Tomasz Kubalica

Tomasz Kubalica
University of Silesia in Katowice · Institute of Philosophy



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Tomasz Kubalica currently works at the Institute of Philosophy, University of Silesia in Katowice, Poland. I'm working on now: (1) Axiological and Praxeological Aspects of Retraction of Scientific Publications (2) Limits in the Sciences


Publications (26)
Wörner, F. & Wald-Fuhrmann, M. (Vol.-Eds.). Grimm, H., Wald-Fuhrmann, M. & Wörner, F. (Series-Eds.). (2023). Lexikon Schriften über Musik: Vol. 2. Musikästhetik in Europa und Nordamerika / Music aesthetics in Europe and North America. Kassel/Stuttgart: Bärenreiter/Metzler. System der Ästhetik (Johannes Volkelt; München 1905–1914) II 855–858
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Neo-Kantianism as a philosophical formation is characterised primarily by its reference to the philosophy of Immanuel Kant. Nevertheless, to say that the essence of Neo-Kantianism was solely a renewal of Kant's philosophy is insufficient. Also specific to this formation was the adaptation of Kant's thought to the new chalenges of philosophy at the...
The submitted script synthesises and complements the didactic content of the Axiology and Praxeology lecture. The script has been continuously updated from year to year according to the current knowledge of the subject taught, in order to eventually develop into a peer-reviewed academic textbook. The present work can be regarded as the result of a...
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This article presents the results of a quantitative and qualitative analysis of retraction notices from philosophy journals with global reach. The analysis is based on the Retraction Watch Database and carried out with respect to the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics. In quantitative terms, the sample consists of only 0.48% of...
Przedmiot poznania jest prekursorskim dziełem rozwijającej się w dwudziestym wieku filozofii wartości. Pozostaje w opozycji do teoriopoznawczego sceptycyzmu, naiwnego realizmu, bezkrytycznego idealizmu, przyrodniczego redukcjonizmu, a także nurtów relatywizujących wartość prawdy, takich jak pragmatyzm i filozofia życia. Autor zrywa z ujęciem poznan...
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This text is an introduction to the philosophy of Heinrich Rickert. The introduction has three levels: biographical, bibliographical, and doxographic. The doxography involves examining Rickert’s views in the context of the achievements of Neo-Kantianism, the Baden school and contemporary philosophy. Noras discusses the main issues Rickert treated i...
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The subject of this article is the divergences between the various directions and phases of Neo-Kantianism. It is an attempt to answer the question of why there were heated polemics between the representatives of the different approaches, although in principle they thought alike. In the author’s opinion, neo-Kantianism is a problem in itself and th...
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The aim of this article is to apply Józef M. Bocheński’s logic of authority to a key interpersonal relation of philosophical interest: the master–disciple relation. The present research addresses the problem of philosophical authority in terms of the assumptions of the logic of authority and its consequences for philosophical historiographical rese...
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The article looks at the concept of value in Heinrich Rickert’s philosophy of value and attempts a systematic study of this concept in the context of the fundamental problems in Roman Ingarden’s ontology of value. The result is a systematised presentation of Rickert’s notion of value and a series of conclusions concerning fundamental aspects of his...
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The subject of the article is the underlying assumptions and consequences of the logic of authority Józef M. Bocheński’s concerning the contemporary discussion on the crisis of authority (Hanna Arendt, Paul Ricœur). In the article, I present an answer to the question of whether the categorical analysis proposed by Bocheński sufficiently explains th...
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Hermann Cohen and Ernst Cassirer in the Master–Disciple Relationship of Authority The aim of the paper is to analyze the relationship between the authority of the master and the disciple occurring between the two main representatives of the Neo-Kantianism of the Marburg School, Hermann Cohen and Ernst Cassirer. The analysis is based on the pragmat...
The critical method presented by Immanuel Kant in his three most important Critiques (Kritik der reinen Vernunft, Kritik der praktischen Vernunft and Kritik der Urteilskraft) was to have become the basis of a new philosophy. The first Critique attempts to separate speculation from the contributions of pure reason to knowledge, and the other critiqu...
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Leonard Nelson is known primarily as a critic of epistemology in the Neo-Kantian meaning of the term. The aim of this paper is to investigate the presuppositions and consequences of his critique. I claim that what has rarely been discussed in this context is the problem of the possibility of metaphysics. By the impossibility of epistemology Nelson...
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Abstrakt The paper is devoted to an issue of Polish reception of Kant’s thought and an history of Polish research on this philosophy. It concerns the impact of Neo- Kantianism to assimilate the ideas of Kant in Poland. Its subjectis the comparison of the philosophical ideas of the twothinkers in different ways related to Polish: Johannes Volkelt (...
Przedmiotem artykułu jest przedstawienie i ocena neokantowskiej koncepcji metafizyki Johannesa Volkelta w kontekście jej postneokantowskiego ujęcia dokonanego przez Martina Heideggera. Pragnę wykazać, że dokonane przez Heideggera ujęcie Kantowskiej krytyki czystego rozumu (filozofii transcendentalnej) jako projektu ugruntowania metafizyki nie jest...
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The aim of the paper is a critical reconstruction and comparison of the philosophical positions of John Locke and George Berkeley on the problem of cognition as a reflection (Abbildtheorie) of reality. The article argues that Berkeley rejects the theory of transcendental reflection, but he does not refute any theory of reflection because he recogni...
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The article elucidates and compares Ernst Cassirer's and Nelson Goodman's positions on the problem of cognition. They agree in rejecting the theory of reflection and accepting the concept of transformation. This transformation is not a total antithesis of reflection, but an extension of it: recognition means both creative production and imitative r...
Autor stawia w niej rzadko podejmowane w Polsce i na świecie pytanie o aksjologię logiki: czym jest wartość logiczna prawdy? Odpowiedzi na tak postawione pytanie autor monografii poszukuje w neokantowskiej koncepcji prawdy rozumianej jako wartość naczelna poznania. Praca składa się z czterech rozdziałów prezentujących w porządku historycznofilozofi...


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