Thierry WinkelInstitute of Research for Development | IRD · Centre of Functional and Evolutionary Ecology (CEFE)
Thierry Winkel
Dr Sc - PhD University of Montpellier
Senior researcher - IRD Institute of Research for Development
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An agroecologist at IRD, retired in November 2023, I used fieldwork and theory to elucidate the processes that shape the structure, functioning and stability of agroecosystems. My early work in France and West Africa focused on plant responses to drought.Then I worked on the sustainability of peasant agrosystems in dry areas of Argentina, Bolivia and Chile, seeking to integrate social and ecological responses to climate and historical change using panarchy theory and sustainability science.
Additional affiliations
October 2019 - November 2019
Universidad Nacional de Jujuy (UNJU)
- Invited Investigator
Publications (92)
Reviewing the situation of quinoa production in southern Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) argues that the booming export market has a negative effect on the environment and on the home consumption of quinoa, thereby leading to an environmental disaster in the region. In view of the scarcity of scientific knowledge on the rapid...
CITATION: Winkel T, Bommel P, Chevarría-Lazo M, Cortes G, Del Castillo C, Gasselin P, Léger F, Nina-Laura JP, Rambal S, Tichit M, Tourrand JF, Vacher JJ, Vassas-Toral A, Vieira-Pak M, Joffre R (2016) Panarchy of an indigenous agroecosystem in the globalized market: The quinoa production in the Bolivian Altiplano. Global Environmental Change 39: 195...
CITATION: Cruz P, Winkel T, Ledru M P, Bernard C, Egan N, Swingedouw D and Joffre R 2017 Rain-fed agriculture thrived despite climate degradation in the pre-Hispanic arid Andes. Science Advances 3(12), e1701740. DOI: 10.1126/sciadv.1701740.
ABSTRACT: Archaeological research suggests significant human occupation in the arid Andean highlands during t...
CITATION: Alvarez-Flores R, Nguyen-Thi-Truc A, Peredo-Parada S, Joffre R, Winkel T (2018) Rooting plasticity in wild and cultivated Andean Chenopodium species under soil water deficit. Plant Soil, doi: 10.1007/s11104-018-3588-7.
ABSTRACT. *Background and Aims: Rooting plasticity is critical for plants exploiting patchy soil-water resources, but emp...
CITATION: Winkel T., Núñez-Carrasco L., Cruz P.J., Egan N., Sáez-Tonacca L., Cubillos-Celis P.E., Poblete-Olivera C.J., Zavalla-Nanco N.O., Miño-Baes B., Viedma-Araya M.P. 2020. Mobilising common biocultural heritage for the socioeconomic inclusion of small farmers: panarchy of two case studies on quinoa in Chile and Bolivia. Agriculture and Human...
La existencia en Coctaca de grandes áreas agrícolas prehispánicas cautivó tempranamente la atención de los arqueólogos, siendo considerada como uno de los principales referentes de la agricultura nativa. Los nuevos estudios indican que, con el establecimiento de los inkas en la región, tuvo lugar en Coctaca una dinámica de neta intensificación de l...
The existence of large pre-Hispanic agricultural areas in Coctaca early captured the attention of archaeologists, being considered one of the main references of native agriculture. New studies indicate that, with the establishment of the Inkas in the region, a dynamic of net intensification of agricultural production took place in Coctaca, in which...
Social issues and theoretical background: the sustainability of human societies depends on the intergenerational transmission of capital stocks, whether natural, social or economic. With ever more competition for economic resources, sustainability must increasingly focus on the mutual reinforcement of social and natural capitals. This perspective i...
The Quebrada de Morohuasi (Salta, Argentina), located in a semi-arid high-altitude environment, is known to host vast pre-Hispanic cultivation areas. Recent archaeological studies carried out in the agricultural area of Morohuasi allow for a better definition and understanding of the social and productive dynamics that took place there. Field recor...
This research examines how the concepts of commoning and social capital contribute to tackling social and economic exclusion in peasant agriculture and to activating biocultural heritage in an inclusive sustainability perspective. Preprint available at HAL Archive: https://hal.ird.fr/ird-03721798
This paper articulates a case study of pre-Hispanic Andean communities with the evolutionary model of inequalities within agrarian societies.
First, the detail and breadth of our field and air photogrammetric surveys allowed us to characterize the wealth inequalities and the social structure in agrarian communities of the arid Andes, from the house...
This article examines the agrarian landscape in one part of the southern Andes (Quebrada of Humahuaca, Jujuy, Argentina). The region possesses extensive and well-preserved archaeological remains of agricultural systems, which stretch back to pre-Hispanic times. In this study, we employ an interdisciplinary approach in our analysis of the components...
En los Altos Andes áridos del sur de Bolivia y el noroeste de Argentina,abundan los vestigios arqueológicos que atestiguan una importante actividad agrícola entre los siglos XIII y XV, paradójicamente un periodo prolongado de sequía y frío. Buscamos identificar las condiciones de producción y organización social que permitieron a las sociedades loc...
Toda materialidad implica una lectura y una forma de relación con la misma que resulta coherente con el contexto social y cultural del observador. En esta comunicación no trataremos acerca de las distintas aproximaciones de la materialidad en la Arqueología, sino sobre las concepciones y las relaciones que comunidades indígenas y campesinas del alt...
Valorising the biocultural heritage of common goods could enable peasant farmers to achieve socially and economically inclusive sustainability. Increasingly appreciated by consumers, peasant heritage products offer small farmers promising opportunities for economic, social and territorial development. To identify the obstacles and levers of this co...
History and environment shape crop biodiversity, particularly in areas with vulnerable human communities and ecosystems. Tracing crop biodiversity over time helps understand how rural societies cope with anthropogenic or climatic changes. Exceptionally well preserved ancient DNA of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from the cold and arid Andes of...
Table A. Succinct chronology of climatic and social changes in the Southern dry Andes.
Table B. Seed sample description.
Table C. Microsatellite loci...
(Dataset). S2–File-WINKEL-et-al-Allelic-profiles-Dataset-(2018-04-05).
Investigaciones arqueológicas llevadas a cabo en el altiplano árido de los Andes (Región Intersalar, Bolivia) pusieron en evidencia una importante ocupación de la región durante los siglos XIII y XV, periodo en que los estudios paleoclimáticos señalan un prolongado incremento de las condiciones de sequía y de frío. Los datos recolectados en nuestra...
El trabajo que presentamos a continuación está ligado a las corrientes de la ecología cultural y la antropología ambiental, dos disciplinas de gran importancia para los Andes (e.g. Erickson 1999, Zimmerer 1995), donde el entorno imprevisible y a menudo rudo plantea varias interrogaciones respecto a las estrategias de vida de las poblaciones que se...
History and environment shape crop biodiversity, particularly in areas with vulnerable human communities and ecosystems. Tracing crop biodiversity over time helps understand how rural societies cope with anthropogenic or climatic changes. Exceptionally well preserved ancient DNA of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) from the cold and arid Andes of...
Archaeological remains found in southern Bolivia reveal a flourishing agrarian society from the 13th to the 15th centuries, despite marked drying and cooling of the climate throughout the period. This unexpected observation is the result of an interdisciplinary study conducted by an international team (CONICET, CNRS, IRD and UCSD). This research, p...
Un ouvrage qui met en relief la vulnérabilité des milieux et des populations du Sud face au réchauffement climatique. Certaines régions de la zone intertropicale en subissent déjà les effets, que ce soient les vagues de chaleur au Sahel, la perturbation des systèmes de mousson, la fonte des glaciers andins, les menaces sur la biodiversité, l’élévat...
CITACION: Winkel T, Cruz P, Álvarez-Flores R, Bertero D, Del Castillo C, Gasselin P, Joffre R, Peredo Parada S, Sáez Tonacca L, Vassas Toral A, Vieira-Pak M. 2015. El presunto desastre ambiental y social de la quinua real: desarmar los clichés para reforzar la ética. T'inkazos 38: 127-142. RESUMEN: El auge de la quinua genera un vivo debate sobre s...
SUMMARY The Southern Altiplano of Bolivia is the world leader in quinoa export. In these arid highlands, quinoa yield is largely influenced by on-going changes affecting both climate drivers and land-use practices. We developed a simple “what-if ” simulation model for anticipating such changes in quinoa yields over three time-slices: a recent past...
The Southern Altiplano of Bolivia is the world leader in quinoa export. This chapter provides a presentation of the southern Altiplano region. It describes the methods used to analyze the climatic risks affecting the study area as well as the climatic trends derived from the current observations and global climate model (GCM) projections. The chapt...
A partir del auge de la producción de quinua en los Andes se observa un creciente interés en evaluar el impacto de la intensificación de su cultivo. Muchos son los análisis y comentarios, a menudo alertando sobre dinámicas poco sustentables, y en particular, sobre la pérdida de biodiversidad. A pesar del interés para contextualizar mejor los cambio...
El auge de la quinua en los Andes ha generado un vivo debate sobre los impactos locales de la expansión del cultivo, en particular en el altiplano sur de Bolivia, primer exportador mundial. La degradación del suelo, la erosión genética y la pérdida de biodiversidad, la disminución del consumo local y los conflictos territoriales, serían las manifes...
La producción actual de quinua de exportación en el altiplano sur de Bolivia plantea la cuestión de la sostenibilidad de una agricultura introducida, aparentemente con éxito, en la mundialización económica. Tanto en sus aspectos ecológicos, como sociales y económicos, este éxito parece paradójico, haciendo de una región inhóspita y un cultivo margi...
[contratapa] En la región surandina, las prácticas agrícolas tradicionales derivan de una intensa experiencia acumulada durante siglos que permitió alcanzar un conocimiento preciso de los recursos na tura les disponibles y sus potencialidades productivas. De esta profunda experiencia resultan la diversidad de quinuas, papas, maíces y otros cultivos...
Quinoa has been a staple food for Andean populations for millennia. Today, it is a much-appreciated product on the international health-food, organic and fair-trade food markets. Quinoa producers in the southern Altiplano of Bolivia initiated this change approximately 40 years ago. On high desert land, they succeeded in developing a thriving agricu...
Quinoa has been a staple food for Andean populations for millennia. Today, it is a much-appreciated product on the international health-food, organic and fair-trade food markets. Quinoa producers in the southern Altiplano of Bolivia initiated this change approximately 40 years ago. On high desert land, they succeeded in developing a thriving
Plant morphology determines the access to soil resources, a feature crucial for early growth in annual species. Plant growth and root traits in little-known species of Andean chenopods were compared with the hypothesis that plants from low-resource habitats show traits that enhance resource capture. Three cultivated Chenopodium populations (two pop...
The debate on the environmental and social sustentainability of quinoa in its area of major world production (southern highlands of Bolivia) revived with the acceptance by the United Nations of the Bolivian proposal to declare in 2013 as the Year of the Quinoa. Public debate focused on local impacts of quinoa expansion in the Southern highlands of...
Este documento es la traducción integral del artículo original publicado en Idesia (Chile) y titulado: "Calling for a reappraisal of the impact of the quinoa expansion on agricultural sustainabilty in the Andean highlands".
El debate sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental y social de la quínoa en el área de mayor producción en el mundo (tierras Andinas...
El debate sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental y social de la quínoa en el área de mayor producción en el mundo (tierras Andinas del sur de Bolivia) revivió con la aceptación por las Naciones Unidas de la propuesta de Bolivia de declarar el año 2013 como el Año Internacional de la Quínoa. El debate público se focalizó en los impactos locales de la ex...
Alvarez-Flores R, Winkel T, Nguyen-Thi-Truc A, Joffre R (2014) Root foraging capacity depends on root system architecture and ontogeny in seedlings of three Andean Chenopodium species. Plant Soil 380: 415-428. doi: 10.1007/s11104-014-2105-x.
*Aims: Morphological and ontogenetic variation in root system architecture holds ecological significance, pa...
La quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) muestra una gran variación genética, tanto molecular como morfológica, cuya organización sigue poco conocida. Por medio de ANOVAs y dendrograma caracterizamos la estructura de la variación de marcadores morfofenológicos registrados desde la emergencia hasta la madurez fisiológica en siete poblaciones de quinuas...
Alimento de base de las poblaciones andinas desde hace milenios, la quinua se ha convertido hoy en un producto apreciado en el mercado internacional de alimentos dietéticos, orgánicos y equitativos. Este cambio lo iniciaron los mismos productores del Altiplano Sur de Bolivia hace aproximadamente unos 40 años. En medio de un desierto de altura, ello...
El debate sobre la sustentabilidad ambiental y social de la quínoa en el área de mayor producción en el mundo (tierras Andinas
del sur de Bolivia) revivió con la aceptación por las Naciones Unidas de la propuesta de Bolivia de declarar el año 2013 como el
Año Internacional de la Quínoa. El debate público se focalizó en los impactos locales de la ex...
Alimento de base de las poblaciones andinas desde hace milenios, la quinua se ha convertido hoy en un producto apreciado en el mercado internacional de alimentos dietéticos, orgánicos y equitativos. Este cambio lo iniciaron los mismos productores del Altiplano Sur de Bolivia hace aproximadamente unos 40 años. En medio de un desierto de altura, ello...
Las heladas nocturnas son un factor muy limitante para la agricultura en el Altiplano andino. Sin embargo, una diversidad de especies cultivadas ha sido domesticada en esta región, mostrando a menudo una gran heterogeneidad de crecimiento de las plantas a nivel de la parcela. Este capítulo reporta los resultados de una experimentación en campo para...
Il y a 10 ans, qui connaissait la quinoa en dehors des pays andins ? Sans doute guère plus que quelques consommateurs avertis. Depuis, la petite graine a conquis le monde et les Nations unies ont fait de 2013 l’« Année internationale de la quinoa ». Originaire des pays andins, la « mère de tous les grains », comme la surnomment les peuples de l’alt...
La Quinua (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) es un pseudocereal originario de los Andes importante para la seguridad alimentaria de los pequeños agricultores, así como para la producción comercial. Recientemente, se ha afirmado que la erosión genética en Bolivia podría ser el resultado de la marginación del cultivo en el Altiplano norte y de su estandariz...
(ouvrage bilingue français/espagnol, libro bilingüe francés/español, PDF at: https://www.editions.ird.fr/produit/283/9782709920568/)
En el corazón de los Andes, los quinueros, productores de quinua del Altiplano Sur de Bolivia, no viven aislados del resto del mundo. En pocos años, convirtieron una zona desértica y fría en la primera región exporta...
This short chapter presents the main agrophysiological characteristics of the quinoa crop in terms of its water requirements, drought and cold resistance, and grain productivity.
Traducción integral del artículo en inglés publicado en J. Agron. Crop Sci.
Analizando la situación de la producción de quinua en el altiplano sud de Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) sostiene que el auge del mercado de exportación tiene un impacto negativo sobre el medio ambiente y el consumo nacional de la quinua, lo que ll...
Reviewing the situation of quinoa production in southern Bolivia, Jacobsen (2011, J. Agron. Crop Sci. 197: 390) argues that the booming export market has a negative effect on the environment and on the home consumption of quinoa, thereby leading to an environmental disaster in the region. In view of the scarcity of scientific knowledge on the rapid...
This short chapter presents the main agrophysiological characteristics of the quinoa crop in terms of its water requirements, drought and cold resistance, and grain productivity.
Frost risk assessment is of critical importance in tropical highlands like the Andes where human activities thrives at altitudes up to 4200 m, and night frost may occur all the year round. In these semi-arid and cold regions with sparse meteorological networks, remote sensing and topographic modeling are of potential
interest for understanding how...
La producción de quinua en Bolivia, dedicada a la exportación, plantea la cuestión de la sostenibilidad ecológica y social de una agricultura del Sur introducida, aparentemente con éxito, en la mundialización. Los productores del altiplano, precursores de este éxito, y pate de la cadena productiva tanto en Bolivia como en el extranjero, están preoc...
Night radiative frost is a highly limiting factor for agriculture in Andean highlands. Nevertheless, a diversity of crop species have been domesticated there, commonly showing high heterogeneity in plant growth at the field level. The possible protective effect of crop canopy heterogeneity against nocturnal radiative frost is examined using a dual...
Quinoa in Bolivia: an ancestral crop changed to a cash crop with " organic fair-trade " labeling. This paper presents a review of the litterature on the physiology and diversity of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Since about 15 years, this Andean crop experiences a great commercial success in the organic and fair-trade food networks. Selected a...
This paper presents a review of the litterature on the physiology and diversity of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.). Since about 15 years, this Andean crop experiences a great commercial success in the organic and fair-trade food networks. Selected and cultivated for thousands of years in the Andean highlands, quinoa shows a remarkable tolerance...
Quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) is a pseudocereal originated from the Andes important for small farmers’ food security as well as for commercial
production. Recently, it has been claimed that in Bolivia genetic erosion could result from the marginalization of the crop
in the north and from its commercial standardization in the south. The aim of...
This article presents various experiments conducted under semi-controlled conditions to determine the effects of temperature on germination, phenology, growth and freezing in Chenopodium quinoa, a pseudocereal originating from the cold and dry Andean altiplano. Traditional landraces and recently released cultivars from distinct geographical origins...
Measurements of leaf reflectance in two narrow wavelength bands centred around 530 and 570 nm were carried out during withering of two contrasting functional and structural types (annual vs. evergreen): Chenopodium quinoa (Willdenow) and Arbutus unedo (Linnaeus). The photochemical reflectance index PRI = (R530 - R570) / (R530 + R 570) was calculate...
In plant communities, the portfolio effect, also called "statistical averaging effect", expresses the fact that stability in aggregate community properties such as biomass productivity generally rises with species diversity, simply because of the statistical averaging of the fluctuations in species' properties. This paper essentially upgrades the p...
Net photosynthetic rate, radiation use efficiency, chlorophyll (Chl) fluorescence, photochemical reflectance index (PRI), and leaf water potential were measured during a 25-d period of progressive water deficit in quinoa plants grown in a glasshouse in order to examine effects of water stress and ontogeny. All physiological parameters except Fv/Fm...
• Experiments are presented that test the relative importance, during ontogeny, of stomatal control and leaf area expansion to optimum seasonal water use in pearl millet ( Pennisetum glaucum ). These parameters play a key role in the compromise between plant growth and water saving under unpredictable conditions of semiarid environments.
• The resp...
The effects of pre-flowering drought on millet were studied in two experiments, an on-station, dry-season trial under irrigation and an on-farm trial where drought was induced by natural rainfall regimes (one wet, two dry years). The on-station experimental conditions were adjusted to those of Sahel farms, particularly through low plant density, lo...
Several studies conducted under high input conditions have indicated little susceptibility of pearl millet to water deficit untill early grain filling, because the losses in main shoot production were fully compensated by increased tiller fertility. The present study assessed the impact of water deficits at three development stages : prior to flowe...