Tri Rijanto

Tri Rijanto
Universitas Negeri Surabaya | unesa · Departmeent of Electrical


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Skills and Expertise


Publications (88)
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan dan mengevaluasi perangkat pembelajaran teknik pemesinan CNC berbasis Self Regulated Learning (SRL) dengan model Project Based Learning (PjBL) untuk siswa kelas XI TPM di SMK Negeri 1 Pungging Mojokerto. Model pengembangan yang digunakan untuk mengembangankan perangkat pembelajaran CNC berbasis self regu...
Penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa terdapat perbedaan hasil belajar peserta didik yang signifikan antara kelompok yang menggunakan model pembelajaran Project Based Learning (PjBL) dan Discovery Learning (DL). Peserta didik dengan model pembelajaran PjBL memiliki nilai rata-rata (mean) lebih tinggi sebesar 78,57 dibandingkan dengan peserta didik yang...
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Energi Matahari merupakan salah satu energi terbarukan yang dapat di rubah menjadi energi listrik mengunakan panel surya, Panel surya merupakan teknologi yang ramah lingkungan. Namun, ada beberapa faktor yang dapat mempengaruhi penurunan kinerja panel surya adalah iradiasi matahari, suhu panel surya, debu, pasir, kotoran, dan elemen lainnya. Konsep...
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One of the primary issues with electric vehicles is battery longevity. This study uses Kodular as an application developer for mobile app monitoring. Furthermore, using the monitoring data, PT XYZ may increase the operational efficiency of electric buses, lengthen battery life, and lower the risk of damage and maintenance costs. The following param...
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This study aims to determine the level of feasibility assessed from the aspects of validity, practicality, and effectiveness of the PLC-based Logo Softcomfort Job Sheet. Development utilized the Research and Development (R&D) research method. This study employed a one-group pretest-posttest design and was conducted on 34 students of XII TITL 1 clas...
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Pembelajaran pascapademi Covid-19 menuntut adanya banyak penyesuaian, dikarenakan pembelajaran tatap muka belum dapat berjalan secara optimal dan peserta didik lebih banyak melaksanakan pembelajaran secara online di rumah. Peserta didikpun dituntut untuk memiliki kemadirian belajar atau self-regulated learning (SRL) sebagai faktor penting dalam pen...
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In this modern era of the technology, the rapid development of the business world and the demand of product that required by consumer is very high also. Therefore, the company must be able to make an optimal planning, there is in the planning of production or planning of demand to make the company can achieve the objectives targeted. To achieve it,...
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The time of teaching the construction of utility building educators had difficulty. Most of the students have difficulty in translating three-dimensional (3D) images into two-dimensional (2D) images. Learning media is needed to deal with these difficulties. Learning media that can encourage and guide students' thinking skills. The purpose of this s...
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21st century-era learning is undergoing significant changes. The learning process is carried out with a combination of various digital media that can be accessed easily by students and teachers in learning. Based on the covid-19 pandemic, it is also an effort to follow the development of technology and information. Vocational students in the Field...
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Recently, there has been a gap between the skills needed by industry and learning materials in schools that still need to meet expectations. Research internship programs (RIP) viewing as a link that can eliminate these disparities. However, there is no conclusive proof of the learning results of the program. This study seeks to dig deeper into info...
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IoT (Internet of Things) merupakan sebuah konsep yang berhubungan dengan sensor dan software untuk berkomunikasi, mengendalikan, menghubungkan, bertukar melalui perangkat lain dengan menggunakan internet. IoT juga berkaitan dengan perangkat cerdas (smart devices) karena perangkat ini dapat membantu menyelesaikan pekerjaan manusia. Penerapan IoT ban...
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The learning models becomes an important tool in the learning process. The abilities that students are expected to have will be determined by using appropriate learning models. The study aims to determine how the application of direct instruction and e-learning learning models in basic programming subjects can increase achievement motivation. This...
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ABSTRAK Kegagalan isolasi masih sering terjadi pada sistem kelistrikan di Indonesia yang disebabkan oleh fenomena tegangan tinggi seperti corona discharge (CD). Hal ini dikarenakan deteksi dini kegagalan isolasi belum dapat dilakukan. Salah satu bentuk CD ialah suara. Langkah awal untuk mendeteksi dini kegagalan isolasi ialah diperlukannya suatu p...
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Road accidents are an unavoidable problem, especially accidents caused by Over-dimension and Overloading trucks. This study involved environmental factors, driver factors, vehicle factors, and road factors which had previously been analyzed using the multinomial logistic regression method with questionnaire data of 194 respondents and resulted in 6...
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The Double Track High School Program is a program that provides the provisions of high school students in order to have competencies such as vocational students, one of which is the Fashion Design competency. Tests are needed to measure students' cognitive abilities. This research is a test that aims to obtain information on the validation of the F...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji apakah ada pengaruh pengelolaan fasilitas bengkel terhadap prestasi belajar siswa di SMK N Kasiman Bojonegoro pada jurusan teknik kendaraan ringan kelas XII mata pelajaran pemeliharaan sassis dan pemindah tenaga. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan teknik simple random sampling. Sampel yang diambil yaitu kelas XII...
Conference Paper
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People with visual disabilities, who have limited vision, will experience many obstacles in carrying out activities and social interaction. Equipment, in general, is not still user friendly for blind people. The purpose of this study was to create an automatic dispenser design that provides convenience and safety for visually impaired people when t...
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In this paper, the scheduling of the flexible flow shop scheduling problem without unemployment is considered by considering the sequence-dependent preparation times with parallel and identical machines in each workstation in order to minimize the maximum completion time that has been done so far. The assumption of the existence of sequence-depende...
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Masalah asesmen di pelajaran kompetensi keahlian Teknik dan bisnis sepeda motor di SMK Negeri Sekar Bojonegoro bahwa instruktur harus menggunakan penilaian berbasis situs yang umum, terbuka secara efektif sehingga siswa dapat melakukannya secara efektif dan mudah saat bekerja. Dengan demikian, instrumen penilaian berbasis internet diharapkan dapat...
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This study aims to: (1) find out the comparison of student learning outcomes between the use of learning media of web e-learning and schoology in Web Programming and Mobile Device subjects (WPMD), and (2) find out the increase in student completeness by using the learning media of web e-learning and schoology on WPMD subjects. The research method u...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas penggunaan video tutorial dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar kinerja siswa SMK. Jenis penelitian ini adalah penelitian Quasi Experiment. Rancangan penelitian yang dilakukan yakni Posttest only control group design. Subjek pada penelitian ini adalah peserta didik di Jurusan Tata Kecantika...
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This article aims to determine the impact of e-learning and students' motivation on students' critical thinking skills. The quantitative approach is to process data and numbers obtained through statistical analysis. Sources of data used in this study are primary data or data obtained directly from respondents. This study aims to examine the effect...
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This study aims to determine the teacher's perception of gender towards gender-responsive learning. This research with a quantitative approach uses a questionnaire data collection method (questionnaire) consisting of a questionnaire on teacher perceptions of gender, teacher attitudes towards students, interaction in learning, and gender-responsive...
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Abstrak Kegiatan pembangunan proyek konstruksi sering terjadi keterlambatan. Pelaksanaan proyek konstruksi dibatasi oleh waktu dengan rencana biaya yang sudah ditentukan dalam perencanaan. Pengendalian yang tepat dapat mengurangi risiko terjadinya keterlambatan serta pembengkakan biaya. Salah satu proyek yang mengalami keterlambatan adalah pembangu...
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Employability skills are work skills that refer to general or non-technical competencies which include achievement, understanding and personal attributes that enable a person to get a job and be successful in the job of their choice. employability skills can be formed from learning methods and student learning independence. The application of the l...
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p class="Abstrak"> Abstract: Innovation of Project-based learning (PjBL) in the 21st century continues to be developed to improve learning outcomes. The use of Trainer kits presents several challenges in achieving learning objectives, both in terms of design, planning, and implementation. The purpose of this study is to implement the Automation of...
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This study aimed to determine the effect of project-based learning on student learning outcomes and creative thinking skills in computer numeric control subjects at SMK KAL-1 Surabaya. This study used a quasi-experimental factorial research design with a 2-way ANOVA test technique. In this study, 66 students from class XI of the Mechanical Engineer...
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Tujuan penelitian ini adalah memanfaatkan media pembelajaran Lectora Inspire yang layak digunakan, sehingga dapat meningkatjkan hasil belajar siswa. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah Quasi Eksperimen Desain. Subjek penelitian kelas eksperimen 30 siswa dan kelas kontrol 30 siswa. Pengujian produk penelitian pemanfaatan media pembelajaran Lecto...
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This study was used to determine the feasibility of the instrument before being used for further research. This study uses a quasi-experimental research design. In this study, to calculate the validation results from three validators who are experts in their fields using the arithmetic average, the validated instruments are: (1) the validation ques...
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The main problem in formal learning is that teachers carry out learning with direct learning models and lectures. The right learning model can maximize student learning outcomes and learning objectives will be achieved. This study aims to determine the effect of the Problem Based Learning (PBL) learning model on the learning outcomes of vocational...
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The main problem in education today is the lack of effectiveness in the learning process. This can be seen from the average student learning outcomes which are always still low. Especially for vocational high school students who emphasize learning skills in order to produce work-ready graduates, but it is inversely proportional to the facts in the...
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There is currently an imbalance between the skills mastered by vocational high school graduates with the skills needed in the labor market, especially employability skills, to maintain a job in various conditions and job requirements. This study aimed to examine the factors that affecting the employability skills of Beauty students namely career gu...
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This study aims to analyze the effect of implementing the teaching factory on readiness to work through the competence of students. This research was conducted at SMKN 2 Mojokerto. This research is an ex-post facto research. The population of this study were students of class XI and class XII of the catering service program at SMKN 2 Mojokerto, tot...
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The main problem in formal learning today is the low absorption of students in understanding the material. This can be seen from the average student learning outcomes which are always still low. Low learning outcomes are indicated because the learning conditions are still conventional (lectures, practicums, and discussions). This study aims to dete...
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The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the application of problem-based learning to improve student learning outcomes in the subject of Basic Competencies for Maintaining Brake Systems at SMK Negeri 2 Kupang. This study used a 2x2 factorial research design with experimental methods with a quantitative approach, consisting of two c...
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This study aims to develop a Work-Based Modules project in Construction and Building Utilities subjects to increase student learning outcomes of State Vocational High School 1 Sidoarjo. And to analyze the feasibility of the module in terms of (1) validity; (2) practicality; (3) has a project work-based Modules; (4) student learning outcomes after b...
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This article aims to find out how food service business management subjects and industrial work practices affect the entrepreneurial competence of Vocational Education and Training (VET) students. The quantitative approach is to process the data and the numbers are obtained through statistical analysis. The data source used in this study is primary...
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Learning motivation to engage students has been a challenge in building and learning. This study studied the effectiveness of learning using online media in improving student academic achievement and increasing student motivation in online learning. This type of research includes literature research as an information activity that is relevant to th...
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Covid-19 pandemic has affected the educational sectors in many countries. Learning activities that are usually carried out directly or face-to-face, have turned into online learning. The purpose of this study was to analyze the selection of learning media to promote learners’ autonomy during Covid-19 pandemic. This present study employed literature...
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The development of education and technology can have a big influence on the quality of students and teachers in the development of the world. Models and media can increase effectiveness and creativity in the learning process. Especially, when discussing the learning process at Vocational High School (VHS) which requires a balance between practice a...
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Students’ critical thinking skills cannot develop appropriately if in the learning process, the teacher is not active. Therefore, to improve students’ critical thinking skills, a teacher should choose and use strategies, approaches, and methods techniques that involve students actively in learning, both in manner mental, physical, and social. One a...
Salah satu cara meningkatkan mutu, relevansi dan daya saing dalam sistem pembelajaran adalah pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi melalui penggunaan media pembelajaran e-learning berbasis edmodo dan schoology. Tujuan dari studi literatur ini: (1) mengetahui penggunaan media e-learning dalam meningkatkan hasil belajar ranah kognitif siswa;...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh trainer yang layak digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Instalasi Penerangan Listrik 1 Fasa. Kelayakan trainer meliputi aspek kevalidan, aspek kepraktisan dan aspek keefektifan. Pada penelitian ini metode yang digunakan adalah metode research and development (R&D) (Sugiyono, 2015: 407) d...
Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan sebagai institusi yang menyiapkan tenaga kerja, dituntut mampu menghasilkan lulusan yang siap bersaing di dunia usaha maupun dunia industri. Melalui program Pendidikan Sistem Ganda berupa pemahaman teori di sekolah dan pengalaman praktik di industri, siswa disiapkan untuk menjadi lulusan yang siap kerja. Studi literatur in...
Inovasi pembelajaran merupakan titik sentral dalam menciptakan peserta didik yang berkompeten dan mampu bersaing dalam dunia kerja. Kebanyakan peserta didik menyukai adanya inovasi pembelajaran yang mengutamakan keaktifan dan keterlibatan peserta didik secara langsung dengan pengalaman khususnya pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan. Tujuan studi literatu...
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The provision of education provides a positive value for the development of the quality of Human Resources (HR), because global challenges and competition between nations in various aspects of life are increasingly competitive. This study aims to find the effect of learning models find the effect of discovery learning learning models with inquiry l...
Conference Paper
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People with visual disabilities, who have limitedvision, will experience many obstacles in carrying out activitiesand social interaction. Equipment, in general, is not still userfriendly for blind people. The purpose of this study was to createan automatic dispenser design that provides convenience andsafety for visually impaired people when taking...
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This study is a research on the development of devices in basic culinary subjects by applying a problem based learning models to increase students’ creativity, consisting of: 1) analysis the validity of the device, 2) analysis the practicality of the device, and 3) analysis the effectiveness of the device. This research was conducted in three stage...
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This study aims to determine differences in student motivation and learning achievement in KKPI subjects between students who use the face-to-face learning model and students who use blended learning models, increased motivation and student achievement in KKPI subjects due to the application of the blended model learning, and the interaction of the...
Dengan Internet of Things dapat bekerja lebih efisien dan efektif lebih cepat seperti proses monitoring tegangan motor 3 fasa. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu melakukan sistem kendali switch on off dan monitoring tegangan motor 3 fasa berbasis Internet of Things. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimental dengan mengendalikan sistem kendali on...
This study aims to offer alternative competency assessments based on Freedom Learning policies and education era 4.0 through the implementation of the 2013 revised curriculum. The minimum competency assessment refers to skills needed in the 21st century through student-oriented learning models, character values in the 2013 curriculum, and HOTS item...
The study aims to know the computational thinking students who are taught using blended learning and students taught using a direct learning model. To find out the thinking of students with self-efficacy owned by students . This type of research is experimental research using factorial design. The results of the study found that (1) Computational t...
Industry 4.0 is the state of the industry in the face of the 21st century when there is a massive change through technology that opens a barrier between the digital and physical worlds. There will be many types of jobs lost, and new types of jobs will emerge. Faced with this, high mastery skills are required by graduates. In vocational high schools...
The study aims to determine student learning outcomes with direct and problem-based learning models,to determine differences in student outcomes with intelligence levels in direct and problem-based learning models, and analyze the relationship between intelligence levels and direct learning models and problem-based learning models. The method used...
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This study aims to obtain the measurement reliability among vocational learners’ assessors in industrial practice activities. The study was conducted in Indomobil Nissan Datsun workshop. There were 32 participants from various vocational schools in East Java, both from public and private schools. Assessors consists of two people, namely the mechani...
The study was aimed to obtain information the effects the application of system the management of lab where internal conditions a restaurant of the results of the learning and of the level of satisfaction study on public service delivery a student on the directions in which their four of family welfare education of engineering faculty Universitas N...
The purpose of this research is (1) analyze difference in cognitive students learning outomes are taught using direct learning model compared students learning outomes are taught using direct learning model; (2) analyze difference in cognitive students learning outcomes who have high spatial ability compared low spatial ability; and (3) analyze int...
The purpose of this study was to determine the activities of students in the basic learning activities of sewing technology using video media, to determine the learning outcomes of basic students of sewing technology using video media, and to determine students' responses to the basic learning activities of sewing technology using video media. This...
Education in SMK if harmonized with the business world and industry world (BW/IW) is a synergistic relationship that greatly supports improving the quality of education in SMK, producing graduates who will be used by BW/IW. Industrial work practice is a stage of professional preparation in which a student studies in the industrial world for a certa...
Education is a conscious and planned effort to create an atmosphere of learning and learning process so students actively develop their potential. The development of information technology has led to the emergence of various learning model innovations in the world of education. Innovative learning models themselves emerge as alternative solutions t...
In August 2017, there were 7.4 million educated unemployed including vocational graduates. Why are there so many educated unemployed. Are there no vocational high school (SMK) graduates who can become entrepreneurs? The Vocational High School is the right place to develop entrepreneurship education. This study aims to determine the extent of the in...
This study aims to: analyze the student learning outcomes using the problem-based learning model, compare to the student learning outcomes using the direct learning model. The type of this study is experimental research that is the factorial design. The study population is all of the students in class X. Therefore, the research sa DLMes are the stu...
The 4.0 industrial revolution is currently underway, the Industrial Revolution 4.0 is an industry that combines automation technology with cyber-physical technology. In accordance with the objectives of the Industrial Revolution 4.0 which was coined by Professor Klaus Schwab, a German economist and founder of the World Economic Forum, that the worl...
The post-millennial generation or currently known as the Z generation, is the generation born in the 2000s, the future generation born in the Internet age. This post-millennial generation does not like rigid rules, tends to think creatively and openly and is very easy to comment on. An important point in dealing with the post-millennial generation...
Making heart rate module aims to obtain information module accuracy compared to standard gauge (Pulse Oxymetri). Work system which used using finger and sensor-based Arduino Uno which results are displayed on the LCD. This research uses the method by means of comparing the results of calculating heart rate on the module with the standard gauge (pul...
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The purpose of this study was to produce an instrument of learning motivation in the subject of Basic Building Construction and Survey Engineering (DKBT) using factor analysis. Conceptually, the learning motivation instrument developed has two factors, specifically intrinsic and extrinsic. The subjects of the research were the 11th grade students o...
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This study intends to find variable interrelationships: control locus, work readiness and evaluation of cognitive, affective and psychomotor aspects in students of vocational school electrical installation engineering expertise program in Mojokerto City.. This research is an ex post facto data collection technique with locus of control variable que...
ABSTRAKKerangka Kualifikasi Nasional Indonesia adalah salah satu rujukan nasional untuk meningkatkan mutu dan daya saing bangsa Indonesia di sektor SDM melalui pencapaian kualifikasi sumber daya manusia Indonesia yang dihasilkan oleh sistem pendidikan dan sistem pelatihan kerja nasional, serta sistem penilaian kesetaraan capaian pembelajaran. Penel...
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The purpose of this study was to produce an instrument of learning motivation in the subject of Basic Building Construction and Survey Engineering (DKBT) using factor analysis. Conceptually, the learning motivation instrument developed has two factors, specifically intrinsic and extrinsic. The subjects of the research were the 11th grade students o...
Dengan bertambahnya kesibukan manusia dibutuhkan sebuah inovasi sistem rumah pintar yangmerupakan konsep rumah automation yang terdiri dari perangkat kontrol dari smartphone. Sistem rumahpintar bertujuan untuk memudahkan pekerjaan manusia dalam mengontrol peralatan rumah tangga denganmengunakan smartphone. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah me...
Desa Medowo merupakan salah satu Desa di Kecamatan Kandangan yang berada di daerah perbukitan.Keadaan geografis Desa Medowo menjadikan Desa tersebut memiliki berbagai macam lahan perbukitan yangsangat indah dan subur. Beberapa diantaranya adalah Wisata Alam Bukit Gandrung, Wisata Alam PlengsenganRefreshing Hill (PRH), dan Wisata Alam Air Terjun Sum...
Kegiatan peningkatan kualitas dapat membantu perusahaan dalam mempertahankan dan meningkatkankualitas produknya dengan melakukan perbaikan terhadap tingkat kerusakan produk sampai pada tingkatkerusakan nol. PT. Gemilang Inti Sukses merupakan sebuah Industri Rumah Porong Ayam berorientasiProfit yang bergerak di sektor agribisnis, dalam proses pemoto...
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This study is aimed to obtain information of different score variance result of equating linear method and equipercentile method for sample size 200, 400, and 800 in Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN). The research is important in considering the test device of UASBN shaped packages of different tests. Scores obtained from different pa...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi perbedaan variansi skor hasil penyetaraan (equating) metode linear dan metode eki-persentil untuk ukuran sampel 200, 400, dan 800 pada Ujian Akhir Sekolah Berstandar Nasional (UASBN). Metode yang digunakan adalah simulasi de-ngan variabel metode penyetaraan dan banyaknya responden. Data pene-litia...
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Perbuatan korupsi yang dilakukan seseorang ataupun sekelompok orang menunjukkan rendahnya moral bahkan hilangnya moral individu dan moral bangsa. Ironisnya, korupsi itu terjadi di sekolah, sebagai pusat pembudayaan nilai-nilai moral anak bangsa. Rendahnya moral individu dan bangsa menunjukkan gagalnya pendidikan moral di sekolah. Bangsa yang ko...


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