Thomas RaimbaultEcole d'ingénieurs en génie des systèmes industriels
Thomas Raimbault
PhD - Computer Science
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September 2009 - present
January 2005 - August 2009
Publications (24)
Au cours de son existence, la qualité des données d'une base du Web des données est maintenue par desévolutionsdes´desévolutions périodiques. CesévolutionsCes´Cesévolutions nécessitent des administra-teurs avec une expertise dans les langages du Web des données et dans le domaine de la base pour leur permettre d'identifier les parties de la basè a...
The SimplePARQL is a new and intuitive approach to query the Web of Data through existing SPARQL endpoints by using keywords in addition to SPARQL elements. Thus, the user is able to write more expressive pseudo-SPARQL queries where knowing the ontology (classes and properties) and resources' identifiers from an RDF base are not required. Concretel...
Trust and quality maintenance have always been problematic in the Semantic Web RDF bases. Numerous propositions to address these problems of data integration have been made, either based on ontologies or on additional metadata. However ontologies suffer from a adaptation speed slower than the data evolution speed and metadata requires ad-hoc manipu...
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The objective of this paper is to identify, based on data from Tripadvisor, tourist behavior in how users rate a tourist place. Firstly, we propose different correspondence analyses (CA) on data from Tripadvisor to discover pairwise dependences between data properties (e.g. rating vs. place type, age...
This paper proposes the foundations for a definition of digital tourist survey field based on the study of social networks. Several social network provide essential information on the perceptions of tourist destination. Nevertheless to operate correctly, several points should be discussed. This article provides multiple ideas for reflections on the...
Dans le cadre du web sémantique, nous proposons une approche de recherche d’information basée sur une version compacte d’une base de triplets RDF, appelée aperçu de recherche, agissant comme une vue d’ensemble de cette base. Les aperçus de recherche permettent d’écarter rapidement et de façon sûre une base du spectre des recherches si celle-ci ne c...
The Linked Data Cloud is too big to be locally manipulated by standard computers and all use-cases doesn't need to manipulate the whole cloud. To get exactly what is needed for a specific use-case, we need to obtain the specific parts from each bases of the Linked Data Cloud. This paper proposes a method to smartly extract a sub-part of the Linked...
Dans le cadre de la recherche d'information dans le Web des données, nous proposons une sorte de version compacte d'une base de triplets RDF agissant comme un aperçu – i.e. une vue d'ensemble – sur cette base. L'intérêt de notre approche est qu'il est possible, par des moyens classiques SPARQL, en interrogeant cette vue et non la base elle même tou...
A transitions-based system is a promising way, introduced in 2012 by Raimbault et al., for simply and effectively using the complementarity between several Knowledge Representation and Reasoning approaches. From a transitions-based system composed of OWL, Conceptual Graphs and UML approaches, we present in this paper a relevant use case to illustra...
In the context of information retrieval in the Web of Data, we propose a kind of compact version of a RDF triplestore, that acts as an overview on this base of RDF triples. The advantage of our approach is that it is possible by conventional SPARQL means, by querying the overview and not the entire RDF base itself, to dismiss quickly and safely thi...
We present a simple, effective and original way to make the most of complementarity among several Knowledge Representation and Reasoning approaches. The principle is to convey knowledge from one approach to another, using a set of transition rules. So, based on these rules, we obtain a system, that we called Transitions-Based System, composed by se...
The RDF(S) semantic web consists of many billions statements about resources (RDF data and RDFS metadata). We propose an original and effective approach to improve performance of retrieving information in RDF(S) statements sets, by quickly discarding irrelevant RDF data sets and moreover using classic search ways (like SPARQL and Jena). To that end...
Datatypes, like numbers or strings, are widely used in Knowledge Representation (e.g. in RDF(S)/OWL or UML languages). The usual model of simple conceptual graphs does not support datatypes. Some extensions
of conceptual graphs have been proposed for using datatypes, however these extensions often wander from initial model of conceptual
graphs by i...
UML class diagram is the de facto standard, including in Knowledge Engineering, for modeling structural knowledge of systems. Attaching importance to visual representation and based on a previous work, where we have given a logical defined extension of UML class diagram to represent queries and constraints into the UML visual environment, we presen...
In Knowledge Engineering, UML class diagram is the defacto standard for modeling object oriented systems. We propose a way for logical reasoning on UML class diagram, concerning querying and checking class diagram. First, we define an original logical semantics to UML class diagram. Our approach differs from other existing works, because we use a s...
La thèse soutenue est que l'utilisation conjointe de plusieurs modèles de connaissances pour représenter des connaissances et raisonner permet élégamment de modéliser des connaissances et de résoudre des problèmes complexes. Cette thèse propose des transitions de modèles entre les modèles de connaissances OWL, Graphes Conceptuels et UML. L'original...
Nous présentons et comparons deux approches de modélisation, formelles et concrètes, pour représenter et manipuler des connaissances d’un domaine. Le modèle des graphes conceptuels permet de modéliser des connaissances en terme de graphes, basés sur un support. Cette approche de modélisation est intensionnelle, est munie d’une sémantique en logique...
UML est le langage de modélisation objet de référence. Cependant, il ne fournit aucun moyen d'interrogation et de vérification de ses diagrammes. Nous proposons une traduction automatisable des diagrammes de classes UML dans le modèle des graphes conceptuels. Ainsi, l'interrogation et la vérification de diagrammes de classes se fera par l'utilisati...
OWL est un langage pour la description d'ontologies sur le Web. Cependant, en tant que langage, OWL ne fournit aucun moyen pour interpréter les ontologies qu'il décrit, et étant orienté machine, il reste difficilement compréhensible par l'humain. On propose une approche de visualisation, d'interrogation et de vérification de documents OWL, regroupé...
We present a new method for graphically interrogating and checking UML class diagrams. We employ the model of conceptual graphs (CGs) as representation, calculation and visualisation model. The key idea of our work is to translate UML class diagrams
into the formalism of CGs. First, UML notations are encoded into UML Ontology that is a support of C...