Terri A. Scandura

Terri A. Scandura
University of Miami | UM · Department of Management



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January 1990 - present
University of Miami


Publications (116)
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A comprehensive review of the mentoring literature reveals that unpleasant aspects of mentoring relationships at work have been understudied. This persists, despite evidence that dysfunctions may be occurring in mentoring relationships. A typology of negative mentoring styles is presented. Next, a model of outcomes that may be associated with dysfu...
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A cursory review of the measurement practices found in four diverse management journals is briefly reported, suggesting that the current authors’ concerns about serious measurement deficiencies in at least some subdomains of the field may not be groundless. Then, it is suggested that the demonstration of instrument content adequacy be demanded as a...
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Outlines current theory and research on the dyadic approach to understanding how the behavior of individuals becomes teamwork for accomplishing unstructured tasks (dyadic organizing). Major points include the following: (1) Dyadic organizing processes are contingent on the nature of the tasks to be organized. (2) Even within organizational units, v...
The literature on leader-member exchange (LMX) is examined from an organizational justice perspective. The concepts of distributive, procedural, and interactional justice expand the LMX model to consider social comparison processes operating within work groups. A model of LMX development over time is presented that suggests that the differentiation...
The literature on the bright side of leadership has established that leaders differentiate among their followers. This paper examines a negative leadership style, authoritarian leadership (AL) and, based on group value and engagement models, proposes that AL differentiation softens the negative effects of mean AL on team cohesion, which in turn inf...
This study investigates how the leader–follower agreement on authoritarian leadership influences the quality of communication experience with the leader across three countries: Taiwan, Turkey, and the U.S. We also examine the mediating role of the quality of communication in linking agreement on authoritarianism to subordinate in-role and extra-rol...
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There is a growing amount of research integrating leadership and positive organizational behavior literatures in order to understand the processes through which leadership contributes to performance. One such mechanism through which leaders influence performance is psychological capital (PsyCap). Particularly, paternalistic leadership (PL) which is...
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We review the literature on item generation and develop a typology of common threats to construct validity related to poor item generation practices. The typology is based on the literature on item generation, which suggests that these are practices to avoid in the construction of survey items. The threats are categorized as scale-centered or conte...
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Does family membership differentiate family and nonfamily top management team (TMT) members’ ownership-based motivations to pursue corporate entrepreneurship? We adopt the concept of psychological ownership to answer this question. Based on a sample of 192 TMT members from 90 Korean companies, this study found that family and nonfamily TMT members...
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Studies of innovation have emphasized the importance of leadership for individual or team innovative behaviors, but have largely ignored cross-team innovative behaviors. Enhancing innovative behaviors across teams is particularly vital for organizations relying on large-scale, complex, and multiteam projects to compete in a dynamic environment. We...
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The action research method of appreciative inquiry (AI) was employed to develop a teaching tool. This exercise involves students’ reflections on a course, noting when they learned the most. The AI process of appreciating, envisioning, dialoging, and innovating is used to help students reflect on how they learn. Instructors of all types of courses a...
Purpose: This study aims to investigate how and why different forms of organizational change have different levels of organizational intensity, which in turn differentiate its impact on commitment to organizational change (COC). Its purpose is to also identify how procedural justice can reduce change-related stress and buffer the strain inducing ef...
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The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) model of leadership has shown that effective leader-follower relationships predict employee well-being and performance. Less research, however, addressed how diversity variables may affect the development of leader-member exchange and outcomes. This book moves the field forward by addressing the 21st century challen...
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Personal Learning measure used in Lankau & Scandura, 2002, Academy of Management Journal.
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The vast majority of justice studies reflect the ‘event paradigm,’ focusing on how subordinates form fairness perceptions in discrete situations and how managers can alter perceptions of isolated events. However, subordinates also form global appraisals of their managers across specific events and situations. To augment the event paradigm, research...
This symposium will engage a group of scholars in a moderated discussion of the process of reviewing scales and the process of scale development. This will include a discussion of what should be reported in manuscripts, and what reviewers should expect of manuscript authors when developing or modifying scales for their survey studies.
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Poorly written items will result in poor psychometric properties of measures. We review the literature on item generation, develop a typology of threats to construct validity, and present the results of a comprehensive review of published measures. Our results demonstrate that many existing measures have significant problems that may represent thre...
This research compares the influence of country membership and cultural values (power distance and individualism/collectivism) in a model of LMX and organizational change. The results reveal cultural differences in the relationships among LMX, consultation and affective commitment to organizational change, supporting prior studies. However, there a...
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Ethical leaders may influence the extent to which individuals establish a moral identity and make ethical decisions. Leaders integrate ethics and morality into the day-to-day work practices which in turn influence ethical choices of their followers. This chapter articulates a framework to guide future research on the mediating role of follower mora...
Organizational mentoring relationships have been theorized as reciprocal relationship where both parties provide a number of benefits and support to each other (Kram, 1985; Ragins, 2011). Social exchange theory conceptualizes reciprocity as a series of direct exchanges between two parties in a dyadic relationship (Blau, 1964). However, research has...
Research on mentoring has not fully explored the role that negative or dysfunctional behaviors by protégés have on their psychological outcomes. This research examines the effects of protégé deception in positive mentoring situations and negative mentoring situations. The results of study 1 indicate that when mentors provided low levels of vocation...
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Ethical leadership matters in the context of organizational change due to the need for followers to trust the integrity of their leaders. Yet, there have been no studies investigating ethical leadership and organizational change. To fill this gap, we introduce a model of the moderating role of involvement in change. Organizational change and involv...
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The justice literature describes how managers may resolve a predicament of injustice with social accounts. Yet, this offers an incomplete description of the dynamic interactions between managers and subordinates and the variety of responses (other than social accounts) a manager may actually chose in these situations. We propose a paradigmatic shif...
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This paper investigates how leader-member exchange (LMX) and emotional intelligence (EI) are associated with employees' creativity in high-tech firms. We develop a model that considers LMX and EI as predictors of creativity with LMX as a boundary condition for the relationship between EI and creativity. Results reveal that LMX is a strong predictor...
Workplace mentoring in the international context is an emerging research area with significant potential for global integration. However, although measurement equivalence is a prerequisite for examining cross-cultural differences, this assumption has yet to be examined in mentoring research. This study contributes to the mentoring literature by ass...
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Paternalism is an emerging concept with significant potential for international leadership research. Paternalistic leaders combine benevolence with authority. Paternalism is a prevalent leadership style in non-Western business organizations. In this article, the authors extend research on paternalism to the Western business context. They compare th...
This study introduces two dimensions of strategic leadership, termed operational and creative specifically developed for top executives of high-technology firms. Creative leadership reflects a CEO's emphasis on developing social and human capital and investing in the firm's internal knowledge development. We contrast this with operational leadershi...
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Team-level career mentoring by supervisors is conceptualized as mentoring that provides career support for all team members. A new model of mentoring and individual team-source learning is presented. Data from 192 individuals in 37 intact work groups in the banking industry were used to examine how intra-group processes might influence the team men...
Critical review of the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Form 5X (MLQ5X), reveals serious problems related to specification of the theoretical level of analysis at which it measures its underlying constructs. Data from two separate samples indicate that items of the commonly used MLQ5X are ambiguous with respect to level of analysis. It appears...
Using a sample of 285 matched pairs of employees and supervisors, we explore the extent to which congruence in leader and follower ratings of LMX quality is related to follower job performance and work attitudes. An original conceptual model is introduced that identifies four combinations of leader and follower LMX ratings: balanced/low LMX (low le...
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Trust in work relationships is an intriguing topic in leader—member exchange (LMX) research, however, previous LMX studies examined trust as unidimensional. Research on LMX has yet to explore the multidimensional nature of trust and how different dimensions may affect LMX quality. This study with 228 full-time employees explores the effect of diffe...
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The growing interest in paternalistic leadership research has led to a recent proliferation of diverse definitions and perspectives, as well as a limited number of empirical studies. Consequently, the diversity of perspectives has resulted in conceptual ambiguities, as well as contradictory empirical findings. In this article, the authors review re...
This chapter contains section titled: Streams of Thought in Mentoring Theory Potential Problems in Mentoring Relationships New Forms of Mentoring Theoretical Limitations Major Methodological Approaches and Limitations Conclusions Reference Streams of Thought in Mentoring Theory Potential Problems in Mentoring Relationships New Forms of Mentoring Th...
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The article looks at different perspectives on paternalistic leadership and assesses the current state of research and literature on the subject. Paternalistic leadership is typically defined as a leadership style that is based on fatherly benevolence combined with strong discipline and authority. It has been described as benevolent dictatorship an...
Conference Paper
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Poorly written items will result in poor psychometric properties of measures. In this paper, we review the literature on item generation, develop a typology of threats to construct validity, and present the results of a comprehensive review of published measures. Our results demonstrate that many existing measures have significant problems that may...
Conference Paper
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Research on mentoring has not fully explored the role that self-esteem and job-related anxiety may play in the emergence of negative relations in mentoring and its outcomes. A study with N = 189 protégés who reported having experienced negative mentoring examined dysfunction in the nature of the vocational support received. Results suggest that a l...
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Although businesses increasingly operate across cultures, there is a paucity of research that examines the influence of national culture on leadership practices. This study uses a structural equation modeling approach to investigate relationships among leader–member exchange (LMX), delegation, paternalism, and job satisfaction in Turkish business o...
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Although effective in improving socialization, development, and retention in the US domestic context, mentoring would likely benefit expatriates and their firms, but it remains theoretically underdeveloped in the international context. We develop a theory of international mentoring by integrating current perspectives on protean and boundaryless car...
Recently researchers have introduced a new leadership construct, referred to as authentic leadership. There has been considerable interest in this new area of study. Scholars conducting work on authentic leadership believe that the recent upswing in corporate scandals and management malfeasance indicate that a new perspective on leadership is neces...
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Ensuring construct comparability is a prerequisite for testing cross-group differences, yet this assumption is rarely tested in mentoring research. More studies testing for factorial invariance are needed for the construct validation of mentoring. Multiple group confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were used to investigate the factorial stability of...
Overview: The Concept of MentoringMentoring and Individual PerformanceDimensions of PerformanceMentoring DefinedMentoring Models for Performance Enhancement PerformanceDirections for Future Research on Mentoring and PerformanceConclusions References
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Leaders may need to serve as mentors to activate transformational leadership and promote positive work attitudes and career expectations of followers. To test this premise, incremental effects of transformational leadership and mentoring over each other were examined using N=275 employed MBAs. Respondents with supervisory mentors reported receiving...
In this exchange of theoretical letters, Terri Scandura and Peter Dorfman discuss leadership research in an international and cross-cultural context. In particular, they focus on leadership cultural-specifics and leadership cultural-universals in a post-Global Leadership and Organizational Behavior Effectiveness (GLOBE) project world. The exchange...
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Literature on tournament mobility in internal labor markets (ILMs) is reviewed revealing a paucity of studies examining the promotion patterns of late entrants into internal promotion systems. An investigation of 502 managers in a large corporation indicated that late entry into the ILM organization was significantly and positively related to caree...
R esearch has established that mentoring is beneficial to participants. Belle Rose Ragins and John L. Cotton in their article for Personnel Journal assertn the race to the top, mentors can make the difference between getting onto the inside track and trailing behind in the field'' (p. 20). The optimism for mentoring in the popular press assumes tha...
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To examine antecedents and consequences of learning in the context of mentoring relationships, we developed a new measure of personal learning, relational job learning and personal skill development. The presence of a mentor and mentoring functions were found to be antecedents of personal learning. Job satisfaction, role ambiguity, intentions to le...
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Recent research has suggested that the more the mentor is involved in relationship initiation the greater the benefits that the protégé may receive. No research, however, has examined the impact of protégé gender on the relationship between initiation and mentoring received. The results of this study indicate that male protégés perceived more mento...
The Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) is one of the most widely used instruments to measure transformational and transactional leader behaviors in the organizational sciences. A review of this literature reveals inconsistent research findings, which may be due to the psychometric properties of the MLQ. Data from four samples of managers we...
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This study is a comparison of the strategies employed in management research in two periods, 1995-97 and 1985-87. Through a content analysis of articles from the Academy of Management Journal, Administrative Science Quarterly, and the Journal of Management, we examined the use of research methods for addressing issues of "triangulation" and validit...
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Development of social capital through effective relationship-building among organizational members is an important but under-explored area in strategic human resource management (HRM) research. The systematic generation of social capital through HR practices offers many opportunities to demonstrate how strategic HR can produce competitive advantage...
Review of the literature on mentoring suggests that having multiple mentors may enhance mentoring outcomes. Multivariate analysis of covariance is used to test possible effects of multiple mentors on six attitudinal outcomes - organizational commitment, job satisfaction, career expectations, role conflict, role ambiguity, and perceived employment a...
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International management scholars and practitioners agree that managers cannot simply assume that leadership behaviors effective in one culture can be readily transferred to other cultures. This study examines the relationship of transformational leadership and leader member exchange to organizational justice and job satisfaction in five separate c...
Investigated the relationship between anticipated costs and benefits of being a mentor, mentoring experience (as mentor or protégé), and intentions to mentor among a sample of 275 high-ranking executives. Respondents completed a newly developed self-report measure of perceived mentorship costs and benefits. Individuals lacking mentoring experience...
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Despite content adequacy being essential for valid measurement, a well-delineated quantitative method for its examination only recently has become available. Using this new approach, an empirical comparison of three methods of collecting and two methods of analyzing content adequacy data is presented. It is shown that these different methods yield...
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Subordinate and supervisor leader-member exchange (LMX) were examined as correlates of delegation and as moderators of relationships between delegation and subordinate performance and satisfaction. Raw score analyses of data on 106 dyads showed both to be significantly related to delegation and to have similar main and moderating effects for subord...
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The relationship between gender and the termination of mentoring relationships was assessed in a matched sample of 142 male and female ex-protégés. Counter to prevailing assumptions, when gender differences in rank, salary, tenure, and other demographic and organizational variables were controlled, women did not differ from men in the number or dur...
Current perspectives on organizational justice are reviewed and integrated with mentoring theory to develop a new fairness "frame" through which the mentoring process can be viewed. Hypotheses derived from this framework were tested in a sample of 197 managers (mean age 37.48 yrs) from Australian organizations. Results indicated that protégés perce...
Psychological contract theory (Rousseau, 1995) suggests that women and those with family responsibilities may negotiate new psychological contracts that include family-responsive benefits such as flexible work hours. Relationships of gender, family responsibility, and flexible work hours to organizational commitment and job satisfaction were examin...
Investigated the relations of mentoring status and protégé (PG) gender to organizational commitment, job satisfaction, career expectations, perceived employment alternatives, role conflict, and role ambiguity for a sample of 254 managers (mean age 43.3 yrs). Ss indicated whether they currently had a mentor and completed measures of the dependent va...
The Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) process has been linked to the effective development of leaders, as well as outcomes for individuals and organizations such as performance and turnover. The basis for LMX is the working relationship, yet the LMX literature does not address the potential role that gender and race relations may play in the LMX develop...
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Explores perspectives on mentoring, including the mentor, the protégé and the organization. Emphasizes key benefits to each of these parties. Addresses the question of why mentors engage in mentoring. Discusses the role of leadership in the development of leader-supported mentoring processes.
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This paper reviews the literature on racial differences in job satisfaction and examines differences among whites, blacks and hispanics in job-related attitudes for a sample of nurses employed in a public hospital. Levels of job satisfaction, organizational commitment, turnover intentions, and job burnout were compared among the three race categori...
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Validity of the Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale (SRES) was examined employing LISREL confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) procedures for a managerial sample (N = 268) and for a student sample (N= 519). Results of the CFAs indicated that the proposed one- and five-dimensional models of the SRES did not fit the data from the managerial sample but were pa...
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This study investigated antecedents and work-related correlates of reported sexual harassment by 365 primarily Caucasian women in male-typed, female-typed, and gender-integrated occupations. Two competing hypotheses on the antecedents of sexual harassment were tested. No support was found for the contact hypothesis, which holds that harassment is r...
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The literature on transformational and transactional leadership suggests integrating the leader-memher exchange (LMX) approach with research on mentoring. Using LISREL VII confirmatory factor analysis. and 183 managerial dyads, we show LMX and mentoring to be empirically distinct from the supervisors' perspective hut not from the sub-ordinates'. LM...
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We investigated differences in the costs and benefits associated with being a mentor in a matched sample of 80 male and 80 female executives. Women were as likely as men to be mentors and reported outcomes and intentions for future mentoring similar to men's. Implications and areas for future research are discussed.
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A matched sample of male and female ex-proteges was used to assess the relationship between gender and termination of mentoring relationships. Counter to prevailing assumptions, women did not differ from men in the number of duration of prior relationships, or in their reasons for terminating the relationship.
From in-depth interviews with public accounting personnel, Dirsmith & Covaleski [Accounting, Organizations and Society (1985) pp. 149-169] concluded that mentoring exists in large public accounting firms and benefits the mentor, protege and the firm. Based on a national survey of public accounting employees, the current study uses quantitative data...
This study examined the relative impact of sex and gender role orientation on the development and functions of mentoring relationships in Certified Public Accounting, a male-dominated occupation. Results showed that biological sex was not related to mentoring, yet gender role orientation was significantly related to having a mentor and mentor funct...
The convergent and discriminant validity of a short (6-item) new leader-member exchange scale (LMX-6) was investigated using hierarchically-nested maximum likelihood confirmatory factor analyses. Using data from a sample of 221 MBA students, the validity of the new scale was confirmed by its high and significant loadings on a leader-member exchange...
The literature on mentorship is briefly reviewed, revealing that many studies have documented the functions that mentors provide to proteges, including vocational and psychosocial support. This study investigates the link between these functions and the career mobility outcomes of proteges. Results from a random sample of 244 manufacturing managers...
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Based on conceptualizing leader-member exchange quality as comprised of the three subdimensions of perceived contribution to the exchange, loyalty, and positive affect, a short (6-item) new LMX scale was developed (LMX-6). Using data from two samples (N = 281 and 115), the three-dimensional structure of the new scale was confirmed by multiple maxim...


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