Timo Schmitz

Timo Schmitz
Trier University · Department of Philosophy

Master of Arts


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Schmitz's academic interests are diverse, encompassing ancient Greek philosophy, particularly Platonism, the Juche ideology of the DPRK (North Korea), and Chinese ethnic minorities. He is also deeply engaged in exploring religious traditions, such as Buddhism (with a focus on Yogacara), Daoism, Judaism, Christianity, and various indigenous religions and new religious movements, trying to build bridges among these traditions and promote interreligious dialogue.


Publications (28)
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This paper aims to recount the ideological and spiritual sources of the Juche Idea, the official state ideology of North Korea, known formally as Democratic People's Republic of Korea (DPRK). To do so, the author first analyzes which sources the DPRK claims itself to be the foundation of Juche and in a second step, he will compare the research of d...
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Karl Marx proposed that castes and feudal classes are both forms of the division of labor, with castes being hereditary in nature. In this paper, the author analyzes feudal class and caste through current and historical examples to investigate Marx's theory and to detect challenges in drawing parallels between both. As examples, the author takes th...
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The author of this paper wants to analyze whether Juche could be compatible with Marxian Historical Materialism, and therefore wants to know if Juche is materialist or idealist by nature. Since, as will be demonstrated, the arguments speaking for an idealism are clearly overturning any chance of classifying Juche as materialist, it must be question...
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Explore the shared linguistic heritage of Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, and Singapore in this comprehensive guide. Though these countries have developed their own standardized versions of Malay, which they either call Indonesian (Bahasa Indonesia), Malaysian (Bahasa Malysia), or Malay (Bahasa Melayu), they remain closely related and largely mutually...
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Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is a doctrine within a doctrine of Juche Ideology. This paper aims to show, why Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism is incompatible with democracy and wants to propose a two-step dismantling to start a soft state transformation without abolishing the DPRK as a whole. It will be demonstrated that a change is indeed possible in theory...
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Discover the rich tapestry of Chinese dialects in my newly revised edition. This comprehensive archive, which began as a teenage passion project is now growing into an academic project. Despite further unpublished material, this edition focuses on the written forms of dialects. Though still a work in progress, this edition is ready for public discu...
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El coreano de Corea del Norte es más conservador y formal que el dialecto moderno y urbano de Corea del Sur. Aunque hay muchas publicaciones sobre el coreano estándar surcoreano, falta investigación sobre el norcoreano, que es importante también. Tras 70 años de separación entre los dos países coreanos, el idioma se ha distanciado y es dificil de h...
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Le Livre d’Enoch est l’un des apocryphes les plus célèbres et a laissé sa marque aussi bien dans l’Ancien Testament que dans le Nouveau Testament. Dans le Livre d’Hénoch, le prophète reçoit une vision du jugement de Dieu, qui viendra punir les pécheurs et récompenser les justes, et donc c’est un livre apocalyptique. Le but de cette édition est de r...
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Basé sur les traductions de Martin et al. et de Rießler avec une comparaison avec le texte en grec ancien du Codex Panopolitanos et Georgios Synkellos
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This book takes the reader on a journey to discover the diverse landscape of minority languages which are spoken in China, Vietnam, and Myanmar. Coming from different language families, it explores Austroasiatic, Turkic, Mongolic, Hmong-Mien, Tibeto-Burman, and Tai-Kadai languages, highlighting their cultural significance and geographical spread an...
Karl Marx already proposed that castes and feudal classes both are forms of the division of labor, with castes being hereditary in nature. In contrast to that, it is commonly acknowledged that in a feudal society, one is also born into a socioeconomic class, but the stigma of the class is not attached to the person for life and there are possibilit...
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While the Neo-Confucianist influences on Juche are already well reported in the historical study of the ideological development of North Korea, the author of this article thinks that the Confucian root sources need to be focused as well. As such, in this research it shall be demonstrated that the anthropological frame in Xunzi's philosophy was adop...
This diagram visually represents the core principles of Juche, the North Korean political ideology said to be developed by Kim Il-sung. It emphasizes the significance of man and his role in answering the fundamental question of philosophy according to the North Korean state’s self-understanding.
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North Korea's Juche Idea is often portrayed as Stalinist, Maoist or even both, despite the fact that the Juche Idea contradicts even the fundamental outlook of Marxism. In this paper, I first want to show that neither Marxism nor a Marxist-Leninist-Stalinist world outlook plays a large role in Jucheist anthropology, but that Juche's people-centered...
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Transcending simplistic Western narratives, this book offers a nuanced perspective on Tibetan history. It delves beyond the confines of Central Tibet, providing a brief overview of the entire Tibetan cultural sphere across two millennia. Driven by a commitment to scholarly accuracy and fair representation, the author invites critical engagement and...
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North Korea is one of the most authoritarian states in the world, and members of religious groups face severe persecution. This article explores how deeply religious persecution is anchored in the state system and how it is handled in practice. It presents a six-point plan to improve the situation of believers short of waiting for a regime change....
Family Tree of Tibeo-Burman Languages
Family Tree of the Tai-Kadai languages
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In this small booklet the author wants to give readers a first impression about the Persian language, as spoken in Iran, Afghanistan and Tajikistan, focusing on basic words and grammar. The author hopes that through this publication, that through this publication the quite complex Persian grammar becomes graspable in a simple way. However, it is no...
Dieses Buch widmet sich dem Symbol der Grotte in der spätantiken Homerinterpretation De antro Nympharum von Porphyrios und der Frage, was dieses Motiv in seiner Abhandlung leisten soll, nicht zuletzt, da Porphyrios uns mehrere Möglichkeiten zur Verfügung stellt, welche er nebeneinander stehen lässt. Dabei stellt sich natürlich die Frage, inwiefern...
조선민주주의인민공화국은 김일성의 주체사상을 사회질서에 근간으로 하고 있다. 이것은 종교가 후진적이며 반과학적임을 가르친다. 그러므로 조선민주주의인민공화국의 공민들은 물질주의적세계관을 채택하고 관념주의를 경계해야한다. 조선정부도 공민들을 국내 종교활동을 철저히 감시하고 있다. 이 론문은 조선민주주의인민공화국과 대한민국 사이의 회담에서 종교적문제를 자극하기 위한 6가지 점을 제시한다. 목적은 종교단체와 인권상황을 강화하는 동시에 조선민족의 자결권을 유지하는것이다. 조선로동당이 종교기관에 대한 신뢰를 얻어야만 조선의 신자들에게 뭔가 개선될수있기 때문이다.
Nordkorea ist für viele ein verschlossenes, geheimnisvolles Land und im Ausland vor allem für seinen autoritären Führerkult bekannt. Dabei wird auch immer wieder auf die Juche-Ideologie als Staatsdoktrin hingewiesen. In diesem Werk wird das Selbstverständnis der Wissenschaften und des Staatssystems Nordkoreas anhand nordkoreanischen Propagandamater...
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The North Korean state doctrine Juche regards itself as philosophical system, though from a Western angle, it fails to fit into the definition of philosophy. Nevertheless, it is interesting to analyze whether it shares the basic characteristics demanded of a philosophical system with emphasis to system, because if it is a systemized thought, then i...
Der Mythos Er zählt zu den bekanntesten Mythen Platons und so ist es nicht verwunderlich, dass er immer wieder rezipiert und interpretiert wurde. Die vorliegende Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, was das Losverfahren in dem Mythos leisten soll. Dafür werden zwei Interpretationen herangezogen. So wird aufgezeigt, dass Biesterfeld den Mythos ehe...
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This paper wants to examine, why it is important to look at the growth of new religious movements in terms to understand the liberations of Korea and Vietnam from their respective colonial rules. As a methodology, the author introduces first the new religious movements which evolved at the end of the Korean Ri-Dynasty (also known as Joseon-Dyansty)...
Conference Paper
The Canadian political agenda is traditionally viewed internationally as a remarkable example of how moderate libertarian political views can draft innovative political agendas; and even further, the very substance of the national identity. Christianity, regardless of whether it is under the form of Protestantism or Catholicism, has greatly shaped...
