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As a Junior Professor in Work and Organizational Psychology, my research focuses on understanding and fostering positive organizational practices that support diverse employee populations. I am particularly interested in how these practices can promote employee well-being, engagement, and sustainable performance. Additionally, I am passionate about supporting early-career researchers and creating better workplace cultures in Academia.
Additional affiliations
February 2011 - November 2011
April 2018 - September 2020
April 2012 - March 2014
April 2014 - May 2016
October 2012 - October 2013
April 2010 - September 2012
Publications (60)
Gender microaggressions, especially its subtler forms microinsults and microinvalidations are by definition hard to discern. We aim to construct and validate a scale reflecting two facets of the microaggression taxonomy: microinsults and microinvalidations toward women in the workplace, the MIMI-16. Two studies were conducted (N1 = 500, N2 = 612)....
This study investigated the effects of the 6 Minutes Journal (6MT), a commercial diary combining several positive psychology interventions, including gratitude, goal-setting, and self-affirmation exercises, on several mental health outcome measures. In a randomized controlled trial, university students (N = 157) were randomly assigned to one of two...
This study investigates the association between the PERMA+4 model and psychological safety, while also examining the validation of the Positive Functioning at Work (PFW) scale in a German-speaking population. The study discovered strong association between PERMA+4 and psychological safety, which raises important questions and potential concerns reg...
Gender bias still appears to contribute significantly to the gender disparity observed in upper leadership positions. The present study presents the translation, modification, and validation of the Gender Bias Scale for Women Leaders (GBSWL, Diehl et al., 2020) into German and Spanish. Using data from four samples of full-time employed women from G...
Addressing the lack of German-language instruments, this study aims to develop a questionnaire that enables the measurement of work values. According to the theory of basic human values (Schwartz, 1992), a culturally fitting questionnaire is validated by covering constructs in the four broader dimensions of Social, Prestige, Intrinsic, a...
This study is the first to provide a systematic overview and taxonomy of measures assessing perceived ageism. A systematic review according to PRISMA was conducted with the aim of descriptively presenting the body of existing perceived ageism measures. Of 14,135 identified
Automated item selection procedures have become integral to contemporary scaleconstruction and shortening due to the increasing complexity of research questions, whichdemand shorter yet robust questionnaires. These questionnaires must meet various qualitycriteria beyond traditional reliability. Despite steady technical advancements and growing useo...
In contemporary workplaces characterized by diverse age groups working collaboratively, the assessment of age discrimination as an interpersonal phenomenon has gained heightened significance. This study focuses on adapting and scrutinizing the psychometric properties of the German iteration of the Workplace Age Discrimination Scale (WADS-G). Compre...
[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0247114.].
This study examined the influence of gender bias in the workplace on emotional exhaustion among women in Germany and Spain. A total of 870 women with and without leadership responsibilities participated in an online survey. Using the Gender Bias Scale for Women Leaders (GBSWL), various forms of gender discrimination were examined.
Ziel: Mit der Studie soll ein deutscher Fragebogen zur Messung von Arbeitswerten basierend auf der Theorie grundlegender Werte (Schwartz, 1992) validiert werden.
Methode: Über eine querschnittliche Online-Panel Studie wurden N=1049 Teilnehmende rekrutiert. Der Fragebogen wurde per Algorithmus-basierter Itemselektion erstellt.
Ergebnisse: 11 Arbeits...
The purpose of this study was to validate the English and German versions of the revised Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12R) in a US-sample (n = 385) and a sample from Germany (n = 202). The 12-item CPC-12R exhibited the anticipated factorial structure with an excellent model fit in both samples and associations to other constructs concurred with previ...
The purpose of the study was to examine whether psychological capital (PsyCap) and gratitude mediate the association between stress and well-being of college students in the United States. Results indicated the mediating role of PsyCap and gratitude, suggesting that both constructs could be a positive resource for fostering well-being. The developm...
The present study adapts and investigates the psychometric properties of the German version of the Prosocial Behavioral Intentions Scale (PBIS). The sample included 507 participants. Incongruent with the original study, the PBIS showed low internal consistency (α = .57; ω = .63). The CFA results indicated a good two-dimensional model fit. The PBIS...
Existing literature indicates that flexible work seems to be an ambivalent experience (Putnam et al., 2013). Although it can enable employees regarding their work choices resulting in positive outcomes (i.e., work autonomy, job satisfaction, a better work/family life balance) (Tavares, 2017; Bhattacharya and Ray, 2021), the way that organizations i...
The purpose of this study was to validate the English and German versions of the revised Compound PsyCap Scale (CPC-12R) in a US-sample (n = 385) and a sample from Germany (n = 202). The 12-item CPC-12R exhibited the anticipated factorial structure with an excellent model fit in both samples and associations to other constructs concurred with previ...
The so-called geek-culture becomes increasingly more mainstream, and its social and economic impact is growing. In contrast, there is very little quantitative psychological research on this subculture and the people immersed in it. The aim of this study was to investigate whether there are differences in the Big Five personality factors between Dun...
Based on a sample of 372 adult employees who reported being LGB+, this cross-sectional study investigated whether and how personality is related to the disclosure of a non-heterosexual orientation at the workplace, which has not been systematically examined so far. Disclosure at work, the five-factor personality traits, self-esteem, impulsiveness,...
Research has recently established the notion that humor in leadership contributes to the development of a positive professional relationship between leaders and followers. This relationship has been supposed to be the core mechanism via which humor in leadership unfolds its effects on work attitudes and behaviors. However, research has neglected th...
This guide has been created to support you as an employer who wants to employ and include autistic workers in their organisation and gain some insight and awareness of autism. You may have already considered autistic students or graduates for a job role, perhaps without even knowing it. Here you will find key information, tips and guidelines, based...
The Broader Autism Phenotype Questionnaire (BAPQ) is a measure to assess a set of personality and language characteristics reflecting the phenotypic expression of autistic traits in neurotypically developing individuals. This paper aims to evaluate the newly developed German version of the BAPQ (BAPQ-G) in terms of its factorial validity. We perfor...
The Strength Use and Deficit Correction (SUDCO) Questionnaire has been shown to be a reliable instrument for the measurement of its four dimensions perceived organizational support for strengths use, perceived organizational support for deficit correction, strengths use behavior, and deficit correction behavior in the context of organizations. We a...
This research provides information about the psychometric limitations of the original Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC-12) and suggests a revised version CPC-12R.
The investigation consisted of three studies: two of these identified psychometric limitations of the original scale, and the third presented the revised version of the scale.
Gender microaggressions, especially their subtler forms microinsults and microinvalidations are by definition hard to discern. We aim to construct and validate a scale reflecting two facets of the microaggression taxonomy: microinsults and microinvalidations towards women in the workplace, the MIMI-16.
Two studies were conducted (N1 = 500, N2 = 612...
This article provides information about the psychometric limitations of the original Compound Psychological Capital Scale (CPC-12) and suggests a revised version CPC-12R, a free-to-use measure of Psychological Capital. The investigation consisted of three studies: two of these identified psychometric limitations of the original scale, and the third...
The Strength Use and Deficit Correction (SUDCO) Questionnaire has been shown to be a reliable instrument for the measurement of its four dimensions perceived organizational support for strengths use, perceived organizational support for deficit correction, strengths use behavior, and deficit correction behavior in the context of organizations. This...
The study aimed to reveal barriers and their coherences between discrimination and self-perceived employability which students and employees on the autism spectrum often face and need to overcome. These include discrimination based on disability, when applying for a job or retaining employment. This research located barriers in three diff...
This research aims to examine effective support strategies for facilitating employment of autistic students and graduates by answering the following research question: What constitutes effective employment support for autistic students and graduates?
Data were collected using the method of empathy-based stori...
This contribution focuses on autistic people’s transition from education into work, and the substantial employment gap that exists. Many young autistic people successfully complete their education, yet regularly fail to secure or retain employment afterwards.
Reasons are multi-fold: ineffective careers advice, poor employability skills, biased rec...
When we talk about probability, we are talking about a concept that is omnipresent in our life – from thinking about all the probabilities you have after finishing your work or the most basic of all probability examples, the ‘mother of probability’, gambling. The concept of probability is even more fundamental when we take a look at how we understa...
The significance of Meaning of Work (MOW) has been established for over 30 years. Various studies have shown its strong connection to most of the important organizational outcomes. But as research progresses, examples mount that contrary to original beliefs, MOW does not appear to be culturally independent. Despite this, only few research exists sp...
As organizational research turned its focus to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), interest also grew in the individual’s perspective on CSR. When looking for cross-cultural comparisons of the effects of CSR, measurement invariance is of utter importance as a questionnaire might not be equivalent in all investigated samples and thus bias results...
Covariance matrices of all items in all samples.
CFA, model 4F: Standardized item loadings and factor correlations (with standard errors).
All reported parameters are significant with p < .01.
Descriptive statistics: Item means and standard deviations.
Increasing individual subjective well-being has various positive outcomes, knowledge about its antecedents and the mediators of this relationship can therefore help to increase subjective well-being and the accompanying positive effects. The more future oriented facets of psychological capital, i.e. optimism, hope and self-efficacy have been shown...
Objectives: Veterinary practitioners’ working situation is both challenging and changing. They have higher levels of work-related stress and suicide risk than the general population. The proportion of women is increasing, and in Germany especially women and employed veterinarians are reported to be less satisfied than comparable subgroups of the ge...
One concept that is discussed in in order to increase well-being in the area of work and organizational psychology is psychological capital. Its facets of hope, efficacy, resilience and optimism are considered to be developable and interventions can hence be implemented to increase psychological capital. All subfacets as well as their composite hav...
80% of individuals on the autism spectrum are unemployed. Some companies already specialize in placement services for individuals with autism (e.g. as IT-consultants or electricians). There is no insightful data as to which problems these individuals encounter on the regular job market or how they handle them. Their sometimes great potential remain...
With this chapter, we want to open up the debate whether neurodiversity might be the next step of diversity. The term neurodiversity was first established in the online autism community in the 1990s and has since spread both off‐ and online. It describes the idea that, throughout the human population, different brain developments and structures exi...
Wohlbefinden und psychische Gesundheit sind ein für alle Individuen erstrebenswertes Ziel. Die Ansätze der Positiven Psychologie zeigen Wege auf, dieses Ziel zu erreichen. Optimismus, Hoffnung und Selbstwirksamkeit, als Teile des sogenannten Psychologischen Kapitals, sind persönliche Ressourcen, die entwickelbar sind und gleichzeitig positiv mit Wo...
With the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) being the standard measure to assess psychological capital (PsyCap) in the context of organizations, this paper targets to broaden this domain-specific approach by introducing a measure with universal claim. Two studies were conducted to create and validate a German self-report scale (CPC-12) measu...
Über 80% der Menschen auf dem Autismusspektrum sind arbeitslos. Da viele Menschen mit Autismus durchaus eine Anstellung anstreben, löst dies nicht nur Frustration aus, auch ihr mitunter großes Potenzial bleibt damit für den Arbeitsmarkt ungenutzt. Eine Handvoll Firmen haben dieses bereits erkannt und spezialisieren sich auf die Vermittlung von Mens...
The term neurodiversity was first established in the online autism community in the 1990s, and has since spread both off- and online. It describes the idea that, throughout the human population, different brain developments and structures exist. Neuronal variances such as autism or ADHD are therefore not to be seen as disorders but as variations di...
Die Arbeitsbedingungen für Hebammen in Deutschland verschlechtern sich zunehmend, dennoch bleiben
viele im Beruf und sprechen sogar von hoher Arbeitszufriedenheit. Nach dem Demand-Induced
Strain Compensation Modell können hohe Anforderungen im Beruf sowie mangelnde Arbeitsressourcen
zu niedrigerem subjektiven Wohlbefinden und Krankheit führen. Mögl...
When Martin Seligman became APA president in 1998, the Positive Psychology movement gave new perspectives and ideas to the discipline of psychology. In the past several years, the movement's focus on subjective well-being has also influenced the field of work and organizational psychology. This dissertation aims to introduce a contemporary approach...
Working conditions are worsening for midwives in Germany, yet many remain in the profession and even report high job satisfaction. According to the Demand-Induced Strain Compensation model, high job demands and lack of job resources lead to reduced subjective well-being and sickness. However, personal resources could diminish this impact. The prese...
With the Psychological Capital Questionnaire (PCQ) being the standard measure to assess psychological capital (PsyCap) in the context of organizations, this paper aims to broaden this domain-specific approach by introducing a measure with universal claim. Two studies were conducted to create and validate a German self-report scale (CPC-12) measurin...
Interview questionnaire on barriers to employment and their overcoming.
The aim of this study was to discover how individuals with autism succeed in entering the job market. We therefore sought to identify expected and occurred barriers, keeping them from taking up and staying in employment as well as to identify the solutions used to overcome these barriers. Sixty-six employed individuals with autism–17 of them with a...
Interview questionnaire on barriers to employment and their overcoming.
Complete dataset of all variables used in quantitative analysis.
Organizations are more and more interested in implementing and communicating programs of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). Research points to the effects of their authenticity, stating that if these programs are not perceived as authentic they are merely judged as green-washing with detrimental effects for the organization, and although this e...
Rooted in the neurodiversity approach, this study provides an overview of the strengths and interests of individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. We interviewed136 individuals with Asperger's Syndrome and 155 neurotypical individuals via an online survey with regards to (a) demography, (b) occupational strengths, (c) general self-efficacy, (d) occupat...
Rooted in the neurodiversity approach, this study provides an overview of the strengths and interests of individuals with Asperger's Syndrome. We interviewed136 individuals with Asperger's Syndrome and 155 neurotypical individuals via an online survey with regards to (a) demography, (b) occupational strengths, (c) general self-efficacy, (d) occupat...
The present study adapts and investigates the psychometric properties of the German version of the Prosocial Behavioral Intentions Scale (PBIS). The sample included 507 participants. Incongruent with the original study, the PBIS showed low internal consistency (α = .57; ω = .63). The CFA results indicated a good two-dimensional model fit. The PBIS...
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