Tomasz Gajderowicz

Tomasz Gajderowicz
University of Warsaw | UW · Chair of Macroeconomics and International Trade Theory


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Publications (58)
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The COVID-19 pandemic caused widespread disruptions to education, with school closures affecting over one billion children. These closures, aimed at reducing virus transmission, resulted in significant learning losses, particularly in mathematics and science. Using data from TIMSS 2023, which assesses fourth and eighth-grade achievements across 71...
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El artículo examina diversas iniciativas de alfabetización en datos a nivel mundial y su aplicación en la educación superior. Resalta la importancia creciente de estas habilidades en la era digital, enfocándose en cómo los programas existentes, como DaLI y ADILT, abordan aspectos específicos del manejo y análisis de datos. Sin embargo, se identific...
Millions of people were forced to flee Ukraine after Russia's invasion on February 24, 2022, one of the fastest displacements in decades. Citizens' response in EU countries (where most displaced Ukrainians arrived) has been considerably more positive than in past refugee crises. This study investigates several possible drivers of this difference. W...
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Forests are vital for outdoor recreation, benefiting mental, physical, and social well-being. While the importance of forest structure in supporting biodiversity and material ecosystem functions is well-documented, research on its relationship with non-material contributions to people remains limited, and there is a lack of robust indicators for th...
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This study examines the impact of ChatGPT on narrative scriptwriting abilities and cognitive load in a sample of 41 master's students enrolled in a Digital Narratives course. Using a randomized experimental design, participants were divided into two groups: an experimental group (n = 20) that interacted with ChatGPT and a control group (n = 21) tha...
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The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in significant disruption in schooling worldwide. This paper uses global test score data to estimate learning losses. It models the effect of school closures on achievement by predicting the deviation of the most recent results from a linear trend using data from all rounds of the Programme for International Student A...
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To what extent has the learning progress of school-aged children slowed during the COVID-19 pandemic? A pre-registered analysis of the first international assessment to be published since the pandemic is conducted to estimate the impact of COVID-19 on student reading. The effect of closures on achievement is modeled by predicting the deviation of t...
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We estimate the global impact of COVID-19 on student reading using international achievement tests. We model the effect of school closures (full and partial) on achievement by predicting the deviation of the most recent results from a linear trend using data from all rounds of PIRLS. Scores declined an average of 33 percent of a standard deviation,...
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In Poland, the education system is decentralized, with local governments having a significant role in the managing and financing of primary education. Poland's education system is highly efficient, with students' learning outcomes ranking among the top in the EU. Recent findings indicate that the pandemic and the reduction in mandatory general educ...
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From the characteristics of the learning process, student satisfaction is important for learning effectiveness, motivation, and student well-being. However, student preferences toward learning are not well understood and rarely considered in practice. Thus, this study examines the preferences of lower secondary school students in Poland for differe...
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The effect of school closures in the spring of 2020 on the math, science, and reading skills of secondary school students in Poland is estimated. The COVID-19-induced school closures lasted 26 weeks in Poland, one of Europe's longest periods of shutdown. Comparison of the learning outcomes with pre- and post-COVID-19 samples shows that the learning...
After the fall of communist regimes in Central and Eastern Europe, the returns to education were substantially growing over time. We summarise the existing literature conducting a meta-analysis of returns to education for economies of Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) and test for several mechanisms, which can explain the evolution of the returns ov...
This chapter discusses applications of the multilevel modeling to international large-scale student assessment (ILSA), focusing on OECD’s PISA and IEA’s TIMSS. Multilevel models are routinely applied to analyze these data. However, several methodological issues need to be addressed to use these models in empirical applications correctly. First, we...
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Forests play a fundamental role in the economy, in climate change mitigation and in halting the loss of biodiversity. The economic value of goods and services provided to the societies by forests, including forest-based recreation, is highly dependent on the way in which forests are managed. On a European scale, forests are diverse and managed in m...
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Final report from the project "Social dialogue and industrial relations in education: the challenges of multi-level governance and of privatisation in Europe". The project (2020-2021) was funded by the European Commission Directorate-General for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, and it was coordinated by European Trade Union Committee for E...
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This study illustrates how respondents’ stated choices (the discrete choice experiment method) combined with the random utility framework can be used to model preferences for higher education. The flexibility offered by stated preference data circumvents limitations of other approaches, and allows quantifying young people’ preferences for selected...
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This report analyzes assessment results and student attitudes for the eight Arabic-speaking countries that participated in the latest PISA, TIMSS, and PIRLS assessments. We use data from TIMSS 2015 (mathematics and science), PIRLS 2016 (reading), and several PISA assessments (reading, mathematics, and science). Combining the results from all assess...
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Polska edukacja potrzebuje zmiany w sposobie zarządzania. Strategiczne decyzje i standardy powinny być ustalane w oparciu o doświadczenia praktyków, opinie szerokiego grona interesariuszy, ale też o wyniki rzetelnych badań i porównań międzynarodowych. Przykłady z innych krajów pokazują, że możliwe jest zbudowanie instytucji, gdzie kluczowe decyzje,...
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Urzędy pracy w Polsce posiadają szereg instrumentów pomocy bezrobotnym. Mogą zlecać działania aktywizacyjne agencjom zatrudnienia. Kluczowym pytaniem dla polityki rynku pracy jest efektywność takich działań, w szczególności ich zdolność do trwałej aktywizacji osób długotrwale bezrobotnych. Najczęściej ocena programów dokonywana jest przez por...
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Studium prezentuje analizę potencjału kompetencji cyfrowych w Polsce na tle rozwiniętych krajów Unii Europejskiej, stwierdzając jego głęboki deficyt we wszystkich grupach istotnych dla rozwoju kraju ( uczniowie szkół, pracownicy MSP, nauczyciele i nauczyciele akademiccy). Niedobór „kompetencji przyszłości” - w dużym stopniu cyfrowych, powiązan...
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This is a short policy note in Polish. Plese refer to the full article in English: Gajderowicz, T., Jakubowski, M., Wrona, S. et al. Is students’ teamwork a dreamwork? A new DCE-based multidimensional approach to preferences towards group work. Humanit Soc Sci Commun 10, 154 (2023). Zdolność do efektywnej...
Purpose The paper aims to expand our understanding of the decisions on labour supply, with particular attention given to the role of conditions of a contract between an employer and an employee. In the paper the value, from the employee's perspective, of different characteristics of an employment contract are assessed. Design/methodology/approach...
In this study, we estimate the public sector wage premium in a post‐transition economy, a quarter of a century since the collapse of the old regime. Our methodology uses a copula method to estimate the switching regression model, which allows for the relaxation of the restrictive assumption of joint normality. We control for employment selection in...
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The aim of this paper is to estimate the adjusted sectoral wage gap in Poland from 1999 to 2012. We use a set of individual data from a survey on the structure of earnings by occupation (SEO) carried out by Poland’s Central Statistical Office (CSO) every two years for businesses with more than nine employees. We apply quantile regression and the Ño...
This article researches higher education (HE) managers’ perception of graduate professional success and higher education institutions’ (HEI) activity aimed at enhancing graduate employability. The issue is worth examining not only because of growing relative unemployment rates among HE graduates but also because it is a part of a heated discussion...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to address the problem of job satisfaction determinants of higher education graduates across six selected study domains. Design/methodology/approach – Based on the theoretical considerations, derived from human capital theory and signalling theory, the authors formulate the model explaining job satisfaction a...
The paper contains the analysis of the changing wage premium from higher education in Poland over the period of 1995–2009 in the context of changes in the educational structure of population and the general situation in the labour market. The authors have estimated relative wages of persons with higher education and the wage premium from higher edu...
The paper contains the analysis of the changing wage premium from higher education in Poland over the period of 1995-2009 in the context of changes in the educational structure of population and the general situation in the labour market. The authors have estimated relative wages of persons with higher education and the wage premium from higher edu...
The article investigates the research of two most popular rankings of country competitiveness: The Global Competitiveness Report (published by The World Economic Forum) and The World Competitiveness Yearbook (published by The International Institute for Management Development). The difference in constructing the research was shown and the consequen...
The paper takes the problem of difficulties in the valuation of leisure time within the context of methods used to estimate the value of non-market goods. The traditional methods were compared to the innovative approach of experimental economics. Two laboratory experiments were planned and carried out, and henceforth analyzed and critiqued. The inf...


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