Tomasz Kupiec

Tomasz Kupiec
University of Warsaw | UW · Centre for European Regional and Local Studies



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Publications (42)
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The literature contains several models that link types of evaluation use with organizational factors. However, until now, none of them have been thoroughly verified. This study aims to empirically verify the hypotheses proposed by Steven Højlund, who suggests that the type of evaluation use in organizations is determined by the adoption mode of eva...
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The European Union (EU), especially in the context of Cohesion Policy (CP), has played a crucial role in developing and promoting policy evaluation practices across its Member States. Evaluation systems across the Member States have been established to assess CP investments. Remarkably, the use of evaluation research and its contribution to stimula...
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Ewaluacja jest istotnym elementem cyklu polityk publicznych, dostarczającym informacji na potrzeby poprawy efek-tywności polityk wdrażanych i projektowania przyszłych. W Polsce od co najmniej 15 lat mówi się o potrzebie dyfuzji tej praktyki z pola funduszy strukturalnych do innych obszarów działania państwa. Choć jednym z takich oczywistych kierunk...
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Publikacja jest praktycznym przewodnikiem po procesie ewaluacji dla administracji publicznej. Opracowanie to jest w dużej mierze aktualizacją poradnika, który został opracowany w ramach Krajowej Jednostki Oceny (obecnie Krajowej Jednostki Ewaluacji) w 2012r. Choć fundamentalne zasady i istota ewaluacji nie zmieniły się w ciągu ostatnich 10 lat, świ...
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Rozdział wprowadza pojęcie ewaluacji, jej podstawowe definicje, funkcje i typy. Dodatkowo omawiane są kryteria ewaluacyjne, a ewaluacja osadzana jest w szerszym kontekście polityk opartych na dowodach. Rozdział kończy się wskazaniem uwarunkowań prawnych ewaluacji w Polsce.
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Rozdział opisuje proces ewaluacji od momentu opracowania raportu końcowego, przez rozpowszechnianie wyników badania, po wykorzystanie wniosków i rekomendacji z ewaluacji.
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Why do some types of evaluation use prevail in certain contexts and not in others? The aim of this article is to advance knowledge about organisational factors of evaluation use, that is, determinants of evaluation use grounded in organisational theories. We critically review existing frameworks of organisational factors of evaluation use, highligh...
La pratique de l’évaluation est essentielle pour la responsabilisation et l’apprentissage des administrations qui mettent en œuvre des politiques complexes. Cet article explore les relations entre les structures des systèmes d’évaluation et leurs fonctions. Les conclusions sont basées sur une analyse comparative de six systèmes nationaux chargés d’...
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Artykuł ten jest krytyczną refleksją nad inicjatywą Polskiego Towarzystwa Ewaluacyjnego na rzecz stworzenia ram kwalifikacji ewaluatora. Bezpośrednim celem jest wskazanie warunków sukcesu działań na rzecz profesjonalizacji ewaluacji poprzez certyfikację kompetencji i ocena, na ile inicjatywa PTE te warunki spełniała. Podstawą rozważań był systematy...
Quality of life (QoL) is a fashionable concept widely used not only in many scientific fields but also in strategic documents, political speeches, and newspaper headlines. Although QoL is a crucial element of political agendas and a goal of public policies, there is little evidence on how this concept has been incorporated in policy analysis and ev...
Numerous studies have examined the impact of evaluation quality on the use of evaluation, yet the findings are still inconclusive and only derived from examples in countries with a well-established evaluation culture. This article examines the relationship between evaluation quality and the instrumental use of evaluation in administrations with a l...
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Evaluation practice is vital for the accountability and learning of administrations implementing complex policies. This article explores the relationships between the structures of the evaluation systems and their functions. The findings are based on a comparative analysis of six national systems executing evaluation of the European Union Cohesion...
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The article examines the evolution of functions of evaluation systems. It is based on the comparison of evaluation studies conducted in eight evaluation systems in Polish regional administration in two periods: 2007-13 & 2014-20. The findings are to some extent contradictory to the expectations built on previous literature on the subject. Although...
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Evaluation of the implementation of the Integrated Territorial Investment (ITI) instrument in the EU financial perspective for 2014-2020. Research commissioned by the Ministry of Development
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Celem oceny ex-ante projektu Strategii Rozwoju Województwa Zachodniopomorskiego do roku 2030 było: 1. Zbadanie kompletności projektu Strategii, w tym określenie niezbędnego zakresu uzupełnień w kontekście poprawy jakości proponowanego modelu programowania rozwoju; 2. Ocena trafności projektu Strategii, tj. identyfikacji wyzwań / potrzeb / problemów...
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Public managers require different types of knowledge to run programs successfully. This includes knowledge about the context, operational know-how, knowledge about the effects, and causal mechanisms. This knowledge comes from different sources, and evaluation studies are just one of them. This article takes the perspective of knowledge users. It e...
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For many European Union (EU) member states, the Cohesion Policy (CP) was the channel through which the practice of evaluation was transmitted into domestic administration. Studies have shown that the EU member countries differ in terms of their evaluation capacity and activity. None of those studies, however, addresses regional governments, which a...
Evaluation units, located within public institutions, are important actors responsible for the production and dissemination of evaluative knowledge in complex programming and institutional settings. The current evaluation literature does not adequately explain their role in fostering better evaluation use. The article offers an empirically tested f...
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Public policies need research results in order to effectively address the complex socioeconomic challenges (so-called evidence-based policies). However there is a clear gap between producing scientific expertise and using it in public decision-making. This “know-do” gap is common in all policy areas. Knowledge brokering is a new and promising pract...
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Artykuł odpowiada na pytanie, czy wsparcie unijne w województwie lubelskim może wzmocnić rozwój na poziomie lokalnym i regionu. Odpowiedzi udzielamy, porównując faktyczną strukturę wsparcia w latach 2007−2013 z wynikającymi z literatury warunkami, których spełnienie jest nieodzowne, aby móc mówić o trwałym, pozytywnym efekcie wykorzystania pomocy f...
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Artykuł przedstawia praktyczne problemy pojawiające się w procesie zamawiania ewaluacji regionalnych programów operacyjnych: zbyt długie oczekiwanie na wyniki badań, nadmierne znaczenie ceny przy wyborze oferty i koncentrację badań w cyklu rocznym. Problemy te są związane z obowiązującymi jednostki samorządu terytorialnego przepisami prawa zamówień...
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This article is about evaluation use in the area of EU operational programs implemented by Polish regional administration, which is an uncharted territory in this context. The analysis is based on the assumption that evaluation is a long-term process producing a stream of knowledge, supporting management decisions throughout the program lifetime. 3...
Conference Paper
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Public policies need research results in order to effectively address the complex socioeconomic challenges (so-called: evidence-based policies). However there is a clear gap between producing scientific expertise and using it in public decision-making. This "know-do" gap is common in all policy areas. Knowledge brokering is a new and promising prac...
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Paper presented at European Evaluation Society Biennial Conference Dublin, 1-3 of October 2014
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Purpose: The paper describes the functioning of the RIA system in New Zealand using the analogy of RIA and the evaluation of public interventions. Presented solutions can provide nspiration for the Polish government in the process of improving the quality and extent of the use of RIA. Methodology: The analysis is based on a review of government doc...
Conference Paper
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After joining EU Poland has noted a rapid development of evaluation practice. The number of commissioned evaluations has risen from 5 in 2004 to more than 120 per year after 2007. As much as proud of this achievement, evaluation community in Poland is also aware that it is all not about producing reports but using them. Enhancing evaluation use in...
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Praktycznym problemem, przed którym dzisiaj stajemy w polu polityki publicznej jest to, jak pokierować szerokimi strumieniami wiedzy, w tym bogatym potokiem badań ewaluacyjnych, by mogły one skutecznie wspierać decydentów i menedżerów w prowadzeniu racjonalnych działań publicznych. W rozdziale stawiamy tezę, że spojrzenie na jednostki ewaluacyjne j...
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Purpose: The study concentrated on the process of evaluation of public programs currently implemented with the support of European Union funds in Poland. The aim was to show how the evaluation practice was adopted in the regional administration within programming and implementation of Regional Operational Programs 2007–2013 (ROP). The author analys...
Conference Paper
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The Cohesion Policy of the European Union has been one of the most intensively evaluated policies. Evaluation units perform a key role in this process. Despite the massive production of evaluation reports, the utilization of knowledge remains limited. The current evaluation literature does not explain well the reality of evaluation use and role of...
Technical Report
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Opracowanie przedstawia systemy programowania strategicznego stosowane w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej (UE) oraz państwach należących do Organizacji Europejskiej Współpracy Gospodarczej (OECD). Intencją autorów tej pracy jest zasygnalizowanie możliwości wykorzystania rozwiązań wykorzystywanych w tych państwach dla doskonalenia polskiego syste...
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The article presents an analysis of usability of regional operational programs 2007-2013 (ROP) evaluations. Among studied elements of usability were: quality, relevance and credibility of the evaluation assumptions. The study comprised desk research of evaluation reports representative sample (n=71) completed between 2008 and 2012. Study results sh...
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Ewaluacja towarzyszy interwencjom publicznym od prawie 100 lat. Przynajmniej od momentu rozpowszechnienia modelu NPM nie powinno ulegać wątpliwości, że ewaluację należy traktować jako narzędzie zarządzania i jej rola oraz efektywność powinny być analizowane w tym kontekście. Tymczasem relacja procesów ewaluacji i zarządzania nie wydaje się być szer...
Technical Report
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Opracowanie przedstawia systemy programowania strategicznego stosowane w wybranych krajach Unii Europejskiej (UE) oraz państwach należących do Organizacji Europejskiej Współpracy Gospodarczej (OECD). Intencją autorów tej pracy jest zasygnalizowanie możliwości wykorzystania rozwiązań wykorzystywanych w tych państwach dla doskonalenia polskiego syste...
Conference Paper
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Unlike in the private sector, the effectiveness of public policies is not easily verified by the market mechanism . The activities of the public administration cannot and should not be judged solely from the economic perspective. How can public administration learn about its successes and failures? What makes it think it is on the right track imple...
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Artykuł przedstawia sposób funkcjonowania systemów monitoringu na przykładzie trzech regionalnych programów operacyjnych. Działanie systemów oceniono przez pryzmat dwóch funkcji: wsparcia procesów wdrażania oraz procesów zarządzania i planowania. Ustalono, iż systemy monitoringu w ograniczonym stopniu realizują pierwszą i praktycznie w ogóle nie re...
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Effectiveness of implemented under the EU cohesion policy measures has become a significant issue. The relevance of the topic is undeniable, given the ongoing discussion of the results of public interventions conducted at the EU level and the resulting concept of an integrated approach to study the effects of actions undertaken within the cohesion...
Conference Paper
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Wprowadzenie Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą poszukiwania odpowiedzi na pytanie o miejsce regionów w Unii Europejskiej przez pryzmat ich roli w kształtowaniu i realizacji polityki spójności UE. Poza analizą obecnej sytuacji przedstawione zostaną perspektywy zwiększenia znaczenia regionów w przyszłości wraz z rozważaniami, czy taki kierunek zmian jest...


Questions (5)
Dear colleagues,
I’m conducting a study that is intended to identify determinants of evaluation use in evaluation systems embedded in public and non-profit sectors. I’m planning to conduct a survey on a representative sample of organizations that systematically evaluate the effects of their programs and other actions in Austria, Denmark, Ireland and the Netherlands. And here comes my request: can anyone of you, familiar with evaluation practice in these countries, suggest what types of organizations I should include in my sample? Are there any country-specific organizations active in the evaluation field that I should not omit?
It is obvious to me that in all these countries evaluation is present in central and local government (ministries, municipalities, etc.) as well as institutions funding research or development agencies, but I also suspect that there might be some country-specific, less obvious types of organisations which are important “evaluation players”.
Thanks for any hints.
I'm looking for inspiring / insightful / useful classifications of organization theories / schools. I know and do appreciate Scott's distinction of rational, natural & open systems (and the layered version of that); Astley, Van de Ven's two dimensional matrix with: natural selection, collective action, system structural, strategic choices views; or Etzioni's: ration, interactionalist, structural, compliance models. I'm sure however there are others I'm missing and you could point me to. I'm more focused on the level of individual organizations, so please skip classifications expanding to populations, fields, etc.
So there is this 'two communities' theory / metaphor arguing that academics and policy makers are from separate communities, with distinct languages, values, and reward system, and that leads to limited knowledge use (Caplan 1979, Dunn 1980).
Although criticized by many (e.g. Bogenschneider and Corbett 2010, Jacobson 2007) it still in my opinion is a good story / starting point for analyzing determinants / context of knowledge use in public administration.
I wonder if you could point me to some other examples of alternative theories / metaphors that could serve the same purpose. Let me specify that I'm not asking for sources enlisting factors / determinants of knowledge / evaluation use or models consisting - again - of factors, but something more like a story / perspective (sth like two communities:)
Regards, TK
The discusion of structure following strategy or the opposite or both of them reacting to each other is open for years in the field of strategic management (Chandler, Mintzberg, others).
What I wonder is whether the answer (as inconclusive as it is) is the same for public sector or different views / findings are valid for that sub-field of strategic management. Is it asked in that contexts at all?
I did find some publications arguing that implementing strategy of public entity means also adjusting structure if necessary, but that's too little for a conclusive argument.
I'm just reviewing interview transcriptions we had in a study we conduct at the moment. My feeling is that we spoke too much, not giving enough time to interviewees (over 25% of interview time on average).
I wonder if there are any rules / prescriptions / good practices about how much interviewer should speak. I guess IT DEPENDS on subject, person, its responsiveness and so on, but maybe there were some studies showing some boundries, like ' in most cases in a correct interview person conducting it speaks between 10 and 20% of time'
thanks for any suggestions / references, regards


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