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Tetiana Krychevska Doctor Habil. In Economics

Tetiana Krychevska Doctor Habil. In Economics
Institute for economics and forecasting, NAS of Ukraine · economic theory



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Publications (31)
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The article explores the complexity and diversity of the crypto-asset space, examining the logic of its development, the dynamics of interactions within the ecosystem, and with the external world. It demonstrates how the open-source nature of crypto projects and the emergence of tools for simplified token creation on third-party blockchains have tr...
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The second of two articles which reveal the theoretical and practical significance of the researches awarded 2022 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences. The author shows the theoretical and practical influence of B. Bernanke's research on the non-monetary effects of the banking crisis on the course of the Great Depression, which marked the b...
Conference Paper
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The scientific collection presents the views of researchers from different countries regarding the solution of topical issues related to the fundamental shifts in the world' geo-economic system in recent years. Scientific articles provide a comprehensive overview of research results of key factors and potential financial and economic, social, demog...
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The first of two articles which reveal the theoretical and practical significance of the researches awarded 2022 Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences. The author shows that the laureates laid the foundations of both the modern microeconomic theory of banks and financial institutions and the analysis of the role of financial intermediation i...
Економічні суперечності глобалізації та локалізації в умовах гібридної війни та післявоєнної реконструкції: монографія / за ред. академіка Гриценка А. А. ; НАН України, ДУ “Інститут економіки та прогнозування НАН України”. – Електрон. дані. – К., 2022. – 636 c. : табл., рис. Прозоров Ю.В. Розділ 8 ІНСТИТУЦІЙНА ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ БАНКІВСЬКОЇ СИСТЕМИ ЯК Ф...
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The article clarifies what lessons for monetary policy under conditions of stagflationary shocks can be drawn from the analysis of inflation drivers, the global environment and approaches to macroeconomic policy in the run-up to and during the oil shocks of the 1970s and the supply shocks of the 2020s, caused by the pandemic and by the global effec...
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The article considers global factors that are currently changing approaches to monetary and fiscal instruments for stabilization of socio-economic development, as well as local factors and limitations of monetary and financial stimulus in Ukraine. Among the global factors are: the formation of an environment of monetary “new normal” - a combination...
Krychevska T.O. The logical-historical development of trust institution in monetary sphere. – Qualifying scientific work, not for publication. A thesis for a Doctor’s of Economics degree by specialty 08.00.01 – Economic theory and history of economic thought. – State Organization “Institute of Economics and Forecasting of the National Academy of S...
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The article shows the modification of monetary policy and modification of its interaction with fiscal policy in response to the challenges of the global financial crisis and the corona crisis, as well as reveals potential macroeconomic policy adjustments in response to long-term structural changes in the global economy. The specificity of the globa...
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The article is aimed at identifying the challenges that the convention monetary regime - flexible inflation targeting - faces today: both technically (in terms of applying the reaction function in the form of a variety of Taylor’s rule) and as an element of public treaty, and the next: why it is still positioned as a kind of «end of history» in mon...
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Based on the analysis of the reasons for the deep fall of cryptocurrencies in 2018 and the features of 17 altcoins with the largest market capitalization, conclusions were drawn about the vectors of the development and the prospects of cryptocurrencies. The value of fiat money is based on the state framework, market order, informal institutions, wh...
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The article considers the features of innovations underlying the distributed ledgers technology, its arrangements, potential and actual implementations, organizational forms of the respective projects are considered. The key innovation of the blockchain technology is solving the problem of protection against double spending, which allows to switch...
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The article considers the features of innovations underlying the distributed ledgers technology, its arrangements, potential and actual implementations, organizational forms of the respective projects are considered. The key innovation of the blockchain technology is solving the problem of protection against double spending, which allows to switch...
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У монографії розкрито взаємозв’язок інститутів та економічної діяльності у відтворювальній динаміці економічних систем. Розроблено підходи до подолання соціально-економічних та інституційних суперечностей відтворювальної динаміки економічної системи України. Робота розкриває сутність та сучасні особливості відтворювальної динаміки та обґрунтовує за...
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It has been found that the factors at the current stage determining the demand for cryptocurrencies are: 1) general faith in new technologies and the desire not to lose chance; 2) existential angst in a world of rapid digitalisation and globalization, where the opportunity to earn money on cryptocurrencies looks like a chance to find herself in the...
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The article presents the logic of the evolution of monetary policy as an institution to ensure confidence in the currency and banking system from the 7th century BC to 1970th. Under-standing of this logic is necessary for policy making as well as for institutional construction. It comprises the stages of recursive support of trust in currency and t...
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Based on the analysis of monetary history since medieval public deposit and settlement banks to the present, the article reveals the logic of the formation of public demands on monetary policy and monetary authorities’ responses for them. As the time interval under consideration covers periods of states building and defence, economic turmoil and de...
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This is the fourth and final part of the series on the development of institutions of monetary regulation in the United States. The article covers the period in the history of the Fed, when economic theory and political environment allowed it to make maximum use of monetary policy to perform both parts of its mandate. The author reveals the anatomy...
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The third article of the series, devoted to the history of monetary regulation institutions in the United States. The article considers the development of counter-cyclical monetary policy of the Fed and the mechanisms of its coordination with the Treasury. It also examines the modification of monetary policy under the influence of strengthening the...
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The economic, political, institutional and scientific principles for the creation of the Federal Reserve are considered. While the establishment of the first European central banks meant the move to the currency related to national debt, the establishment of the Federal Reserve in the US, by contrast, was an attempt to move away from the issue of n...
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This is the first article of the series of articles about the development of the institutions of monetary regulation in the United States. The investigation aims to search for answers to the question of who de facto shapes the monetary policy, of the peculiarities of relationships between central bank and ministry of finance, and the prospects of s...
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The activity of the Brazilian Development Bank (BNDES), which is one of the largest and most profitable national development banks and a system�forming institution of the Brazilian model of state capitalism, is analyzed. The economic (financing of infrastructural projects, growing of enterprises that are “national champions”, and expansion of the l...
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Розкрито зміст, основні форми та кількісні характеристики капіталізації економіки України. Капіталізація трактується як складний багаторівневий процес, що охоплює всю економіку та проявляється в різноманітних формах залежно від того, на якому рівні, в якій сфері та за допомогою яких механізмів вона відбувається. Проаналізовано структуру національно...


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