Tiphaine Chevallier

Tiphaine Chevallier
Institute of Research for Development | IRD · 210 - Functional Ecology and Biochemistry of Soils and Agroecosystems (Eco&Sols)



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January 2005 - present
Institute of Research for Development
  • CR


Publications (193)
Rural development projects to develop sustainable agriculture need to be assessed before engagingsmallholder farmers at large scale. Data on agricultural systems to produce food, provide income forsmallholders and reduce greenhouse-gas (GHG) emissions are scarce in Sub-Saharan Africa countries.Here, we assessed the potential of agroecological pract...
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Mid-Infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS, 4000–400 cm-1) is being considered to provide accurate estimations of soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents, based on prediction models when the test dataset is well represented by the calibration set, with similar SIC range and distribution and pedological context. This work addresses the case where the...
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Given the importance of soil organic carbon (SOC) stocks and their dynamics in the regulation of climate change, understanding the mechanisms of SOC protection from decomposition is crucial. It is recognized that soil aggregates can provide effective protection of organic carbon from microbial decomposition. Currently, there is no systematic method...
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Land use change is one of the most important determinants of carbon storage and dynamics in ecosystems. Areas in the proximity of metropoles undergo land use changes but are poorly studied for their soil and biomass carbon budget, especially in Africa. Close to Benin's economic capital, the Lama territory located on the Allada plateau is subject to...
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Quantifying both soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) is essential to understand carbon (C) dynamics and to assess the atmospheric C sequestration potential in calcareous soils. The procedures usually used to quantify SOC and SIC involve pretreatments (decarbonation, carbonate removal) and calculations of the difference between...
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Studying the soil organic and inorganic carbon (SOC and SIC) dynamics is essential to assess the carbon (C) sequestration potential of calcareous soils. Isotopic signatures (δ 13 C) are used to assess the C origin of SOC or SIC. However, as measuring SOC and SIC contents, measuring δ 13 C SOC and δ 13 C SIC on a non-pretreated aliquot remains a cha...
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This report investigates the intricate interplay between the drivers of changes in soil health, along with the pressures and impacts on soil in the 32 European Environment Agency (EEA) member countries, as well as six cooperating countries from the West Balkans, Ukraine, and the UK. It sheds light on the multifaceted challenges facing soil conserva...
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Afforestation of gramineous-woody savannah with cocoa agroforestry systems (cAFS) is a common farmer practice in Cameroon considered as sustainable. Nevertheless, the effects of afforestation of savannah with cAFS on soil organic carbon (SOC) turnover and content, and the factors controlling SOC accumulation and stabilization are unknown. SOC conte...
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Particle size fractionation enables a better understanding of soil organic carbon (C) dynamics since it separates fractions that differ in composition, residence time and function. However, this method is time-consuming and tedious; thus, its use has been greatly limited. Our objective was to evaluate the ability of an existing soil spectral librar...
Conference Paper
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A diversity of agricultural practices and systems enable the accrual of soil organic C (SOC) stocks, with variable efficiencies. These C-storing practices increase SOC stocks, either by increasing the inputs of plant biomass or exogenous organic matter, or by decreasing the outputs of SOC reducing SOC mineralisation rates, or both. In the perspecti...
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Assessing the conditions and performance of agroecological transitions in different contexts is key to supporting these transitions. However, assessing agroecological transitions presents methodological challenges, including: 1) being adaptable to local conditions, 2) consideration of social interactions among stakeholders involved in transitions,...
Soil organic carbon (SOC) contributes to agrosystem productivity. Understanding how farming practices implemented by smallholders affect the levels and distribution of SOC in carbon (C) pools with different stabilities is essential in sub-Saharan Arenosols where SOC mineralization is intense. The stability of SOC was studied by thermal (Therm-C), p...
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Quantifying both soil organic and inorganic carbon (SOC & SIC) is essential to understand carbon (C) dynamics and to assess the atmospheric C sequestration potential in calcareous soils. The procedures usually used to quantify SOC and SIC involve pretreatments (decarbonation, decarbonatation) and calculation of the difference between C contents est...
Technical Report
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Coordinated by Cirad in partnership with INRAE and IRD, the "4 for 1000" study in overseas France provides an unprecedented assessment of soil carbon stocks in overseas territories. The authors formulate operational and research recommendations to preserve these high stocks and respond to the major challenges facing agriculture in the face of clima...
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Assessing the different pools of soil organic carbon (SOC) improves our understanding of how and at what rate the different forms of carbon (C) are being formed or lost in soils. Physical fractionation of soil organic matter (SOM) has often been used to separate and quantify SOC pools, but this approach is very tedious and can rarely be performed o...
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Assessing benefits and limits of agroecological transitions in different contexts is of foremost importance to steer and manage agroecological transitions and to feed evidence-based advocacy. However, assessing agroecological transitions remains a methodological challenge. The objective of this research was to investigate to what extent existing mu...
Conference Paper
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Archaeological anthrosols constitute a heritage of long-term carbon storage and soil fertility. Their anthropogenic features are affected by the type and intensity of ancient human activities. Human activities can follow a gradation of disturbance intensity, with lower intensity related to a weak human pollution of natural soil, and stronger intens...
Technical Report
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Coordonnée par le Cirad en partenariat avec INRAE et l’IRD, l’étude « 4 pour 1000 » Outre-mer dresse un bilan inédit des stocks de carbone du sol des territoires ultramarins. Les auteurs formulent des recommandations opérationnelles et de recherche pour préserver ces stocks élevés et répondre aux grands enjeux actuels de l’agriculture face au chang...
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Identifying the drivers of soil organic carbon (SOC) stock changes is of the utmost importance to contribute to global challenges like climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss, or food security. Evaluating the impacts of land use and management practices in agriculture and forestry on SOC is still challenging. Merging datasets or making...
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contributes to up to half of the terrestrial C stock and is especially significant in arid and semi-arid environments, yet has not been explored as much as soil organic carbon (SOC). SIC plays an important role in agriculture, CO2 sequestration and emission and climate regulation. To address this, a comprehensive review...
Soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contributes to up to half of the terrestrial C stock and is especially significant in arid and semi-arid environments, yet has not been explored as much as soil organic carbon (SOC). SIC plays an important role in agriculture, CO2 sequestration and emission and climate regulation. To address this, a comprehensive review...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a pillar of soil ecosystem services. However, SOC quantification, especially in terms of stock (in kgC m-2 for a given soil layer), or SOC fraction characterization, which helps understand SOC dynamics, are often tedious and/or costly. This article proposes an overview to show the value of IR spectroscopy to quantify SO...
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Purpose Urbanization is a major driver of land use change and can affect the soil organic carbon (SOC) pools. This study aimed to understand the urbanization impact on SOC stocks and pools at profile scale (0–100 cm). Methods The SOC was studied at 0–30 and 0–100 cm depths in park and sealed soils of three French cities (Marseille, Nancy, and Nant...
The Koronivia Joint Work on Agriculture (KJWA) and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) have brought agriculture onto the agenda of solutions to tackle climate change and sustainable development. The first KJWAroadmap came to an end in 2020. The conclusions will be reported at the UNFCCC COP 27 in 2022. Several options for the future of KJWA are...
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For several years, soil has been at the heart of global issues, whether it be climate change, biodiversity loss or land desertification. Soil organic carbon plays a major role in these issues because of its contribution to several ecosystem services. This renewed interest increases the demand for dissemination of data on soils and encourages scient...
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Poster presented at the European Society for Agronomy (ESA) XVII Congress in Potsdam in September 2022. The related article was accepted in the Italian Journal of Agronomy in June 2023.
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Les sols hébergent une importante biodiversité. Ils sont essentiels pour nourrir l'humanité et jouent un rôle fondamental dans les cycles biogéochimiques de la planète. Alors qu'à l'échelle du globe, un tiers des sols sont dégradés, comprendre les processus écologiques qui s'y déroulent pour mieux les préserver et les restaurer est un enjeu majeur....
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Pre-print open for comments until July 4, here : https://egusphere.copernicus.org/preprints/2022/egusphere-2022-115/ Thank you for your comments ! Abstract : Identifying the drivers of soil organic carbon (SOC) stock changes is of utmost importance to contribute to global challenges like climate change, land degradation, biodiversity loss or food...
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Soil organic carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) contents have an essential role in soil fertility, but they may be affected by salinity, which is especially responsible for land degradation in arid and semiarid regions. The objective of this work was to study the ability of visible and near infrared diffuse reflectance spectroscopy (VNIRS) to predict soil...
DATA4C+ is a thesaurus classifying and defining land management practices in agriculture and forestry for soil carbon storage. DATA4C+ thesaurus is focussed on land management practices identified in the scientific literature as drivers of soil organic carbon (SOC) changes. DATA4C+ thesaurus aim was to fill the gap of lack of a comprehensive thesau...
Article publié dans The Conversation : https://theconversation.com/une-bd-pour-se-familiariser-a-lagroecologie-174050
Within agroforestry systems, trees greatly contribute to soil carbon (C) sequestration. We still know little about how this contribution varies according to tree species. Here, we quantified the soil C content derived from three main tree species, Eucalyptus robusta, Coffea arabica and Citrus clementina, used in rainfed rice-based agroforestry in t...
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The inventory of the carbon (C) pools in Africa’s ecosystems is not well documented, although it is crucial to support climate mitigation policies. We quantified the C stocks in plant biomass, woody necromass, litter and soil (0–30 and 30–100 cm) for the five main land uses – forest, tree plantation, young and adult palm groves, croplands – of Ferr...
Conference Paper
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Continental carbon (C) sequestration plays a major role in climate change resilience, mitigation, and agro-ecological intensification. Soil Moisture Active Passive Global Daily Carbon Net Ecosystem Exchange dataset (SMAP L4) is used for monitoring daily terrestrial C stocks, given the high potential of semiarid areas for Sustainable Goals achieveme...
Conference Paper
Continental carbon (C) sequestration plays a major role in climate change resilience, mitigation, and agro-ecological intensification. Soil Moisture Active Passive Global Daily Carbon Net Ecosystem Exchange dataset (SMAP L4) is used for monitoring daily terrestrial C stocks, given the high potential of semiarid areas for Sustainable Goals achieveme...
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Le secteur de l'agriculture, de la forêt et des autres utilisations des terres (AFOLU pour l'anglais Agriculture, Forestry and Other Land Uses) est émetteur en gaz à effet de serre mais c'est également un secteur pour lequel des investissements peuvent inverser la tendance. Pourtant les actions concrètes avec des résultats chiffrés sont rares du fa...
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Because of its multiple co-benefits, soil organic carbon is at the crossroads of several Sustainable Development Goals, but also of the United Nations Conventions on Climate, Biodiversity and Desertification. Launched during COP 25 in Paris, the 4 for 1000 Initiative is one of the major initiatives of this international agenda that involves multi-s...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is essential for the productivity of agroecosystems and for mitigating climate change. Because the SOC contents of sandy soils are usually small, the effects of agricultural management upon SOC stocks in such soils have been insufficiently studied. In West sub-arid Africa, the coarse-textured soils (mostly Arenosols) are d...
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Eight years of studying coffee ecophysiology and monitoring ecosystem services (ES) in a large coffee farm in Costa Rica revealed several practical recommendations for farmers and policy makers. The cropping system studied within our collaborative observatory (Coffee-Flux) corresponds to a coffee-based agroforestry system (AFS) under the shade of l...
Dataset used for a paper published in Regional Environmental Change (2021) "Estimates of carbon stocks in sandy soils cultivated under local management practices in Senegal’s groundnut basin". Data comprised Sheet 1: Measured data (total carbon content, pH in water, pH in 1M KCl, 5 textural fractions for soil samples collected at 0-10 cm and 10-3...
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vPICO presented at session SSS 9.7 "Impact of conventional agriculture and organic farming on soil functions"
Conference Paper
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Soil carbon (C), now more than ever, attracts the interest of the scientific community for its importance in combating climate change and achieving food security. As a result, its key role in agricultural soil fertility and in anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions mitigation is high on international agendas. A key issue regarding the linkage betwe...
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Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS, 4000–400 cm⁻¹) is being considered to provide accurate estimations of soil properties, including soil organic carbon (SOC) and soil inorganic carbon (SIC) contents. This approach has mainly been demonstrated by using datasets originating from the same area A, with similar geopedological conditions, to bu...
The assessment of the impacts of land-use and management on soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics is a major environmental concern, as the soil carbon cycle underpins key ecosystem services. However, assessments based on short-term SOC dynamics face methodological and experimental difficulties. Hurisso et al. (2016) proposed a method to assess SOC dyn...
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The Paris Climate Agreements and Sustainable Development Goals, signed by 197 countries, present agendas and address key issues for implementing multi-scale responses for sustainable development under climate change—an effort that must involve local, regional, national, and supra-national stakeholders. In that regard, Continental Carbon Sequestrati...
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Aims Mineral-associated organic matter, mainly derived from microbial by-products, persists longer in soil compared to particulate organic matter (POM). POM is highly recalcitrant and originates largely from decomposing root and shoot litter. Theory suggests that root traits and growth dynamics should affect carbon (C) accumulation into these diffe...
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Mid-infrared reflectance spectroscopy (MIRS) is time- and cost-effective. It was used for quantifying soil inorganic carbon (SIC) concentration in France based on a national library, and performances were evaluated on an independent regional set. Our objective was to improve the accuracy of MIRS predictions based on common multivariate regression,...
Conference Paper
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) is a key element in the functioning of agrosystems. It ensures soil quality and productivity of cultivated systems in the Sahelian region. This study uses Rock-Eval pyrolysis to examine how cultural practices impact SOC quantity and quality of cultivated sandy soils in the Senegal groundnut basin. Such thermal analysis met...
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Agroforestry systems have been much studied for their potential to store soil organic carbon (SOC). However, few data are available on their specific impact on potential SOC mineralization, especially at depth in subsoils. Moreover, many soils of the world, especially in arid and semiarid environments, also contain large stocks of soil inorganic ca...
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Cet article présente une exposition, "Sols fertiles, vies secrètes", conçue à l'initiative du Sénat pour sensibiliser le grand public aux enjeux de la connaissance et de la préservation de nos ressources en sol. Exposée pour la première fois dans l'Orangerie des jardins du Luxembourg en 2014, sa conception et sa diffusion a mis à contribution de no...
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Une belle exposition montée en 1990, exposée en 1998 lors du XVIe Congrès Mondial de Science du Sol à Montpellier, a continué de voyager après les années 2000. Elle s'est retrouvée à Alès en 2018 pour une exposition pour les jeunes et grand public. Deux scientifiques du sol, invités à donner leur opinion sur le contenu des panneaux, ont réalisé com...
Les sols sont une ressource essentielle à préserver pour la production d'aliments, de fibres, de biomasse, pour la filtration de l'eau, la préservation de la biodiversité et le stockage du carbone. En tant que réservoirs de carbone, les sols sont par ailleurs appelés à jouer un rôle primordial dans la lutte contre l'augmentation de la concentration...
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DATA4C+ (2019-2021) is a research project funded by the French Research National Agency (ANR), coordinated by Cirad and implemented by the consortium Cirad-INRA-IRD. DATA4C+ aims meeting the growing need to assess the impact of agricultural practices on soil carbon. Stakes are high to reference data and meta-data in databases to have a global view....
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La sensibilisation du grand public, et en particulier des plus jeunes, à l’importance des sols pour notre environnement et le fonctionnement de nos sociétés, est une des clefs de leur préservation. Le programme de recherche GESSOL « Gestion durable des sols » du ministère en charge de l’écologie a élaboré et diffusé, entre 2010 et 2018, une brochur...
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Soil organic carbon (SOC) constitutes the largest terrestrial C stock, particularly in the Andosols of volcanic areas. Quantitative information on distribution of SOC stocks is needed to construct a baseline for studying temporal changes in SOC. The spatial variation of soil short-range-order minerals such as allophane usually explains the variabil...
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L’agroécologie est, de manière croissante, évoquée au cœur des discussions internationales sur le devenir des systèmes agricoles et alimentaires dans le monde, en apparaissant comme une des réponses pertinentes aux grands défis globaux en matière de développement économique et social et d’environnement, largement reflété́ dans les Objectifs de Déve...