Trine BekkbyNorwegian Institute for Water Research | NIVA · Section for Marine Biology
Trine Bekkby
PhD (Dr. scient)
Variation and change in the structure and function of seaweed communities - driven by natural and human factors
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Focusing on marine benthic and coastal ecology, variation in space (incl. environmental conditions) and changes in time (incl. effects of climate and human space use changes) - particularly focusing on the biodiversity, structure, function and restoration of blue forests (such as kelp forests, seagrass meadows and seaweed beds). This includes field and mesocosm experiments, mapping and monitoring, distribution modelling; habitat classification; status and ecological quality/value assessment
Additional affiliations
December 2017 - December 2017
Norwegian Maritime Authority
Field of study
- Boating license exam/International Certificate of Competence (ICC)
January 2017 - January 2017
January 2016 - January 2016
Research Council of Norway
Field of study
- On Climate Services
Publications (265)
Little is known about the causes of the decline in blue mussel populations in the North Atlantic. If mussel beds are to be protected, and maybe even restored, we need knowledge about environmental conditions under which blue mussels can survive and grow. Wave exposure impacts the growth and abundance of blue mussels by impacting food availability,...
Talk at the seminar «Can low trophic farming contribute to save the Oslofjord?”, discussing tools to improve marine conditions, 01.12.2024,
Foredrag på seminaret En kunnskapsbasert naturforvaltning – vil naturmeldingen bidra til å realisere naturavtalens mål? Domus Bibliotheca, Oslo, 11.11.2024.
The KELPMAP study demonstrated that high-resolution multispectral data from drones and satellites, combined with AI-based image analysis, can efficiently map kelp forests and other coastal habitats. The field campaign, conducted in 2022 within Vega and Herøy municipalities, produced orthomosaics with 9 cm GSD for multispectral and 5 cm for RGB imag...
Aerial drone imaging is an efficient tool for mapping and monitoring of coastal habitats at high spatial and temporal resolution. Specifically, drone imaging allows for time- and cost-efficient mapping covering larger areas than traditional mapping and monitoring techniques, while also providing more detailed information than those from airplanes a...
Foredrag for Vann- og avløpsetaten (VAV), Oslo kommune. SALT, Langkaia, Oslo
Seaweeds are foundation species on rocky shores that are exposed to a series of stressors. These include wave exposure, desiccation, grazing, and human activities, with habitat fragmentation as a common result. As part of climate and biodiversity changes, we are expecting increased winds and more frequent storm events, warmer climate, and trophic d...
The coastal ocean represents an important global carbon sink and is a focus for interventions to mitigate climate change and meet the Paris Agreement targets while supporting biodiversity and other ecosystem functions. However, the fate of the flux of carbon exported from seaweed forests—the world’s largest coastal vegetated ecosystem—is a key unkn...
Beskriver feltbasert kartlegging av naturtyper i Norge etter NiN versjon 3.
Describing field-based mapping of ecosystem types in Norway, following the EcoSyst approach publihed by Halvorsen et al. (2020).
EUSeaMap 2023 is the sixth iteration of EUSeaMap. All versions have been produced as part of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project, which is one of several thematic lots in EMODnet. The project has brought together a European consortium of specialists in benthic ecology and seabed habitat mapping. The partners first worked together in EMODnet Phase 1...
Bekkby T. 2023. Hvordan jobbe i det marine miljø og betydningen av miljøvariabler. Foredrag på lanseringen av Natur i Norge 3.0, Klimahuset, Oslo, 16.11.2023.
Essential for healthy oceans, coastal communities, fisheries, economies, and marine
biodiversity from the subtropics to the polar regions, kelp forests are an integral and
threatened ocean ecosystem. Their benefits are connected to over 740 million people
who live beside a kelp forest, and their economic potential is valued at least 500 billion
Marine kelp forests cover 1/3 of our world's coastlines, are heralded as a nature-based solution to address socio-environmental issues, connect hundreds of millions of people with the ocean, and support a rich web of biodiversity throughout our oceans. But they are increasingly threatened with some areas reporting over 90% declines in kelp forest c...
Stenseth NC, Jentoft S, Moland E, Knutsen H, Haugen TO, Colman JE, Walday M, Bekkby T, Christensen KH. 2023. Langsiktig forskning og modige tiltak må til om vi skal redde Oslofjorden. Debattinnlegg i Khrono, 14.08.2023.
Hancke K, Hagen AG, Johansen TA, Garrett J, Salberg AB, Kalbekken K, Sample JE, Kvile KØ, Bekkby T, Little L, Poulsen RN, Ghareeb M, Buls T, Ødegaard ØT, Gundersen H. 2023. Drones for mapping benthic habitats and the SeaBee Infrastructure. GeoHab Int. conference. Réunion Island. 10.05.2023. Oral presentation.
Hanging gardens - comparing fauna communities in kelp farms and wild kelp forests.
Listen to the presentation on YouTube:
A growing need for food is causing increased interest for seaweed farming globally. This requires the knowledge of the industry’s effects on the marine environment. We therefore aimed to explore the communities hosted by a kelp farm compared to that of wild kelp forests. The study was performed in mid-western Norway. Kelp associated fauna were coll...
Presenting Kelp restoration actions in Norway, 1988-2022. Talk and published abstract at the 24th International Seaweed Symposium 20.02.2023, Hobart, Tasmania.
Listen to the presentation on YouTube:
Egge E, Deininger A, Bekkby T, Eikrem W, Mengeot C, Frigstad H, Moyano M, Kvile KØ, Baur AK, Tobiesen A, Harvey TE, Saesin P. 2023. Økokyst - DP Norskehavet sør, Årsrapport 2022. NIVA-rapport 7898, Miljødirektoratet rapport 2595. ISBN: 978-82-577-7634-3
Bryn A, Haugland BT, Dolan M, Bekkby T, Naas AE. 2023. Feltveileder marint (NiN 3.0) – Regler, typetabeller og praktiske råd. Artsdatabanken-rapport, ISBN: 978-82-92838-63-1.
Mariussen MS, Strøm V, Valseth ÅA, Vennemo K, Bjorbækmo MFM, Chen W, Furuseth IS, Bekkby T, Berg PR, Saesin P, Staalstrøm A, Walday MG, Kaste Ø, Ruus A, Hess-Erga O-K, Langaas S. 2023. Mulighetskartlegging for kystbaserte næringer i Viken – Indre Oslofjord og Drammensfjorden. Vista Analyse Report 2023/11. ISBN 978-82-8126-623-0.
Kvile, KØ, Bekkby T, Rinde E. 2023. Kap. 4 Ålegrasenger i rapporten Kunnskapsstatus Trondheimsfjorden – en kunnskapssammenstilling om miljøtilstanden i Trondheimsfjorden. Trondheim fylkeskommune, 364 s.
Bekkby T. 2023. Talking about Drone data product validation for the SeaBee project,
Littoral seaweed beds often dominate rocky shores worldwide, providing a range of important ecosystem services to human populations and housing rich biodiversity vital to the health of coastal systems. Seaweeds are well known ecosystem engineers, and are exposed to a series of pressures, including habitat fragmentation, wave exposure variation and...
Bekkby T, Andersen GS, Dolan M, Rinde E, Thormar J, Haugland BT, van Son TC, Bryn A. 2023. Metodehåndbok marint – Kartleggingsmetodikk og variabler (NiN 3.1). Artsdatabanken-rapport. ISBN: 978-82-92838-65-5.
This report (which is in Norwegian) discusses and proposes variables to determine ecological quality for the marine nature types and units presented in Bekkby et al. (2021). Alternative variables, standardized criteria and threshold values for status and nature diversity have been discussed, and defined where this has been possible. The purpose of...
Talk at the Annual meeting of the Norwegian Association of Marine Scientists, 22-23.11.2022, Asker, Norway
Talk at the Annual meeting of the Norwegian Association of Marine Scientists, 22-23.11.2022, Asker, Norway
Presentation of the Norwegian NiN habitat classification system at the kickoff meeting for identifying and mapping marine fungi. Project leader: Teppo Rämä, University of Tromsø - The Arctic University of Norway
Kelp forests are productive coastal ecosystems that provide a range of ecosystem services. Mapping the distribution and area occupied by kelp forests is a critical step to identify their ecosystem functions and services, including their role in the carbon cycle, and to detect changes in their distribution. We compiled quantitative data of the domin...
Presentation for the Norwegian Environment Agency
Vegetated coastal and marine habitats in the Nordic region include salt marshes, eelgrass meadows and, in particular, brown macroalgae (kelp forests and rockweed beds). Such habitats contribute to storage of organic carbon (Blue Carbon – BC) and support coastal protection, biodiversity and water quality. Protection and restoration of these habitats...
Macroalgal habitats are believed to be the most extensive and productive of all coastal vegetated ecosystems. In stark contrast to the growing attention on their contribution to carbon export and sequestration, understanding of their global extent and production is limited and these have remained poorly assessed for decades. Here we report a fi...
Bli med og legg tang og tare under forskarlupa. Nysgjerringper-bladet 1-2022.
Vi kommer her med innspill til utvikling av metodikk og kriterier for kartlegging og fastsettelse av økologisk kvalitet til et utvalg av marine naturtyper basert på feltundersøkelser. De utvalgte naturtypene er ålegrasenger, sukkertareskog, muslingbunner (både blåskjellbunner og flatøstersbanker), helofytt-saltvannssumper og ruglbunner. Undersøkels...
Presentasjon på Youtube, tilpasset barn og unge,
Presentasjon på Youtube, tilpasset barn og unge,
Overvåkingsprogrammet "Økosystemovervåking i Kystvann – Økokyst" har til hensikt å overvåke miljøtilstanden langs norskekysten i henhold til vannforskriften. Økokyst delprogram Norskehavet Sør dekker kyststrekningen fra Ulsteinvik i sør til Helgeland i nord. Av de 11 vannforekomster som kunne klassifiseres, fikk 1 “svært god” tilstand, 7 «god» tils...
Drastic losses of kelp forest habitat have already occurred in the southern part of the OSPAR area with significant declines at several locations elsewhere. Considering the sensitivity of this complex and highly productive habitat to cumulative effects of multiple pressures, and the increasing threat posed by climate change, the nominated kelp fore...
This Background Document on Kelp Forest habitat has been developed by OSPAR following the inclusion of this habitat on the OSPAR List of threatened and/or declining species and habitats (OSPAR Agreement 2008-6). The inclusion of the feature on the list was supported by an analysis against the Texel-Faial criteria (OSPAR Agreement 2019-03), as prese...
Våre undersøkelser i Oslofjorden viser forekomst av flere av de samme fremmede artene som det som er funnet i tidligere undersøkelser. Vi fant både stillehavsøsters, japansk spøkelseskreps, strømgarn, japansk sjølyng, djeveltunge og tøffelnegl. Flest arter og individer ble observert på den innerste stasjonen i indre Oslofjord (Oksval) og på Ula på...
The aim was to acquire knowledge about a selection of marine habitats in the Oslofjord, while also
gaining practical experience with the NiN habitat classification system as a tool to meet the needs of
management authorities. We also wanted to gain knowledge about changes in habitats previously
mapped by the National Program for Mapping Biodiversit...
MESOFRAG - mesocosm experiments to study the effect of habitat fragmentation on seaweed communities at different levels of wave exposure
Access Start Date: Apr 1, 2022
Access End Date: Sep 30, 2022
This experiment is linked to the NIVA lead project COASTFRAG, funded by the Research Co...
In January 2015, the Norwegian government decided that mapping of habitat types shall be carried out using the most objective, value neutral and verifiable methodology possible, with emphasis on mapping the most valuable habitat types first. The government wanted to prioritize mapping of habitat types that are either endangered, important for many...
Information about the distribution of a study object (e.g., species or habitat) is essential in face of increasing pressure from land or sea use, and climate change. Distribution models are instrumental for acquiring such information, but also encumbered by uncertainties caused by different sources of error, bias and inaccuracy that need to be deal...
Talk at the Norwegian blue forest week,
EUSeaMap 2021 is the fifth iteration of EUSeaMap. All versions have been produced as part of the EMODnet Seabed Habitats project, which is one of several thematic lots in EMODnet. The project has brought together a European consortium of specialists in benthic ecology and seabed habitat mapping. The partners first collaborated in EMODnet phase 1 (2...
NIVA og UiO skal på feltarbeid på Søre Sunnmøre i september 2021 (uke 35 og 36). Vi skal da besøke områder med blæretang med ulik grad av fragmentering/flekkvishet, dvs. områder der tangen naturlig er heldekkende («single large»), der vi har mellomstore flekker («several small») or der vi har små flekker («lots of tiny»), se Figur 1, og områder med...
Talk at the 2021 ASLO Aquatic Science Meeting
Talk at the Society for Ecological Restoration SER21 World Conference 21-24.06.2021
Talk at the Society for Ecological Restoration SER21 World Conference 21-24.06.2021
Article (in Norwegian) i the online news, Forskersonen,
Article in the Diver’s magazine,
Norwegian radio 19.05.21. NRK Ekko (starting at 10:04),
There is an increasing focus on ecosystem services provided by macroalgae worldwide, many which depend on its structural and morphological characteristics. Here we investigated how characteristics of canopy kelp plants of Laminaria hyperborea varies along the Norwegian part of the NE Atlantic. Ten characteristics related to size, allometry, density...
Formålet med prosjektet har vært å skaffe kunnskap om et utvalg marine naturtyper i Oslofjorden, og samtidig skaffe praktisk erfaring med NiN-systemet som verktøy for å dekke miljøforvaltningens behov. Gjennom feltkartlegging har vi skaffet kunnskap om endringer i naturtyper som er kartlagt tidligere i Nasjonalt program for kartlegging av biologisk...
Large-scale finfish farms are increasingly located in dispersive hard-bottom environments where Laminaria hyperborea forests dominate; however, the interactions between farm effluents and kelp forests are poorly understood. Effects of 2 levels of salmonid fish-farming effluents (high and low) on L. hyperborea epiphytic communities were studied by s...
Can we draw general conclusions on the impacts of fragmentation on littoral seaweed communities across Europe? Is the effect of fragmentation different if it happens in an area that is already fragmented than if it happens in an area with large and continuous habitat coverage?
What will the coastal communities look like in the future? Who will be the "winners" and who will be the "losers" in the face of global changes? This WP will apply different approaches and model techniques that integrate theoretical, experimental and observational knowledge to assess changes in the biodiversity, structure and ecosystem functioning...
Will the impacts of fragmentation be the same regardless of the environmental conditions found in different areas? And how does local human pressure impact the effects of fragmentation?
The habitat fragmentation and species manipulation experiments will be performed in Norway and Spain.
The aim was to acquire knowledge about a selection of marine habitats in the Oslofjord, while also gaining practical experience with the NiN habitat classification system as a tool to meet the needs of management authorities. We also wanted to gain knowledge about changes in habitats previously mapped by the National Program for Mapping Biodiversit...
Bakgrunn: Norge har en lang kystlinje med rent og næringsrikt sjøvann, noe som gir unike forhold for dyrking av tang og tare. For å sikre en langsiktig og lønnsom industri må taredyrking utvikles på bærekraftig vis med en forståelse for mulige påvirkninger av det marine miljø. Forskningsprosjektet KELPPRO (2017-2020) har undersøkt hvordan dyrking a...