Teresa Cerratto Pargman

Teresa Cerratto Pargman
Stockholm University | SU · Department of Computer and Systems Sciences

Doctor of Philosophy
Responsible Learning Analytics, Computational thinking, Ai in Education, Sustainable HCI, Decolonizing HCI


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I’m a Professor of Human-computer interaction at Stockholm University. My research focuses on the increasing digitalization and datafication of society and the impact of such socio-technical practices on us at individual and collective levels. The intellectual challenge that drives my work is developing a critical lens on computing, particularly in Educational Technology.
Additional affiliations
September 2009 - present
Stockholm University
  • Professor (Associate)
September 1996 - August 2000
Paris 8 University
Field of study
  • Cognitive Psychology


Publications (191)
Conference Paper
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Deadline: 1. March 2025. Title max 150 characters and Abstract max 250 words. Submit abstract at https://www.nordicsts.se/call-for-abstracts/ Convenors and chairs  Anders Buch, VIA University College, DK-buch@via.dk  Ylva Lindberg, Jönköping University, SE-ylva.lindberg@ju.se  Teresa Cerratto-Pargman, Stockholm University, SE-tessy@dsv.su.se Dis...
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Cases provide a practical resource for learning regarding the uses and challenges of AI applications. Cases give insight into how principles and values are implicated in real contexts, the trade-offs and different perspectives held regarding these contexts, and the—sometimes hidden—relationships between cases, relationships that may support analogi...
Conference Paper
Automated Grading Systems (AGSs) are increasingly used in higher education assessment practices, raising issues about the responsibilities of the various stakeholders involved both in their design and use. This study explores how teachers, students, exam administrators , and developers of AGSs perceive and enact responsibilities around such systems...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) holds significant promise as a technology that may improve the quality of educational practices. This includes specialized AI-powered technologies tailored for education and general AI-based technologies , including recently popular generative AI tools that stakeholders are increasingly adapting for teaching and learnin...
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Emerging AI technologies are changing teachers’ assessment practices and posing higher education institutions with novel ethical dilemmas. While frameworks and guidelines promise to align technology with moral and human values, the dilemma of how AI may impact existing valuing practices is often overlooked. To examine this gap, we conducted an inte...
This book unpacks key concepts and methods that are relevant for a critical and reflective framing of futures in postdigital education. The rich and often confusing terminology in the multidisciplinary field of digitalization and education tends to prevent conversations across disciplines and areas about core issues at stake in increasingly data-dr...
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Artificial intelligence (AI) chatbots trained on large language models are an example of generative AI which brings promises and threats to the higher education sector. In this study, we examine the emerging research area of AI chatbots in higher education (HE), focusing specifically on empirical studies conducted since the release of ChatGPT. Our...
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Background Cases provide a practical resource for learning regarding the uses and challenges of AI applications. Cases give insight into how principles and values are implicated in real contexts, the trade-offs and different perspectives held regarding these contexts, and the – sometimes hidden – relationships between cases, relationships that may...
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This book unpacks key concepts and methods relevant for a critical and reflective framing of futures in postdigital education. The compiled chapters explore concepts and methods that have pertinence for contemporary debates about the emergence of data-driven education and scrutinize implicit or explicit ethical and normative implications. The book...
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Interested in emerging technologies in higher education, we look at AI chatbots through the lens of human– technology mediations. We argue for shifting the focus from what higher education can do with AI chatbots to why AI chatbots are compelling for higher education’s raison-’être. We call for a critical debate examining the power of AI chatbots i...
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Digital technologies are increasingly used in assessment. On the one hand, this use offers opportunities for teachers to practice assessment more effectively, and on the other hand, it brings challenges to the design of pedagogically sound and responsible digital assessment. There is a lack of validated instruments and models that explain, assess a...
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How and by whom are our postdigital futures designed? Can educational futures be designed at all, given their inherent uncertainty? How do we anticipate design to reconfigure our social worlds? In this #openaccess editorial, we identify key elements from the 20 contributions in the special issue on "Designing Postdigital Futures", in which contribu...
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AI chatbots trained on large language models are an example of Generative AI which brings promises and threats to the higher education sector. In this study, we examine the emerging research area of AI chatbots in higher education (HE), focusing specifically on empirical studies conducted since the release of ChatGPT. Our state-of-the-art review in...
AI chatbots have recently fuelled debate regarding education practices in higher education institutions worldwide. Focusing on Generative AI and ChatGPT in particular, our study examines how AI chatbots impact university teachers' assessment practices, exploring teachers' perceptions about how ChatGPT performs in response to home examination prompt...
This study investigates university teachers’ relationships with emerging technologies by focusing on the uptake of artificial intelligence in higher education practices. We utilise an experimental philosophy approach to i) determine university teachers’ intuitions around universities’ responsibilities to adopt new artificial intelligence technologi...
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The focus of ethics in learning analytics (LA) frameworks and guidelines is predominantly on procedural elements of data management and accountability. Another, less represented focus is on the duty to act and LA as a moral practice. Data feminism as a critical theoretical approach to data science practices may offer LA research and practitioners a...
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As the impact of AI on various scientific fields is increasing, it is crucial to embrace interdisciplinary knowledge to understand the impact of technology on society. The goal is to foster a research environment beyond disciplines that values diversity and creates, critiques and develops new conceptual and theoretical frameworks. Even though resea...
The increasing use of Artificial Intelligence (AI) systems has sparked discussions regarding developing ethically responsible technology. Consequently, various organizations have released high-level AI ethics frameworks to assist in AI design. However, we still know too little about how AI ethics principles are perceived and work in practice, espec...
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Purpose The purpose of this commentary is to comment on Fischer's et al. (2022) Design/methodology/approach This commentary responds to Fischer's et al. (2022) call on envisioning alternate conceptualizations of learning for the digital era. In doing so, the author argues for reconsidering learning in its socio-material condition, situated and mad...
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Privacy is one of the key challenges to the adoption and implementation of online proctoring systems (OPS) in higher education. To better understand this challenge, we adopt privacy as contextual integrity theory to conduct a scoping review of 17 papers. The results show different types of students' personal and sensitive information are collected...
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Emerging automated-decision making (ADM) technologies invite scholars to engage with future points in time and contexts that have not yet arisen. This particular state of not knowing yet implies the methodological challenge of examining images of the future and how such images will materialize in practice. In this respect, we ask the following: wha...
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Understanding students' privacy concerns is an essential first step toward effective privacy‐enhancing practices in learning analytics (LA). In this study, we develop and validate a model to explore the students' privacy concerns (SPICE) regarding LA practice in higher education. The SPICE model considers privacy concerns as a central construct bet...
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Este artículo analiza los significados y prácticas sobre soberanía digital que cuatro colectivos sociales están construyendo en América Latina. A través de una aproximación metodológica cualitativa basada en entrevistas semiestructuradas a fundadores de los colectivos seleccionados se buscó conocer cómo conciben y realizan cotidianamente actividade...
The main goal of this chapter is twofold. First, we seek to investigate university students’ understanding of learning analytics (LA) practices in learning management systems (LMSs). Second, we examine students’ ethical stances when raising awareness of such practices through a data visualization dashboard. The empirical work carried out involved d...
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In the last decades, researchers in Human-computer interaction (HCI) took numerous efforts to investigate people's social media interaction. To understand how researchers in HCI have studied social media interaction, we examined 149 peer-reviewed articles published between 2008 and 2020 in major HCI conference proceedings and journals. We systemati...
Conference Paper
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Enseñar en tiempos de pandemia nos cambia profundamente. Como toda crisis esta conlleva riesgos y oportunidades. Nos expone tanto a la situación de excepcionalidad como a la oportunidad de cambio. Entendida como situación de excepcionalidad la pandemia nos confronta con riesgos que requieren de una atención inmediata. Estamos frente a un acontecimi...
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Online activism showcases how available digital tools allow social movements to emerge, scale up, and extend globally by fundamentally enabling new forms of power. This special issue brings together eight research articles that engage with the collaborative efforts embedded in various types of activism by studying features such as the socio-technic...
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In their efforts to find others who share their experiential reality and existential struggle, many involuntarily childless women turn to Instagram to engage and participate in the practice of trying-to-conceive (TTC) communication. Through the conceptual lens of digital existence, where the digital and online are regarded as constitutive of existe...
The ongoing digitization of culture and society and the ongoing production of new digital objects in culture and society require new ways of investigation, new theoretical avenues, and new multidisciplinary frameworks. In order to meet these requirements, this collection of eleven studies digs into questions concerning, for example: the epistemolog...
Pandemins nödundervisning på distans har utsatt lärar- och studentrelationen för drunkningsrisk på ett alltmer stormigt hav av mer eller mindre funktionella och dysfunktionella tekniklösningar. Därför är det nödvändigt att skapa medvetenhet om hur människor kan sammanlänkas på nya sätt med hjälp av teknologin, säger docent Teresa Cerratto Pargman v...
Conference Paper
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Civic tech initiatives dedicated to environmental issues have become a worldwide phenomenon and made invaluable contributions to data, community building, and publics. However, many of them stop after a relatively short time. Therefore, we studied two long-lasting civic tech initiatives of global scale, to understand what makes them sustain over ti...
Conference Paper
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Sustainable HCI (SHCI) constitutes a relatively new research field within HCI. We have identified four literature reviews of the field conducted between 2009-2014. In this paper, we present and discuss the results of a systematic literature review of peer-reviewed conference and journal articles that have been published in the field during the last...
Conference Paper
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Ethical considerations and the values embedded in the design, development, deployment, and use of Learning Analytics (LA) systems have received considerable attention in recent years. Ethical frameworks, design guidelines, principles, checklists, and a code of practice have contributed a conceptual basis for focused discussions on ethics in LA. How...
Resumen. Esta reflexión, acerca de las prácticas pedagógicas universitarias, se enmarca en el contexto único de la actual pandemia de Covid-19. Entendiendo esta pandemia como una crisis sanitaria, social y emocional que se suma a la crisis económica, política y ambiental mundial, este trabajo es una reflexión sobre las siguiente preguntas: ¿Cómo ca...
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Ethics is a prominent topic in learning analytics that has been commented on from conceptual viewpoints. For a broad range of emerging technologies, systematic literature reviews have proven fruitful by pinpointing research directions, knowledge gaps, and future research work guidance. With these outcomes in mind, we conducted a systematic literatu...
Conference Paper
This work draws attention to the question of how in-service teachers learn to teach computational thinking and programming across subjects in K-9 education. Drawing on qualitative analyses of 298 reflective notes provided by 120 in-service teachers attending a professional development program, we pay attention to the following emergent themes: i)de...
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Citizen observatories can be defined as socio-technical constellations designed to make people who are nonprofessional scientists empowered entities. By enabling citizens to monitor their environment via collection and sharing of data, citizen observatories can be viewed as an application or iteration of citizen science. This article contributes to...
This is Ylva Lindberg's review of our book - Teresa Cerratto Pargman and Isa Jahnke (Eds.). (2019). Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Technologies. Introduction: the Practice Turn Teresa Cerratto Pargman and Isa Jahnke’s anthology Emergent Practices and Material Conditions in Learning and Teaching with Techn...
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Lesley Gourlay and Martin Oliver’s Student Engagement in the Digital University: Sociomaterial Assemblages (2018) is a welcome and critical contribution to how students actually engage with the digital university in everyday practice. Inspired by scholars in New Literacy Studies (NLS), Science and Technology Studies (STS), and by Actor-Network Theo...
Lesley Gourlay and Martin Oliver’s Student Engagement in the Digital University: Sociomaterial Assemblages (2018) is a welcome and critical contribution to how students actually engage with the digital university in everyday practice. Inspired by scholars in New Literacy Studies (NLS), Science and Technology Studies (STS), and by Actor-Network Theo...
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By studying two civic initiatives, one on water management in Sweden and another on air pollution in Germany, we gathered insights on strengths and weak points of citizen-led environmental monitoring projects. Combining scholarship on Civic IoT and Citizen Observatories, we would like to suggest a category system that allows to study/design Citizen...
Conference Paper
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Increasing digitization and the emergence of new data sharing practices are likely to change how our understanding of history is negotiated. The curation of data is always culturally and ideologically inflected. Accordingly, archiving practices are not only fundamental for our understanding of the past but vital in navigating the present. We have t...
Conference Paper
The symposium seeks to advance an understanding of learning from an ecological perspective. The abundance of digital technologies and rapid changes in knowledge domains generate new epistemic and learning practices, drawing on heterogeneous sets of resources, actors, and forms of knowledge. Consequently, learners must navigate complex and unstructu...
Technical Report
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Denna rapport är en utvärdering av utvecklingsprojektet “Make IT happen” som löpte från januari 2018 till december 2019 och som syftade till att ge grundskolans lärare, verksamma i 8 kommuner i region Kronoberg, möjlighet att höja sin digitala kompetens inom programmering och datalogiskt tänkande. Utvärderingen baseras på kvantitativ och kvalitativ...
Educational technology is a vibrant field of research that brings together disciplines from the humanities, social science, and computer science. Its aim is to develop the theory and practice of design, development, implementation, use, and evaluation of technologies for teaching and learn- ing. The field is currently characterized by a lack of con...
Educational technology is a vibrant field of research that brings together disciplines from the humanities, social science, and computer science. Its aim is to develop the theory and practice of design, development, implementation, use, and evaluation of technologies for teaching and learning. This article aims to examine the concept of practice in...
Conference Paper
In the Anthropocene, we are looking at an impending future that is characterized by resource scarcity. In this paper we ask how socio-technical arrangements can facilitate a transition from the course we are on today to one of adaptation and conservation. Taking the case of citizen observatories (COs) for water quality conservation as an illustrati...
This volume invites the reader to explore the complexities and the dynamic character of interacting with technologies that unfold in the everyday flow of practices in schools, museums, field trips, and the home. In particular, we paid attention to the material conditions of such practices via, for instance, the exploration of media discourses on in...
What changes when digital technology is used in the classroom, and how do we identify these changes? These questions motivated the present study, which sought to contribute to the discourse on the digitalization of schools from the perspective of teachers’ everyday practice. The analysis was grounded in the scrutiny of 11 semi-structured interviews...
The work presented in this edited volume brings together inspirational and high-quality chapters that call for more conversations in our field. Together with critique and care, we hope the work initiated here will continue disentangling, assembling, and giving form to new arguments able to structure a more nuanced and deeper dialogue on teaching an...
This book explores the complexities of interacting with digital technologies in the everyday flow of practices in schools, museums, and the home. In particular, the authors pay attention to the material conditions of such practices via the exploration of media discourses on information and communication technologies in the classroom; the ongoing di...
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The role and embodiment of the designer/artist in making publics is significant. This special issue draws attention to reflexive practices in Art & Design, and questions how these practices are embedded in the formations and operations of publics, grounded in six cases of participatory design conducted in the United States, India, Turkey, England,...
Conference Paper
Digitization of the school has increased internationally with large-scale investments, and Nordic countries have come a long way in this development. Since the 1970s, Sweden has implemented multiple national initiatives aimed at developing IT use, often initiated by the state with relatively "top-down" thinking as a control over the projects. Previ...
As we move towards exhausting our finite natural resources, generating more waste than we can absorb, and as we stare at a future with knock-on climate change within a precariously interconnected ecosystem, the question we ask within this chapter is: what role can the design of technologies play in sustaining meaningful change? We start by examinin...
In this paper, we argue that in order to gain a deeper understanding of collaborative mobile learning in schools, it is important to know not only how mobile devices affect collaborative learning but also how collaborative learning emerges and is mediated by these devices. We develop our argument by applying the instrumental genesis theory and the...
Conference Paper
Grounded in the analyses of 23 semi-structured interviews and 31 field notes from classroom observations, this study scrutinizes the relationships that teachers and learners entertain with/through the tablet in their process of technology appropriation in the classroom. The results reveal that, on the one hand, the learners elaborate a variety of i...
Conference Paper
Most educational research on tablets in schools seeks to find out whether children learn more efficiently with or without such devices. This study differs from such research as it instead investigates how tablets take part in the everyday CSCL classroom? Grounded in the instrumental genesis theory, this study focuses on the multifarious relationshi...
Conference Paper
The way in which digital technologies take part and contribute to configuring teaching and collaborative learning practices has become a timely research matter in our field. Current studies in the CSCL field, and particularly on the use of tablets in education, draw attention to how everyday educational practices are entangled with contemporary tec...
Conference Paper
Research on tablets in schools is currently dominated by the effects these devices have on our children’s learning. Little has yet been said about how these devices contribute and participate in established school practices. This study delves into the questions of what do tablet-mediated teaching practices look like in Swedish schools and how are t...
Conference Paper
In Swedish the word "ting" has different meanings. It can mean "things", "matters" and "a session at court" as well as the act of appropriating space. This one-day workshop starts in the notion of the artifact as a "ting", and design as something that raises a question, provokes a discussion, and creates a public through which agonistic encounters...
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In the age of Big Open Linked Data (BOLD), we inhabit a landscape where future scenarios are imagined, modeled, planned for and embedded in policy. Between the euphoric techno-utopian rhetoric of the boundless potential of BOLD innovations and the dystopian view of the dangers of such innovations (e.g. ubiquitous surveillance etc.), this paper offe...
Is the digital infrastructure and its footprint an ideological blind spot for recently emerging ecological communities, including eco-villages? This paper examines how a group of people who are concerned with environmental issues such as peak oil and climate change are orchestrating a transition toward a more sustainable and resilient way of living...
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This article introduces the Learning Activity Design (LEAD) framework for the development and implementation of mobile learning activities in primary schools. The LEAD framework draws on methodological perspectives suggested by design-based research and interaction design in the specific field of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). The LEAD framewo...
About the book. Mobile Learning: The Next Generation documents the most innovative projects in context-aware mobile learning in order to develop a richer theoretical understanding of learning in modern mobile-connected societies. Context-aware mobile learning takes advantage of cell phone, mobile, and pervasive personal technologies to design learn...
Mobile technologies have not yet triggered the knowledge revolution in schools anticipated, in particular, by the telecommunications industry. On the contrary, mobile technologies remain extensively used outside the frontiers of formal education. The reasons for this are many and varied. In this paper, we concentrate on those associated with the pr...
Conference Paper
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div class="page" title="Page 1"> Does fairness as an ideal fit within the broader quest for sustainability? In this paper we consider alternative ways of framing the wicked problem of sustainability. One that moves away from the established preference within HCI, towards technological quick-fixes. We adopt a critical lens to challenge the belief t...
Conference Paper
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The latest developments in the field of HCI have given rise to an increasing interest in issues pertaining to global warming, resource depletion and environmental degradation. Concern about such issues has contributed to give shape to the design space of Sustainable HCI (SHCI); a space whose boundaries are at times blurred. On the one hand, some, d...
Conference Paper
In spite of the widespread use of technology in higher education, discourses on learning technologies commonly account for their features as disembodied from their use. There has so far been few theoretical approaches which have delved into "the technology question" in CSCL. We present an empirical study that investigates how students’ peer-review...
Full text available: http://rdcu.be/mTzK Abstract Research has shown that students perceive a distinct divide between educational and private use of social media. The present study explores this divide by focusing on master students’ perception of roles when using social media in a higher education context. A qualitative method has been used, main...
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Media and technological devices function as socializing agents during children’s leisure and entertainment time. Drawing from the theory of cultural consumption, a socio educational approach to students’ digital practices, and media literacy, this qualitative study seeks to explore and describe students’ cultural consumption profile. The authors ex...
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This article introduces the Learning Activity Design (LEAD) framework for the development and implementation of mobile learning activities in primary schools. The LEAD framework draws on methodological perspectives suggested by design-based research and interaction design in the specific field of technology-enhanced learning (TEL). The LEAD framewo...


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