Tomislav SubaranovicUniversity of Belgrade · Chair of Surface Mining
Tomislav Subaranovic
Doctor of Engineering
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Publications (20)
Scheduled maintenance of overall slope stability with efficient surface and underground dewatering and appropriate dump technology are the basic subprocesses that provide sustainable dump development process and minimize geomechanical, environmental, safety, and production risks. Neglecting these preconditions in the design phase often leads to slo...
Surface mining of coal has a negative impact on the environment that needs to be prevented, reduced, controlled, monitored by applying the management of technological processes of technical and biological recultivation after the end of exploitation works. The paper deals with the problem of multi-criteria decision-making in the process of selection...
The technical and technological characteristics of the Stanari Power Plant block were designed based on the results of the analysis of coal samples from the Raskovac opencast mine. There haven't been any notable variations in the coal quality during the Stanari thermal power plant's present operating term from the project's stated values. For the e...
Vrednovanje rizika je od izuzetnog značaja u rudarstvu i posebno u površinskoj eksploataciji mineralnih sirovina. Principi, okvir i proces upravljanja rizikom dati su u međunarodnom standardu ISO 31000:2018 koji pruža opšte smernice za dizajn, implementaciju i održavanje procesa upravljanja rizicima u celoj rudarskoj organizacija tokom svih faza ra...
Zaštita površinskih kopova lignita od podzemnih voda predstavlja kompleksan problem u hidrogeologiji.
Njih karakteriše dinamičnost u smislu stalnog širenja, posmatrano u planu i po dubini, od samog početka
eksploatacije rude pa do kraja njihovog radnog veka. Zbog ovakvih prilika, ceo proces zahteva stalno
prilagođavanje novonastalim uslovima tok...
Protection of open cast mines from groundwater is a complex problem in hydrogeology. Characteristic of these mines is the constant expansion, viewed in plan and in depth, from the very beginning of ore exploitation until the end of ore exploitation. Due to such circumstances, the whole process requires constant adaptation to new conditions during l...
Nepredvidivi ekološki-negativni slučajni procesi mogu uticati na geo-tehnički sistem pri površinskoj eksploataciji ležišta mineralnih sirovina, što u velikoj meri uvećava rizike i ugrožava realizaciju proizvodnje. Kvantitativna analiza sa proračunom verovatnoća pojava ovakvih ekstremnih događaja i procenom odgovarajućih ekonomskih posledica, posebn...
Formiranje geomehanički stabilnih unutrašnjih odlagališta otkrivke ima izuzetno značajnu ulogu pri projektovanju i planiranju razvoja površinskih kopova uglja sa aspekta preraspodele masa otkrivke, dinamike eksploatacije, ekoloških zahteva, rudarskih rizika i troškova. Uvećanje zavodnjenosti unutrašnjeg odlagališta otkrivke površinskog kopa Tamnava...
Definisanje optimalne završne konture površinskog kopa od suštinskog je značaja za ostvarivanje strateških ciljeva u razvoju rudarskih projekata. Savremeni programski paketi i metode za optimizaciju granica kopa, zasnivaju se na pronalasku završne konture koja obezbeđuje maksimalan profit. U slučaju površinskih kopova uglja, kod kojih osim profita...
The rapid technology advancement and the significant decline of investment costs in wind and solar energy generation have opened up a significant opportunity to build these facilities on closed opencast mines or mines in the phase of closure around the world, where large available areas are almost ideal for such projects. In that sense, it is neces...
Unprecedented floods in 2014 caused huge consequences on Serbian lignite opencast mines, such as halt of coal production and damages of the mining equipment. Three equipment revitalization options were urgently assessed to continue with coal production on opencast mine Tamnava-West Field. This paper compares the economic risks of the three investme...
Availability is one of the most used terms in maintainability engineering. This concept is used to denote: The quality of service of an engineering system, i.e., machines, weak points’ analysis, asset management, as well as making decisions in the process of life cycle management. Availability is an overall indicator and contains partial indicators...
In a continuous system of production in open-cast coal mining, in addition to the basic machinery which consists of highly productive machines (bucket-wheel excavators, bucket-chain excavators, spreaders, conveyor-belt transporters, etc.) that provide an uninterrupted exploitation of mineral ores, the usage of auxiliary machinery is also necessary....
Drmno open pit mine with the annual yield of 9 million tons of coal is one of the main providers of the primary energy source in company Elektroprivreda Srbije. Due to the immediate vicinity of two rivers, the Mlava and the Danube, water abundance in the working environment is high and the problem of protecting the open pit from infiltration of und...
The paper presents two model approaches to life cycle assessment of auxiliary mining machines: one of them is based on reliability theory and the other on the principle of cost-effectiveness. During exploitation of machines, the level of their reliability decreases while operating costs increase. These indicators of opposing trends detect the opera...
Površinski kop „Tamnava - Zapadno polje“, kao deo kolubarskog ugljonosnog basena, je najveći i najmoderniji površinski kop na kome se vrši eksploatacija lignita u Srbiji. Na osnovu hidrogeološkog modela, kreiran je hidrodinamički model režima podzemnih voda površinskog kopa “Tamnava - Zapadno polje”. Kalibracija modela je izvedena u stacionarnim us...
Development of mining in the opencast mine Drmno from Kostolac basin in Serbia is carried out in the increasingly complex geological and hydro-geological conditions with the decline of the coal seams to the alluvial part of Europe’s largest river Danube. Greater depth and inflow of groundwater significantly increase costs for dewatering facilities...
Izvorište podzemnih voda „Peštan“ nalazi se u centralnom delu rudarskog basena „Kolubara“, na prostoru „Polja F“. Koristi se za obezbeđivanje dodatnih količina voda (pored glavnog izvorišta „Nepričava“) za vodosnabdevanje stanovništva grada Lazarevca. Sastoji se od 14 eksploatacionih bunara koji kaptiraju „međuslojnu“ izdan, formiranu u okviru neog...