Thierry Burger-HelmchenUniversity of Strasbourg | UNISTRA · Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée
Thierry Burger-Helmchen
Full Professor in Management Science
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I am a research fellow in innovation management at BETA - Bureau d'Economie Théorique et Appliquée and Full Professor in Management Science at the University of Strasbourg.
My main research topics are: Economics and Management of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Managerial Economics applied to SME.
Additional affiliations
January 2001 - present
July 2012 - July 2017
Faculté des Sciences Économiques et de Gestion
- Head of Faculty
Publications (192)
This study examines how crowdsourcing can support innovation in companies. It focuses on the Not Invented Here (NIH) syndrome—a reluctance to adopt external ideas—that varies depending on which organizational boundaries are considered, such as power, competence, and culture. By analyzing how these boundaries influence resistance to crowdsourced sol...
While artificial intelligence has successful and innovative applications in common medicine , could its application facilitate research on rare diseases? This study explores the application of artificial intelligence (AI) in orphan drug research, focusing on how AI can address three major barriers: high financial risk, development complexity, and l...
Power and Progress (PP) de Acemoglu et Johnson (2023), présente une exploration de la relation complexe entre la technologie et le développement des économies. C’est le cinquième ouvrage auquel Acemoglu contribue après “Economic Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy” (Acemoglu & Robinson, 2009), “Introduction to Modern Economic Growth” (Acemoglu, 2...
This paper examines the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Knowledge Management (KM), highlighting how AI reshapes traditional KM practices in organizations. It starts by reviewing historical KM frameworks, particularly the SECI model, which emphasizes the transformation between tacit and explicit knowledge. It differentiates generative...
Japanese firms have historically followed a country-specific model of corporate governance. Yet, Japan has had to adapt its corporate model over the last 30 years, along with the transformation of distinctive characteristics of Japanese capitalism in the same period. We review the historical evolution of Japanese corporate governance over the last...
This article presents the lessons learned from an online teaching experience in the field of managerial control. The study aims to identify the determinants which influence collaborative behaviors between students in management studies and more specifically during the construction of performance measures. A business simulation specifically elaborat...
Le 9 mai 1950, Robert Schuman prononça un discours fondateur fondé sur la mise en commun de ressources énergétiques et économiques qui engendra sept décennies de paix en Europe. 70 ans après ces évènements, les connaissances sont reconnues comme la ressource principale que les organisations mobilisent pour propulser leurs innovations, conquérir de...
The pitch is an important part of the entrepreneur–investor relationship. To come to an agreement, entrepreneurs and investors need to trust each other. However, how does trust arise between them, and how does trust evolve during the few minutes of a pitch? With the aim to develop propositions, we build on previous studies in entrepreneurship and v...
While creativity is most commonly associated with idea generation and problem solving at the individual or team level, it is likewise associated with environments, technologies, tools and artefacts favouring or hindering creative capabilities. Research struggles to bring these elements together. We develop a model for the integration of mobile devi...
The development of innovation-driven secondary prevention interventions in a niche environment could increase competitiveness in health bioeconomy-related activities. We use trends from Kenya to present a conceptual framework, "the salutogenesis-bioeconomy framework", illustrating how a knowledge-based bioeconomy contributes to health demand condit...
In this chapter, we revisit the role of managerial control in modern organizations and summarize the challenges faced by experts in the field of managerial control today to rethink managerial control models and tools for agile, adaptative and innovative organizations. For some good reasons, managerial control has often been criticized for not creat...
Les travaux sur les différents déterminants du contrôle managérial de l’innovation se sont multipliés ces dernières années. Ces recherches se caractérisent par une grande variété d’innovations étudiées et par la diversité des outils de contrôle employés par les organisations. Dans cet article, nous catégorisons les principaux travaux sur le contrôl...
Classical managerial control theories mostly focus on performance indicators, like the number of pieces produced. More recent theories focus on behavior control. All theories are specialized in controlling a specific unit of the firm, i.e., the employee, the team, or a subsystem. Therefore, agency theory-based control and system-based control have...
In considering the changing world, the authors of the Integrated Science: Science without Borders were asked how you would see the future of your field 30 years later. The present chapter publishes authors’ views on this subject in 2050. Authors have integrated science into the person, thinking of complex problems, artificial intelligence, manageme...
This chapter shows that innovation management is a discipline in constant development, at least according to the three dimensions chosen, namely, space, time and matter. Innovation is essential to exist in a competitive market, to differentiate oneself from one's competitors, or to create a new activity, or even a new market, in a disruptive manner...
We explore the growth, scope and impact of the academic literature that has arisen around the concept of innovation ecosystems. We highlight some of the most important definition, the place of innovation policies and the future accomplishments that could be made.
The purpose of this study is to examine mobile technology as being a key apparatus and interface for collaborative innovation, which allows organisations to develop their information ecology.
The qualitative research was performed by in-depth interviews, observations and field notes. The eight main interviews ar...
Les travaux sur les différents déterminants du contrôle managérial de l’innovation se sont multipliés ces dernières années. Ces recherches se caractérisent par une grande variété d’innovations étudiées et par la diversité des outils de contrôle employés par les organisations. Dans cet article, nous catégorisons les principaux travaux sur le contrôl...
In this article, we examine recent trends in CSR within a broader consideration of its historical development. The origin of CSR and the purpose it serves nowadays have diverged in different directions. By pinpointing some of the reasons for this shift and charting the evolution of the historical development of CSR, compounded with the stakeholder...
Innovation has long been recognized as an instrument of competitiveness and growth and
as an effective tool to stimulate change after the crises, both the macro- and micro-level.
Innovation can be seen as an outcome (new products, processes or organizations), but also
as a process that involves many activities linked together, namely basic research...
Le modèle de l’écosystème créatif de Cohendet, Grandadam et Simon (2011) montre que les idées créatives peuvent circuler entre l’underground et l’upperground grâce au middleground. Ceci est rendu possible au travers de l’activation de quatre mécanismes spécifiques : les lieux, les espaces, les événements et les projets. Pourtant, peu de travaux emp...
The expectations surrounding innovation as the principal mean by which firms gain a sustainable advantage while simultaneously alleviating social problems are tremendous. However, in the process of developing innovation, many small entrepreneurs, SMEs, as well as large firms struggle to access the necessary finances in order to further deve...
L’avènement d’Internet a profondément changé l’environnement externe et l’architecture des organisations. Si chaque nouvelle vague de progrès technique se confronte à l’euphorie tout comme aux réactions dubitatives des utilisateurs réels et potentiels, aujourd’hui, les évolutions des technologies numériques ou « digitales » (applications mobiles, c...
Bien que l’acquisition de compétences entrepreneuriales soit au cœur de la stratégie économique actuelle, il n’existe ni méthodologie de référence, ni de processus systématique pour transformer des individus en entrepreneurs. L’objectif de cet article est d’apprécier l’influence du lieu sur l’acquisition des compétences entrepreneuriales, et plus p...
Le propre des systèmes complexes est de mettre en oeuvre des mécanismes interactifs en boucle qui rendent impossible toute forme de planification stratégique, et plus largement qui défient la pensée linéaire.Cet ouvrage examine les systèmes complexes du point de vue du management. Il précise tout d’abord les propriétés et l’évolution de ces système...
This chapter deals with entrepreneurship not only in terms of managerial recommendations, but also through economic science. It reviews the literature on the entrepreneur as seen by economists, and demonstrates the primary theoretical functions that can be expected of entrepreneurship in society, particularly the relationship with the market. The c...
A complex system is made up of interacting parts forming a "whole". Each of these parts is governed by a set of rules, routines or forces that determine their behavior at a given moment based on the state and behavior of other parts. This chapter provides a non‐exhaustive list of works in management, grouped conforming to broader functions, explici...
This introduction presents an overview of key concepts discussed in the subsequent chapters of this book. The book covers a wide range of fields ‐ as diverse as private or public organization set‐up, formal or informal organizations, spanning from enterprises to urban systems. It deals with the evolution of complex systems. The book also deals with...
This chapter focuses on the concept of the complex adaptive system (CAS), understanding that adaption includes the twofold ability to adapt on its own and to bring about desired changes through governance in response to external or internal challenges. It explores what is happening in the organization and what explains its apparent behavior in orde...
Companies and all forms of human organizations function as complex adaptive systems. This chapter describes the ways in which organizations evolve by interpreting them as self‐organized systems whose trajectories over time are marked by periods of dynamic flux and adaptation as well as phases of stability. It presents the evolutionary characteristi...
The Elgar Companion to Innovation and Knowledge Creation
Some authors in the literature have addressed knowledge transfer via weak ties between organization's units which are themselves strongly tied inside (e.g. Hansen, 1999). Some others have investigated knowledge management among open-source-software (OSS) developers and discussed factors influencing knowledge transfer within development teams (e.g....
This chapter focuses on the main steps towards a digital society at the level of the European Union’s countries. The first subchapter entitled “EU Digital Single Market Regulatory Frame” provides information about the Digital Single Market Strategy for Europe. The subchapter entitled “ICT Sector Influence on EU-28 Economic Growth” underlines the ma...
En se focalisant sur les principes économiques qui régissent le comportement des entreprises et des marchés, ce livre aborde les fondamentaux du raisonnement stratégique et détaille les outils nécessaires à la réalisation d une analyse stratégique sérieuse et valable.
Meta-analysis is a method that allows us to accomplish such a work by combining the results of several studies in order to make an objective synthesis following precise stages. With the help of meta-analysis, we can quantify a global result for the entire studies taken into consideration and obtain a more precise response and a more acceptable gene...
This chapter aims at a better understanding of the dynamics leading firms to create Networks of practice (NoP) to transfer knowledge and know-how between its geographically dispersed business units. In this introduction we focus on the complementarity between communities of practice (CoP) and networks of practice (NoP) inside firms to share knowled...
Open source software (OSS) development as an inexpensive process to develop software threatens proprietary software business strategies. Providing business strategy to benefit from volunteer developers for the purpose of contributing to existing projects, as well as initiating new OSS projects is of utmost significance for companies in that industr...
This chapter aims at a better understanding of the dynamics leading firms to create Networks of practice (NoP) to transfer knowledge and know-how between its geographically dispersed business units. In this introduction we focus on the complementarity between communities of practice (CoP) and networks of practice (NoP) inside firms to share knowled...
La recherche en innovation est vaste. Elle recouvre de multiples problématiques
et approches conceptuelles. Elle peut être centrée sur l’adoption et la diffusion
de l’innovation (Rogers, 1962, Leonard-Barton, 1985, Damanpour, 1991, Boquet
et Dubouloz, 2016, Mercuri Chapuis et de Bovis Vlahovic, 2016), sur le processus
d’innovation au sein des organ...
Cet article interroge la singularité et la portée du concept d’innovation inversée. Les auteurs tentent de clarifier la littérature foisonnante sur ce thème en développant un cadre analytique novateur. L’originalité consiste à questionner la ou les dimensions qui se trouvent précisément inversées. Une relecture du concept (à l’aulne de la littératu...
Within undirected networks, scientists have shown much interest in presenting power-law features within complex networks. For instance, Barabási and Albert (1999) claimed that a common property of many large networks was that vertex connectivity follows scale-free power-law distribution, and in another study Barabási et al. (2002) showed power law...
Cet article interroge la singularité et la portée du concept d'innovation inversée. Les auteurs tentent de clarifier la littérature foisonnante sur ce thème en développant un cadre analytique novateur. L'originalité consiste à questionner la ou les dimensions qui se trouvent précisément inversées. Une relecture du concept (à l'aulne de la littératu...
Question (1)
Behind this voluntary provocative question, what I really wonder is, are there alternative approaches to case study research? Or are case studies bounded in the way we can perform them and write them?