Tomáš Havlíček

Tomáš Havlíček
Charles University in Prague | CUNI · Department of Social Geography and Regional Development

Ph.D. Assoc. Prof.


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Tomáš Havlíček currently works at the Department of Social Geography and Regional Development, Charles University in Prague. Tomáš does research in Geography and Comparative Religion. Their current project is 'Post-secularism in Czechia: trends and regional differentiation'.


Publications (65)
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The Czechoslovak Hussite Church represents an important stream of Czech Reformed Catholicism and is today the fourth largest church in Czechia. One of the objectives of the present study is a regional-geographical analysis of the development of the Czechoslovak Hussite Church and the transformation of their religious communities. The regional distr...
The way to autocephaly in the Orthodox Church in the Czech Lands and Slovakia was relatively complicated, mainly due to very rapid political changes in Central Europe during the 20th century. The desire for autocephaly appeared in the first years after the establishment of an independent Czechoslovakia in 1918. The process of establishing autocepha...
The process of postsecularisation is present not only in Western Europe but also in post-communist countries. This paper focuses on the way young adults who do not have personal experiences with communist anti-religious ideology create their own religion in postsecular society and re-imagine (post)secular spaces through personal belief. The primary...
Předkládaná publikace si klade neskromný cíl přispět do obecné diskuze o roli náboženství v současné společnosti a prostoru Česka, a to se zaměřením na aktuální trendy, které lze pro větší názornost označit poměrně obecným pojmem postsekularismus, který ovšem ve většině případů nevede k návratu tradičních náboženských struktur a církví utvořených v...
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This study focuses on the local identities of children living in rural towns of Czechia, Poland and Slovakia. Cognitive maps, drawn by elementary school students in geographically proximate municipalities near international borders, provide a means of investigating the significance of local religious sites in the minds of young people. This researc...
Previous studies on the relict boundary, which is nowadays predominantly a socio-cultural border in Czechia, mainly dealt with regional identity or electoral behavior. This chapter tries to analyze the presence of the relict border within the religious landscape. Three important characteristics represent this socio-cultural divide. First, there is...
Czechia could be labeled as country of an indifferent approach to religious ideas, as religious faith is considered a private issue, and the role of religion in the public sphere is low. This article summarizes the first attempt to research Korean Protestant churches active in current Czechia. A total of fourteen churches is briefly overviewed stat...
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The paper discusses the transformations of the religious structure of European society manifested, among other ways, in an increased intolerance toward cultures other than Christian and secular, most notably the Muslim culture. The objective is to analyse the causes of the fear of Islam and explain Islamophobia in two socially and geographically di...
The article deals with an issue of conception and evaluation a social capital on example of peripheral regions in Czechia. Social capital is considered here as a personal ability to get along in a community and to contribute to a development of civil society by personal activity. This conception includes both individual both network aspects of the...
The Central European borderlands have so far been an underdeveloped areas both nationally and cross-border/internationally within the integration processes taking place in Europe. At the same time, we consider the areas to be highly differentiated, both from the internal and external point of view. Cross-border cooperation, therefore, means that th...
Border regions play an important role in the history of the European integration process. On the borders of the “Inner Six”, the first formal cross-border institutions were formed over 55 years ago; they aimed to reduce the weaknesses of border regions in competition with core areas. In the process of historical development, Euroregions cover a sig...
The following chapter assesses the status of Euroregions as a basic element of cross-border cooperation. It notes the institutionalisation of this phenomenon in relation to the classification or typology of border regions. Besides the pan- or central European dimension, it concentrates on the situation in Czechia (Czech borderland). An objective vi...
Central Europe is currently in a unique geopolitical situation. In 2007, the territory became part of the Schengen area without any border control, creating good conditions for deeper integration of a region which just slightly over 20 years ago was still strongly polarised by the Iron Curtain. The process of horizontal expansion of the European Un...
This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-border cooperation, using the example of the Silva Nortica Euroregion on the border between South Bohemia and Lower Austria and aims primarily at mapping, analysing and evaluating the process of the institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation and the fo...
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Většina čtenářů zná příběh člověka z doby bronzové nazývaného Ötzi, který byl nalezen před několika lety v nadmořské výšce kolem 3000 m v Ötztalských Alpách. Jakpak se asi dostal do těchto předělových oblastí Alp? Pravděpodobně již v této době existovaly trasy přes tuto horskou bariéru. Dnes projedete vlakem nebo autem Alpami za několik hodin a při...
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Vznik a vývoj regionů je závislý na celé řadě faktorů, které jsou v současnosti především antropogenní povahy. Ve vysokohorských oblastech nabývají více na významu fyzickogeografické podmíněnosti. Regiony jsou pak vymezeny především vysokohorskými hřebeny, resp. údolími, která jsou pro činnost člověka nejvýznamnější. V minulosti (v Alpách do konce...
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Alpy vykazují v rámci Evropy, ale i světa specifické postavení. Tyto velehory dosahují nejvyšších nadmořských výšek v Evropě (např. Mont Blanc 4807 m nebo Monte Rosa 4634 m) a jejich centrální poloha na kontinentu ovliviíuje výrazně rozvoj evropského makroregionu. Proces evropské integrace v r ámci EU výrazně podpořil regionální vývoj a napojení té...
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Stát Bangladéš stojí na okraji nejen geografického zájmu a výzkumu, ale i politických a ekonomických aktivit globálního, resp. makroregionálního významu, a to i přesto, že má vysoký počet obyvatel (okolo 140 milionů) a vysokou hustotu zalidnění (920 obyvatel na km2). Jaké jsou nejvýznamnější důvody chudoby a nízkého stupně rozvoje v tomto státě? Ja...
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Území soucasné Evropské unie se nachází z celosvetového pohledu v unikátní situaci. Na rozdíl od ostatních makroregionu a kontinentu se v Evrope, resp. v Evropské unii odehrává na jedné strane proces integrace (oslabování role a významu státu a posilování významu úrovne evropské) a na strane druhé proces utvárení regionu, tedy presun kompetencí a v...
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Salcbursko je přísně katolický reg ion (ve ve nkovských ob laste ch cho dí více než 80 o/o lidí prav id e ln ě do kos tela), i když v posledním desetil etí stá le více obyvatel z katolické círk ve vystu puje , a to hlavně z důvodů povinných církev ních příspěvk ů (Kirchenbeitrag), které č iní pr:iJrně rně I o/o ročníh o platu. Od sedmdesátých let j...
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Německo je zemí s největším ekonomickým a také průmyslovým potenciálem ze všech států Evropy. Tato ekonomická velmoc zažila v období po druhé světové válce dalekosáhlou transformaci hospodářství. Zmíněná přeměna měla ovšem díky rozdělení Německa "železnou oponou" v období studené války zcela odlišný průběh v části západní (Spolková republika Německ...
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Přemýšlíme-li nad tématem menšin v Česku, tak se na území našeho státu vyskytuje jedna významná (v celosvětovém měřítku výjimečná) menšinová entita a tou jsou věřící, resp. obyvatelé hlásící se k náboženskému vyznání. Vzhledem k tomu, že se ve srovnání s ostatními státy Evropy a světa jedná o velmi specifickou menšinu, která je naopak v ostatním sv...
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Jak koncipovat výuku regionální geografie? Autoři naznačují svůj netradiční přístup, v němž učitel pracuje s obecnými informacemi, které aplikuje na několik vybraných zemí. Začíná globálním rozdělením světa na makroregiony, vymezuje jejich vnitřní struktury v širších souvislostech a dokumentuje na nich základní přírodní a sociálně‑ekonomické jevy,...
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Pád železné opony a prohlubující se integrace Evropy umožnily nové rámcové podmínky vzniku regionů, jejichž rozvoj je jako u všech regionů do značné míry determinován také historickým vývojem. Mezi tato nově utvářená území patří také přeshraniční regiony. Přeshraniční regiony se zprvu formují neformálním poznáváním při kulturně-společenských akcích...
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Na světě mzlžeme objevit nespočet vodopádtl, ale pouze tři (Niagarské, Viktoriiny a Iguar;ú) lze zařallit mezi ty největší, nejatraktivnější a nejnav.~těvovanější, a proto patří také vodopády Viktoriiny a lguar;ú do Seznamu světového přírodního a kulturnílw tlětlictví UNESCO. Mě/jsem možnost navštívit všechna tN místa a musím se pNznat, že jsem při...
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Území dnešního Česka bylo ve své dlouhé historii ovlivněno třemi hlavními křesťanskými proudy. Od západu to byl vliv římskokatolické církve, která je především z důvodu silné katolizace českých zemí za habsburské monarchie dnes stále dominantní, ze severu přicházelo a také uvnitř českých zemí se rozvíjelo (např. husitství a jednota bratrská) protes...
The Atlas of Religions in Czechia represents the first extensive and comprehensive geographical analysis of the state and transformation of religious landscape of Czechia since the fall of communist regime in 1989. The Atlas is divided into three parts: the first part is about regional differentiation of selected religious movements and groups in t...
This chapter presents the first analyses of the process of church restitution in general and its implications in local and regional development at the example of Roman Catholic Church in Czechia. The long process (20 years) of the restitution of church property is also the result of the secular society and its reflection in the decisions of the pol...
This book is the result of research into the considerable impacts the signing of the Schengen Agreement has had on the border regions of the signatory, in particular the Central European internal borders. The analysis provides an in-depth look at European integration, development and perception at the state level as well as in the selected border r...
The religious climate caused significant changes over the last few decades which led to intense debates about post-secularism in Western Europe. However, there is particularly a distinct lack of analyses of the features of post-secularism in post-communist cities. The paper draws on the case study of Prague where the religious landscape is in many...
Conference Paper
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Always in flux, landscapes are never stabile. Mobilities of various objects and subjects are either inherent part or directly and indirectly contribute to these continual transformations. During the 20th century Czech landscapes have witnessed several transformations induced by political, cultural, economic and societal development. Thus the aim of...
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The status of women in society is very diverse worldwide. Among many important traits associated with the differentiation of gender inequality is religion, which itself must be regarded as a fluid concept with interpretations and practices 'embedded' and thus varying with respect to cultural and historical relations. Admitting the complexity of the...
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Czech society’s tendencies towards secularization over the past 20 years are reflected in the issue of the restitution of church properties seized during the communist era. The overall amount is calculated at 134 billion CZK (approx. 6.7 billion USD) and represents the state’s financial debt towards the churches. Despite the low percentage of belie...
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Pád železné opony a prohlubující se integrace Evropy umožnily nové rámcové podmínky vzniku regionů, jejichž rozvoj je jako u všech regionů do značné míry determinován také historickým vývojem. Mezi tato nově utvářená území patří také přeshraniční regiony. Pře-shraniční regiony se zprvu formují neformálním poznáváním při kulturně-společenských akcíc...
This paper examines the development of sacred structures in rural Czechia (former Czechoslovakia). Sacred structures could be associated with the creation of important symbols and distinctive rural regional identities in Czechia. Rural Czechia is not uniform: it represents several different rural landscapes. This paper considers whether sacred stru...
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This article seeks to contribute to discussion concerning the concept of countryside in geographical sciences. In the first section it discusses selected approaches for assessing rural areas and presents key stimulants from the new regional and cultural geography (rural areas as a socio-spatial process and as living space). The second section prese...
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CHROMÝ, P., JANČÁK, V., MARADA, M., HAVLÍČEK, T. (2011): Rural Areas – Living Space: Regional Differences in the Perceptions of Representatives of Rural Municipalities in Czechia Regarding Rural Areas. Geografie,116, No.1, pp. 23–45. – This article seeks to contribute to discussion concerning the concept of countryside in geographical sciences. In...
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JANČÁK, V., CHROMÝ, P., MARADA, M., HAVLÍČEK, T., VONDRÁČKOVÁ, P. (2010): Social capital as a factor in the development of peripheral areas: an analysis of selected components of social capital in Czechia’s typologically different peripheries. Geografie, 115, No. 2, pp. 207–222. – This article explores regional differences in the social capital of...
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This article explores regional differences in the social capital of peripheral areas in Czechia. Its objective is to make a general contribution to studies of social and human capital and to the clarification of the role of such capital in the polarisation of space. Specifically, the article builds on previous quantitative analyses of differences i...
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Inhalt: - Der tschechisch-deutsche Grenzraum - Die Grenzregion und die Auswirkungen der EU-Osterweitung in der Wahrnehmung ihrer Bewohner - Humanressourcen und wirtschaftliche Strukturen an der neuen Binnengrenze der EU - Grenzüberschreitende Zusammenarbeit als Integrationsmittel - Chancen und Risiken der EU-Osterweiterung aus Sicht der praxisorien...
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The paper has attempted to generalize changes in the geographic distribution of religious heterogeneity or homogeneity in Czechia during the transformation period from 1991 to 2001. Areas with a higher degree of religious homogeneity exhibit smaller declines in the level of homogeneity when compared with regions with a higher level of religious het...
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HAVLÍČEK, T., CHROMÝ, P., JANČÁK, V., MARADA, M. (2008): Innere und äußere Peripherie am Beispiel Tschechiens. Mitteilungen der Österreichischen Geographischen Gesellschaft, 150, pp. 299–316. ISSN 0029-9138 – The contribution presents selected results of research on spatial polarization in Czechia and intends to ascertain that spatial development i...
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JANČÁK, V., HAVLÍČEK, T., CHROMÝ, P., MARADA, M. (2008): Regional Differentiation of Selected Conditions for the Development of Human and Social Capital in Czechia. Geografie, 113, 3, pp. 269–284. ISSN 1212-0014 – This article addresses the analysis of theoretical and methodological concepts of the quality of human and social capital and their rela...
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The intent of this paper is to analyse trends and processes in the religious landscape in Czechia during the transformation period. In Czechia, society has been secularized to an extent unprecedented in the rest of Europe. The paper also uses the term sacralization of landscape, which is primarily connected with the restoration of sacred places. It...
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The paper analyses the interaction of the State and church in Czechia, a country that can be characterised by a high degree of secularisation. Nevertheless, a lot of religious activities still take place in a secular state like Czechia and this even extends to a ‘sacralisation’ of the landscape. However, the State does not interfere with the intern...
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Sacred place as dignified locality of devotion is defined differently in time and space. It is evident that humans always have a desire for the sacred. This is also true in the process of secularization. The traditional religious places are conserved, but they are also given secular attributes by the profane society. The paper shows that the sacred...
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After the fall of the Iron Curtain, Czechia and above all Prague underwent not only a political and economic transformation but also a geographic or demographic transformation. Based on an even statistical data of 20 municipalities in hinterland of Prague and above 450 respondents from these regions were questioned. During the research was detected...
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Article define the terms of border and border region, explain the influence of border on the regional development of a border region and find the criteria how to identify and determine a border region. The issue of border and border region is extensively discussed in the political geography, the regional geography addresses the border issue in rela...
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The paper examines the reflection of the population stability and the labor market during the transformation period in Czechia. The results are based on an extensive survey in 16 selected border micro-regions. Population stability is shown e.g. by the percentage of natives. The most often mentioned reasons for not moving from the border region were...
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HAVLÍČEK, T., CHROMÝ, P. (2001): Příspěvek k teorii polarizovaného vývoje území se zaměřením na periferní oblasti. Geografie, 106, 1, pp. 1–11. ISSN 1212-0014 – The article makes a survey of aspects for evaluation of a periphery in geographic sciences. The definition of the terms "periphery" and "marginality" is discussed. An attention is paid to e...
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The article briefly analyses the population development in the Czech-Austrian borderland and that in five time horizons during the period 1950-1997. The model territory (municipalities of four near-border districts) manifested a very intensive development of the number of inhabitants due mainly to the transfer of the inhabitants of German nationali...
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Sacred places in Prague Sacred place as dignifi ed locality of devotion is defi ned differently in time and space. It is evident that humans always have a desire for the sacred. This is also true in the process of secularization. The traditional religious places are conserved, but they are also given secular attributes by the profane society. The p...


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