Tomohiro KatsuzakiUniversity of Fukui · Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Advanced Interdisciplinary Science and Technology, Doctoral Program in Graduate School of Engineering
Tomohiro Katsuzaki
Master of Engineering
Optimization of energy management plans using electric vehicles and energy storage systems for distribution systems.
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Tomohiro Katsuzaki is a doctoral student at University of Fukui in Japan.
His research focuses specifically on modeling-and-optimizing about energy supply-and-demand in regional areas where large-scale-introduced electric vehicles (EV), batteries and photovoltaics (PV).
His study focuses on power systems field in his doctoral program and on energy materials field in his master's-and-bachelor's programs.
He aims to be a power energy professional.
Additional affiliations
September 2022 - September 2022
The Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan (IEEJ)
- Venue Charge and Operation Assistance (Part-Time Worker)
- In charge of the venue for the "Annual Conference" by the PES in IEEJ and other operational assistance.
April 2020 - March 2022
- Teaching Assistant
- "Teaching assistant (TA) program" is a training program combined with financial aid to be provided to excellent graduate students. Aid recipients are provided with opportunities to act as an assistant teacher to give undergraduate students advice or help with experiments or course works.
October 2020 - present
- Research Assistant
- "Research assistant (RA) program" is a training program combined with financial aid to be provided to excellent graduate students. Aid recipients are provided with opportunities to participate in a research project as an assistant researcher to develop their research implementation abilities.
Publications (20)
Optimal Scheme for Remote Island Power System considering PV Forecast Error (2025 Annual Meeting IEEJ) 日本の離島電力系統では,ディーゼル発電機(DG)によって電力供給が行われてきた。また,近年の太陽光発電(PV)システムの普及によってPVの予測誤差の影響が増加し,供給予備力の不足や需給インバランスが問題となっている。本研究では,当日にPV出力の予測を繰り返し更新し,数分ごとに発電機起動停止計画を再立案することによって,不確実性による予測誤差の影響に即時対応できるような計画手法を提案した。シミュレーションでは,最大負荷が大きい淡水化装置が稼働しても,蓄電池によってDG追加起動を要求せず,重負...
Optimal Joint Planning of Technology Selection, Capacities Planning, and Operation Scheduling for Demand-Side Energy System considering Dynamics of Heat Pump Water Heater and Linkage of Electricity, Heat, and Water (Jxiv)
Heat pump water heaters (HPWHs) are attracting considerable attention as a pivotal renewable energy technology for achieving ca...
Research on energy management systems for microgrids up to recent years has covered a wide range of time scales, equipment, and services. However, the roles and purposes of consumers and aggregators targeted in these studies are scattered, making it difficult to apply them to the actual construction of microgrids. This study comprehensively deals w...
Optimal Demand-Supply Scheduling Considering PV Penetration and Securing ESS Reserve Power for Remote Island Power System Including Desalination Unit (2024 Annual Meeting IEEJ) 外部との連系線を持たない離島電力系統ではディーゼル発電機(DG)により島内需要を賄っている。しかし,高額な燃料単価と保守点検費が経済的負担を増大させている。また,島民のライフラインとして機能する淡水化装置(DU)の最大負荷は大きく,その運転計画を考慮した電力供給運用を行うことが重要である。本稿では,これらに加えてPV導入・ESS予備力確保を考慮...
This study focuses on the development of an energy management system (EMS) for a microgrid (MG) that prioritizes balanced demand-supply operation to accommodate the stakes of distribution system operator (DSO), consumers (CNSs), and aggregator (AGR). An innovative EMS model for MG is introduced, which integrates power interchange (PIC) through elec...
Scheme for Estimating Installed Capacity in Microgrid Construction (ACROSS Innovation Forum)
Proposal of Preliminary Study Framework for Regional Microgrid Construction (2023 Annual Meeting IEEJ) 国内外においてマイクログリッド(MG)への関心は高まっており,様々なMGの構築やその運用形態などが議論されている。資源エネルギー庁が提唱する地域MG構築フローにおける事前検討の段階では多種多様な地域MGの必要性・目的・概要の検討を行える汎用的な枠組みの構築が望まれる。本稿では,事前検討フレームワークとしてMFSVSサイクルを提案し,これを使用した地域MG構築の事前検討の例を示す。福井県越前市内の仮想3地域へ家庭用蓄電池システムを導入して地域MG構築を行う場合の事前検討の結果,コストの面を重...
Optimization Problem of Local Power Supply and Demand by Cross-Regional Power-Interchange for Diversified Aggregation Businesses (Joint Technical Meeting on Power Engineering/Power Systems Engineering/Semiconductor Power Converter) 系統運用管轄者とその目的が多様化・複雑化するアグリゲーションビジネスの展開のためには,目的関数が一般化された最適化問題が必要となる.加えて,エネルギーマネジメントのためのVPPやDRの必要量や貢献度,その向きが検出できる必要もある.本研...
Preliminary Study about Net Load Power Leveling by Energy Storage System and Power Interchange in Energy Supply and Demand Model in Regional System (Joint conference of Hokuriku chapters of Electrical and Information Societies 2022) 太陽光発電(PV)の余剰電力の発生および電気自動車(EV)の充放電の地理的・時間的な集中などによる地域系統の負荷の不均衡が問題視されている.本研究では,蓄電池(ES)の運用のみならずEVの充放電により地域系統間の電力融通(IC)を行い...
Crystal Nucleation on Nitrogen-Modified Epitaxial Graphene (Master's Thesis at University of Fukui)
Effect of the AlN Thickness and Step Height on the AlN/Epitaxial graphene/4H-SiC Structure Formation (The 82nd JSAP Autumn Meeting 2021) 多機能2次元構造(MF2DS: AlN/EG/SiC構造)は、窒化物半導体やシリコンのエピタキシャル成長用の新たな汎用テンプレート構造として期待されている。現在、SiC熱分解法によりEGをAlN/SiC界面へ形成する際にAlN層が一部熱分解してEGが露出する問題がある。AlN層は表面から熱分解が進むのに対し、EGの形成はSiC表面のステップ端から進むとされる。そこで、本研究では、AlN/SiC構造におけるステップ高さがMF...
Formation Process of Epitaxial Graphene in the Fabrication of Multifunctional Two-Dimension Structure (MF2DS) (The 68th JSAP Spring Meeting 2021)
Graphene integration with commonly used Si is very promising for high-performance devices in the future. The fabrication of Si on graphene has gained more attention to realize promising device design and to develop high-quality Si thin-film technology. Nevertheless, attempts to develop Si on graphene are very few, and films are often of poor-qualit...
GaN Layer Growth on Epitaxial Graphene using MF2DS (The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting 2020)
GaN Growth by using Repaired Multifunctional Two-Dimension Structures (The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting 2020)
Surface Modification of Epitaxial Graphene for Thin-Film Si Growth (The 81st JSAP Autumn Meeting 2020) 近年、Si基板とグラフェンを組み合わせた構造を作製する技術として、グラフェン・オン・シリコン(GOS)技術がある。一方、シリコン・オン・グラフェン(SOG)技術についてはあまり研究されていない。SOG技術はエピタキシャルグラフェン(EG)上にSi結晶薄膜を原子層単位で膜厚を制御しながら成長することを可能にする。現在、Si薄膜化技術の主流はCMPを用いたSiウエハーの薄膜化技術であるが、SOG技術を用いたSi薄膜化技術は次世代3次元集積化における他の選択肢となり得るものと考えられる。SOG技...
Thin-Film Si Crystal Growth on Nitrogen-Modified Epitaxial Graphene (Bachelor's Thesis at University of Fukui)