Thierry Aubry

Thierry Aubry
Fundação Côa Parque · Archaeology



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Publications (204)
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Resumo A caraterização tecno-tipológica das indústrias líticas recolhidas nas sondagens H, Z e N (18 m²) do sítio arqueológico da Cardina-Salto do Boi, no vale do Rio Côa, conjugada com o estudo da gestão das respetivas matérias-primas, permitiu identificar três ocupações do Paleolítico Médio, datadas de (1) ca. 155 ka BP a ca. 80 ka BP, (2) ca. 80...
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O Projeto «CLIMATE@COA - COA/CAC/0031/2019» propõe uma abordagem integrada multidisciplinar baseada em análises estratigráficas, sedimentológicas, geoquímicas, geomorfológicas, arqueológicas, zoo-arqueológicas e geocronológicas de vários arquivos terrestres (formas e depósitos) a partir de um conjunto de sítios ao ar-livre distribuídos ao longo do...
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Na sequência de trabalhos de registo de arte rupestre do Vale do Côa, apresenta-se uma nova representação identificada na rocha 80 do núcleo do Vale de José Esteves (Vila Nova de Foz Côa). A cena é interpretada como uma representação do trabalho à guia, no contexto do desbaste de cavalos, e enquadrada nas “cenas de doma” da iconografia peninsular p...
Inaugurated in 2010, the Coa Museum is the entryway to the Coa Valley Archaeological Park. A visit to Coa’s rock art sites is an authentic, irreplaceable experience that, beyond a captivating guide delivering science-based knowledge to visitors on the art and its natural and cultural context, does not need ‘artifices’ to be enjoyed. The Museum’s ex...
The archaeological site of Cardina-Salto do Boi (Guarda, Portugal) is one of the few studied sites with Middle Palaeolithic occupations in the Côa Valley. These span MIS 6 to MIS 3, which constitutes a favourable circumstance for studying dwelling dynamics diachronically. Most of the information regarding Neanderthal occupation of the site refers t...
Technical Report
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Depuis 2016, le PCR « Réseau de lithothèques en région Centre-Val de Loire » (PCR CVDL) poursuit une recherche approfondie sur l'exploitation des ressources lithiques et la spatialité des communeautés préhistoriques. Ce projet se concentre non seulement sur l'étude et la révision des collections archéologiques régionales, mais aussi sur une caracté...
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Casi hasta el final del siglo XX se asumía que el arte figurativo pleistoceno finalizaba hace unos 14.000 años. Las manifestaciones gráficas se resumían después de ese momento, en repertorios geométricos como los identificados sobre los cantos azilienses, una cronocultura de finales del pleistoceno identificada en Francia y en el norte de España....
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Here we report on Neanderthal engravings on a cave wall at La Roche-Cotard (LRC) in central France, made more than 57±3 thousand years ago. Following human occupation, the cave was completely sealed by cold-period sediments, which prevented access until its discovery in the 19th century and first excavation in the early 20th century. The timing of...
Here we report on Neanderthal engravings on a cave wall at La Roche-Cotard (LRC) in central France, made more than 57±3 thousand years ago. Following human occupation, the cave was completely sealed by cold-period sediments, which prevented access until its discovery in the 19th century and first excavation in the early 20th century. The timing of...
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O volume que agora sai a público reúne um conjunto de estudos e reflexões apresentado no Colóquio Internacional Romper Fronteiras, Atravessar Territórios. Identidades e Intercâmbios da Pré-história Recente no Interior Norte Peninsular, que se realizou nos dias 23 e 24 de setembro de 2021, e organizado pelo Centro de Investigação Transdisciplinar «C...
Conference Paper
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Most of the lithic tools made during Prehistory in the Iberian Peninsula are mainly composed of three main siliceous rock types: chert, quartzite, and quartz. While the methodologies for the characterization and provenance of raw materials made on chert (and obsidian) have been developed with well-established and widely used protocols, the same doe...
In this study, we use optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) to establish a robust absolute chronology for the lower part of the stratigraphic record at “Les Roches d’Abilly”, an important Palaeolithic site in Central France. There, lithic assemblages recording the Middle-to-Upper Palaeolithic transition and the behaviour of Neanderthal and Anatom...
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Human occupation at Calvaria 2 took place during the final stages of the Gravetian-Solutrean transition and this work aims at presenting a better characterization of the lithic industry and contributing to an understanding of human adaptations in reaction to environmental changes on a regional scale.
Hunter-gatherer societies mobility has been interpreted as a dialectical interplay of social and environmental factors. Demography and social network restriction have been pointed out as potential factors for the demise of Neanderthal and to differ them from anatomically modern human. To reconstruct land use and social network we investigate Middle...
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O Rôdo, sítio arqueológico de ar livre, situado no Vale do Vouga foi identificado e escavado, em 2014, no âmbito dos trabalhos de minimização decorrentes da construção do Aproveitamento Hidroelétrico de Ribeiradio‑Ermida. Os estudos geoarqueológicos, paleobotânicos e da indústria lítica foram já alvo de publicação. As características tipo‑tecnológi...
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This works aims to shed light on site formation processes, stratigraphic integrity, duration of human occupations and site function and answer the following questions: are we dealing with short-term occupations or long-term residential camps? Are we dealing with a single occupation or a repeated one within the scope of the annual displacement circu...
Embora a prospeção entre os rios Côa e Águeda ainda esteja longe de terminada, ela permitiu já: - Comprovar a ocupação de ambientes geológicos, topográficos e ecológicos muito diversificados deste vasto território durante o Paleolítico Superior, preenchendo o vazio ilusório entre as gravuras do Baixo Côa e as do Águeda (Siega Verde, Redor do Porco...
Technical Report
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Depuis 2016, le PCR « Réseau de lithothèques en région Centre - Val de Loire » (PCR CVDL) s’inscrit dans une perspective de recherche sur les modes d’exploitation des ressources lithiques et sur la territorialité des groupes humains préhistoriques. Outre l’étude ou la révision de séries archéologiques de l’espace régional, la caractérisation précis...
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The Coa Museum, open in 2010, is the entryway to the Coa Valley Archaeological Park. The visit to the rock art sites at the Coa is an authentic, irreplaceable experience that does not need ‘artifices’ to be enjoyed beyond a captivating guide delivering scientifically approved knowledge to visitors on the art and its natural and cultural context. Th...
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Quartz has traditionally been regarded as a raw material of poor knapping quality. Indeed, the structure of this mineral determines the presence of cleavage planes which generate fractures and influence débitage.The fact that it is naturally available in regions where there is no flint or silcrete, however, resulted in its frequent exploitation by...
Quartz has traditionally been regarded as a raw material of poor knapping quality. Indeed, the structure of this mineral determines the presence of cleavage planes which generate fractures and influence débitage. The fact that it is naturally available in regions where there is no flint or silcrete, however, resulted in its frequent exploitation by...
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We provide a synthesis of the results delivered by the rock art studies carried out in the context of the project PalæoCôa (PTDC/EPH-ARQ/0326/2014). We have adopted an archaeological approach that had at its core the need of an integrated study of prehistoric art within its archaeological and geological context. This approach has able us to better...
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he geomorphological context of the Côa Valley open-air Palaeolithic rock art offers a unique opportunity to analyse its stratigraphic relationship with preserved Quaternary deposits and to reconstruct those that may have since disappeared. Litho-stratigraphic units, discontinuities and their architecture are interpreted in the context of the valley...
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Quartz has traditionally been regarded as a raw material of poor knapping quality. Indeed, the structure of this mineral determines the presence of cleavage planes which generate fractures and influence débitage [9,10]. However, he fact that quartz is naturally available in regions where there is no flint or silcrete resulted in its frequent exploi...
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Em 1999, um ano depois da classificação da arte paleolítica do Côa como património mundial pela UNESCO, uma sondagem em frente à rocha 1 do sítio do Fariseu revelou uma sequência de depósitos com vestígios do Paleolítico Superior sobre um painel gravado. Esta conjugação excecional de fatores humanos e naturais no registo arqueológico voltou a ident...
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Discovered at the beginning of the twentieth century, the Abri Casserole (Dordogne, France) was the subject of salvage excavations in the early nineties. The fieldwork revealed a sequence of 13 archaeological levels that document human occupations from the Gravettian to the Magdalenian, including very rare and poorly known assemblages (e.g. Early B...
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The timing of the Neanderthal-associated Middle Palaeolithic demise and a possible overlap with anatomically modern humans (AMH) in some regions of Eurasia continues to be debated. The Iberian Peninsula is considered a possible refuge zone for the last Neanderthals, but the chronology of the later Middle Palaeolithic record has undergone revision a...
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The Tardiglacial of Portugal has been associated with the Magdalenian culture and lithic industries characterized by tool miniaturization, a diversity of microlith types, and the absence of a intentional blade production. The technological characterization, the chronology and the phasing of the Portuguese Magdalenian have been defined based on data...
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The archaeological remains of the Upper Palaeolithic of the Côa Valley inform us of the resources, the geographical spaces explored and the mobility of the human groups at different scales. One is the scale of the territory of exploitation of the abiotic resources of the groups that most frequently lived in the region, whose existence is corroborat...
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The plaquette of Vau is engraved in its two sides with horses, anthropomorphic figures, a possible bird and what it seems to be a head of a red deer. The technical study of the piece has shown that, despite the identification of several types of incised traces, the entire repertoire could have been made with the same tool. Similar themes and styles...
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Este texto debruça-se sobre a rocha 7 da Faia, um dos sítios que compõem o conjunto de arte paleolítica do Vale do Côa. Trata-se do segundo espaço parietal deste sítio criado durante o Paleolítico Superior, muito provavelmente durante o intervalo temporal compreendido entre o Gravettense e o Solutrense médio. Contrariamente à maior parte dos espaço...
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The flints used to produce the diagnostic Solutrean stone tools from Gruta do Caldeirão are classified, their geological and geographical origin is determined, and results are compared with available data for three other regions of Iberia: the Côa Valley and the Sicó Massif, in Portugal, and Cantabria, in northern Spain. Three of the five Caldeirão...
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The focus of this text is rock 7 of Faia, one of the sites of the Côa Valley with Palaeolithic rock art. Rock 7 is the second parietal space of the site that was created during the Upper Palaeolithic, most probably between the Gravettian and the middle Solutrean. It is the only panel of the Côa valley that was not engraved on the open-air, but unde...
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Descobertas do ano de 2018 no sítio da Cardina, nomeadamente ocupações do Paleolítico Superior Antigo, nomeadamente Aurignacense , e ocupações do Paleolítico Médio.
Technical Report
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Depuis 2016, le PCR « Réseau de lithothèques en région Centre - Val de Loire » s’inscrit dans une perspective de recherche sur les modes d’exploitation des ressources minérales et sur la territorialité des groupes humains préhistoriques.
Conference Paper
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In the wake of the discovery of numerous large blade workshops at Le Grand-Pressigny site (Indre-et-Loire, France), which initially aroused great interest, the mid-Loire Valley region became central to studies of flint diffusion. Despite the quality of the initial work, the widely shared view now is that the capacity for this concept to continue to...
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We present in this work the integral study of the portable art of Fariseu (Côa Valley). Eighty-five engraved pieces and four painted ones form the studied collection. The chronological attribution to the Late Dryas/ beginning of the Pre-boreal is perfectly assured by the stratigraphic origin of the pieces. The technical and stylistic attributes of...
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Bien que de nombreuses études traitent de l’évolution des formes du relief et des dépôts quaternaires des principaux fleuves et des rivières du Portugal, dans un cadre tectonique et paléoclimatique d’échelle régionale, l’étude de leur relation possible avec leur occupation humaine n’a pas fait l’objet d’une approche spécifique à l’échelle de leur b...
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Os trabalhos de arqueologia desenvolvidos desde o início da última década do século XX no Centro e Nordeste de Portugal permitem estabelecer um quadro paleoambiental e cronoestratigráfico das várias fases de ocupação durante o Paleolítico Superior, bem como aperceber caraterísticas da adaptação técnica da produção das indústrias de pedra lascada, e...
The archaeological research developed during the last decade of the 20th-century in Central and Northeast Portugal established a palaeoenvironmental and chronostratigraphic framework for the Upper Palaeolithic occupation of these regions, and brought to light the operative schemes used for the production of stone tools from the locally available ra...
Technical Report
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Un rapport de 184 pages sur les thèmes de la matière première, de la méthodologie, du silex, de l'extraction du silex, de la cartographie, des territoires et des comportements sociaux.