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Publications (28)
S Ibrahim K Sivakumar S Ng- [...]
A Pikula
Background: Stroke incidence is rising among younger adults (≤65yrs). Modifiable and behavioural risk factors are linked to stroke; however, limited understanding of knowledge and behaviour exists around preventative/lifestyle medicine (LSM) among this patient population. Study aim was to assess younger adult stroke patients’ lifestyle knowledge, h...
A recent study conducted among the Attié people of the Adzopé Health District revealed 33 medicinal plants used against schistosomiasis. Among these species, 11 were selected according to their heritage value. This study aims to highlight the groups of phytochemical compounds of these selected plants that are likely to have antiparasitic activity a...
Schistosomiasis or bilharziasis is a parasitic disease caused by flatworms or plathelminthes (bilharzias or schistosomes) that live in the venous vascular system. This disease is a major public health problem in countries located in the tropics and subtropics. The paper focuses on contributing to the eradication of schistosomiasis in Côte d'Ivoire...
Schistosomiasis or bilharziasis is a parasitic disease caused by flatworms or plathelminthes: bilharzias or schistosomes that live in the venous vascular system. This disease is a major public health problem in countries located in the tropics and subtropics. The general objective of this work was to contribute to the eradication of schistosomiasis...
La priorité pour les gouvernants de Côte d’Ivoire pour retarder la propagation de
l'infection à Covid-19 a été d’initier des mesures de sécurité sanitaire, notamment
le confinement, le couvre-feu ou l’isolement des villes les plus touchées par le coronavirus. Ces dispositions, bien que salutaires, peuvent créer un contexte
dans lequel de nombreuses...
Les mangroves occupent, aujourd'hui en Côte d'Ivoire, une zone très restreinte. Auparavant, elles se trouvaient surtout le long des lagunes, des fleuves mais elles ont été en grande partie détruites pour diverses raisons. Au regard des interactions existant entre les hommes et cet écosystème, leur gestion durable ne peut se faire sans une adhésion...
The study aims to reveal traditional knowledge in the healing of schistosomiasis in order to eventually propose an alternative treatment. A semi-structured interview with 120 Traditional Medicine Practitioners (TMP) was carried out. The TMP, mostly men (72.5%) have a good level of knowledge of the pathology. About 73% of these TMP are naturotherapi...
Heart failure (HF) is responsible for a significant amount of the economic and chronic disease burden, which impacts the Canadian health system. The Ontario Telemedicine Network Telehomecare (THC) program, a home self-management initiative, was created to improve access to care and limit healthcare utilization. This study aimed to evalua...
Fulminant myocarditis (FM) is a rare disease that may progress rapidly to refractory cardiogenic shock requiring temporary mechanical circulatory support. Venoarterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) has been used to provide biventricular support in these patients, however, studies have demonstrated conflicting results, likely...
Early graft dysfunction (EGD) is a major cause of morbidity and mortality following heart transplantation (HT). The rate of severe EGD requiring inotropes and/or mechanical circulatory support such as veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA ECMO) ranges from 8-20%. Our objective was to systematically review studies that report...
Veno-arterial extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (VA-ECMO) is associated with improved outcomes in patients with cardiogenic shock (CS). However, studies evaluating its benefit have reported contradictory results. One of the main factors impacting outcomes is likely related to etiology of CS. This meta-analysis aimed to evaluate mortality...
A strong anthropogenic pressure led to the reduction of the surfaces of the dense forests in Ivory Coast. Estimated at 15 million hectares at the beginning of the XXth, the forest surface is estimated at 2,7 million hectares at the end of the same century. The impact of the climate change is visible by several indicators. In spite of the climatic a...
Stroke is a public health emergency. This study was carried out in the markets of the District of Abidjan, from April to June 2018, to evaluate the knowledge of Traditional Medicine Practitioners on stroke related to its risk factors, sequelae and phytotherapeutic tools used for treatments. Based on semi-direct interviews, 306 herbalists were inter...
This study is part of a strategic approach based on the premise that to better fight against his opponent, we must know him better.
Therefore, improving tobacco control would require better understanding upstream of the actors supplying this product for consumption: the tobacco industries.
With the end of crisis sociopolitical in 2011, Côte d´Ivoire calls for capital from diverse investors to finance its reflation. In this context, the tobacco firms could use strategies to present themselves as socioeconomic development's actors. This situation could lead a risk of thoses firms' interfering in the political and financial p...
Ethnobotanic and sociological surveys were led with the populations of the cities of Abidjan, Bouaké and Korhogo. These investigations aimed at determining the uses that these populations make medicinal plants in their households. In total, 97 medicinal plants species were inventoried. On the set of 3 visited localities, the most used botanical spe...
La vision du monde, les systèmes de valeurs, les modes de vie et de consommation sont autant de critères socioculturels par lesquels une communauté se distingue d’une autre. Pour sauvegarder leur identité culturelle et assurer leur pérennité, bien des occasions leur sont offertes. En milieu traditionnel, c’est le cas des cérémonies de fiançailles,...
La déclaration des enfants à l’état civil est un droit fondamental reconnu par l'Organisation des Nations Unies depuis 1948. Cependant, en Côte d’Ivoire, le nombre d’enfants sans extrait d'acte de naissance croit au fil des ans. Parmi ces enfants sans extrait d'acte de naissance, on trouve de nombreux élèves. Cette non-déclaration des enfants d'âge...
Forage trading in the city of Abidjan is an activity not known by the population. The objective of the study was to determine the importance of the collection of forage plants in the socio-economic life of the actors of the sector. Prospects and semi-structured interviews were conducted, and we determined the floristic composition of forages sold i...
Design for the first Scientific day for the ASCAD (Academy for Sciences Culture for Africa and African diaspora)
Il est reconnu que les phénomènes sociaux résultent autant de déterminismes extérieurs
que d'une agrégation d’actions individuelles ou collectives. C’est dans ce cadre que l’effort scientifique dans cette étude se propose de comprendre les motivations ou raisons d’agir des populations installées illégalement dans le Parc national de la Marahoué (PN...
Le présent article fait une analyse rétrospective de la prolifération de cigarettes en zone
ex-CNO (Centre-Nord-Ouest) de la Côte d’Ivoire pendant la période de 2002 à 2011. En fait, ce pays a traversé une crise militaro-politique durant cette période. Cela a eu pour conséquence la partition du pays en deux (2) zones : une zone sous contrôle gouver...
How to overcome the obstacles since the implementation of measures to ban smoking? At the end of the survey, a document has been made which serves as a tool for the preparation of a social mobilization to achieve the effective implementation of this Decree.
Comment accompagner les modifications de comportement des populations nécessaires à la bonne gestion d’une aire protégée à travers l’éducation environnementale? En
d’autres termes, quels mécanismes de collaboration mettre en œuvre avec les communautés locales de sorte à les impliquer dans la gestion d’un parc ? C’est la question à laquelle cet arti...