Tiltje Andretha Ransaleleh

Tiltje Andretha Ransaleleh
Sam Ratulangi University | unsrat · Faculty of Animal Husbandry


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Publications (24)
Kecamatan Modoinding adalah salah satu kecamatan destinasi wisata, terkenal dengan tanaman holtikultura sepanjang jalan desa. Pusat pemerintahannya berkedudukan di Desa Pinasungkulan. Di desa ini terdapat pasar tradisional yang menjual berbagai kebutuhan pokok termasuk satwa liar diantaranya kelelawar. Kelelawar dijadikan bahan makanan oleh sebagia...
The white-tailed forest rat is a type of rat that is consumed by some Minahasa people, especially on holidays or especially for families. In almost all Minahasa traditional markets you can find rats being sold for IDR 100,000 per three heads. This shows that the animal has sale value. Therefore, the Hope and Endemic Animal Laboratory Team will carr...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui penambahan bobot badan dan morfometri anak kalong/kelelawar Pteropus alecto pada umur yang berbeda. Anak kelelawar dilahirkan oleh induk yang telah dipelihara dalam kandang sejak tahun 2011. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian eksplorasi. Pengambilan data konsumsi pakan dilakukan setiap hari, penimbangan bo...
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Ransaleleh TA, Wahyuni I, Kawatu M, Laatung S, Lambey L, Rembet UNWJ. 2022. Growth of Pteropus alecto bats (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in cages. Biodiversitas 23: 6313-6319. Black Flying Fox (Pteropus alecto), known as Paniki yaki, is widely consumed by the residents of Minahasa, North Sulawesi, Indonesia. It is imported from outside the provinces o...
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Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui tingkat kesukaan konsumen pada burger campuran restrukturisasi daging babi ras dan babi hutan. Percobaan ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap (RAL), dengan formulasi perlakuan sebagai berikut : R0: 250 g daging babi ras, R1: 200 g daging babi ras dan 50 g daging babi hutan, R2: 150 g daging babi ras dan 100...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari serta mengetahui preferensi pakan yang dikonsumsi Pteropus alecto di penangkaran/ex-situ. Pakan yang diberikan selama penelitian adalah buah pepaya, pisang dan mangga yang sudah matang, Materi penelitian yang digunakan yaitu sembilan ekor kelelawar Pteropus alecto yang terdiri dari empat ekor jantan dan li...
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Ransaleleh TA, Wahyuni I, Kawatu M, Nangoy MJ, Wiantoro S. 2021. Behavior of the black flying fox, Pteropus alecto (Chiroptera: Pteropodidae) in cages. Biodiversitas 22: 5657-5665. Hunting and illegal trading have become a common thread for the black flying fox in Sulawesi, Indonesia. However, information on its biology and behavior as a baseline f...
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Grooming merupakan salah satu tingkah laku pada hewan untuk merawat dirinya dari ektoparasit yang melekat pada rambut di permukaan tubuhnya. Grooming yang dilakukan hewan pada dirinya sendiri disebut autogrooming, dan grooming yang dilakukan secara perpasangan disebut allogrooming. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi, frekuensi, dan...
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Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui deskripsi, frekuensi dan lama serta interval tingkah laku agonistik kelelawar Pteropus alecto di penangkaran/Ex Situ. Materi penelitian menggunakan satu ekor kelelawar jantan dan satu ekor kelelawar betina yang dipelihara dalam satu kelompok yang terdiri dari tujuh ekor kelelawar. Teknik pengambilan data ya...
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Nangoy M, Ransaleleh T, Lengkong H, Koneri R, Latinne A, Kyes RC. 2021. Diversity of fruit bats (Pteropodidae) and their ectoparasites in Batuputih Nature Tourism Park, Sulawesi, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 3075-3082. Bats play an important role in the ecosystem as pollinators, seed dispersers, and predators, therefore, this study aims to identify...
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UTILIZATION OF PANGI SEED EXTRACTED (Pangium edule Reinw) AS AN ALTERNATIVE TO NATURAL PRESERVATIVES IN BROILER MEAT. This study aims to find out the effect of the use of pangi seed extract (Pangium edule ReinW) on the shelf life and durability of broiler. It has been held in. The Ingredients used in this study were fresh broiler meat, the seed of...
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Fruit bats are used as food by the Minahasan tribe in North Sulawesi. This is evident in some traditional markets where various species of fruit bats are sold. As a consequence, bats are continually over hunted for human consumption, threatening bat populations. This study aims to identify bat species sold in traditional markets in Dumoga district,...
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EATING, MATING, BREASTFEEDING, SUCKLING BEHAVIOR OF FRUIT EATING BATS IN EX-SITU /CAPTIVITY. The aim of this study was to understanding about behavior of the frugivores Pteropus alecto especially in ex-situ (captivity). Four adult male bats, 5 adult female bats, and 5 young bats were used in this study. The variable in this study is frequency and d...
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The island of Sulawesi in Indonesia is an important site for the wildlife trade that is currently undergoing rapid exploitation of its local fauna to supply wild meat markets of North Sulawesi. In this study, we used field surveys, ethnographic interviews, and daily counts in markets to document species of terrestrial wildlife on sale in North Sula...
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Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui efek gliserol + NaCl pada dendeng babi yang disimpan pada suhu kamar. Plot split dalam desain waktu digunakan dalam penelitian ini; Faktor A adalah konsentrasi Gliserol + NaCl (dibagi dalam 3 level kombinasi) sebagai berikut A₁ = Gliserol 15% + NaCl 5%, A₂ = Gliserol 10% + NaCl 10%, A₃ = Gliserol 5% + NaCl...
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Ancaman bahaya penyakit menular satwa liar merupakan isu strategi dunia dalam beberapa decade akhir ini. Peningkatan arus ekowisatawan dalam mengunjungi hutan-hutan memberi peluang bagi transimisi penyakit dari hewan liar ke hewan lain maupun manusia. Hutan merupakan tempat penyimpanan satwa liar yang unik, endemik dan juga virus yang dapat menimbu...
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Kelelawar pemakan buah adalah satwa liar yang berperan sebagai penyerbuk buah-buahan dan penyebar biji-bijian. Namun kelelawar pemakan buah dijadikan bahan pangan. Dikhatirkan populasi kelelawar akan menurun dan beberapa jenis kelelawar endemik akan terancam punah. Oleh karena itu perlu dicarikan solusinya. Salah satu solusi adalah penyuluhan dan b...
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Bats have been known as natural reservoirs for potential emerging infectious viruses, such as Lyssaviruses, Coronaviruses, Ebola viruses, Nipah virus, and many others. Because of their abudance in population, wide distribution and mobility, bats have a greater risk as source for zoonotic transmission than other animals. Despite the facts of their r...
THE ORGANOLEPTIC PROPERTIES OF BAT MEAT WITH DIFFERENT COOKING TIMES. A study that aims to determine the level of consumer preferences in processed bat meat with different cooking time. This research was conducted from July 27 until August 31, 2017 at Animal Production Technology Laboratory Faculty of Animal Husbandry of Sam Ratulangi University of...
ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF CHICKEN NUGGET USING TEMPE FLOUR. The purpose of this research was to determine the organoleptic characteristics of chicken nuggets using tempe (fermented soybean) flour. This research was using Completely Randomized Design (CRD) and hedonic scale with 40 panelists and 4 treatments as follows, R0 = 300 grams chicken...
The objective of this study was to evaluate the organoleptic characteristic of old laying meat immersed in pineapple peel extract (Ananas comusus L. Merr). The materials used in this study were 25 birds of the age of 24 months old and the extract of 10 pineapple peels. The Completely Randomized Design was applied in this study, involving the organo...
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CHEMICAL COMPOSITION AND ORGANOLEPTIC CHARACTERISTICS OF PROCESSING BAT (Pteropus alecto) FRESH MEAT. Study was done to evaluate chemical composition and preference degree of the consumers on the processing bat meat compared with beef, chicken and cakalang fish using steam cooking method, flavor cooking and spicy cooking method. Chemical compositio...
THE EFFECT OF WHITE TURMERIC (Curcuma mangga Val.) ADDITION ON CHICKEN MEAT AGAINST WATER CONTENT, pH AND MICROORGANISM NUMBERS. The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of the addition of white turmeric (Curcuma manggaVal.) on chicken meat at cold storage (4oC). This research used Split Plot Design with 2 treatment factors based on...
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STORAGE TIME OF BROILER MEAT THAT WERE GIVEN KASTURI LIME JUICE (Citrus madurensis Lour.)The purpose of this research was to determine the effect of storage time in a temperature range of -2°C to 4°C towards the pH value, moisture content, water holding capacity, and cooking loss of broiler meat that were given Kasturi lime (Citrus madurensis Lour....


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