Titas Brokevicius

Titas Brokevicius
HZ University of Applied Sciences


Questions (4)
I have 6 ecosystems, 3 of which are substrate A and the other 3 are substrate B. each ecosystem has about 10 species. I have calculated a simpsons value for each ecosystem and a simpsons value for each substrate. I would like to statistically compare the two index values of substrate A and B, is this possible in any way? Since I would like to statistically compare the biodiversity between the two substrates, what is the best way to go about this?
I have six ecosystems in two substrate categories (Triplicates essentially). I have determined shannon wiener index values for each ecosystem and also for the two categories separately. I have done this for two separate sets of data that were sampled in two separate years. Is it possible to statistically compare the development of the biodiversity between each of the categories i.e., the development of biodiveristy in ecosystem 1 between the two years, using the shannon wiener values somehow? Are there any other tests that could work? I am aware of the hutcheson t test however, some of my data is not normally distributed.
I would really appreciate some help!
I have six ecosystems in two substrate categories (Triplicates essentially). I have determined shannon wiener index values for each ecosystem and also for the two categories separately. I have done this for two separate sets of data that were sampled in two separate years. Is it possible to statistically compare the development of the biodiversity between each of the categories i.e., the development of biodiveristy in ecosystem 1 between the two years, using the shannon wiener values somehow? Are there any other tests that could work? I am aware of the hutcheson t test however, some of my data is not normally distributed.
I would really appreciate some help!
Is it very literally subbing in shannon wiener index values instead of species abundances?