Tomaž ČaterUniversity of Ljubljana · School of Economics and Business
Tomaž Čater
Researcher, lecturer and consultant in management and organization
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I received my Ph.D. from the School of Economics and Business, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, where I work as a Full Professor of Management and the Director of Sport Management master's program. I also served in the management board of the European Academy of Management (EURAM) and was the president of the Slovenian Academy of Management (SAM). My main fields of research are strategic management, competitive advantage, corporate social and environmental responsibility, and sport management.
Additional affiliations
October 1998 - present
University of Ljubljana - School of Economics and Business
- Full Professor of Management
December 2000 - October 2003
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
Field of study
- Management and Organization
October 1998 - November 2000
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
Field of study
- Management and Organization
October 1994 - September 1998
University of Ljubljana, School of Economics and Business
Field of study
- Management and Organization
Publications (67)
This paper reviews the common motives and major impacts of sports sponsorships undertaken by sponsoring organisations. Following a systematic review of 72 relevant articles, seven key motives for engaging in sports sponsorship were identified. Marketing, customer retention, and brand equity emerged as the most frequently studied, while the sponsors...
This study addresses the dearth of research on what enables firms’ performance in the context of Industry 4.0 (I4.0). We investigate how I4.0 shapes the effects of firm investments over time and whether the effects of people and equipment depend on innovative management approaches. A longitudinal multi-sector study is conducted of 157 export-orient...
Inovacije pomembno vplivajo na uspešnost izvoznih podjetij, poleg tega pa imajo zelo pomembno vlogo pri uresničevanju strategije trajnostnega razvoja. Namen tega prispevka je proučiti, v kolikšni meri slovenski izvozniki uvajajo trajnostne inovacije in kateri motivi vplivajo na uvajanje trajnostnih inovacij. Pri tem razlikujemo med dvema vrstama in...
Namen članka je predstaviti celosten pristop k spremljanju trajnostnega poslovanja podjetij s pomočjo koncepta Trajnostnega poslovnega indeksa (TPI), ki zajema okoljsko dimenzijo (aktivnosti zmanjševanja porabe virov, zelenitve procesov in izdelkov, zmanjševanja odpadkov in zniževanja emisij ter aktivnosti ekosistemske podpore), družbeno dimenzijo...
This paper adds to CSR, environmental management and strategy literature by examining motivating and enabling factors of corporate environmental and social responsibility practices. We develop and compare two moderated mediation models – one related to the environmental (Study 1) and the other to the social (Study 2) dimension of sustainability. Su...
The purpose of this paper is to examine how human resource management (HRM) quality and cohesion in post-transitional South-East European basketball teams influence athletes’ work engagement and their contribution to their team’s performance. The model was tested with structural equation modelling on a sample of 559 basketball athletes from four So...
Firms’ performance during exogenous crises depends on several factors, from strategic foresight, financial readiness, and a number of firm-specific as well as sectoral aspects, also including luck and government support. The aim of this paper is to investigate the extent to which the ‘crisis readiness’ of firms, defined by factors like a proactive...
The aim of this study was to develop a model that links the motives, obstacles and expected outcomes of Industry 4.0 implementation. First, it aimed to determine the extent of use of Industry 4.0 technologies and then to investigate the motives, expected outcomes (short and long-term), and the relationship between them. Obstacles to the implementat...
Purpose: The presented study aims to identify and classify the value factors that influence the value of football clubs from the stakeholder perspective, while also discussing how these factors can affect the choice of valuation methods. The paper considers how value should be measured from the perspective of stakeholders. Research focuses on clubs...
Purpose: The paper aims to contribute to a better understanding of the drivers for the use of Industry 4.0 technologies by investigating (1) what motivates companies to consider using I4 technologies and (2) what enables (or hinders) the intention to use I4 technologies to translate into their actual use.
Design/methodology/approach: The study use...
This chapter discusses the evolvement of the sustainability concept and its importance in the strategic management context. First, we review the development of the concept over the last century and presents the most commonly used sustainability definitions. Then, the three pillars of sustainability (economic, natural and social) are reviewed, highl...
The relationship between cultural values and leadership is in the very centre of cross-cultural leadership research. While earlier studies propose a direct relationship between national culture and leadership behaviour, more recent studies in the GLOBE framework found that national culture has an indirect influence on leadership behaviour through s...
Slovensko gospodarstvo je močno vpeto v mednarodne verige vrednosti. Ker je tehnološki razvoj pomemben za ohranjanje konkurenčnosti in položaja na mednarodnih trgih, številna podjetja aktivno vpeljujejo nove tehnologije s področja Industrije 4.0. Prednjačijo velika podjetja, majhna in srednja pa v procesu uvajanja novi tehnologij zaostajajo. Članek...
The paper aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on environmental strategy, its motives and results in a post-transition context. A conceptual model is developed in which environmental motives are linked to a corporate environmental strategy, while a corporate environmental strategy is indirectly linked through functional implementation activi...
The purpose of this study is to examine how private funding affects non-profit sport clubs in terms of their strategic decisions and organisational performance. Data for the study were collected from a survey of 73 basketball clubs’ managers from four South-east European countries. Explorative factor analysis and structural equation modelling were...
The aim of this study is to contribute to a better understanding of the strategic dilemmas faced by non-profit sport clubs, examine how the various stakeholder groups influence them, and test whether the influence of the municipality affects their organisational performance. Data for the study were collected from a survey of 73 basketball clubs’ to...
V članku predstavljamo pregled obstoječe in potencialne individualne stanovanjske gradnje v Sloveniji, ocenjujemo tržni potencial za vgradnjo toplotnih črpalk pri nas ter analiziramo trende v panogi toplotnih črpalk na izbranih evropskih trgih. Naš namen je na temelju kompilacije številnih sekundarnih podatkov ter z uporabo znanstvenih metod analiz...
Ker je šport mešana (javna in zasebna) dobrina, je seveda smiselno, da se ga financira tudi z javnimi viri. Največ javnega financiranja športa v Sloveniji odpade na lokalne skupnosti, sledijo sredstva države in EU, manjši delež pa prispeva še Fundacija za šport. Javna sredstva za šport so se nominalno v zadnjih 15 letih zelo povišala, če pa iz tega...
Slovenske fakultete so se organiziranja športne vzgoje po bolonjski prenovi lotile zelo različno. V prispevku, ki temelji na empiričnih podatkih iz 17 od skupaj 26 članic ljubljanske univerze, ugotavljamo, da je športne vzgoje kot obvezne vsebine vse manj, medtem ko se krepi športna vzgoja kot neobvezna vsebina. Iz tega izhaja, da se vlaganje truda...
In today’s dynamic environment, it is extremely important to study the circumstances in which environmental management contributes to a firm’s competitiveness. Relying on the dynamic capabilities view, this study empirically examines the relationships between environmental proactivity, organizational life cycle stages, competitive advantage, and in...
While many studies have examined the alignment of an organisation's environmental strategy with a number of contingencies such as general business environment, industry and organisational characteristics (the organisation's size, resources, capabilities, etc.), relatively few have considered the role of the organisational life cycle. The value of l...
Z namenom zmanjšanja relativno neplodnih razprav o tem, kdaj se nek športni objekt splača ter kdo naj prevzame breme njegovega financiranja, želimo s tem prispevkom poudariti, da je pred vsakokratno razpravo o gradnji novega ali obnovi obstoječega športnega objekta treba odgovoriti na dve osnovni vprašanji o smiselnosti financiranja športnih objekt...
Slovenske fakultete so se organiziranja športne vzgoje po bolonjski prenovi lotile zelo različno, namen tega članka pa je raziskati, kako se s tem vprašanjem soočajo najboljše tuje univerze. Analizirali smo, koliko izmed 100 najboljših tujih univerz (po kriterijih Higher Education World University Rankings, QS World University Rankings in Shanghai...
We aim to develop a meaningful single-source reference for management and organization scholars interested in using bibliometric methods for mapping research specialties. Such methods introduce a measure of objectivity into the evaluation of scientific literature and hold the potential to increase rigor and mitigate researcher bias in reviews of sc...
Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to explore causal complexity in the relationship between environmental proactivity and firm performance. Using data collected from 27 Australian firms and controlling for the organizational life cycle, type of industry and external contingencies, the study empirically examines environmental proactivity in high-...
This article introduces the joint research project titled “GLOBE Student” with its focus on seven Central and Eastern European countries at its current stage. The project’s overall aim is to investigate cultural ideals and practices as well as leadership prototypes of future managers, based on the assumption that today’s students will likely form t...
The original GLOBE project investigated and compared societal culture and leadership in 60 societies world-wide, based on a dataset of middle managers in three industries in each of the countries involved. Because of these sampling criteria, GLOBE’s findings may be considered limited, raising questions as to the generalization of its results to the...
When discussing environmental strategies, previous studies almost completely neglected the importance of companies' perceptions of their customers' eco-characteristics. This study aims to address this gap, first, by proposing a typology of companies based on their perceptions of customers' environmental activeness and deterrents and, second, by ana...
Purpose: The study aims to contribute to the training-related literature by investigating the relationship between training and training transfer factors and company-level training outcomes, and the relationship between the latter and company performance.
Design/methodology/approach: The authors propose and test a model linking constructs related...
Environmental innovations are an important factor in the development of a sustainable society. Due to financial constraints, most SMEs do not have a serious interest in environmental questions, even though they represent an important share of pollution and natural resource consumption. In a time of economic recession, different public support mecha...
The purpose of the study was to analyse the situation in Slovenian women’s handball with the use of theoretical findings from the area of strategic sports management. The basic methodological tool used was SWOT analysis; partial and holistic methods have been used throughout the study, whereas methods of description and comparison have been mostly...
The paper aims to contribute to the body of knowledge on client commitment in business-to-business professional services by developing and testing two alternative models: one based on the Relationship Marketing (RM) approach and the second on the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing Group (IMP) approach. Both models include the same mediators (compo...
The article contributes to the body of knowledge about the perceptions of future managers (i.e. business and engineering students) in both Slovenia and a cluster of Central European (CE) countries regarding actual cultural practices in their social environments, the value systems they possess and their attitudes to leadership styles. The main quest...
The purpose of the study was to analyse the situation in Slovenian women’s handball with the use of theoretical findings from the area of strategic sports management. The basic methodological tool used was SWOT analysis; partial and holistic methods have been used throughout the study, whereas methods of description and comparison have been mostly...
The article examines how product and relationship quality influence customer commitment along with their combined effect on customer loyalty. The results show that product quality influences positive and negative calculative commitment. With regard to relationship quality, its “social” dimensions such as cooperation and trust have a much greater in...
The paper's purpose is to add to the body of knowledge on strategy implementation by systematically studying the activities for and obstacles to strategy execution on a sample of 172 Slovenian companies. The results show that managers mostly rely on planning and organising activities when implementing strategies, while the biggest obstacle to strat...
The paper’s purpose is to broaden our knowledge of value-based determinants of customer competitive advantage, satisfaction and loyalty in business-to-business relationships. We propose and test a model in which customer competitive advantage and satisfaction are conceived as mediating the relationship between product- and relationship-based value,...
Purpose: The paper's purpose is to broaden knowledge of customer satisfaction and loyalty in business-to-business markets.
Design/methodology/approach: The authors propose and test a model in which customer satisfaction is conceived as mediating the relationship between the elements of relationship value (price, product quality, delivery performan...
The purpose of this study is to add to the body of knowledge on customer loyalty in professional services in business-to-business markets. The authors build on the Industrial Marketing and Purchasing group constructs and relate them to affective commitment, relational benefits and, through these two, to customer loyalty. The results show that trust...
Advocates of the knowledge-based school claim that a firm can have a competitive advantage only if it possesses more relevant knowledge than its competitors. Scientific literature usually discusses two well-known classifications of knowledge. The first one divides knowledge into its explicit and tacit component, whereas the second one discusses hum...
The results of a survey on 153 Slovenian manufacturing companies show that companies implement environmental strategies primarily as a reflection of the commitment of their top management, followed by public concern, regulatory forces and expected competitive advantage. They report a relatively high level of implementation of the corporate environm...
The paper’s purpose is to add to the body of knowledge on the antecedents of a company’s competitive advantage and performance by developing and testing a conceptual model. By using structural equation modelling the model is tested on a sample of 182 Slovenian companies. The results show that a cost advantage is positively affected by financial res...
The paper deals with the findings of empirical research on the main determinants of effective strategy implementation in Slovenian companies. The results are based on a questionnaire completed by executives of 172 Slovenian companies in 2007. The paper has five parts. In the introductory part we describe the research questions, the purpose and goal...
The paper’s purpose is to systematically examine the determinants of effective strategy implementation in Slovenian companies. The results support the thesis that practically all groups of activities for strategy implementation identified in the literature are also considered to be important in Slovenian business practice. Nevertheless, we can see...
The paper is built on the findings of empirical research based on a sample of 225 Slovenian firms. By using the clustering, contrast analysis and contingency statistical methods, our goal is to examine which approaches firms use to ensure their competitiveness. More specifically, we first group the firms into several clusters, which are created acc...
The process of competition between firms can be described as a causal-consecutive sequence whereby 'sources of competitive advantage => forms of competitive advantage => performance'. The paper is built on the findings of empirical research based on a sample of 225 Slovenian firms. By using the clustering, contrast analysis and contingency statisti...
In the paper we have sought to identify the basic forms of competitive advantage of Slovenian firms at the end of the transition process and to analyze the link between these forms of competitive advantage and firm performance. The results show that Slovenian firms try to build their competitive advantage on differentiation more than on lower price...
The purpose of this paper is to identify the basic corporate and business level strategies implemented by Slovenian firms at the end of the transition process and, based thereon, explore the basic relationships between implemented strategies and firms' financial performance. Based on the empirical findings of the study of 225 Slovenian firms severa...
The paper examines how the sources and forms of competitive advantage interweave and what does this mean for the existing theory on competitive advantage. We found out that all sources of competitive advantage should be classified into external and internal category. Consequently, we believe it is reasonable to discuss only two schools, i.e. the 'i...
The process of competition among firms can be described as a causal-consecutive sequence "sources of competitive advantage => forms of competitive advantage => performance". The scientific literature usually discusses four basic schools about the sources of competitive advantage of a firm, namely the industrial organization school, the resource-bas...
The paper is built on the findings of empirical research based on a sample of 225 Slovenian firms. Our goal is to examine (by using the principal components, regression and variance components analyses) how the individual sources of competitive advantage can be classified and, based thereon, analyze the influence of groups of sources of competitive...
Basic characteristic of the knowledge-based school is that it follows the 'inside out' approach of explaining the sources of a firm's competitive advantage. This means the competitive advantage primarily arises from the firm and its knowledge. There are at least two important classifications of knowledge in the related literature. The first one div...
Basic characteristic of the capability-based school is that it follows the 'inside out' approach of explaining the sources of a firm's competitive advantage. This means the competitive advantage primarily arises from the firm and its capabilities/competencies. The scientific literature usually divides a firm's capabilities into managerial, input-ba...
Scientific literature discusses four basic schools (explanations) of the sources of a firm's competitive advantage, namely the industrial organization school, the resource-based school, the capability-based school and the knowledge-based school. While these schools share several similarities, they also differ in some aspects especially in their wid...
In this research report, the authors identify and analyze the successful samples of strategic behaviour of large Croatian and Slovenian enterprises, as well as their similarities and dissimilarities. The research has encompassed the levels of corporate and business strategy (i.e. the strategy of a diversified firm and its strategic business units/a...
Management process is usually segmented into planning, organizing, leading and controlling. The first and the last of these subprocesses are analyzed in the paper from the economic and managerial viewpoint. Planning and controlling considered jointly from the economic aspect represent the economic control of enterprise business operations. It consi...
Because of the increasing gap between market and book value of firms, business literature claims that capital of a firm must consist not only of financial but also intellectual capital. For this reason, some authors already talk about the era of intellectual capitalism. A firm’s intellectual capital comprises mostly of (commercial) knowledge, which...