Tilman Klawier

Tilman Klawier
University of Hohenheim · Institute of Communication Science

Master of Arts


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October 2015 - March 2018
University of Erfurt
Field of study
  • Communication Research
October 2011 - September 2015
Hanover University of Music Drama and Media
Field of study
  • Media Management


Publications (13)
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Citizens are likely to encounter various types of alternative media online, especially on algorithmically personalized news channels (APNC) like social network sites or search engines. It is unclear, however, to what degree they are aware of these outlets and familiar with the concept of alternative media. This study investigates the relation betwe...
Under the premise that the use of alternative news frames is a key characteristic of alternative media, this study examines frame repertoires of alleged mainstream media and right-wing alternative media (RAM) in Germany. This endeavor is based on quantitative content analyses of eighteen news websites, including seven RAM, on two issues: immigratio...
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Right-wing alternative media can increase their public impact if they succeed to set their issues on the mainstream media’s agenda. In three qualitative case studies, the present article explores whether and how such intermedia agenda-setting occurs in Germany. Special attention is given to spillover effects between different actors, both at the le...
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Digital media are often assumed to facilitate the production and spread of alternative news outlets. So far, however, it is quite unclear whether exposure to alternative media is a mass or a niche phenomenon. Although several studies attempted to measure alternative media use, these come to very different results. The present article aims to answer...
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Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, conspiracy beliefs about the virus spread quickly. Using an online-representative survey in Germany, this study examines the relationship between such conspiracy beliefs and media use with special regard to alternative media and influencers as well as social media. Instead of aggregating different social media plat...
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Research on trust in media is on the rise. However, communication scholars have addressed related concepts (e.g. media credibility) for decades, and these concepts have often been used interchangeably with that of trust. This practice has resulted in a confusing field of research, with studies using different labels and drawing on various theoretic...
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Deskriptive Daten zu politischen und gesellschaftlichen Einstellungen von Sympathisanten der "Querdenker"-Bewegung.
Conference Paper
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Background: The evolution of social media enables the presentation and viral distribution of information without having to pass traditional gatekeepers. Especially the postings of amusing ‘facts’ enjoys great popularity on social network sites (SNS). Given the growing spread and often questionable trustworthiness of these ‘fact-postings’, this stud...
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Unter der Präsidentschaft Putins haben die russischen Auslandsmedien einen tiefgreifen-den Wandel erfahren. Mit dem Fernsehsender Russia Today / RT, dem Online-Radio Sputnik und der Zeitungsbeilage Russia Beyond The Headlines (RBTH) sind drei Medien-angebote entstanden, die sich primär an ein ausländisches Publikum richten. Die vorliegende Arbeit v...
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Die vorliegende Arbeit setzt sich theoretisch mit der Frage auseinander, ob bzw. unter welchen Umständen audioviduelle Unterhaltungsformate intentional zum Erreichen der Ziele politischer Bildung beitragen können. Eine solche Strategie wird hier als Political Entertainment-Education (PEE) bezeichnet. Dabei wird diese Kommunikationsform gegenüber an...
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Aktuell lässt sich eine zunehmende Aversion gegenüber etablierten Nachrichtenmedien beobachten. Gleichzeitig scheint eine Hinwendung zu alternativen Online-Angeboten stattzufinden, die sich dem widmen, was oft als Verschwörungstheorien bezeichnet wird. Diese Arbeit widmet sich deshalb der Frage, warum verschwörungstheoretische Alternativmedien von...


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