Tetsuya Aikoh

Tetsuya Aikoh
Hokkaido University | Hokudai · Research Faculty of Agriculture

Doctor of Philosophy


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Publications (60)
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Given the increasing urban population and frenetic mobility, understanding how individuals perceive crowding at large-scale events is crucial for effective crowd management and safety. This study focuses on Tokyo Big Sight in Japan exhibitions to examine participants’ perceptions of peak crowding times, locations, and local density, and compare the...
A data book of outdoor activities in Austria and Japan Research category: Bilateral Joint Project in 2005 and 2006 by JSPS (JSPS, 1-109 project)
In event management, preventing excessive overcrowding is not only essential for providing comfort but also crucial for ensuring safety. However, understanding the crowd dynamics of participants in outdoor events can be challenging. One of the primary reasons is the limited availability of sensing systems suitable for outdoor use. Challenges includ...
Regulated egress is often conducted after large events to avoid extreme congestion at stations around event venues. In regulated egress, people are divided into several groups and egress in order. By controlling the number of groups and the time interval between each group’s egress, managers can mitigate the congestion at the stations. In this stud...
Understanding how visitors respond to crowding is crucial for ensuring the success, safety, and overall enjoyment of large-scale exhibitions. However, despite its significance, limited research has explored this issue. To address this gap, we conducted a questionnaire survey in 2022 and 2023 for visitors to exhibitions held at the Tokyo Big Sight C...
In some natural parks, introducing a shuttle bus system as an alternative to private cars can help reduce congestion and protect nature. This study examines the pilot program to effectively induce visitors to switch to the shuttle bus, while examining the visitors’ understanding of the expansion of the restricted vehicle section in Shiretoko Nation...
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In environmental planning, it is normal to adjust that all environmental standards are similar throughout the world. This criterion is warranted in the case of environmental pollution problems. For example, all human beings should be assured of a healthy environment for their daily life. But in the case of quality of life, the standard should be ch...
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Through a quantitative approach, this study aimed to clarify the changes in the number of visitors and visits to green spaces according to green space type before and after the COVID-19 pandemic. We explored the changes in the proportion of repeat visitors and the distance between green spaces and visitors’ places of residence. We used KDDI Locatio...
This study aims to understand recreation demands and visitor characteristics of urban green spaces. The renovation of large urban green spaces has been scheduled due to the aging facilities in the Sapporo city area, northern Japan. Owing to budget limitations, however, a decision has been made to perform a specific type of extensive renovation depe...
At present, decreasing farmland due to the shortages of farmers and the devastation of agricultural landscape are becoming grave concerns. Farmland serves several multifaceted functions as a green space, and its conservation is therefore essential. In this study, we aim to elucidate the effects of various agricultural experiences on the perception...
This study attempts to analyze Japan’s pricing policy alternatives for protected area management by assessing the general public’s preferences through best–worst scaling. Through best–worst scaling, researchers can quantitatively understand people’s preferences with fewer burdens. The conditional logit model showed that the mean response of the res...
This study aims to understand the preferences regarding 15 services in ecosystem and facilities provided by urban green spaces using a partial profile choice experiment. The method is one type of discrete choice experiment in which researchers present respondents with only a subset of all the attributes under consideration. Therefore, it has the ad...
Investigating visitors’ crowding norms is necessary to establish the carrying capacity of natural recreation areas. For this purpose, several question formats have been used, but it is known that these have methodological issues. To reduce these methodological issues, we compared several different question formats to investigate respondents’ percep...
Green master plan has been established as basic policy for green open space planning, management and greening by municipalities. The plan is expected to deal with various issues such as global environmental and social problems as well as green open spaces. However, the number of established municipalities remains half of them. The purpose of this s...
This study explored visitors’ preferences for social conditions of trail use in urban forests. It is important to understand the heterogeneous nature of visitor preferences because the recreational use of urban forests is characterized by multipurpose uses with different visiting motivations. To understand preference heterogeneity, this study used...
Nowadays, there are a number of citizens engaged in the community greenings by various kinds of flowers on an individual basis as well as on a group basis. In the case of Sapporo city, the municipal government supports both individuals and groups. In this study, we conducted the questionnaire survey with citizens, engaged in community greening in S...
Visitor monitoring is the essential management effort to make planning and management reasonable in national parks. Exact visitor statistics make managers possible to evaluate effectiveness of current management practices and facilities, and to predict future trends and demands to the park. In this study, we asked park managers to answer the curren...
Halting the ‘extinction of experience’, the progressive disengagement of people with the natural world, is vital to human health and wellbeing and to public support for global biological conservation. Home to the majority of humanity, urban areas are the key for engaging people with nature, raising the crucial question of how cities should best be...
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The life history and effects of sowing time on the germination of cultivated poppy growing in towns of Rishiri Island were investigated in Sapporo.
This paper aimed at clarifying the current circumstances and seasonal differences of children’s outdoor plays, and analyzing the factors that affect their behaviors in snow cold district. As a result of questionnaire survey, 1,390 children responded effective answers, and following points were made clear: 1. Frequency and travel time from their own...
This paper aimed at clarifying the circumstances of children's urban park usage, and evaluating the urban park distribution through the comparison of several elementary school districts. As a result, following points were made clear: 1. district parks and neighboring parks were most frequently used by children, 2. children's selecting method of urb...
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For many protected areas, the inclusion of interested parties in decision-making processes has become both more important and common. The range of interests can lead to a variety of conflicts. Given the diversity of stakeholders, effective conflict management requires an integrated communicative approach that addresses this range interests. Yet the...
Increasingly there is a call for appropriate management policies to be implemented in national parks to minimize the impacts of tourism on both ecosystems and recreational settings. One facet of such problems is that of traffic congestion as car ownership grows. This study applies a traffic Cellular Automaton Model (CAM) as a decision support tool...
Knowing the factors considered by hikers in selecting their entrance and routes can be helpful for mountainous natural park managers. Mt. Tomuraushi in Daisetsuzan National Park used to be a remote destination that required hikers to make overnight trips to reach the summit. With easier access, there has been a recent increase in day trip hikers. T...
In these days, citizens living in urban areas are increasingly interested in developing their communities. As a part of the process of their community developments, there are various kinds of citizen groups engaged in horticultural volunteer activities in public spaces such as urban parks, open spaces along sidewalks and several public facilities....
This paper aims to clarify the status and issues of risk management in the Oirase Stream Area (OSA). First of all, a visitor questionnaire was carried out in the OSA in October 2009. The respondents were asked to answer questions such as notion of self-responsibility for accidents. The survey showed that respondents could be divided into 4 groups w...
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Visitor information often serves as the basis for the management plan of parks. However, there exist few scientific and fundamental surveys for parks and open spaces in Japan. We analyzed the correlation between the number of visitors and the various factors in a suburban open space in a northern Japanese city, Takino Park. To explain the fluctuati...
Differences in trail preferences for social conditions of visitors to forests in Vienna and Sapporo were investigated in 2006 using a standardised image-based stated choice approach. On-site visitors to two comparable peri-urban forests – the Lobau Forest in Vienna, Austria (n=373), and the Nopporo Forest in Sapporo, Japan (n=256) – evaluated the s...
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Many tiny yellow poppies are grown in the town area of Rishiri Island, Japan. Because the phenotype of this cultivated poppy is similar to that of Papaver fauriei, which is endemic to Mt. Rishiri, Rishiri Island, residents on the island call the cultivated poppy “P. fauriei” although the origin of the cultivated poppy is uncertain. To estimate the...
Green spaces in residential areas have various functions, such as for recreational activities, making the place beautiful and so on. In this research, we investigated the economic effect of green spaces on the land prices in the residential area of Sapporo City, through an environmental economics technique. Factors contributing to the formation of...
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Abstract: In order to clarify the differences in outdoor activities between Austria and Japan, a cooperative research project was conducted by BOKU - University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna and National Institute of Environmental Studies, Tsukuba. The Austria side had taken the visitor numbers and the feeling of congestion...
The demand to provide access to parks and universal designed parks are increasing. This paper aimed to find the wheel chair visitors' demand for parks, and to examine the physical factors preventing them from visiting parks. The frequency of their visitations to parks are less than other recreations. They demand the parks which has special faciliti...
抄録 Trail degradations have been found in most mountainous natural parks in Japan. For maintenance of trails, managers should pay attention to the attitudes of visitors and stakeholders, and they should get the consensus for the ideal maintenance method of trails with visitors and concerned stakeholders. The method that demonstrates projected trail...
The demand to provide access to parks and universal designed parks are increasing. This paper aimed to find the wheel chair visitors' demand for parks, and to examine the physical factors preventing them from visiting parks. The frequency of their visitations to parks are less than other recreations. They demand the parks which has special faciliti...
The benefits of street vegetation, in particular the importance of trees, for urban dwellers have been given wide attention. There is, however, a lack of research on flowers as an element of street vegetation. This paper explores preferences for various street-planting models, particularly those with different compositions of flowers, with or witho...
本研究では街路の花に対する住民の意識と態度の解明を目的として, 実際に街路に花が植栽されている事例地域でのアンケート調査を行った。その結果,「花が街路を美しくする」「自然さを与えてくれる」と考えている住民が多いことが明らかになった。また, 因子分析より4つの因子の存在が確認され, 第1因子として「管理の困難性」, 第2因子として「地域社会の交流と環境性」, 第3因子として「美しさと自然性」, 第4因子として「プライバシー」の各因子が得られた。またクラスター分析の結果, 回答者を街路の花に対する意識で, 消極的な集団, 地域社会の交流に積極的な集団, 美的・自然志向の強い集団3つに分類できた。
入込み規制として車両規制されている知床カムイワッカを対象に.実際の遭遇人数や利用動態を把握する手法上の課題を整理するとともに.混雑感や利用者相互の遭遇に対する許容限界混雑に対する利用者の対処について検討した。混雑感は遭遇人数に左右されたが.期待や利用状況への不快感や車両規制への評価の影響が強かった。混雑に不快感を覚える許容限界への回答率は低く, 許容限界の人数は, 遭遇人数や混雑感と関連しなかった。混雑への対処として, 雑踏を不快に感じる傾向の強い利用者では.これを回避する意識や行動の変化が確認された。
大雪山国立公園の登山者を対象に, 登山道や野営地で出会う登山者数と悪いマナーを見る回数の許容限界および, コーピング行動の可能性と実態を調査し, その相互の関連について検討した。その結果, 許容限界の回答率は利用密度の高い区域で低く, 高齢の日帰り登山者で混雑に関するインパクトの認識が低い登山者ほど, 許容限界を有していなかった。現状で他の登山者の多さからコーピング行動を行っている登山者が存在しており, 登山経験が多く, 北海道に居住し, インパクトの認識が高く, 許容限界を有している登山者で, コーピング行動をとる可能性が高いことが示された。
山岳性自然公園では, 利用に伴う様々なインパクトが指摘され, その管理には登山者の認識の理解が不可欠である。本研究では, 大雪山国立公園の登山者を対象に, インパクトに対する登山者の認識, 排泄行為の実態と今後の屎尿処理のあり方に対する態度を調査した。その結果, 屎尿処理に関して不快感と対策の必要性がともに高く認識され, インパクトの認識が高い回答者ほど登山経験が多く, 長期の縦走をしていた。山中での排泄行為と今後の屎尿処理に対する態度は性別や登山形態, インパクトの認識により異なり, 女性または登山経験が多く, インパクトの認識が高い回答者ほどトイレ整備のための経費の負担や屎尿の持ち帰りに同意する傾向がみられた。
河川景観の特徴は視点や視線方向によって異なる。本研究は, 河川景観の評価における視線方向の影響を把握し, レパートリー・グリッド法によって視線方向による評価構造の相違を明らかにすることを目的とした。多次元尺度法による分析の結果, いずれの視線方向においても背景の都市化状況が評価を左右する軸として解釈され印象の由来と対応していた。一方, 流軸景では河岸植生, 斜流軸景では高水敷の整備の度合い, 対岸景では護岸の状況とそれぞれの視線方向によって頻度の高かった印象の由来に差がみられ, 多次元尺度法やクラスター分析の結果と対応していたことから, 視線方向による評価構造に相違があることが示された。
キャンプ場は, 山岳地のなかでも一時的に利用が集中する場所である。植生の損失や利用体験への影響が懸念されており, 適正な収容力および規模の設定が必要である。本研究では, 大雪山国立公園のヒサゴ沼において, テントの設置位置と利用者の混雑感およびキャンプ利用において不快に感じた要因を調査した。その結果, 利用の増加に応じて, テントの占有面積と間距が減少し, 利用者の知覚したテント数と人数, 混雑感, 不快に感じた要因が増加した。実際の利用テント数および人数が, 利用者の不快に感じる限界を超えた場合に, 混雑感と不快に感じた要因の数が著しく増加し, 心理的・物理的に十分な空間がなかったと考えられた。
自然公園等における利用者の行動や混雑度等に関する情報は, その管理および計画に欠かせない。本研究では, 大雪山国立公園の自然探勝路を事例として, 利用グループの行動を確率的に割り当てるシミュレーションモデルを応用し, モデルの適合性の検討と混雑度の解析を行った。実際の利用状況との適合性が示されたモデルから, 利用の多い歩道区間と展望台では, 他のグループと出会う頻度, 視覚的な干渉を受ける頻度がより多く, 入り込み数の増加により, 歩道区間での混雑度が急激に高まることが示された。
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大雪山国立公園を事例として, 自然公園での利用インパクトに対する許容限界として示される利用者個々人の規範に基づく, 判断指標について検討した。被験者である登山者に, 出会う人数 (一日に出会う登山者数, キャンプ場の利用人数), 悪いマナーを見る回数 (一日に見る回数キャンプ場や小屋で見る回数) に対する許容限界を求めた結果, 利用密度の高い区域での許容限界値は, 利用密度の低い区域に比較し, 回答率が低い上, 値が大きく, 個々人のばらつきが大きかった。悪いマナーに対する許容限界値は, 出会う人数の許容限界値に比較し, 回答率が高く, わずかなインパクトでも許容できないとする人が多く, 利用者のばらつきが小さかった。
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自然公園における収容力を考える際利用者の混雑感を把握することが重要である。本研究では, 大雪山国立公園のキャンプ場を事例とし, 自然公園のキャンプ場利用者の混雑感に関わる要因を検討するため, 混雑に対する個々人の規範が混雑感の評価に与える影響, および混雑感と満足度との関連性を分析した。その結果, 動機やキャンプ場の混雑ぐあいに対する予想や重要性などの個々人の規範が, キャンプ場の混雑感の評価に相違をもたらす事が判明した。また, 混雑に対する個々人の規範, 混雑感の評価それぞれに関わる動機や登山経験全体の評価が異なることが示された。
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自然公園の適正な利用密度を考える際利用者の混雑感の特性をとらえることは重要である。本研究では, 自然の中で低密度な利用が望まれる国立公園での登山利用者の利用密度に対する反応 (混雑感) の特性を明らかにするため, 大雪山国立公園内の登山道を事例にし, その利用状況と利用者の混雑感との関連を分析した。その結果, 混雑感は, 利用区間の滞留人数や他パーティとの交差数などの実測値よりも, 利用者が知覚した出会った人数とより強い関連をもつことが判明した。また, 混雑感は, 実際の利用状況や知覚した人数だけでなく, 利用者の事前経験などの属性の影響を受けることがわかった。


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