Terje OgdenThe Norwegian Center for Child Behavioral Development | NUBU · Research department
Terje Ogden
Dr. philos (PhD)
Professor, phd
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March 2018 - December 2018
August 2005 - present
January 2003 - present
Publications (147)
The Norwegian version of the School-Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS) model was tested in two quasi-experimental evaluation studies with 65 primary schools (grade 4-7). The impact of the N-PALS model on externalizing behaviour and learning climate in class was tested at 28 elementary schools that implemented the full-scale model, while 17 sch...
Clinicians and researchers should consider the expected benefits and potential harms of an intervention. Parenting programmes are a widely used evidence-based intervention for child behaviour problems. However, few data are available on potential negative effects. The aims of this paper were to increase systematic knowledge of adverse ev...
Kjønnsforskjeller i skoleprestasjoner er et tilbakevendende tema i skoledebatten, og som regel er den utløsende årsaken at gutter gjør det dårligere enn jenter i skolefagene. Jentene får bedre resultater, enten disse måles med normerte prøver, standpunktkarakterer eller eksamensresultater. Tre norskproduserte forsknings- og kunnskapsoversikter og e...
Implementation of school meal guidelines is often inadequate and evidence for effective implementation strategies for school-based nutrition interventions is limited. The aim of the present study was to examine the implementation and effectiveness of a multi-strategy implementation intervention to increase adherence to the Norwegian natio...
Increased focus on and interest in Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) in schools justify a stronger focus on research literacy and implementation knowledge. This article presents two complementary perspectives on the transfer of educational research to practice. The “research literacy approach” focuses on the general competence and capacity of teachers...
Sosial kompetanse er ferdigheter, kunnskap og holdninger i kontakt og samhandling med andre
This study aims to investigate outcomes of multisystemic therapy (MST) using the Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory (YLS/CMI) – part I.
This study, using a pre-post design, included a sample of 2,123 Norwegian youths (mean age = 14.7, SD = 1.34). The MST team supervisors assessed the YLS/CMI risk f...
I artikkelen beskrives evidensbaserte undervisningsstrategier og forutsetningene som disse bygger på. Forfatteren beskriver eksempler på evidensbasert praksis med utgangspunkt i lærernes arbeidssituasjon og og gjennomgår noen viktige argumenter for og imot evidensperspektivet i skole og undervisning. Evidensbasert praksis blir forklart som praksis...
The challenge of implementing evidence-based practices is to strike a good balance between fidelity and adaptation to the local context. Fidelity to the core components of an evidence-based intervention is usually required in order to obtain optimal outcomes. But variation components are equally important in order to adapt the intervention to local...
Background: Multisystemic Therapy (MST) and Functional Family Therapy (FFT) are evidence-based Blueprint programs shown to be effective towards youth problem behaviors. Purpose: The present study aimed to investigate treatment outcomes following MST and FFT among Norwegian youths with serious behavior problems. Research design: Routine Outcome Moni...
To examine treatment fidelity in a randomized controlled trial of indicated school-based cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) delivered in groups to youth with anxiety. We investigated whether adherence and competence (a) differed across brief and standard-length CBT, and (b) if adherence and competence predicted change in anxiety symptoms and impair...
Social competence and problem behavior among children and youth
Gender differences in teacher ratings of academic performance, social skills, and externalizing behavior were examined from fourth through seventh grade in a group of 1,023 students from 65 primary schools. Cohen’s d and t tests and were used to report the magnitude of gender differences, and structural equation modeling was used to evaluate cross-...
Prominent implementation theories and frameworks articulate characteristics of interventions (e.g., contextual alignment) as important determinants of successful implementation in natural practice settings. Yet, few studies have explored such characteristics in-depth. Research is needed to understand how and why interventions' characteri...
Problematferd i grunnskolen er et stadig aktuelt tema, og saerlig spørsmålet om elevenes atferd har endret seg til det verre. Det foreligger lite norsk forskning som gir grunnlag for sammenligninger over tid. Denne studien sammen-ligner imidlertid laereres rapportering av negative atferds-hendelser i to undersøkelser som ble gjennomført med 10 års...
To address social and behavioral problems in schools, more than 26,000 schools around the world have implemented School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS). Previous studies have focused on the effects of SWPBS on short-term teacher-rated behavior such as office discipline referrals or academic outcomes, but no study has yet investigated effects...
School-wide positive behavior support (SWPBIS) is a well-evaluated school approach to promoting a positive school climate and decreasing problem behaviors. Initial implementation is one of the most critical stages of program implementation. In this qualitative study, the initial implementation of SWPBIS in Swedish schools was studied using an imple...
Specialpedagogik för lärare riktar sig till alla lärarstuderande men passar även på specialpedagog- och speciallärarprogram. Boken speglar kärnan i läraruppdraget, det vill säga att stödja lärmiljöer som främjar välbefinnande och lärande och gör alla elever delaktiga. Antologin bidrar till att aktualisera kunskap om alla barns och ungdomars utveckl...
The aims of this study were (a) to examine how different parenting practices connect to each other and to child conduct problems (variable‐centered approach) and (b) to identify groups of parents who share the same parenting style and identify how these relate to child conduct problems (person‐centered approach).
Substantial e...
Bullying victimization and trauma research traditions operate quite separately. Hence, it is unclear from the literature whether bullying victimization should be considered as a form of interpersonal trauma. We review studies that connect bullying victimization with symptoms of PTSD, and in doing so, demonstrate that a conceptual understanding of t...
Denne boka trekker på et stort kunnskapstilfang fra forskning og faglitteratur, om elevenes læring, og hvordan lærere enkeltvis og i fellesskap kan bidra til utviklingen av framgangsrike skoler. Praksis formes innenfra av elever og lærere, og et utvidet læringsbegrep understreker betydningen av faglig så vel som sosial og personlig læring. Elevene...
The purpose of this paper is to determine how youth with anxiety recruited for a school-based randomized controlled trial (RCT) compare demographically and clinically to clinically referred youth with anxiety who participated in an RCT conducted in community mental health clinics. Youth (N = 99) with anxiety aged 12–15 years were: (a) 37 youth (M a...
The purpose of this paper is to determine how youth with anxiety recruited for a school-based randomized controlled trial (RCT) compare demographically and clinically to clinically referred youth with anxiety who participated in an RCT conducted in community mental health clinics. Youth (N = 99) with anxiety aged 12-15 years were: (a) 37 youth (M a...
The study investigates child social competence a three different measurement levels (overall level, factor level, and item level), in a sample of parents and children participating in interventions towards emerging or present child problem behaviours. Parents of 550 children aged 3–12 (71% boys) evaluated social competence using the Home and Commun...
Previous studies have shown that children who display behavioral problems also tend to display low social competence. The relation does however vary according to type of behavior being measured, as well as demographic characteristics of the respondent. The present meta-analysis examined the correlation between different types of behavi...
Health professionals in Norway are required by law to help safeguard information and follow-up with children of parents with mental or physical illness, or who have substance abuse problems, to reduce their higher risk of psychosocial problems. Knowledge is lacking regarding whether organisation and/or worker-related factors can explai...
Evidence-based practices that are implemented in mental health services are often challenging to sustain. In this focus-group study, 26 mental health practitioners with high fidelity scores were interviewed regarding their experiences with implementing the illness management and recovery, an evidence-based practice for people with severe mental dis...
The group-based CBT intervention, the Adolescent Coping with Depression Course (ACDC), has previously been evaluated within a quasi-experimental design, showing reduction in depressive symptoms compared to a benchmark of similar studies. The aim of our study was to investigate the effectiveness of ACDC within a randomized controlled (RCT...
Problem behaviour in schools may have detrimental effects both on students' well‐being and academic achievement. A large literature has consistently found that school‐wide positive behaviour support (SWPBS) successfully addresses social and behavioural problems. In this paper, we used population‐wide longitudinal register data for all Norwegian pri...
The Parent Management Training - Oregon model (PMTO) and the adaption of PMTO, the Brief Parent Training (BPT), are two versions of parent management training, proven effective to reduce emerging or present child conduct problems through modifying child-parent interaction. Research, however, indicates substantial comorbidity between high levels of...
Low academic achievements are predicted by early disadvantages.
Because achievement gaps typically escalate with age, early efforts to
prevent future academic disadvantages are called for. The current study
examines whether exposure to structured pre-academic activities in
Early Childhood Education and Care (ECEC) play a compensatory role for
the e...
Severe behavioural problems (SBPs1) in childhood are highly prevalent, impair functioning, and predict negative outcomes later in life. Over the last decade, clinical practice guidelines for SBPs have been developed across Europe to facilitate the translation of scientific evidence into clinical practice. This study outlines the results...
Det brukes mange ressurser på utviklings og forskningsprosjekter i skolen. Men ofte viser det seg at prosjektene ikke innfrir forventningene til dem og at forskningskunnskapen ikke brukes i skolen. Det er med andre ord et gap mellom praksis og forskning. Økt bruk av forskningskunnskap i skolen forutsetter at den oppleves som forståelig og relevant...
Det brukes riktig mange ressurser på utviklings- og forskningsprosjekter i skolen. Men ofte viser det seg at prosjektene ikke innfrir forventningene til dem og at forskningskunnskapen ikke brukes i skolen. Det er med andre ord et gap mellom praksis og forskning. Økt bruk av forskningskunnskap i skolen forutsetter at den oppleves som forståelig og r...
Helsevesenets hjelpsøkingsmodell fungerer dårlig for ungdom med psykiske plager. Våre erfaringer forteller både om mulige forklaringer på hvorfor det er slik, og om grep som kan gjøres for at flere unge får hjelp
Background: Changes in Norwegian law and health policy require all health professionals to help safeguard the provision of information and follow-up for the children of parents with mental or physical illness, or substance abuse problems, to decrease their risk of psychosocial problems. There is a lack of knowledge on how the national changes have...
This postscript presents the implementation and evaluation of family and community based intervention programs for children and young people in Norway. PALS was organised as a universal intervention for the whole school combined with PMTO for parents of the high risk children. The Norwegian experiences and results illustrate how evidence-based prog...
Adolescence is a period characterized by both increased susceptibility to risks and new-found strength to withstand them. Whilst most young people are well equipped to manage the changes associated with growing up, other maladjusted and marginalized adolescents already have, or are at risk of developing, mental health problems.
Adolescent Mental...
The aims of this study were to assess the longitudinal trajectories of externalizing problem behavior during middle childhood among typically developing children and to examine subgroup differences in the effectiveness of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) model, called N-PALS in Norway. Participants were approximately 3000 students,...
Norway is one of the first countries to require all health professionals to play a part in prevention for children of parents with all kinds of illnesses (mental illness, drug addiction, or severe physical illness or injury) in order to mitigate their increased risk of psychosocial problems. Hospitals are required to have child respons...
Social functioning and reading proficiency are critical for success in school and society. Therefore, identifying children with such problems is important. This study had 2 parts: first, a random sample of 234 elementary schools was surveyed about which instruments they use to assess reading proficiency and social functioning. Second, a systematic...
Denne boka er en oppdatert versjon av et standardverk som gjennom to ti-år har vært flittig brukt for å introdusere det spesialpedagogiske fagfeltet for norske lærere. Mens spesialundervisningens organisering, omfang og resultater stadig debatteres, så har behovet for spesialpedagogisk erfarings- og forskningskunnskap bare økt. Det er glidende over...
The Working Alliance Inventory Short form (WAI-S) comprises 12 items that measure 3 subdomains (goal, task, and bond). In the present study, we evaluated the factor structure of WAI-S in a parent management training (PMT) context, by investigating a series of different factor models, including standard confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) models and...
Den svenska skolan har ett uttalat ansvar för att säkerställa alla barns rätt till en likvärdig utbildning oavsett bakgrund. Detta sker genom det pedagogiska uppdraget, som fokuserar de ungas lärande, och genom det sociala uppdraget, som handlar om att förmedla demokratiska värden och att ge eleverna det psykosociala stöd de behöver för att klara a...
A Norwegian national implementation strategy aimed to test and conduct a large-scale implementation of The Oregon model of Parent Management Training (PMTO) based on Gerald Patterson’s Social Interaction and Learning theory. The program targets children with antisocial behavior and co-occurring problems and their families. A randomized trial demons...
Färdigheter i ledarskap är den viktigaste förutsättningen för att lärare skal lyckas i sitt arbete. Undervisning och ledning är kärnan i läraryrket och målet är att skapa en god lärmiljö där eleverna kan utveckla sina kunskaper och sociala förmåger. Elever trivs och lär sig bäst i social samenhang och har et stor behov av kontakt med varandra. Boke...
This study investigated the psychometric properties of the Elementary Social Behaviour Assessment (ESBA), a teacher-report measure of students’ social skills and academic engagement adapted for use in Norwegian schools. At two times, 8 weeks apart, 151 teachers rated 793 students in Grades 1–6 on the ESBA and the Social Skills Rating System Teacher...
Role of pre-academic activities in ECEC for the future academic achievements of preschoolers at social, developmental and behavioral risk
In the present study, the scaling up of Parent Management Training, Oregon Model (PMTO) in Norway was examined by investigating how large-scale dissemination affected the composition of the target group and the service providers by comparing child behavioral outcomes in the effectiveness and dissemination phases of implementation. Despite the large...
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the implementation strategy used in the first-phase of implementation of the Illness Management and Recovery (IMR) programme, an intervention for adults with severe mental illnesses, in nine mental health service settings in Norway. MethodsA total of 9 clinical leaders, 31 clinicians, and 44 cons...
This study investigated an adaptation of the Oral Reading Fluency (ORF) measure of the Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills into a European context for the Norwegian language, which has a more transparent orthog-raphy than English. Second-order latent growth curve modeling was used to examine the longitudinal measurement invariance of...
I de to siste tiårene har begrepene intervensjon og evidens fått en stadig mer framtredende plass i ulike fagmiljøer. Mens intervensjon refererer til bruk av systematiske tiltak for blant annet familiestøtte, individuell mestring eller styrking av et utviklingsfremmende miljø i skole og barnehage, refererer evidens til en vitenskapelig vurdering av...
The study investigated dimensionality in the Home and Community Social Behaviour Scales (HCSBS) that assess social competence (Peer Relations and Self-Management/Compliance) and antisocial behaviour (Defiant/Disruptive and Antisocial/Aggressive behaviour) in children and adolescents. The four scales comprising 64 items were completed by 551 parents...
This non-randomised study examined a set of predictive factors of changes in child behaviour following parent management training (PMTO). Families of 331 Norwegian girls (26%) and boys with clinic-level conduct problems participated. The children ranged in age from 3 to 12 years (Mage = 8.69). Retention rate was 72.2% at post-assessment. Child-, pa...
Attitudes can be a precursor to the decision of whether or not to try a new practice. In order to tailor the implementation of evidence-based practices (EBPs) in mental health settings, we must first consider practitioner attitudes towards EBP adoption. To assess these attitudes, the Evidence-Based Practice Attitude Scale (EBPAS) was d...
Research on teacher outcomes of the School-Wide Positive Behavior Support (SWPBS) model has been scarce. The present study adds to the knowledge base by examining the effects of the Norwegian version of SWPBS (N-PALS) on School staffs’ behavior management practices and on their individual and collective efficacy. Questionnaire data were collected f...
The purposes of the present study were twofold: (a) to examine the factor structure of the Working Alliance Inventory, Short (WAI-S) and (b) to investigate if factor loadings and thresholds fulfilled properties of longitudinal measurement invariance across two waves of data.
The study sample consisted of 259 Norwegian parents...
The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the universal " Preventing Problem Behavior in School " (PPBS) intervention on both establishing high-quality learning environments and increasing the use of positive teaching strategies to prevent student problem behavior. PPBS was developed and piloted in Norway as an abbreviated version of the...
Results from the first study of the three-level School-Wide Positive Behavior Support model in Europe (SWPBS, called N-PALS) are presented. Using a strengthened nonrandomized design, data was collected from more than 1,200 teachers and 7,640 students at four measure points over four school years in 28 Norwegian intervention schools and 20 controls....
To scale up evidence-based treatment of conduct problems, parent
management training, Oregonmodel (PMTO) has been disseminated
throughout Norway. This study examined whether Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) predicted the outcomes of PMTO. Of
253 children and families, 97 were reported to have an ADHD diagnosis.
Although different at...
Boka gir en grundig innføring i temaene problematferd og sosial kompetanse hos barn og unge, med en oppdatert oversikt over forebyggende og problemløsende tiltak. Boka har både et problem- og ressursperspektiv på kunnskapsbasert praksis og legger særlig vekt på tiltak som kan gjennomføres der barn hører hjemme. Det handler om tiltak som kan trappes...
This study examines potential barriers to the implementation of CBT as perceived by therapists participating in the training programmes of the Norwegian Association for Cognitive and Behavioural Therapy (NACBT). Based on a questionnaire to members of the NACBT, a factor analysis identified five underlying dimensions of implementation barriers. A on...
This paper reviews literature on the rationale, challenges, and recommendations for choosing
a nonequivalent comparison (NEC) group design when evaluating intervention effects. After
reviewing frequently addressed threats to validity, the paper describes recommendations for
strengthening the research design and how the recommendations were implemen...
Individual Social Skills Training (ISST) is a short term, individually delivered intervention (8-10 sessions) that promotes social skills in children with emerging or existing conduct problems. This study examined the effectiveness of ISST immediately and 6 months after the termination of the intervention.
The participants w...
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore whether the changes in externalising behaviour for young
aggressive children differ between two evidence-based parent training (PT) programmes after treatment.
The treatment formats between these programmes differ, and the authors were particularly interested in
whether this influenced the results f...
This paper reviews literature on the rationale, challenges, and recommendations for choosing a nonequivalent comparison (NEC) group design when evaluating intervention effects. After reviewing frequently addressed threats to validity, the paper describes recommendations for strengthening the research design and how the recommendations were implemen...
The main challenge of special education in Norway, as in other Nordic countries is to implement the inclusive school in practice. Even if there is a strong commitment to the idea of full inclusion in a one track system, there are still several indications of segregation tendencies in the schools. The long term goals of Norwegian school reforms are...
The implementation of empirically supported treatments (EST) is recommended as a way to transfer knowledge from research to clinical practice and to improve service quality. One area of concern has been client representativeness, that is to which degree participants in EST studies resembles the target group in usual care settings. For children with...
PRESENTAION TYPE: Individual Paper
CATEGORY/THEME: Prevention research/ Large-scale dissemination
TITLE: Is There a Scale up Penalty? Attenuation of program effects in large scale implementation of the Oregon model of Parent Management Training (PMTO)
Introduction: Desirable effects of intervention programs may attenuate when...
Introduction: Common factors, as opposed to specific program factors, are non-specific treatment ingredients that are unrelated to method and therapeutic orientation. The extent to which common factors, or specific factors account for treatment effects is an issue of great debate. In particular, the role of alliance as a common factor is interestin...
Introduction: To scale up the use of evidence-based interventions for the prevention and treatment of child conduct problems in primary care settings, the program Early Initiatives for Children at Risk (Norwegian acronym; TIBIR) was developed. The program was designed to identify and reach children (3-12 years) with conduct problems as early as pos...
This study investigated the normative use and developmental course of physical aggression (PA), defined as use of physical force such as hitting, biting, and kicking, from 8 to 26 months and predictors thereof. We used data from the Behavior Outlook Norwegian Developmental Study, comprising 1,159 children (559 girls and 600 boys). Both mothers and...
Abstract. The field of implementation research is remarkable in many ways and, even as a young discipline, it has expanded well beyond the expectations of even its most optimistic supporters and stakeholders. In this overview we provide a selective rather than systematic review to serve as a relevant introduction to the field of implementation scie...
This editorial introduces the current issue of Zeitschrift für Psychologie. This issue aims to contribute to the ongoing development of the field of implementation research. Implementation science has grown from an increasing awareness of the ‘‘science to service gap,’’ that is, concern about the often limited success of transferring researchbased...
Denne artikkelen bygger på en spørreundersøkelse artikkelforfatterne har gjennomført overfor 149 rektorer med inntil ni års erfaring fra arbeid med den skoleomfattende PALS-modellen (positiv atferd, støttende læringsmiljø og samhandling i skolen). Rektorene svarte på hvilken nytte skolen deres har hatt av PALS og tok stilling til fremsatt kritikk a...