Toni Waefler

Toni Waefler
FHNW University of Applied Sciences and Arts | FHNW · School of Applied Psychology


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Publications (61)
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This white paper focusses on the interaction between humans and artificial intelligence (AI) in knowledge-intensive work tasks.
Conference Paper
This study examines the factors that influence individuals' readiness to share knowledge with artificial intelligence (AI) in organizational settings. With the increasing integration of AI into business processes, there are benefits such as increased operational efficiency and decision support. AI systems require the expertise of skilled employees...
Conference Paper
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Effective safety management requires a reliable information basis. At the same time, established safety management systems (SMS) and surveys are known to have certain limitations, such as low participation rates or data bias due to the influence of situational factors (e.g., Pfeiffer, Manser & Wehner, 2010; Sujan, 2015). In collaboration with Swiss...
The sharing economy has witnessed tremendous growth in a multitude of industries around the world. Little B2B sharing, however, can be observed in industry practice, although it provides attractive opportunities for SMEs. Findings from an applied research project suggest some prerequisites for SMEs that want to engage in sharing and offer several t...
Human-technology combination is normally conceptualized on a bi-polar dimension from no technical autonomy to full technical autonomy, and consequently from full human control to no human control. This paper presents an alternative scale for describing levels of human-technology teaming. It assumes complementarity of humans and technology. Humans a...
Conference Paper
The sharing economy offers great potential for companies to access resources in a more sustainable way, to create knowledge synergies or to save costs. This potential is particularly attractive to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) as it provides access to scarce resources that otherwise are not affordable. However, sharing resources in B2B...
Conference Paper
The trend towards digitalization requires equipment manufacturers to complement their products with data-based services. Successfully implementing appropriate processes into existing organizational structures poses several challenges, which we address in this research. Based on two in-depth case studies together with Swiss industrial companies we d...
Wenn Menschen und Technik kooperieren, dann bilden sie ein soziotechnisches System. Darin findet Kooperation einerseits unter Menschen und andererseits zwischen Menschen und der Technik statt. Der folgende Beitrag reflektiert darüber, wie sich diese beiden Kooperationsformen verändern, wenn Technik beginnt, im Sinne von künstlicher Intelligenz (KI)...
Measuring the effectiveness of measures implemented to improve safety is multi-dimensional. The method “Safety Measure Effectiveness Assessment Tool” (EAT) described in this paper provides guidelines to assess measures. It distinguishes six levels of measure assessment: (i) the measure itself, (ii) the implementation of the measure, (iii) knowledge...
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Explainability has been recognized as an important requirement of artificial intelligence (AI) systems. Transparent decision policies and explanations regarding why an AI system comes about a certain decision is a pre-requisite if AI is supposed to support human decision-making or if human-AI collaborative decision-making is envisioned. Human-AI in...
We all aim for safe processes. However, providing safety is a complex endeavour. What is it that makes a process safe? And what is the contribution of humans? It is very common to consider humans a risk factor prone to errors. Therefore, we implement sophisticated safety management systems (SMS) in order to prevent potential "human failure". These...
Conference Paper
Kurzfassung: In Unternehmen mit hohem Gefahrenpotenzial sind Flexibilität und Resilienz wichtige Voraussetzungen, um Sicherheit zu gewährleisten. Aber gerade diese Unternehmen sehen sich einer zunehmenden Flut von Standardisierungen und Regulierungen durch Vorschriften gegenüber. Die Regeldichte hat inzwischen so stark zugenommen, dass Vorschriften...
Safety Management Systems (SMS) normally base on the assumption that safety can be guaranteed through a prescription of a one-best-way of activity performance. Any deviation from this one-best-way is considered a violation. Main objective of safety measures is therefore to eliminate variability in human performance. A more comprehensive safety pers...
Conference Paper
Knowledge is in the heads of people. Managing knowledge is more than maintaining data bases, but making sure, that relevant knowledge is transferred from head to head. This is especially difficult regarding tacit knowledge on both, individual and collective level. In this applied research project, two methods aiming at improving an organization’s k...
Conference Paper
Der digitale Wandel schafft Innovationspotenzial, wobei erst die soziotechnische Abstimmung von Prozessen und Technologien die Nutzung dieses Potenzials ermöglicht. Im Projekt soll eine Potenzialanalyse für KMUs entwickelt werden, welche auf einer Kooperationsplattform angewendet wird. Diese soll den betriebsübergreifenden Wissens und Erfahrungsaus...
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Die Digitale Transformation hat Hochkonjunktur: Seit etwa 2014/2015 gehört dieses Schlagwort zum Handwerk aller Mitarbeitenden in Beratungsfirmen und auf Geschäftsleitungs-, Abteilungs- und Projektleitungsebenen. Die Treiber der Digitalen Transformation sind unzählige neue Datenquellen, neue Technologien sowie Anforderungen vom Markt und von Gesch...
Conference Paper
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Der Grad der Automatisierung in der Zugverkehrsleitung im Bahnverkehr wird künftig zunehmen. Eine Herausforderung besteht dabei darin, Arbeitsaufgaben trotz hoher Automatisierung menschengerecht zu gestalten und eine angemessene Mensch-Maschine Funktionsteilung zu realisieren. In einem Projekt der Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz und den Schweizerisc...
Scheduling determines the sequence and timing of activities in an organization. This involves, for example, decisions about priorities, timing, staff assignment, and allocating machines to manufacturing operations. These decisions have a considerable impact on performance in many organizations. Scheduling problems are well known for their numerical...
Conference Paper
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Piloten von Verkehrsflugzeugen der heutigen Generation arbeiten in komplexen, hochautomatisierten Mensch-Maschine-Systemen (Faber, 2009). Dies führt dazu, dass Linienpiloten heute hauptsächlich als Systemüberwacher und Manager des hochautomatisierten Systems Flugzeug agieren (Hünecke, 2008). Nebst den unbestreitbaren wirtschaftlichen Vorteilen ist...
Conference Paper
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This paper discusses an approach and a proposal of modeling socio-technical production systems. During the analysis and the development of new concepts the need for suitable representation methods emerged. Especially we had to grasp and document varied system aspects and make these aspects un-derstandable for our project team. Surprisingly no stand...
Conference Paper
This paper discusses an approach and a proposal of modeling socio-technical production systems. During the analysis and the development of new concepts the need for suitable representation methods emerged. Especially we had to grasp and document varied system aspects and make these aspects understandable for our project team. Surprisingly no standa...
Conference Paper
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How do changes in automation in signalling and train dispatching impact operators' tasks there-in? To which positive as well as to which negative effects can an increasing automation of sig-nalling and train dispatching lead? And how do these changes affect the requirements on design of such systems? A research project run by the University of Appl...
Conference Paper
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Bei den Schweizerischen Bundesbahnen wurde untersucht, wel-che Auswirkungen eine zunehmende Automatisierung auf die Arbeit der Zug-verkehrsleitung hat. Verschiedene Tätigkeiten der Zugverkehrsleitung wurden auf der Basis von leitfadengestützten Tätigkeitsbeobachtungen, Interviews und Dokumentenanalysen analysiert. In Automatisierungsprofilen wurde...
Conference Paper
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Im Projekt "Mensch-Maschine-Interaktion im Betrieb der SBB" geht es um die Fragen, welche Auswirkungen Veränderungen der Automatisierung auf die Tätigkeiten in der Zugverkehrsleitung haben und welche Anforderungen daraus für die Gestaltung der betroffenen Systeme entstehen. Erste Ergebnisse zum aktuellen Stand der Automatisierung verschiedener Arbe...
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Production planning and scheduling (PPS) requires human decision making. In this chapter, we introduce two theoretical models of Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM). Their applicability to the PPS domain has not been investigated to date. A field study in a Swiss manufacturing company is described, using existing NDM methods to study ‘real world’ de...
This chapter has been triggered by the experience that the implementation of new information technology (IT) supporting planning, scheduling, and control – although being more sophisticated than earlier systems – does not necessarily result in better control. Also, the experience was made that the implementation of the same IT leads to different re...
Instabilities in production planning and control have received considerable attention due to their negative impact on planning performance. However, extant research has been limited to theoretical (e.g. simulation) settings and has focused on specific methodologies (e.g. mathematical) to overcome instabilities. The objective of this chapter is to m...
Human and organizational factors have a substantial impact on the performance of planning and scheduling processes. Despite widespread and advanced decision support systems, human decision makers are still crucial to improve the operational performance in manufacturing industries. In this text, the state of the art in this area is discussed by expe...
Conference Paper
Safety management involves safety assessment on the basis of indicator measurement and appraisal. The case study presented in this paper shows that (i) indicator selection is incomplete, especially soft factors and proactive factors are missing, and that (ii) indicator appraisal is partly driven by subjective judgments on the basis of tacit knowled...
Conference Paper
Entscheidungsträger im Sicherheitsmanagement (SM) haben ein starkes Bedürfnis an Objektivierbarkeit und Absicherung ihrer Bewertungen des Sicherheitsstatus. Aus diesem Grund geht ein Trend im SM dahin, Modelle zu entwickeln, die proaktive Sicherheitsindikatoren in die Sicherheitsmanagementprozesse einbeziehen. Von diesen Indikatoren verspricht man...
Dieser Beitrag beschreibt die Chancen und Gefahren der Übernahme konzeptioneller Grundlagen moderner Sicherheitsmanagementsysteme, wie sie in der Kerntechnik und Luftfahrt verwendet werden, bei der Gestaltung von Melde- und Analysesystemen im Gesundheitswesen, in deren Fokus die Sicherheit Patient/inn/en bei der medizinischen Versorgung steht.
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Inter-organisational cooperation holds a huge potential for exploiting opportunities of dynamical, globalised markets - especially for SMEs. Furthermore, today's ICT potentially allows for quick exchange of information and for coordinating activities. However, state of the art software architectures and technologies also hamper cross-organisational...
This paper is a continuation of the antagonistic dialogue about the differences of chaordic systems thinking (CST) and socio-technical systems design (STS). In this second part of the conversation a concrete example is used to illustrate the added value provided by CST. Whereas STS focuses on an organization's surface by designing processes and str...
This paper explores the added value of chaordic systems Thinking for organizational renewal, which is defined as transformation instead of reformation. The exploration is presented in the form of an antagonistic dialogue between two “voices,” which develop commentaries from distinct theoretical inspirations, namely chaordic systems thinking (CST) a...
Industrial planning, scheduling and control (PSC) is understood as a task performed within sociotechnical systems. Nevertheless it is argued that the ‘classical’ sociotechnical systems approach fails in supporting design of PSC-systems, because it mainly focuses on demarcating tasks and allocating them to primary work systems and to individuals. Ho...
Conference Paper
A continuous changing environment imposes new requirements for assembly management and the role of human factors. To support an adequate response to these changes the European PSIM project was started in March 2000. This project aims at enabling the ongoing and integral improvement of assembly processes using advanced simulation software and up-to-...
The concept of the socio-technical system design tool (STSD tool) is presented. The STSD tool supports participatory re-design of assembly enterprises on the basis of the socio-technical approach. It is aimed at a joint optimization of social and technical factors. For this the tool offers criteria for analysis and guidelines for the development of...
This chapter discusses the complementary allocation of functions in automated work systems. It is widely recognized that current and future users should participate in system design in order to capitalize on their knowledge and to incorporate their needs and concerns into the design process (for example, Ulich & Grote, in press). In addition, the l...
A crucial step in any system design concerns the allocation of functions between human and machine. In simultaneous engineering, function allocation is potentially an issue both in product design — if the product is a technical system itself — and in process design. It is argued that well-founded function allocation decisions in relation to the pro...
In the early days of automation the engineer designed the task to be automated in a manner where technical solutions were available. The rest of the work had to be done by the operator. These technically oriented systems failed because they were not flexible and the human had no possibilities to intervene or override the programmed process. In this...
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This conceptual contribution explores the added value of Chaordic System Thinking (CST) for organisational renewal, and its consequences for future research. The paper starts with some essentials of CST (concepts of attractor, holon, discontinuous development, nonlinearity, chaordic properties). In order to answer the before-mentioned question more...
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of networks, metrics of connectivity of networks, metrics for complexity of networks, complexity of networked organis-ations, complexity of networked economy. bench learning in supply chain of tele-services, benchmarking, best practices, organisational change and knowledge.
Human Factors are widely neglected in research on shopfloor planning, scheduling and control (PSC). To tackle this problem the HOPS-network (Human and Organizational factors in Planning and Scheduling) of European researchers was founded in 2004. HOPS established two working groups investigating distributed/collaborative PSC and decision support sy...
Huerlimann, Fred W.: Nett. Netter. Internet?; Clases, Christoph: "Swift trust" - Vertrauen ad hoc; Suess, Daniel: Von @ bis Z; Willi, Martin: Willkommen im Habbo-Hotel!; Messerli, Beat / von Bueren, Lucie: Rechtliche Aspekte der Online-Beratung; Lang, Josef: Online-Paartherapie, Ist die Psychotherapie ins Netz gegangen?; Styger, Tony: -...
Aeschlimann, Heidi: Konfliktlösungsmassnahmenkatalog; Lindner, Evelin Gerda: Die Psychologie der Demütigung; Bollag Dondi, Mirjam: Kultursensible Konfliktberatung; Peter, Urs: Deeskalation von Konflikten - erkennen, denken, handeln!; Johner, Beat: Teamentwicklung; Kallwass, Angelika: "Zwei bei Kallwass" - Märchen für Erwachsene ermöglichen dem Zusc...


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