfully increased their citizens’ wellbeing, they have also contributed to the ecological crisis, while the shared scientific understanding of exceeded pla...
Cities are increasingly profiling themselves as active agents within sustainability
transformation. Despite many apparent efforts, discussion on “sustainable
cities” has often focused on narrowly defined problems and ignored the interconnectedness of ecological, social, and economic issues that extend beyond the boundaries of formal city regions. H...
Kestävän kehityksen politiikan tarkoituksena on sovittaa yhteen sosiaalisen oikeudenmukaisuuden, taloudellisen kehityksen ja ympäristönsuojelun tavoitteita tulevien sukupolvien tarpeiden turvaamiseksi. Aiempi ekososiaalisten asenteiden ja poliittisten identiteettien tutkimus osoittaa, että väestön asenteissa kestävää kehitystä kohtaan on löydettävi...
Meeting human needs while respecting ecological limits is one of the daunting tasks of the sustainability transformation. To succeed in it, it is vital to discuss, to reconstruct, and to deconstruct the dominant discourse on well-being. How young people understand well-being is a particularly important issue since they are the prospective harbinger...
Pääkirjoitus Alue ja Ympäristö -lehden teemanumeroon 2/2021 Kohti ekohyvinvointivaltiota.
Social work research and practice that address environmental sustainability have already become prominent. However, a change in unsustainable economic structures is also urgently needed. This study explored emerging opportunities in theory and practice for a sustainable economy that are relevant to the aims of social work. As practical examples, ou...
Labour market and unemployment policies in particular are rarely connected to issues of environmental sustainability. In the present article, the link is examined by focusing on ecosocial innovations in four European countries – Finland, Germany, Belgium and Italy. These innovations are small-scale associations, cooperatives or organizations that c...
The history of welfare states is tightly linked to industrial capitalism and a mode of regulation where production and consumption patterns increased in parallel [...]
Welfare states are highly dependent on the economic growth paradigm. Especially in social democratic welfare states, growth dependence has historically been accompanied by the notion of a virtuous circle, which ensures that social policy measures do not conflict with economic growth. However, this policy idea ignores the environmental impacts that...
In this article, we explore the internal conversations about the work values of young unemployed adults in Finland. We draw on the theoretical concept of internal conversation by Margaret Ar- cher in order to shift the focus from the individual work values to the interplay between subjec- tive concerns and structural circumstances.The data consist...
The article contributes to sustainability transition research by indicating the significance of transformative grassroots innovations in the context of social work research. We introduce the integrative concept of ecosocial innovation in order to demonstrate how grassroots innovations can successfully combine social, ecological and economic aspects...
The paper first introduces the concept of ecosocial innovations. These are local organizations embedded in social and solidarity economy, which combine ecological and social challenges in their work. They are successful models of how to operationalize sustainability. Based on a cross-national, multi-case study with a social work background, the pap...
Artikkelissa tarkastelemme kestävää siirtymää edistäviä työn ja toimeentulon vaihtoehtoja. Artikkeli perustuu kirjallisuuteen, joka sisältää ekososiaalista sosiaalipolitiikkaa, kestävää kehitystä, kestävää
työtä sekä kestävää taloutta koskevia julkaisuja. Artikkelin tarkoituksena on yhdistää kestävän siirtymän hallinnan tutkimusta hyvinvointivalti...
The book 'Talous kasvun jälkeen' (Economy after growth) explains how and why to move from a growth mindset to an ecologically sustainable and socially just economy. The book challenges the welfare model based on economic growth, offering a broader perspective on the economy and the latest solutions to the problems of our time, such as the organisat...
The great legitimizing idea of progress was prosperity for all. However, confusing wellbeing with material wealth and the concomitant dependence on economic growth has had ecological consequences that threaten our wellbeing and survival. Also the social achievements of the pursuit of wealth are disappointing. Consequently, maintaining the status qu...
The starting point of this study is a paradoxical situation: the
wellbeing of average Finns is very high but simultaneously
their environmental impacts threaten the carrying capacity
of the earth. The paradox raises the question of what would
sustainable wellbeing be and how is it to be studied. This study
aims to develop a theory of sustainable we...
Sustainable development has been a political catchphrase for almost 30 years. However, a genuine transition towards sustainability has not yet begun. The prevailing values have remained intact, with polarization towards economic aspects of sustainability. The dominant weak interpretation of sustainable development is based on a human exemptionalism...
We live in the Anthropocene era, where human action has an unforeseen impact on global ecosystems. This is visible, for instance, in climate change, in the loss of biodiversity and in the acidification of the oceans. Little attention is given to the fact that the Anthropocene is related to anthropocentric thinking that also guides our policies. The...
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan haastatteluaineiston avulla 18 yksin
asuvan perusturvan saajan elintason osatekijöitä ja luonnonvarojen kulutusta sekä hahmotellaan kohtuullisen eli sosiaalisesti
ja ekologisesti kestävän elintason rajoja.
Tutkimuksessa tarkastellaan haastatteluaineiston avulla 18 yksin asuvan perusturvan saajan elintason osatekijöitä ja luonnonvarojen kulutusta sekä hahmotellaan kohtuullisen eli sosiaalisesti ja ekologisesti kestävän elintason rajoja. Tutkimuksessa kysytään, miten erilaiset elintason osatekijät ovat yhteydessä luonnonvarojen käyttöön, minkälaisen el...
A decent, or sufficient, lifestyle is largely considered an important objective in terms of a sustainable future. However, there can be strongly varying definitions of what a decent lifestyle means. From a social sustainability point of view, a decent lifestyle can be defined as the minimum level of consumption ensuring an acceptable quality of lif...
We live in the Anthropocene era, where human action has an unforeseen impact on global ecosystems. This can be observed, for instance, in climate change, in loss of biodiversity and in the acidification of the oceans. Little attention is given to the fact that the Anthropocene is caused by anthropocentric thinking, whose ideas also guide our polici...
Current well-being research often overlooks human dependency on natural resources and undervalues the way environmental impacts affect human activities. This article argues that the capability approach provides an applicable framework for inquiring into ecologically sustainable well-being. Therefore, this pilot study aims to develop a research meth...
The article assesses the material footprints of households living on a minimum amount of social benefits in Finland and discusses the consequences in terms of ecological and social sustainability. The data were collected using interviews and a questionnaire on the consumption patterns of 18 single households. The results are compared to a study on...
Sosiaalipolitiikan päivät. Helsinki 21.–22.10.2010. Abstrakti, 2010: 65.
Julkaisussa: Hirvilammi, Tuuli; Laatu, Markku, toim. Toinen Vääryyskirja. Helsinki: Kela, 2008: 183–195.
Julkaisussa: Hirvilammi, Tuuli; Laatu, Markku, toim. Toinen Vääryyskirja. Helsinki: Kela, 2008: 9–38.
2. painos 271 s. Sosiaalipolitiikkaa toteutetaan liian usein kansalaisia, alan työntekijöitä ja etujärjestöjen edustajia kuulematta ja heidän ehdotuksiaan huomioimatta. Tätä mieltä ovat monet sosiaalipolitiikan käytäntöjä lähellä olevat hyvinvointipalvelujen ammattilaiset. Kelan julkaisemassa Toisessa Vääryyskirjassa puheenvuoro on heillä. Toinen V...
2. painos 271 s. Sosiaalipolitiikkaa toteutetaan liian usein kansalaisia, alan työntekijöitä ja etujärjestöjen edustajia kuulematta ja heidän ehdotuksiaan huomioimatta. Tätä mieltä ovat monet sosiaalipolitiikan käytäntöjä lähellä olevat hyvinvointipalvelujen ammattilaiset. Kelan julkaisemassa Toisessa Vääryyskirjassa puheenvuoro on heillä. Toinen V...
Sosiologipäivät. Jyväskylä 19.–20.3.2010. Abstrakti.