Thierry Leterre

Thierry Leterre

Doctorate in Philosophy, Paris Panthéon Sorbonne (France)


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Additional affiliations
September 2001 - August 2009
Université de Versailles Saint-Quentin
  • Professor of Political Science / Vice President / Vice Dean / Dpt Chair
September 1991 - August 2001
Sciences Po Paris
  • Professor (jr)
September 1983 - September 1988


Publications (16)
Conference Paper
Full-text available
Based on a case study, this article analyzes the effects of introducing Service Learning in the curriculum of a study abroad US Center. Explaining institutional motivations as well as resistances, this research shows that this introduction was essentially academic in nature, and represented an innovative way to some perceived deficiencies in the ac...
Babel and Pentecost. A reflection on the diversity of languages as a divine project. In the Bible, the story of Babel—the tower built by the first humans and destroyed by God, who divided populations by hampering communication through the separation of languages—has long been regarded as a tale of punishment. However, the reading that we propose, b...
Comte’s sociology allows to deal with an issue which is still raised nowadays in the field of social sciences: the relation between sociology and political science. Despite the principle of a full integration, the main aspects of which are sketched here, Comte understands politics in a specific way. The science of Politics is about the role of acto...
Géographe "amateur", Alain s'intéresse dans un premier temps à cette discipline sur le modèle de la géologie, en espérant y trouver une rigueur qui manque à l'histoire. Mais c'est aussi l'idée d'une rationalité concrète, instrument de démocratie, qui l'attire.
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In the Constitution of the Fifth Republic (founded by General Charles de Gaulle in 1958), the presidency is the key-stone of French institutions. Presidential elections are dramatic moments in the country's democratic life: the people of the Republic choses by direct universal suffrage the incarnation of its sovereignty for five years. (The term wa...


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