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Publications (311)
Recruiting information technology (IT) talent remains a pressing issue for employers. Organizations therefore work on enhancing and highlighting their attractiveness. Drawing on the theory of attractive quality, the Kano model, we empirically investigate attributes that specifically attract IT talents in a recruiting context. Based on 30 interviews...
The continuous use of IT, even beyond regular office hours, is considered a cause of technostress, which impairs the health and performance of employees. To mitigate technostress, European countries have established the right to disconnect, and many organizations are struggling to identify and implement other effective measures. Based on a qualitat...
Filter bubbles result from recommender systems, which filter information based on a user’s behavior and preferences. However, scientific research lacks a comprehensive understanding of filter bubbles due to conflicting definitions, processes, and consequences of this phenomenon. Therefore, we addressed this issue by conducting a comprehensive liter...
Chatbots offer customers access to personalised services and reduce costs for organisations. While some customers initially resisted interacting with chatbots, the COVID‐19 outbreak caused them to reconsider. Motivated by this observation, we explore how disruptive situations, such as the COVID‐19 outbreak, stimulate customers' willingness to inter...
This study sheds light on how shocks, or events perceived as jarring, cause users to discontinue a service. We use image theory to develop a model of discontinuation (MOD), which includes five main concepts: shock, script, image violation, service and task dissatisfaction, and search for and evaluation of superior alternatives. MOD explains how two...
Arbeitskreis "Arbeit in der digitalen Welt" des MÜNCHNER KREIS 1 Kernaussagen (1) Generative KI verändert Aufgaben, Tätigkeiten, Prozesse sowie die Teilung von Auf-gaben und Verantwortung zwischen Mensch und Maschine. In Abhängigkeit des Ein-satzes sind auf Unternehmens-, Team-und individueller Ebene substitutive und innovative Auswirkungen zu erwa...
Employees want to be able to telework and organisations want to provide the ideal environment to make it a success story. While some teleworkers experience telework success, that is, are satisfied and perform well, others do not. To understand the drivers of successful and unsuccessful telework, we used a mixed methods approach, taking a stress‐the...
Teleworkers who live and work in the same space are vulnerable to conflicts between personal life and work (LWC). The Covid-19 lockdowns increased the intensity and risk of LWC and changed telework conditions, confronting teleworkers with difficult personal situations and often ill-equipped telework environments. To develop a better understanding o...
Jarring events, be they global crises such as COVID-19 or technological events such as the Cambridge Analytica data incident, have bullwhip effects on billions of people's daily lives. Such “shocks” vary in their characteristics. While some shocks cause, for example, widespread adoption of information systems (IS) as diverse as Netflix and...
Telework became a necessary work arrangement during the global COVID-19 pandemic. However, practical evidence even before the pandemic also suggests that telework can adversely affect teleworkers’ colleagues working in the office. Those regular office workers may experience negative emotions such as envy which, in turn, can impact work performance...
Digitalisierung, (Hyper-)Automatisierung und Künstliche Intelligenz verlagern Kommu-nikations- Interaktions- und Arbeitsprozesse in den virtuellen/digitalen Raum. In Folge entstehen neuartige Formen einer hybriden Zusammenarbeit, die über die oft diskutierte Frage „physisches Büro vs. Remote-Office“ hinausgehen. Dieses Whitepaper fasst die Diskussi...
A large number of electronic devices are rejected and returned to the seller in the first weeks of trial use, which costs organizations millions of dollars. We aimed to identify the causes behind those returns and find that stress during the trial period is a major contributing factor. Users are stressed as they need to learn how to use the electro...
Information technology (IT) interruptions are IT-based events that capture users’ attention and interfere with other activities. This study focuses on repeated IT interruption and task performance. We draw on dual-process theory and suggest that users may get used to repeated IT interruption, known as habituation, or may become hypersensitive, know...
Online multiplayer computer game competitions—so-called esports—attract millions of spectators around the world and show spectator numbers comparable to the Super Bowl. Despite that, game publishers, which often organize these large-scale competitions, still struggle to establish esports as a profitable business venture. One way they can do so invo...
Mixed-methods studies are increasing in information systems research, as they deliver robust and insightful inferences combining qualitative and quantitative research. However, there is considerable divergence in conducting such studies and reporting their findings. Therefore, we aim (1) to evaluate how mixed-methods studies have developed in infor...
While research has produced valuable insights about digital innovation, we lack a comprehensive understanding about its core nature, and research across disciplinary boundaries lacks integration. To address these issues, we review 227 articles on digital innovation across eight disciplines. Based on our findings, we (1) inductively develop a new de...
Recent statistics indicate that most organizations prefer to fill IT vacancies by rehiring IT professionals who previously worked in the organization. Less is known about what drives IT professionals to “turnback,” a term we define as returning to employment with a former employer. To explain this important and rarely considered IT job mobility beh...
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) allows researchers to study how configurations of conditions lead to outcomes and thereby create rich explanations of the dynamics of complex digital phenomena. To advance a discussion on QCA in the Information Systems (IS) discipline, this paper introduces the fundamental concepts of QCA and offers guidelines...
Some information systems research has considered that individual personality traits influence whether users feel stressed by information and communication technologies. Personality research suggests, however, that personality traits do not act individually, but interact interdependently to constitute a personality profile that guides individual per...
“Smart devices think you're “too lazy” to opt out of privacy defaults” was the headline of a recent news report indicating that individuals might be too lazy to stop disclosing their private information and therefore to protect their information privacy. In current privacy research, privacy concerns and self-disclosure are central construct...
A correction to this paper has been published: https://doi.org/10.1007/s11573-021-01036-x
Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) is a promising, powerful method that is increasingly used for IS research. However, the Information Systems (IS) discipline still lacks a shared understanding of how to conduct and report QCA. This paper introduces the fundamental concepts of QCA, summarizes the status quo, and derives recommendations...
The study analyzes data collected in two case studies in the healthcare industry, which is characterized by a variety of social and technical elements forming an activity system where all elements interact with each other. The findings indicate that many problems emerging during the implementation of a health information system can be traced back t...
Individuals only click on a very small fraction of the in-app advertisements (ads) they are exposed to. Despite this fact, organizations spend generously placing in-app ads without theoretical knowledge of how the structure and the semantics of in-app ads influence individuals’ clicking behavior. This study aims to identify how the processi...
Organizational identities define how organizations are perceived inside and outside the organ-izational boundaries. Because organizational identity is deeply embedded in an organization's routines and processes, a continuous identity provides stability, whereas changes in organiza-tional identity are risky and difficult to manage. Yet, digital inno...
The perception of an organization is largely based on its identity, which determines how it is expected to act. Yet, digital technology often creates situations where organizations experience conflicting demands from different stakeholders. Over time, organizations are therefore forced to take actions that may not be consistent with their identity...
Post-acceptance IS use is the key to leveraging value from IS investments. However, it also poses many demands on the user. Drawing on the challenge-hindrance stressor framework, this study develops a theory to explain how and why IS use stressors influence post-acceptance use. We identify two different types of IS use stressors: challenge IS use s...
This research explains why individuals resume using social networking sites (SNSs) after terminating their use. Drawing on return migration theory, we developed a theory-driven model of SNS resumption that includes two novel antecedents of SNS resumption behavior: nonuse-related dissatisfaction and use-related satisfaction. We also hypothesize that...
Smartphone use while driving causes car crashes, injuries and high death rates. To date, there is little research into what motivates frequent smartphone use while driving. In this study, we draw on psychological research indicating that personality profiles defined as constellations of multiple personality traits, influence individual beliefs and...
When do social media users click on sponsored content or intend to visit the website at a later time? A qualitative comparative analysis (QCA) using arguments based on herd theory, strength of ties, and social distance shows that only “likes” from socially close and knowledgeable users can consistently generate click-through or view-through intenti...
From an information systems perspective, organizations striving to leverage a strategic alignment between Information Technology (IT) and business areas often underestimate the role of human resource management in creating business value. This literature review analyzes 71 scholarly articles to assess the role of human resource management in suppor...
Employees have to adapt to newly implemented information systems (IS) because they are often perceived as radical changes or disruptions. To understand such adaptation behavior, IS research suggests that employees first appraise the new IS and second perform technology adaptive behaviors. However, while the psychology literature indicates that adap...
The original version of this article contained a mistake
This study investigates how mindfulness at work influences white-collar workers’ technostress. Building on our understanding that perceived techno-stressors lead to job burnout, we apply the transactional model of stress and the model of mindfulness to understand to what degree mindfulness reduces the perception of techno-stressors and whether mind...
This teaching case illustrates how important concepts and tools of information system management practice and literature are used in a young firm, challenged by strong growth and the need to integrate business processes and information technology systems. The case is typical of many smaller organizations that are substantially different from large...
In situations when Information Systems (IS) do not work as intended, using IS might hinder their users and let them perceive technostress; this then comes along with reduced user performance and high perceptions of exhaustion, among others. To alleviate these consequences, a mitigating behavior of stressed users is to seek social support to get ins...
Bitcoin is a well-established blockchain-based cryptocurrency that has attracted a great deal of attention from media and regulators alike. While millions of individuals invest in bitcoin, their motivations for doing so are less clear than with traditional investment decisions. We argue that the technical nature of bitcoin investments gives it uniq...
Complete information is very important to the accuracy of diagnosis in healthcare. Therefore, the idea to use conversational agents recording relevant information and providing it to healthcare facilities is of rising interest. A promising use case of the involvement of conversational agents is medication, as this data is often fragmented or incomp...
This paper investigates under what conditions stress from the use of SNS is linked to addiction to the use of the same SNS. Integrating three theoretical strands—the concept of feature‐rich Information Technology (IT), the theory of technology frames, and distraction as a coping behaviour—we theorize two types of coping behaviours in response to st...
Attracting and recruiting qualified information technology (IT) professionals remains one key issue for executives for numerous years. The so-called war for IT talent illustrates the hard competition of employers for well-educated IT professionals who develop and advance future technologies. Thus, employers are required to court the young professio...
According to industry reports, the lack of trust in non-human interaction prevents widespread Chatbot acceptance. Since the willingness and the ability to trust varies between individuals, this study examines to what extent the trust in Chatbots varies accordingly to different personality profiles. Drawing on the HEXACO dimensions of personality, w...
The future of work is widely debated in terms of skills shortages, disappearing or emerging jobs, ongoing automation through artificial intelligence (AI), and what might happen if we do not have to work due to increased substitution of human with machine labor. Our goal is not to rehash these debates, but to reflect on them in terms of information...
Even though IS use has numerous benefits for users and organisations, such as improved user performance and greater productivity, an increasing number of users experience technostress. Since technostress can result in decreased user well-being, it is important to understand what leads users to perceive it. Recent technostress research points to the...
From a theoretical point of view, previous research has considered information sensitivity in terms of potential negative consequences for someone who has disclosed information to others and that information becomes public. However, making information public could also have negative consequences for other individuals as well. In this study, we exte...
Whether the personal views of journalists affect their publication decisions is a much debated question in communication science. In a comparative survey of German and Italian journalists using the example of the euro crisis, Andrea Weitzel shows not only that colleagues, superiors and the editorial line are more important than one's own views. She...
We address how organizational reconfiguration and external knowledge leverage is related to a firms' knowledge recombination ability and digital innovation success. To develop digital innovation , firms tap a variety of heterogeneous backgrounds to exploit the ease with which different knowledge fields can be represented as digital artifacts. We co...
Whilst Information Systems research has focused
on how products, processes, and organizations have to be transformed in the digital age, we know little about how and why the organizational culture of firms needs to be ‘digitalized’. Drawing on the or- ganizational culture model by Edgar Schein, we analyze data from eleven cases across various indus...
In this paper, we focus on a critical aspect of work in organizations: using information in work tasks which is provided by information systems (IS) such as enterprise content management (ECM) systems. Our study based on the IS success model, 34 interviews, and an empirical study of 247 ECM system users at a financial service provider indicates tha...
Mit der Globalisierung und den dadurch entstehenden Fachkräftemangel ist die Personalbeschaffung einem starken Wettbewerb ausgesetzt. Um in dieser Situation im Vorteil zu bleiben, ist es für das Personalwesen essenziell wichtig, Kennzahlen entlang des Rekrutierungsprozesses zu erheben. Der vorliegende Forschungsansatz analysiert, welche Kennzahlen...
When implementing new information systems, organizations often face resistance behavior from employees who avoid or underutilize the system. We analyze the extent to which such user resistance behavior is explained by users’ perceptions of the technology compared with their perceptions of work routines. We developed a research model based on work s...
The “war for talent” is still on. Annually conducted surveys have indicated for years that one third of all organizations are unable to fill vacant job positions with suitable candidates. Responding to these and other challenges, human resource management (HRM) is expected to transform itself. General opinion holds that the HRM transformation has j...
IT standards are subject to network effects which establish challenges concerning a successful diffu-sion of standards. A renowned example is a mobile service provider trying to establish a network of customers while potential user often wait until the network is sufficiently large in terms of other users (direct network effect) or content availabl...
The development and diffusion of network markets and underlying standards is an important domain in IS research. Yet, there is no sound theory nor practice to fully understand the complex mechanisms behind networks of users who are tied together by compatibility requirements as is frequently witnessed in i nformation and communication networks. The...
In response to high turnover rates among IT personnel compared to other groups of professionals, IS research has focused on factors contributing to IT personnel's turnover intention; however, only few studies have focused on actual turnover. To shed more light on actual turnover behavior, this longitudinal study of 125 IT personnel theorizes and an...
In response to high turnover rates among IT personnel compared to other groups of professionals, IS research has focused on factors contributing to IT personnel's turnover intention; however, only few studies have focused on actual turnover. To shed more light on actual turnover behavior, this longitudinal study of 125 IT personnel theorizes and an...
"As the number of messages and social relationships embedded in social networking sites (SNS) increases, the amount of social information demanding a reaction from individuals increases as well. We observe that, as a consequence, SNS users feel they are giving too much social support to other SNS users. Drawing on social support theory, we call thi...
As innovation is often created in networks, a company's business partners influence its innovative outcome. Although many studies investigate innovation networks as a means to explore and exploit external knowledge, virtually no research has focused on the characteristics of external partners — in particular their innovativeness. This study conside...
This research is driven by the assumption made in several user resistance studies that employees are generally resistant to change. It investigates the extent to which employees' resistance to IT-induced change is caused by individuals' predisposition to resist change. We develop a model of user resistance that assumes the influence of dispositiona...
This research focuses on burnout as a driver of turnover intention amongst IT professionals. We extend Moore's exhaustion model by including further dimensions of burnout into the model, namely depersonalization and reduced personal accomplishment. The effect of stressors on these dimensions and the original dimension of emotional exhaustion is inv...
How can firms improve the degree of social alignment between their business and IT units?
Many years of research have shown the importance of business-IT alignment and its various
facets, yet research on the efficacy of IT governance mechanisms to improve business-IT
alignment is scarce. In this paper, we develop a model of social alignment at the...
Although much research has been performed on the adoption and usage phases of the information systems life cycle, the final phase, termination, has received little attention. This paper focuses on the development of discontinuous usage intentions, i.e. the behavioural intention in the termination phase, in the context of social networking services...
Research on IT personnel has observed that the major predictors for turnover intention are job satisfaction and organizational commitment. However, less is known about how these predictors are determined and how they vary according to the different job types of IT personnel. Hence, we develop and evaluate a dispositional model of turnover intention...
The challenge of managing the relationship between a firm’s business and IT in order to derive business value from IT is an important topic on researchers’ and practitioners’ agendas. The focus of most related research and management actions has been on the top management or project management levels. However, conflicts frequently arise within the...
It is widely acknowledged that IT and business resources need to be well aligned to achieve organizational goals. Yet, year after year, chief information officers (CIOs) still name business-IT alignment a key challenge for IT executives. While alignment research has matured, we still lack a sound theoretical foundation for alignment. Transcending t...
The challenge of managing the relationship between a firm’s business and IT in order to derive business value from IT is an important topic on researchers’ and practitioners’ agendas. The focus of most related research and management actions has been on the top management or project management levels. However, conflicts frequently arise within the...
The attraction of new developers is a key challenge for initiatives developing Free Libre Open Source Software (FLOSS). While previous evaluations consider status gains and competence evaluations to be key drivers for novices' joining behavior, it is unclear how FLOSS developers' relationships with others affect the attraction of new developers. In...
Despite the wide dissemination and acceptance of teleworking in the IT industry, companies like Yahoo!, HP, or Best Buy have stopped their telework programs, which indicates that there might also be some negative side effects in this type of work. In regard to this, our research focuses on one particular negative side of teleworking by focusing on...
Outsourcing relationships usually benefit from face-to-face (F2F) meetings between client and vendor staff in various manners, for instance, by fostering trust, mutual understanding, and knowledge transfer. While being an expensive and often not frequently used measure in IT offshoring to far-distant countries, frequent F2F meetings are especially...
Purpose – There is only scarce research about the transformation of e-HRM in general, and of the e-recruiting function in particular. Further, there is not much known of the transformational implications for the related people, process, and information technology (IT). The paper aims to discuss these issues.
Design/methodology/approach – To analyz...
While the selection of majors in Information Systems (IS) is widely discussed, the context of IS in further education lacks attention. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to analyze the motivational factors of individuals who intent to study IS, although they have already graduated in another degree program. Based on an explorative analysis of...
This research theorizes employee grumbling as a user resistance phenomenon observed during early information system (IS) implementation phases. When the usage of new IS is mandatory, user resistance cannot be observed when focusing technology usage, instead, employees protest against the IS implementation, or spoke rather negatively of it. This for...
The aim of this paper is to identify measurements of learning efficiency and learning effectiveness of blended learning and to analyze drivers of learning effectiveness and learning efficiency in learning environments of corporate education. Therefore a literature review of the AIS Electronic Library is done. With a single term search including "le...
In den „Recruiting Trends 2014“ untersucht das Centre of Human Resources Information Systems (CHRIS) der Universitäten Bamberg und Frankfurt am Main mit Unterstützung und im Auftrag von Monster Worldwide Deutschland bereits im zwölften Jahr in Folge die Personalbeschaffung in den Top-1.000-Unternehmen aus Deutschland. Dabei wurden seit Beginn der j...
Die Trends und Herausforderungen in der Personalbeschaffung der 500 größten Unternehmen Österreichs stehen auch in diesem Jahr wieder im Mittelpunkt der jährlichen Studienreihe „Recruiting Trends Österreich“. Die vorliegenden „Recruiting Trends 2014 Österreich“ sind bereits die achte Ausgabe dieser Studienreihe, die seit 2007 vom Centre of Human Re...
Mit der Globalisierung und den dadurch entstehenden Fachkräftemangel ist die Personalbeschaffung einem starken Wettbewerb ausgesetzt. Um in dieser Situation im Vorteil zu bleiben, ist es für das Personalwesen essenziell wichtig, Kennzahlen entlang des Rekrutierungsprozesses zu erheben. Der vorliegende Forschungsansatz analysiert, welche Kennzahlen...