Teppo Vehanen

Teppo Vehanen
Teppo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Teppo verified their affiliation via an institutional email.
Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke) · Management and Production of Renewable Resources



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Teppo Vehanen is a research scientist at Natural Resources Institute Finland. He received his Doctorate (Ph.D.) in Fish Biology in 1998 from the Univ. of Oulu. His current expertise is in studies on restoration of migratory fish species, fish community structure (especially in EU Water Framework Directive) and inland fisheries. Previously he also worked in experimental studies, mainly with juvenile salmonids. He is involved in several international associations like EIFAAC and Water JPI.
Additional affiliations
April 2014 - December 2015
Finnish Game and Fisheries Research Institute
  • Researcher
February 2010 - present
University of Jyväskylä
  • Lecturer
  • International Master Program
January 2010 - June 2014
University of Oulu
  • Lecturer
  • Ecology of freshwaters
June 2008 - January 2011
University of Helsinki
Field of study
  • Environmental economics
January 1997 - March 2000
University of Oulu
Field of study
  • Fish Biology
January 1994 - December 1998
University of Oulu
Field of study
  • Fish ecology


Publications (144)
Technical Report
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The results of Nordic research on the future development of rod fishing.
Technical Report
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Joukko asiantuntijoita kussakin Pohjoismaassa maassa pyrki ennustamaan, mihin suuntaan vapakalastus seuraavan 10 vuoden aikana kehittyy. Tässä ensimmäisessä osassa esitellään tutkimuksen tausta ja käsitellään tuloksia erityisesti koskien ennakoitua vapakalastukseen osallistumista ja siihen vaikuttavia tekijöitä.
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Recreational fisheries are dynamic social-ecological systems. Identification of anticipated future trends supports the design of policies and management to deliver outcomes for fisheries resources, users, and communities. To this end, we applied a forecasting method (i.e., Delphi survey) to recreational fisheries in five Nordic countries. The surve...
Technical Report
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Atlantic sturgeon in the Finnish coast
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The Delphi method was used to gather assessments from 93 experts about drivers of future angling participation by locals and tourist anglers in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden. The main drivers of future angling participation related to habitat and fish populations, and access to and information about fishing. For Norway and Finland,...
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Research‐based knowledge is essential for effective conservation and restoration of threatened aquatic species and habitats. Here, our aim was to gather this knowledge on the lake‐dwelling grayling (Thymallus thymallus), typically a riverine fish. Such atypical populations are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic impacts, including fishing pres...
Winter represents a challenging season for animals in boreal streams and is a period with low temperatures, extremely low levels of primary production, low metabolic rates of ectotherms, and little light. Yet, stabile ice cover provides shelter for salmonids residing in rivers. Despite low light levels in winter, stream salmonids are mainly nocturn...
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As a section of the Freshabit Life IP project, we assessed the hatching production areas of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus) in Puruvesi, Finland. One motivation for the work was that the lake-spawning grayling populations in the Vuoksi watershed (which includes Puruvesi) have been classified as endangered. The beach seine surveys were conducted...
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Understanding how key environmental factors affect fish communities is necessary for sound environmental management. Accordingly, we studied fish species–environment relationships in Finnish boreal rivers. A self-organizing map (SOM) analysis showed strong relationships between the occurrence of 18 fish species and 10 environmental variables (varia...
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Comparing eDNA, boat electrofishing and Nordic gillnets in monitoring of river reservoir fish assemblages.
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The migratory life history of anadromous salmonids requires successful migration between nursery, feeding, and spawning habitats. Smolting is the major transformation anadromous salmonids undergo before migration to feeding areas. It prepares juvenile fish for downstream migration and their entry to seawater. We reviewed the effects of climate chan...
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The migratory life history of anadromous salmonids requires successful migration between nursery, feeding and spawning habitats. Smoltification is the major transformation anadromous salmonids undergo before migration to feeding areas and prepares juvenile fish for downstream migration and entry to seawater. We reviewed the effects of climate chang...
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Elinympäristökunnostusten seurannassa on tärkeää seurata määrän lisäksi vaikuttavuutta: mitä kunnostetuilla hehtaareilla, kilometreillä tai lisätyillä sorakuutioilla on saavutettu kohdeympäristössä? Vaikuttavuuden arviointi edellyttää mittareiden lisäksi soveltuvaa seuranta-asetelmaa (esim. ennen-jälkeen seurantaa).
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Freshabit –projektin yhteydessä rakennettiin kuusi kalatietä ja poistettiin yksi pato. Rakentamisen jälkeen kalateiden toimivuutta tulee seurata ja niiden toimintaa tarvittaessa kehittää. Olemassa olevien kalateiden toimivuuden seuranta ja tutkimus on tärkeää myös uusien kalateiden rakenneratkaisuja suunniteltaessa. Kalatieratkaisuiden yhteydessä t...
Technical Report
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A literature review of climate change on salmonid fish species was made with a special interest on regulated rivers. As a case study, the effect of expected climate change on fish in the River Vuoksi was assessed. The overall impact of climate change on salmonids in the River Vuoksi was considered negative. Being a lowland river, maximum water temp...
Technical Report
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The River Vuoksi is the largest Finnish-Russian cross-border river connecting Lake Saimaa in Finland and Lake Ladoga in Russia. The valuable salmonid populations in the river were abundant and healthy still a hundred years ago, enabling also recreational and professional fisheries.The populations, however, started to decline due to human influence...
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Land use in the Acid Sulphate (AS) soils induces metal and acidity pollution of aquatic ecosystems in coastal areas worldwide. Increasing utilization of AS soils poses increasing risks for deterioration of water bodies. We studied the effects of the coverage of AS soils, together with other catchment land cover attributes, on aquatic assemblages of...
Technical Report
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RiverGo-hankkeessa selvitettiin monipuolisesti Vuoksen luontoarvoja ja jokiluonnon käyttöä. Tässä hankkeen osaraportissa, ”Vuoksen lohikalakannat ja niiden käytön ja hoidon kehittäminen.”, kuvataan ja käytetään hankkeessa syntynyttä tietoa kalakantojen hoidon ohjaamiseksi. Pääpaino on lohikalakannoissa (järvilohi, taimen ja harjus) ja niiden elinym...
Technical Report
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Several river restorations were conducted in FRESHABIT LIFE- EU project during 2016–2021. These included a single catchment-scale restoration in Naamijoki, a tributary of Tornionjoki located in South-Western Lapland. Multiple on-site stream restorations with the aim of enhancing the natural reproduction of brown trout (Salmo trutta) and land locked...
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Keskivirtaamaltaan maamme suurin joki Vuoksi padottiin neljällä voimalaitoksella 1910–1937. Koskien perkaustyöt 1950-luvulla viimeistelivät joen yläjuoksun muuttumisen patoaltaiden ketjuksi. Samoihin aikoihin joen vedenlaatu heikkeni radikaalisti Vuoksenlaakson teollistumisen ja tukinuiton vaikutuksesta. Vuoksen ensimmäisille voimalaitoksille annet...
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Downstream migration behavior and mortality of salmon (Salmo salar) smolts were studied by radiotelemetry in the River Mustionjoki in 2021. A similar study was carried out in 2017. In this paper, the results are studied in relation to the previous findings. The salmon were released upstream both from Billnäs and Åminnefors hydroelectric power plant...
Technical Report
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Taimenen poikasten alasvaellusta tutkittiin Saarijärven reitin voimalaitoksilla toukokuussa 2021. Kaikkiaan 60 taimenta merkittiin radiolähettimellä ja 398 kalaa PIT-merkillä. Kalat vapautettiin neljässä erässä Leuhunkosken ja Hietamankosken voimalaitosten yläpuolelle. Tavoitteena oli selvittää taimenen poikasten käyttäytymistä, reitinvalintaa ja k...
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1. Predator-prey interactions are one of the main ecological factors influencing the structure of fish communities. The impact of wading and diving semi-aquatic predators on riverine fish populations is poorly known. We studied the effect of feral American mink predation on brown trout juveniles during winter in two experiments conducted in semi-na...
Technical Report
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Настоящий документ является техническим документом, способствующим достижению региональных результатов в рамках проекта программы технического сотрудничества ФАО (TCP/RER/3701) «Системы и методологии сбора данных о рыболовстве во внутренних водоемах Европы», финансируемого Региональным отделением ФАО для Европы и Центральной Азии. Данная работа осу...
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Species–environment relationships were studied between the occurrence of 13 fish and lamprey species and 9 mainly map-based environmental variables of Finnish boreal small streams. A self-organizing map (SOM) analysis showed strong relationships between the fish species and environmental variables in a single model (explained variance 55.9%). Besid...
Technical Report
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This report is part of the FRESHABIT LIFE IP project, which is Finland's largest inland LIFE project. The project will build fishways, revitalize mussel stocks and rehabilitate streams, rivers, lakes, wetlands and bogs. A total of six fishways will be built and one dam removed by the FRESHABIT project . Construction of fishway is often a unique eve...
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Small streams (brooks and small rivers) are an important part of nature’s water economy and diversity. However, there are only a few small streams left in natural status in Finland. Their condition has been weakened by large-scale drainage of agricultural and forestry land, riverbed erosion, solid and nutrient loads resulting from these activities,...
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Migration behaviour, route selection and mortality of Atlantic salmon, Salmo salar L., smolts were studied at four different hydroelectric facilities in the River Mustionjoki, Finland, in May 2017. Radio-tagged smolts were released upstream of the power stations and tracked by stationary antenna-receiver systems and hand-held receivers. Tracking re...
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Motivation: We compiled a global database of long-term riverine fish surveys from 46 regional and national monitoring programmes and from individual academic research efforts, with which numerous basic and applied questions in ecology and global change research can be explored. Such spatially and temporally extensive datasets have been lacking for...
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Building trust in science and evidence-based decision-making depends heavily on the credibility of studies and their findings. Researchers employ many different study designs that vary in their risk of bias to evaluate the true effect of interventions or impacts. Here, we empirically quantify, on a large scale, the prevalence of different study des...
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Fish assemblages are known to change from headwaters to river outlets. Still, our knowledge of this change is often approximate or sporadic. In this study, we quantified the average longitudinal change from a large electrofishing data set of boreal streams in Northern Europe. The average species richness increased from headwaters to medium-sized ri...
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Fish assemblages are known to change from headwaters to river outlets. Still, our knowledge of this change is often approximate or sporadic. In this study, we quantified the average longitudinal change from a large electrofishing data set of boreal streams in Northern Europe. The average species richness increased from headwaters to medium-sized ri...
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The conservation, management and monitoring of aquatic resources should benefit from understanding their spatial structuring. In this paper, we used the reference condition approach (RCA) to test if the variability in biotic communities, riverine fish assemblages in the present case, is better controlled with a spatial delineation based on ecoregio...
Technical Report
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This document is a technical paper contributing to the regional results under an FAO Technical Cooperation Programme project (TCP/RER/3701) on “Systems and methodologies of data collection in inland fisheries of Europe”, financed by the FAO Regional Office for Europe and Central Asia (REU). This work is facilitated by the European Inland Fisheries...
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In hydropeaking rivers, flow regulation typically follows demands in electricity consumption. One hundred and twenty one adult salmon were tagged with radio transmitters to study their spawning run migration patterns in hydropeaking conditions. The fish were released in small groups into the rivers Kemijoki and Iijoki, in Finland. Typically, salmon...
Conference Paper
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There is a need to develop comparable data collection and analysis systems for better implementation of management programs and to evaluate environmental, social and economic values of fisheries in inland waters.
Technical Report
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Vaelluskalakantojen palauttaminen rakennettuihin vesistöihin edellyttää monialaista tutkimustietoa kalojen elinkierron eri vaiheisiin liittyvistä haasteista ja niiden korjaustoimista. Myös vesistöjen eri käyttäjien ja intressiryhmien on löydettävä yhteinen tahtotila jokiympäristön ja sen kalaston kestävälle käytölle. Tämä puolestaan edellyttää vira...
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This chapter describes native and introduced trout and char species in western Fennoscandia and the Baltic region with a total land area of about 2 million km2. This includes the countries surrounding the brackish Baltic Sea (415,000 km2): the northeastern part of Germany, Poland, Lithuanian, Latvia, Estonia, Russia (Kaliningrad and Saint Petersbur...
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River restoration offers the potential to enhance biological integrity, often measured as fish population changes. We used a meta-analytical approach to synthesize density responses to in-stream habitat restoration by young-of-the year (YOY) brown trout and Atlantic salmon in 28 rivers (overall 32 restoration projects) in Finland. We also examined...
Technical Report
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The welfare of fish in aquaculture is of increasing public concern in Europe and thus of growing importance for fish farmers. Although the topic can be regarded as controversial, due in particular to the lack of available knowledge, there is nevertheless an urgent need for fish farmers, authorities and scientists to develop criteria, approaches and...
Conference Paper
Mortality of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) smolts during downstream migration in a regulated river with four hydropower stations
Conference Paper
Diversity-rich freshwater ecosystems are currently declining rapidly. Increased awareness of the degradation of the freshwaters has led authorities to increase management efforts. Examples of these are Clean Water Act in the U.S. and European Union Water Framework Directive (WFD). WFD is designed to secure good ecological quality in all European wa...
Technical Report
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Monitoring of fishways in Finland
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Damming of rivers is one of the biggest worldwide changes negatively impacting the state of the environment for people. In Finland, rivers were harnessed for use by power plants, particularly after the Second World War, when there was a great need for electricity. Awarness of bypassing migration obstacles and reducing the negative impacts came rela...
Technical Report
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Kymijoen vesistö on maamme suurimpia vesistöalueita ja se laskee kahden päähaaran kautta Suomenlahteen. Sen rakentamattomat jokiosuudet, suojeluhankkeet ja veden laadun parantuminen ovat mahdollistaneet joen alaosan (jokisuu-Anjalankoski) palautumisen merkittäväksi vaelluskalojen tuotantoalueeksi. Kymijoki on myös priorisoitu kansallisen kalatiestr...
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Downstream migration of 100 radio-tagged salmon smolts was studied in the River Mustionjoki in May 2017. The salmon were released upstream of the four hydropower dams (named from upstream to downstream: Mustionkoski, Peltokoski, Billnäs, Åminnefors) in batches of 25 radio-tagged fish and ca. 300 untagged fish. The primary goals of the study were 1)...
Technical Report
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Revitalizing migratory fish stocks in constructed and regulated waterways is associated with a definition of an environmental flow and flow regulation according to it. The environmental flow refers to sufficient flow of water during the important stages of migratory fish life cycle, where the spatiotemporal flow requirements vary in terms of site a...
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The brown trout (Salmo trutta L.) displays a diverse range of life histories from slow growing and early maturing resident type to fast growing and late maturing migratory type. Individual life history is not necessarily genetically fixed, but phenotypically plastic and influenced by environmental conditions. Throughout eastern Fennoscandia, the br...
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Adfluvial brown trout, Salmo trutta m. lacustris (L.), was common in all Finnish watercourses with large lakes at the beginning of the 20th century. Nowadays, the stocks are severely declined in central and southern Finland due to damming and dredging of riverine reproduction areas, organic pollution from the paper and pulp industry, and increasing...
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Sutela T. & Vehanen T. 2017: The effects of acidity and aluminium leached from acid-sulphate soils on riverine fish assemblages. Boreal Env. Res. 22: 385–391. Drainage of acid-sulphate soils mainly for agriculture, increases oxidation and leads to extensive leaching of acidity and aluminium (Al) to rivers in western Finland. The lowest average pH (...
Conference Paper
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The effects of climate change on fisheries in Finland.
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Invasive alien species (IAS) are a significant and growing problem worldwide. In Europe, some aspects of IAS have been addressed through existing legal instruments, but these are far from sufficient to tackle the problem in a comprehensive manner. The Top 20 IAS issues for Europe were determined at the 1st Freshwater Invasives - Networking for Stra...
Technical Report
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Here we report an overview of the fieldwork and the main results of a survey to monitor fish movements and estimate the current status of potential Atlantic salmon stock below the first migration barrier in the River Mustionjoki as a FRESHABIT action deliverable ‘C3- Report of migratory fish behaviour and habitat use below hydropower plant in relat...
Technical Report
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Suomalaisten luonnonvaraelinkeinojen tulee sopeutua väistämättömään ilmastonmuutokseen riip-pumatta siitä kuinka nopealla aikataululla ja tehokkain toimenpitein kasvihuonekaasupäästöjä tullaan vähentämään osana Pariisin sopimuksen toimeenpanoa. Tämä raportti on ensimmäinen maa- ja met-sätalousministeriön hallinnonalan politiikkasektoreita kokonaisv...
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Collated electrofishing data from wadeable riffles of boreal rivers in Finland revealed a substantial shift in the fish assemblage composition, accompanied by a decline in total fish density and a reduction in species richness from early summer to late autumn. As the major changes in fish assemblages, the density of cyprinids decreased sharply from...
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The effects of hydropeaking and intra- and interspecific competition on the growth performance (growth in length, mass and lipid content) of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar and brown trout Salmo trutta were studied in six experimental channels (three experiencing hydropeaking and three controls with a stable discharge of water). Changes in the...
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The growing concern on declining salmonid populations has resulted in numerous restoration projects with variable responses worldwide. In this spatially replicated multiyear study, we assessed the long-term (12 years postrestoration) effects of in-stream habitat restoration (i.e., addition of boulders or large woody debris (LWD) together with bould...
Technical Report
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Koska voimalaitosrakentaminen estää vaelluskalojen nousun jokiin, aiheuttaa se kalataloudellisen menetyksen, jonka kompensointiin toiminnanharjoittaja on velvoitteella määrätty. Tässä raportissa tarkastellaan rakennettujen jokien kalatalousvelvoitteita suhteessa viimeaikaiseen tutkimustietoon ja sen pohjalta tehtyihin arvioihin kalakannoille ja kal...
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The performance and movements of juvenile Atlantic salmon Salmo salar exposed to variable water discharge (simulating hydropeaking) but with a stable water-covered area were studied in six experimental stream channels, both during the winter and summer. Thirty fish were stocked into each channel, and the growth, body fat and movements of the fish w...
Technical Report
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Diffuse pollution from agriculture and forestry is most widespread stressor degrading condition of surface waters in Finland. However, impacts of the diffuse pollution on ecological status of water bodies has been poorly understood. This report presents results of a monitoring programme ‘MaaMet’ from 2007-2012. The programme is funded by the Minist...
Technical Report
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Kalataloustarkkailujen yhteydessä tehtävien koekalastusten tavoitteena on seurata mm. jokirakentamisen, jätevesipäästöjen, turvetuotannon, ruoppausten, perkausten tai kunnostusten vaikutuksia kalastoon tietyllä alueella. Kalastossa tapahtuvien muutosten arviointiin sekä kalanäytteiden keräämiseen järvillä ja rannikkoalueilla käytetään verkkokoekala...
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Temporal coherence or spatial synchrony refers to the tendency of population, community or ecosystem dynamics to behave similarly among locations through time as a result of spatially-correlated environmental stochasticity (Moran effect), dispersal or trophic interactions. While terrestrial studies have treated synchrony mainly as a population-leve...
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This chapter takes a novel ecohydraulics perspective by considering salmonid ecology during the winter, and particularly interactions with temperatures of water and, in its solid state, as ice. The relationship between winter habitat and salmonid performance is investigated as the information obtained may provide an important addition to the toolbo...
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The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) obligates authorities to assess the ecological status of rivers. The sampling of the fish assemblage must be based on a reliable and cost‐effective monitoring programme, and it should be optimised to measure the ecological quality cost‐effectively. The efficiency of single‐pass versus three‐pass backpack elect...
Technical Report
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Setting environmental flows in Norway
Technical Report
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Suomen ensimmäinen pintavesien ekologisen ja kemiallisen tilan luokittelu laadittiin vuonna 2008 vesienhoidon ensimmäisen suunnittelukauden ohjeistuksen (Ympäristöhallinnon ohjeita OH 3/2009) mukaisesti. Tässä oppaassa esitetään päivitetyt arviointiperusteet pintavesien ekologisen ja kemiallisen tilan arviointiin ja luokitteluun vesienhoidon toista...
Technical Report
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We have compiled in this review a comprehensive presentation of the impacts of acid sulphate soils (ASS) on water quality, biota, and fish kills in Finnish water bodies. This review is a result of extensive collaboration among research scientists in connection with the CATERMASS project co-ordinated by the Finnish Environment Institute (SYKE). Acid...
Technical Report
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Ympäristöviranomaiset ja Oulujoen vesistön alueella toimivat voimayhtiöt tekivät vuosina 1989–1992 monitieteisen selvityksen vesistöjen säännöstelyn kehittämiseksi. Kehittämisen tavoitteina oli ottaa virkistyskäytön tarpeet ja vesiluonnon tilaan vaikuttavat tekijät paremmin huomioon, mutta säilyttää säännöstelyn alkuperäinen tavoite, eli palvella e...