Teresa Makowiec-Dabrowska

Teresa Makowiec-Dabrowska
Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine · Physiology of Work and Ergonomics


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Publications (117)
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Analyses of the economic activity of the Polish population indicate that in 2023, about 7% of all employees performed, usually or sometimes, their work in the form of remote work. The purpose of this publication is to analyze the impact of working with screen-monitor devices on computer vision syndromes, musculoskeletal disorders, circadian rhythm,...
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Objectives: The circadian system is the main regulator of almost all human physiological processes. The aim of this study was to assess sleep in the working population, in relation to the share of remote working. Material and methods: An online survey was conducted among students and staff representing 3 universities in Łódź, Poland (N = 1209)....
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Background: The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a fundamental change in the lifestyle and the ways of learning and working patterns which in turn might lead to health consequences including musculoskeletal disorders. The aim of this study was to evaluate the conditions of e-learning and remote working and the impact of the learning/working modality o...
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The prevalence of musculoskeletal disorders (MSD) has increased significantly in recent years. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a fundamental change in the lifestyles, ways of learning and working patterns of the general population, which in turn, might lead to health consequences. The aim of this study was to evaluate the conditions of e-learning...
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Due to the controversy related to the necessity to wear protective masks and the negative perceptions of users, an attempt was made to analyze the available scientific research on the physiological consequences of wearing various types of masks. The literature review includes publications available in the PubMed bibliographic database, describing s...
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Background: Teachers are a occupational group in which, due to the type and specificity of work, it can be expected that the feeling of fatigue will be very intense. However, there has been little research into this problem. The aim of the research was to assess the level of fatigue after work and chronic fatigue in teachers, and to determine whet...
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Background—In 2019, the IARC concluded that “night shift work is probably carcinogenic to humans (Group 2A), based on limited evidence from human epidemiological studies and sufficient evidence of cancer and strong mechanistic evidence in experimental Animals.” The negative health consequences of night shift work may depend on how the night shifts...
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Chronic diseases (ChDs) pose an essential problem from an individual, social and economic point of view. It is estimated that they account for 60% of all deaths worldwide, and this share is expected to rise to 72% by 2020. The most prevalent are cardiovascular diseases (30%), cancers (13%), respiratory diseases (7%), and diabetes (2%). Their major...
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Shift work is considered a risk factor for some health problems. This study aimed to determine whether night shift work is a significant factor for breast cancer risk. The case–control study was conducted from 2015–2019 in the Łódź region. The case group included 494 women diagnosed with malignant breast cancer; the control group included 515 healt...
Conference Paper
From our previous research among bus drivers, in difficult, but not extreme situations, we observed an increase in blood pressure (up to 200mm Hg), cardiac arrhythmias, ischemia, etc. Such reactions may be dangerous to healthy people, but they are extremely risky for drivers with a history of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular incidents. Thus, certi...
Conference Paper
A group of professional bus drivers have done two rides on a city bus simulator – the fist one into the city centre and the other one in the suburbs. One dangerous incident was simulated during each ride. The visual strategy was evaluated by the FaceLab system comprising two pairs of cameras, one facing the road and the other to the left side. The...
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The aim of the study was to assess whether general practitioners (GPs) monitor and evaluate the health behavior of their patients in the field of a diet, physical activity, and weight control, and whether they provide appropriate counselling as part of this evaluation. Predictors of those activities among physicians were also determined. The cross-...
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Background: The aim of the study was to compare the musculoskeletal system load assessed using the rapid office strain assessment (ROSA) and rapid upper limb assessment (RULA) methods in computer operators, and to determine the correlation of the obtained results with the occurrence and intensity of musculoskeletal complaints (MSCs) in these indiv...
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Objectives: Only a few studies have been undertaken to analyze the dietary habits of people with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary behaviors of working people who were hospitalized due to experiencing the first acute cardiovascular incident. Material and methods: In the study, the Functional Activity Ques...
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Objectives This study aimed at assessment of the perceived barriers and motivators to smoking cessation among socially-disadvantaged populations in Poland. It is hypothesized that different factors can be considered depending on the level of smoking addiction. Therefore, a comparison between light and heavy smokers was performed. Material and Meth...
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Diet, as a modifiable factor for good health maintenance, reduces the risk of numerous non-communicable chronic diseases and prevents premature death. The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence of a dietary behavior and to find out what the determinants of diet quality among the low socio-economic status population are. The studied sample c...
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Objectives The aim of the study was to establish whether the driver’s visual strategy may influence a driver’s behavior to avoid a crash in a high-risk situation. Any published papers on drivers’ visual strategies just before a crash were not found. Material and Methods Tests were performed using a high-tech driving bus simulator. Participants com...
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The possible associations between climate parameters and drivers’ fatigue have not been subject to specific studies thus far. We have undertaken a study to investigate whether the particular climate parameters are related to fatigue perception by motor vehicle drivers. The study was performed from July to October. Each driver was surveyed four time...
Conference Paper
Introduction One of the most important parameters of interest in the study of drivers on the driving simulator is the oculometric data obtained during driving. Using this method we have a direct view of the driver’s eye path and ability to analyse it. The purpose of the study was to trace the places where the driver’s eyes focus when driving on a b...
Conference Paper
Introduction The job of a bus driver in public transport is characterised by an increased risk of cardiovascular diseases, including hypertension. The present project has been focused on investigating the cardiovascular response to professional duties and work-related stress in public transport drivers with treated and untreated arterial hypertensi...
Conference Paper
Introduction Only a few studies have been undertaken to analyse the dietary habits of people with cardiovascular diseases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the dietary behaviours of working people after the first acute cardiovascular incident. Methods In the study Functional Activity Questionnaire (FAQ) was used. The study was performed in tw...
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Physical activity (PA) has well-documented health benefits helping to prevent development of non-communicable diseases. The aim of the study was to examine the prevalence and factors associated with physical inactivity during leisure-time (LTPA) and commuting (CPA) among adult social assistance beneficiaries in Piotrkowski district. The studied sam...
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Background: In Poland cardiovascular diseases (CVD), classified as work-related diseases, are responsible for 25% of disability and cause 50% of all deaths, including 26.9% of deaths in people aged under 65 years. The aim of the study was to analyze employee expectations regarding CVD- oriented prophylactic activities in the selected enterprise....
Aim: A growing body of literature documents associations between maternal stress in pregnancy and child development, but findings across studies are often inconsistent. The aim of this study was to estimate the association between exposure to different kinds of prenatal stress and child psychomotor development. Methods: The study population cons...
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This study examines the prevalence and tobacco use patterns among adult social assistance beneficiaries and their interest in quitting. The results are based on data collected in a cross-sectional survey conducted among adults in the Piotrkowski district. A sample of 3636 social assistance beneficiaries produced a total of 1817 respondents who comp...
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Objectives: At least 50% of smokers die prematurely. Those who smoke heavily are at an increased health risk. The purpose of the current report was to evaluate socio-demographic correlates of heavy smoking among employed men and women. Material and methods: Data derive from the representative, household study - the Global Adult Tobacco Survey co...
Aim: Smoking initiation is considered the fundamental behaviour that determines the future health burden of tobacco smoking in a society. The aim of the study was to evaluate the socio-demographic factors associated with initiation of regular smoking among adults. Methods: The data source was the 2011 Global Adult Tobacco Survey Romania (GATS),...
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Objectives: Exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) constitutes a threat to the health of many people. In order to diminish ETS exposure, countries (including Poland) implemented legal restrictions of smoking in public places and worksites. Currently more attention is also paid to reduce overall and residential ETS exposure by voluntary smok...
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Background: Bus drivers are a special group of professional drivers who are at a very high risk of fatigue. The aim of the study was to examine whether the driver's subjective assessment of fatigue allows for the determination of its level and identification of its causes. Material and Methods: The study group comprised 45 randomly selected bus dri...
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Expanding the information on exposure to environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) at home and its associates is of great public health importance. The aim of the current analysis was to evaluate associates of exposure to environmental tobacco smoke among economically active male and female adults in Poland in their place of residence. Data on the represen...
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Background: Tobacco smoking and its consequences are a serious public health problem in Romania. Evidence-based data on factors associated with successful smoking cessation are crucial to optimize tobacco control. The aim of the study was to determine the sociodemographic and other factors associated with smoking cessation success among adults. M...
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Background: In Poland conditions related to or aggravated by the pregnancy, childbirth or the puerperium are one of the common causes of sickness absence. The aim of the study was to analyze the occupational activity pattern during pregnancy and to evaluate the determinants of pregnancy-related temporary work disability confirmed by medical certif...
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Introduction: Improving the access to information on determinants of the smoking epidemic is essential for increasing the effectiveness of tobacco control policies. While the statistics of smoking prevalence in Poland are available, data on smoking initiation and its social correlates are still poorly described. Objective: To investigate the ass...
The aim of this work was to assess the load on the musculoskeletal system and its effects in the collectors of solid refuse. The rationale behind this study was to formulate proposals how to reduce excessive musculoskeletal load in this group of workers. The study group comprised 15 refuse collectors aged 25 to 50 years. Data about the workplace ch...
Tobacco smoking is one of the major risk factors for chronic diseases and results in huge economic and social costs. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of smoking. Moreover, we evaluated the association between selected socioeconomic factors and tobacco smoking among economically active individuals. The study population covered 225...
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Palenie tytoniu przyczynia się do powstawania znaczących szkód zdrowotnych oraz generuje istotne koszty społeczne i ekonomiczne. Niniejsza praca przedstawia rozpowszechnienie palenia papierosów oraz analizę zależności między wybranymi czynnikami społeczno-ekonomicznymi a codziennym paleniem tytoniu wśród osób aktywnych zawodowo. Materiał i metody:...
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Abstract Background: Expanding the information on determinants of smoking cessation is crucial for developing and implementing more effective tobacco control measures at the national as well as European levels. Data on smoking cessation and its social correlates among adults from middle-income countries of Central and Eastern Europe are still poorl...
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The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence and socio-demographic correlates of daily cigarette smoking among adults in Poland. A nationally representative household study was implemented between 2009 and 2010 to explore smoking pattern among the population aged 15 years and older. The smoking status and socio-demographic data were determin...
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The aim of current analysis was to identify socio-demographic correlates of heavy smoking. Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS), a nationally representative household study was implemented in Poland between 2009 and 2010. We used data on representative sample of 1915 adults, age 25 years and older. The Odds Ratios (OR) and 95% Confidence Intervals (C...
Epidemiological data indicate that-globally 250 million women and 1 billion men smoke every day. Unfortunately the prevalence of smoking among women is continuing to increase and it is expected to rise from 12% noted in the first decade of this century to 20% in 2025. Women are as vulnerable as men to the dangers of tobacco and additionally the tob...
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The aim of this study was to determine what proportion of occupationally active Poles have working capacity that enables them to tolerate hard and very hard physical work. For this purpose physical capacity of 1188 occupationally active subjects (524 women and 664 men), aged 18-64 years was examined. Their maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) was de...
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The 1995 U.S. Department of Transportation files contain a statement that driver fatigue has been a major problem among road vehicle professional drivers, while the consequences of participation in public road traffic of drivers affected by fatigue represent a serious threat to the public safety. Therefore, studies on the causes and consequences of...
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The aim of the study was to find out which occupational factors account for the risk of the myocardial infarction. A questionnaire survey was performed during the period of one calendar year in all patients (1053 subjects, 692 men and 361 women) hospitalized at the Medical University of Łódź because of the first myocardial infarction. The questionn...
An aging society is one of the most important demographic, social and economic challenges facing the contemporary world. Human capacity to perform work changes with age, which is mostly caused by the decrease in physical capacity, physical fitness and in some elements of psychophysical fitness (e.g., perceptibility, reaction time, efficiency of sen...
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Tobacco smoking, lack of recreational physical activity, unbalanced diet, overweight and obesity are the major modifiable risk factors for chronic diseases. The aim of the study was to evaluate the prevalence of smoking and the other lifestyle behaviors among economically active adults. The study population consisted of 442 randomly selected econom...
Considering recent suggestions that the same work heaviness should be made admissible for women and men, a study has been undertaken to assess to what extent does the fatigue, in terms of total index of physiological cost of work, differ in women and men performing a job of the same heaviness or at the same level of workload (%VO2 max). The study g...
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In many countries, reducing inequalities in health and mortality has become a significant problem. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between employment status and self rated health in study population. The study was performed in the randomly selected population of individuals aged 25-64 years. Logistic regression was used to esti...
Measurements of the work ability subjective assessment, using the work ability index (WAI), are widely applied in the examination of workers. The measurement results suggest that the low level of work ability, which is determined by work-burden factors, health condition, and lifestyles of persons under study, can be a predictor of earlier retiremen...
There are two major potential hazards typical of work in greenhouses: hard physical work or exposure to pesticides. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the work in greenhouse during pregnancy have an adverse effect on its outcome (preterm delivery, spontaneous abortion and birth defects). The study was performed in a group of 460 women...
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The aim of the study was to analyze the influence of selected lifestyle factors on self-rated health status in working age population. The study population derived from the national Polish representative WOBASZ study. The sample consisted of 1222 randomly selected residents of two Polish districts, aged 20-64 years (52.3% women and 47.7% men). We a...
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Almost all over the world, both high- and low-income countries have been experiencing the obesity epidemic. The aim of the study was to evaluate the association between occupational energy expenditure and body mass index (BMI). The study was performed in a randomly selected group of 508 full-time employees, including 272 men (mean age, 42.6 +/- 10....
Physical effort is considered to be beneficial to the cardiovascular function and the whole system in general. People experiencing physical effort are usually characterized by better physical fitness and efficiency, effort tolerance, slower resting heart rate, better plasma lipids profile, lower body weight, lower blood pressure, lower thrombocyte...
Certification of carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) as an occupational disease should be based on evidence that the job performance is a dominant factor responsible for its development. Features of the way the job is performed, which can increase the constriction in carpal tunnel and their quantitative analysis are presented. They include a specific posi...
Despite scientific developments and an increasing standard of medical care, preterm delivery does not cease to be the problem even in the developed countries. Among preterm delivery risk factors, attention is also paid to stress perceived by a pregnant woman, however, job-related stress is often disregarded as a problem. The purpose of this work wa...
Maternal work during pregnancy, especially with high work-related physical exertion, is still considered one of the most prevalent risk factors of negative pregnancy outcome. Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine has recently completed a study of women working in polish greenhouses. The greenhouse is a very good environment to measure the energy...
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In many countries around the world, negative changes in lifestyles are observed. The aim of this study was to analyze the influence of selected lifestyle indicators on work ability among professionally active individuals. The study was performed in the randomly selected group of full-time employees (94 men and 93 women) living in the city of Lódź....
The aim of the study was to validate the Checklist Individual Strength (CIS20R) questionnaire for the assessment of prolonged fatigue in workers and to define its psychometric properties and fatigue standards for the population of Poland. The questionnaire contains 20 statements, scored on a seven-point scale (1-7), reflecting four aspects of fatig...
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In Poland, occupational exposure to cold microclimate is quite common (5.1 workers/1000 occupationally active people). Reports on health effects of this exposure are rather scarce. The aim of the study was to evaluate the physiological reaction in workers occupationally exposed to cold microclimate. Examinations were performed in a group of 102 wor...
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Recently more attention has been focused on the impact of physical activity on modification of self-perceived heath status in adults. The objective of the study was to evaluate the level of occupational and non-occupational physical activities and their correlation with self-perceived heath status among economically productive individuals. Physical...
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Research findings indicate that the use of mobile phones may lead to a number of symptoms such as headache, impaired concentration and memory, fatigue. In Poland this problem has not as yet been addressed by scientific studies. The present project was undertaken to investigate whether the symptoms of ill health reported by young people may be assoc...
The aim of the study was to assess the level of physical work capacity and the value of work ability in occupationally active persons and to evaluate the impact of physical work capacity on work ability. The level of physical work capacity, whose indicator is VO2 max, determines the capacity to perform hard or prolonged work, good tolerance and the...
Work in greenhouses is performed in warm microclimate during the most time of the year, involves usually moderately intense or heavy work. The working conditions in greenhouses might involve also indirect exposure to pesticides resulting from contact with pesticide-treated flowers and vegetables. The aim of the study was to investigate whether the...
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Low physical activity is a serious health problem in developed and developing countries. Much attention is also given to the role of physical activity in the modification of work ability in adults. The aim of this studywas to assess leisure-time physical activity, cardiorespiratory fitness and their influence on the subjective work ability in a ran...
The aim of the study was to define the frequency of menstrual disorders and identify risk factors, especially those associated with the work environment. The study group was composed of 142 women, aged 22-45 years. Some of them were employed in a cosmetics manufacture plant and a bank, others were hospital and ambulatory nurses and auxiliary person...
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To define the range and kind of discrepancies between regulations and actual state of working conditions and occupations performed by women during pregnancy, a survey was carried out in the population of 2649 women, a representative group of occupationally involved pregnant women in the region of Łódź. The questionnaire analysis provided informatio...
The aim of the study was to define associations between intensity of perimenstrual complaints, the type of job performed and working conditions, taking also account of non-occupational factors. The study preceding the development of a preventive program was carried out in a group of women employed in work settings different in the character and bur...
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The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of maternal exposure to pesticides in the 1st and 2nd trimesters of pregnancy on infant birthweight in a population of Polish farmers. The subjects were women who delivered in 25 maternity hospitals in the region of Lódź (Central Poland), including 117 women who delivered infants with low birthwei...
The aim of the study was to define the incidence of prematurity and small-for-gestational age (SGA) infants in occupationally involved pregnant women, and to find out how far working conditions departing from binding regulations contribute to the risk of the development of these pathologies. The study was carried out on a representative sample of 3...
The incidence of preterm birth is conditioned by a number of factors. The identification of these factors in individual groups of women helps to adopt well-oriented preventive measures. The analysis of logistic regression allows to identify significant and independent factors responsible for preterm birth. This paper describes the results of the an...
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Nurses are often obliged to work in a 12-hr shift work system. We have decided to check whether such a working system constitutes an excessive load for nurses. On the basis of a questionnaire survey among nurses working in an 8-hr daytime shift system (169 nurses) and in a 12-hr shift (536 nurses), the amount of physical workload, work stress, and...
In Poland, the assessment of work ability has thus far been almost entirely objective, which means that it was based on the evaluation of the individual's health state. That is why a subjective method of work ability assessment with work ability index (WAI), developed by the Occupational Health Institute in Helsinki, was used in our present study....