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I am Research Associate in the Labour Market department at the Luxembourg Institute of Socio-Economic Research (LISER). Moreover, I am Senior Researcher at the Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) in Mannheim as well as Research Fellow at the Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) in Bonn. Previously, I was team leader of the research group Digital Transformation at IZA as well as Data Scientist in the Analytics.
Additional affiliations
March 2009 - February 2023
November 2018 - April 2022
September 2009 - January 2015
University of Regensburg
Field of study
- Economics
August 2007 - March 2008
October 2002 - September 2008
Publications (40)
Minimum wage levels are rising around the globe. To shed more light on the possible unintended side effects of higher wage floors, we study the impact of a minimum wage introduction on wages and employment in a quasi-experimental setting where the minimum wage is set extraordinarily high during an economic downturn. We identify treatment effects al...
Digital technologies displace labor from routine tasks, raising concerns that labor is racing against the machine. We develop an empirically tractable task-based framework to estimate the aggregate employment effects of routine-replacing technological change (RRTC), along with the labor and product demand channels through which this aggregate effec...
We investigate how workers adjust to firms' investments into new digital technologies, including artificial intelligence, augmented reality, or 3D printing. For this, we collected novel data that links survey information on firms' technology adoption to administrative social security data. We then compare individual outcomes between workers employe...
Like many other countries, Germany has experienced rapid population and workforce ageing, yet with substantial variation across regions. In this paper we first use this spatial variation between 1975 and 2014 to estimate quasi-causal supply effects of ageing on regional labour market outcomes, drawing on the identification strategy of Böhm and Sieg...
Like many other countries, Germany has experienced rapid population and workforce ageing, yet with substantial variation across regions. In this paper we first use this spatial variation between 1975 and 2014 to estimate quasi-causal supply effects of ageing on regional labour market outcomes, drawing on the identification strategy of Böhm and Sieg...
This paper provides new insights into how wages and employment adjust to a minimum wage policy along different wage and skill groups. For this, we exploit a quasi-experimental setting in the 1990s, where a German industry introduced a minimum wage at an extraordinary high level during an economic downturn with falling revenues. We find positive wag...
Durch eine rasant wachsende Rechenleistung können immer mehr Tätigkeiten, die bislang dem Menschen vorbehalten schienen, mittels Maschinen und Algorithmen automatisiert werden. Dieser technologische Wandel hat eine öffentliche Debatte über mögliche Arbeitsplatzverluste und eine drohende Massenarbeitslosigkeit entfacht. Solche Hiobsb...
New digital technologies more and more diffuse into the economy. Due to this digitisation, machines become increasingly able to perform tasks that previously only humans could to. Production processes and organizations are changing, new products, services and business models emerge. These trends have important implications for European labour marke...
A fast-growing literature shows that digital technologies are displacing labor from routine tasks, raising concerns that labor is racing against the machine. We develop a task-based framework to estimate the aggregate labor demand and employment effects of routine-
replacing technological change (RRTC), along with the underlying mechanisms. We show...
Computing power continues to grow at an enormous rate. Simultaneously, more and better data is increasingly available and Machine Learning methods have seen significant breakthroughs in the recent past. All this pushes further the boundary of what machines can do. Nowadays increasingly complex tasks are automatable at a precision which seemed infea...
In light of rapid advances in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and robotics, many scientists discuss the potentials of new technologies to substitute for human labour. Fuelling the economic debate, various empirical assessments suggest that up to half of all jobs in western industrialized countries are at risk of automation in the next 10...
Demographic ageing is expected to affect labour markets in very different ways on a regional scale. Contributing to this debate, we explore the spatio-temporal patterns of recent distributional changes in the worker age structure and innovation output for German regions by conducting an Exploratory Space-Time Data Analysis (ESTDA). Besides commonly...
This cumulative dissertation reflects on labour market inequalities from two perspectives. The first deals with the role of geography in shaping inequalities in an aging knowledge-based economy. In particular, it explores recent trends in demographic aging for regional labour markets in Germany, investigates the causal link between an aging workfor...
This paper examines the forces driving skill selectivity of regional migration in a context where modelling the migration decision as a wage-maximising process may be insufficient due to persistent employment disparities. The paper thus extends a Borjas type framework on the selectivity of internal migrants to allow migrants to move to regions that...
In this study we investigate the minimum wage (MW) effects for a German sub-construction sector where the MW bites extraordinary hard by international standards. Within a quasi-experiment we estimate the Quantile Treatment Effects of the MW on the conditional and unconditional distribution of earnings. For Eastern Germany, the results indicate sign...
This study contributes to the sparse literature on employment spillovers on minimum wages. We exploit the minimum wage introduction and subsequent increases in the German roofing sector that gave rise to an internationally unprecedented hard bite of a minimum wage. We look at the chances of remaining employed in the roofing sector for workers with...
Die wirtschaftliche Prosperität von Regionen hängt unter anderem davon ab, ob sie ein attraktiver Standort für (Hoch-)Qualifizierte sind. Für die Gestaltung politischer Maßnahmen, die Brain-Drain-Phänomenen entgegenwirken sollen, ist es wichtig zu wissen, was die Wanderung von Arbeitskräften bestimmt. In diesem Beitrag wird deshalb untersucht, wie...
Der seit 1997 im Dachdeckerhandwerk eingeführte und seit 2003 bundeseinheitlich geregelte, allgemeinverbindliche Mindestlohn führt vor allem in Ostdeutschland auch im internationalen Vergleich zu einer starken Betroffenheit der Branche vom Mindestlohn. Die damit einhergehende effektive Kostenbelastung fällt dennoch begrenzt aus. Auf der Basis von D...
This paper examines the determinants of gross labour flows in a context where modeling the migration decision as a wage-maximizing process may be inadequate due to regional wage rigidities that result from central wage bargaining. In such a context, the framework that has been developed by Borjas et al. (1992) on the selectivity of internal migrant...