Tim Ohnhäuser

Tim Ohnhäuser
University of Cologne | UOC · Department of Health Services Research

Doctor of Philosophy


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Tim Ohnhäuser works at the Department of Health Services Research at the University of Cologne. Current main project as project coordinator is NEO-MILK (Donor milk banks: Implementation and Promotion of lactation in German neonatal intensive care units)
October 2002 - July 2008
University of Münster
Field of study
  • Political Science, modern History


Publications (42)
Nach wie vor dialysieren deutlich über 90 % aller Dialysepatienten in einem per Hämodialyse (HD). Trotz einiger Bemühungen und Initiativen verharrt die Rate der Peritonealdialyse (PD) in Deutschland weiterhin auf niedrigem Niveau. Für das Jahr 2017 wurde laut Qualitätsbericht Dialyse eine Quote von 6,09 Prozent ermittelt [1]. Das Projekt MAU-PD (Mu...
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Introduction: Patients with end-stage kidney failure can be treated either by transplant or by dialysis, which can be administered as haemodialysis (HD) or peritoneal dialysis (PD). Although they are equivalent therapeutic options in terms of mortality, the percentage of patients in Germany treated with PD is currently very low (∼6%) compared with...
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While NIPT is being implemented rapidly, the implementation of a corresponding specialized counselling process in many respects lags behind. As a consequence, legal requirements and other testing conditions sometimes are not fulfilled adequately. The reported case illustrates the importance of trained personnel in the counselling and NIPT process a...
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- suicide facing deportation under national socialism - Arthur Nicolaier, discoverer of tetanus
Background Digitalization has significantly expanded the possibilities for collecting health data. Besides options such as online surveys, data can be collected through the use of digital applications (apps). Once users have given their consent, contact information from the app registration can be accessed to invite the relevant target group for fu...
Aim To explore whether and how expressing breast milk is perceived as helpful in coping with negative emotions due to premature birth by mothers of very low birth weight (VLBW) infants. Methods Qualitative interviews and a retrospective cross‐sectional questionnaire with mothers of VLBW infants were conducted and analysed using an exploratory sequ...
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Background Pump-dependent mothers of very low birth weight (VLBW, < 1500g) infants experience specific challenges achieving sufficient milk supply in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) and are therefore less frequently able to achieve (exclusive) breast milk feeding. Stress due to the limitations on participating in the infant’s care may contr...
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Objectives During the COVID-19 pandemic, dental appointments were cancelled or postponed by both patients and dentists. This study investigated the associations between German dentists’ concerns on cross infection and their emotional burden due to personal economic impact on dentist-initiated appointment cancellations. Methods Data were collected...
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Background The best nutrition for all new-borns and especially vulnerable groups like preterm infants is motheŕs own milk (MOM). Nevertheless, recent research showed that many preterm infants receive formula in neonatal intensive care units (NICU) in Germany. In order to achieve MOM feeding in preterm infants, a MOM-friendly clinical environment is...
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The measures taken to contain the COVID-19 pandemic had a major impact on society, affecting medical care as well as the utilization of medical services. We aimed to identify pandemic-related changes in gynaecologic/obstetric care through the personal experience of practitioners in the outpatient sector in Germany. Three consecutive anonymous onlin...
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Introduction Mother’s own milk is the best nutrition for every newborn and especially for vulnerable infants such as preterm infants with a very low birth weight below 1,500 grams (VLBW). If no MOM is available, human donor milk is the alternative of choice. Mothers of preterm born infants face challenging conditions that impair sufficient milk pro...
Background COVID-19 vaccination is recognized as a key component in addressing the COVID-19 pandemic. Physicians’ attitudes toward vaccination are known to play a defining role in the management and dissemination of medical advice to patients. In Germany, outpatient practitioners are predominantly responsible for the dissemination of vaccines. Met...
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Background In the wake of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, administrative barriers to the use of telemedicine have been reduced in Germany. The study focused on the analysis of use and assessment of telemedicine by physicians working in the outpatient sector, considering the perspective of different disciplines during the COVID-19...
Background General practitioners (GPs) are essential for providing and maintaining health care during a pandemic. Pandemic preparedness (PP) of GPs can play a vital role in their management of a pandemic situation. This study aimed to examine the association stockpiled personal protective equipment (PPE) and knowledge of pandemic plans on perceived...
Conference Paper
Hintergrund Eine chronische Niereninsuffizienz und deren symptomatische Behandlung, die Dialyse, gehen mit verschiedenen Einschränkungen einher. Diese können die körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit und Ernährung betreffen, aber auch die Autonomie in Alltag und Freizeitgestaltung. Dadurch können psychosoziale Belastungen bei Betroffenen entstehen, welche...
Background In Germany, general practitioners (GPs) provide basic and primary care in the ambulatory sector and refer patients to other specialists when necessary. Often, GPs present the first point of contact for patients in the German healthcare system. During the COVID-19 pandemic, GPs and other medical specialists in the ambulatory setting sudde...
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Background The COVID-19 pandemic significantly changed the work of general practitioners (GPs). At the onset of the pandemic in March 2020, German outpatient practices had to adapt quickly. Pandemic preparedness (PP) of GPs may play a vital role in their management of a pandemic. Objectives The study aimed to examine the association in the stock o...
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Abstract Background Hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD) are equivalent treatment alternatives for patients with end stage renal disease. In Germany, there is a legal obligation to inform every patient about all treatment alternatives and their possible harms and benefits. However, there is a low utilization of PD. Therefore, the question...
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Background Although most patients are suitable for both hemodialysis (HD) and peritoneal dialysis (PD), there seem to be differences in the outlook of patients who choose one modality over the other. There is currently limited literature about the impact of patients’ personal attitudes on the decision for PD or HD. In this study, we tried to find o...
Hintergrund und Stand (inter)nationaler Forschung Die Förderung durch den Innovationsfonds des Gemeinsamen Bundesausschuss (G-BA) hat das Ziel, die medizinische Versorgung in der gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung weiterzuentwickeln. So wurde auch ein Projekt gefördert, in dem von 2017 bis 2020 die Ursachen der niedrigen Prävalenz der Peritonealdialy...
Zielsetzung Nach § 630e Abs. 1 BGB ist in Deutschland jeder Arzt verpflichtet, über alle zur Wahl stehenden Behandlungsmethoden aufzuklären. Im Bereich der Nierenersatzverfahren sind dies die überwiegend im Zentrum durchgeführte Hämodialyse (HD) und die Peritonealdialyse (PD), welche hauptsächlich von dem Patienten selbst zuhause durchgeführt wird....
Hintergrund Heimdialyseverfahren werden weltweit immer mehr eingesetzt, da sie die Lebensqualität der Patienten verbessern können [1, 2]. Gleichzeitig erfordern sie jedoch vom Patienten, eine gewisse Verantwortung für die eigene medizinische Behandlung zu übernehmen. Im Rahmen der MAU-PD Studie (Multidimensionale Analyse der Ursachen für die niedri...
Hintergrund: Fokusgruppen als Form der qualitativen Datenerhebung kommen in der empirischen Sozialforschung häufig zur Anwendung. Die empfohlene Teilnehmeranzahl variiert zumeist zwischen sechs bis zwölf Personen [1]. Zudem wird eine Akquise über Gatekeeper, die Ansprache einer großen Anzahl möglicher Teilnehmer und eine Vorlaufzeit von 2-3 Monaten...
Hintergrund: Shared Decision-Making (SDM) beschreibt den interaktiven Prozess, bei dem der Arzt und der informierte Patient gemeinsam Entscheidungen über die weitere medizinische Behandlung treffen. Im klinischen Alltag, vor allem in Notfällen, kann dies nicht immer umgesetzt werden. SDM sollte vor allem zum Einsatz kommen, wenn zwei medizinisch gl...
Conference Paper
Background If an individual interprets an event as the consequence of luck, chance or fate, it is labelled as an external locus of control (ELC). Conversely, if the person expects this event to be the result of his or her own behaviour, it is called an internal locus of control (ILC). The literature shows differences between haemodialysis and perit...
Conference Paper
Objectives The literature shows differences between the haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis patient populations in terms of autonomy preference and sociodemographic factors. PD patients tend to be younger, female, higher educated and show a stronger autonomy preference. The aim of this study was to investigate these differences. Methods A nation...
The discovery that certain selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors delay ejaculation and the later development and approval of dapoxetine as an on-demand treatment option has led to a dramatic increase in medical interest in premature ejaculation. This paper analyses the diagnostic criteria and the discussion within the medical community about suit...
Die hier vorgestellte Untersuchung ging der Frage nach, ob die in der Pränatalmedizin tätigen Ärzte auch durch die neuen formalen Regulierungen ihres Arbeitsbereichs gut gerüstet für den Umgang mit den neuen Technologien im Bereich der Pränataldiagnostik sind. Während die Ergebnisse nun einer aktuellen Kontextualisierung aus der Schwangerenperspekt...
Seit 2012 ist der Bluttest fur schwangere Frauen zur Analyse fetaler DNA als Medizinprodukt auf dem deutschen Markt. Im Gegensatz zu anderen europaischen Landern fehlt es weitgehend an wissenschaftlicher Forschung, die seine Einfuhrung vorbereitet oder begleitet hatte. Als Konsequenz herrscht weiter verbreitete Unkenntnis uber die konkrete Implemen...


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