Teguh KurniawanUniversity of Indonesia | UI
Teguh Kurniawan
Prof. Dr., S.Sos, M.Sc, CSRS, CPC, AKP
Professor in Public Governance & Vice Dean of Faculty of Administrative Sciences Universitas Indonesia
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I am a Professor in Public Governance at the Public Administration Department, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia. I currently serve as Vice Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs at my faculty. My field of interests is related to governance, public policy, environmental administration and urban and regional development. Currently, I am also developing small-scale organic farming through agroforestry
Additional affiliations
May 2023 - present
Faculty of Administrative Sciences, University of Indonesia
- Professor
- I am a Professor in the Public Administration Department, Faculty of Administrative Science, Universitas Indonesia. I currently serve as Vice Dean for Education, Research and Student Affairs at my faculty. My field of interests is related to governance, public policy, environmental administration and urban and regional development. Currently, I am also developing small-scale organic farming through agroforestry
December 2024 - January 2025
February 2021 - January 2025
September 2010 - June 2017
September 2001 - January 2003
September 1994 - January 2000
Publications (61)
On a national level, Palembang is positioned to support various spatial and developmental needs of Jakarta, the capital city. Hosting the Asian Games 2018 was one such initiative, which necessitated accelerated transportation infrastructure development in Palembang. This required innovative approaches to policy coordination in infrastructure develo...
Research on migration governance at the local level in European countries often refers to the perspective of multilevel governance (MLG) by examining the roles of different levels of government, non-governmental actors, and various negotiations between actors at various scales. This study aims to synthesize qualitative evidence from primary studies...
This article examines what factors lead to the institutional dynamics of sub-district in Indonesia. Institutional dynamics are changes due to interaction patterns, values, culture, and people's tastes. In this study, we look at the institutional dynamics of sub-district from two primary causal factors: endogenous and exogenous. The findings conclud...
The crisis due to COVID-19 can be called turbulence and its handling requires cross-border collaboration because complex problems tend to be overcome through multi-actor collaboration in networks and relationships to obtain common solutions. Collaborative governance is present as an instrument for implementing policies for handling COVID-19 to addr...
Abstrak Kelestarian lingkungan semakin memprihatinkan akibat kerusakan lingkungan yang semakin meningkat. Faktor aktivitas manusia menjadi penyebab dari perubahan iklim yang terjadi. Diperlukan upaya merubah perilaku manusia agar ramah lingkungan, salah satunya dengan konsep employee green behavior (EGB) termasuk di kepolisian dengan mengingat bahw...
Corruption is one of the complex problems that occur today. The research case is Indonesia as a case study to analyze the dynamics in corruption by explaining the factors that cause corruption. To achieve this goal, the research method is mixed method. Where the initial stage is carried out by comparing cases, laws and regulations, and theories rel...
This study asks whether legitimate exercise of discretion led to the charges of corruption brought against regional Indonesian heads by the Corruption Eradication Commission during 2004–2010. This question arises in the context of the findings from numerous studies that cite two main causes for Indonesian regional governments to indulge in budgetar...
DOB dapat meningkatkan pelayanan publik dan mewujudkan efektivitas penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di daerah. Parameter yang digunakan melalui Rasio SDM Aparatur, Ekonomi, Pendidikan, Kesehatan, Kependudukan dan Fiskal Daerah menjadi tolak ukur bahwa pembentukan DOB dalam meningkatkan pelayanan publik sudah dapat direalisasikan. Penulisan ini mengguna...
Penerapan e-Government dicita-citakan dapat memberikan manfaat dalam proses kerja dan melayani publik. Setidaknya, berdampak efisien, efektif dan akuntabel serta meningkatkan kualitas layanan pemerintah pada pemangku kepentingan. Untuk mencapai hal tersebut, inisiatif e-Government harus berkelanjutan. Kajian bertujuan mendiskusikan penerapan e-Gove...
Studi ini akan menguraikan upaya pemerintah dalam memitigasi kegagalan guna mewujudkan keberlanjutan e-government. Keberlanjutan e-government merupakan suatu hal yang penting untuk dikaji guna memastikan pemberian manfaat oleh sistem dalam jangka waktu yang panjang kepada publik. Pendekatan yang digunakan dalam studi adalah kualitatif dengan metode...
This study aims to analyze the knowledge creation process and the obstacles faced by the Ministry of Manpower's Employee Training and Education Center in terms of the SECI Nonaka approach. The research was conducted using a qualitative method, using analysis of literature studies on journals, books, and news about knowledge creation analysis, espec...
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) in the distribution of non-cash food social assistance(BPNT) program in Bogor Regency experienced various obstacles. Some challenges to befaced were lack of optimalization during the distribution of social assistance, the unavailabilityof ewarong quota reaching minimum requirement and other technical challenges. Thi...
Menurut laporan Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (KPK) dari tahun 2015 sampai 2019, jumlah laporan gratifikasi pada Badan Usaha Milik Negara di Indonesia menempati urutan kedua terbanyak setelah lembaga eksekutif. Kasus gratifikasi merupakan tindakan kecurangan yang sebenarnya bisa menjerat pelaku sebagai bentuk tindakan korupsi. Perbuatan gratifikasi...
Fraud is a growing problem and can cause extraordinary threats to the organization. Failure to prevent and detect fraud has serious consequences for the organization. This study discusses how internal control in the public sector can prevent fraud. To achieve these goals, researchers use a literature study of various publications related to interna...
4 hal pembahasan:
1. SDGs dan Covid 19
2. Kebutuhan akan Birokrasi yang Profesional, Berpengetahuan, Ahli dan Beretika dalam Mencapai SDGs di Masa Pandemi
3. Kepemimpinan Daerah untuk Mewujudkan Birokrasi yang Profesional, Berpengetahuan dan Ahli
4. Pilkada dan Upaya untuk Mendapatkan Pemimpin Ideal
Tourism has an important contribution to development, so to realize sustainable tourism requires effective policy and planning. Then, one of the pillars in tourism development strategies is through community empowerment. However, in the tourism development policy implementation through community empowerment doesn’t work as planned. The purpose of t...
Urban slums is one of the main issues that developing countries discussed nowadays, whether to eliminate slums area or through sustainable development policies and official rental housing policies. Community Action Plan was chosen because this method can build up the capacity of community to take action according to problems. However, Community Act...
Previous studies of e-rulemaking that have not touched the theme of e-rulemaking in Indonesia or e-legislation, findings of the observations of the BPHN's website are technical constraints and low public comment statistics, the urgency of the needs of the Indonesian Government in improving democracy and the quality of policies, as well as the legal...
In global there has been an increase in the number of women who work in the public sector including Indonesia. However, it did not have much effect on the number of women civil servants representation in high managerial or structural positions as part of career development in PNS Management. This condition is also faced by the Ministry of Finance,...
This paper discusses how the need for reform of forest resource management regulations is viewed from a bureaucratic perspective. The results of the discussion show that the main obstacle in realizing the management of forest resources that can provide the greatest prosperity of the people is the result of the emergence of bureaucratic pathology as...
The purpose of this study was to find out the implementation of the policy of cost assistance to increase education for students from disadvantaged families in DKI Jakarta. This research uses descriptive qualitative research by examining secondary data. Improving the quality of human resources is of concern to all parties in entering this era of gl...
Terrorism as an 'ideological' crime has become a threat to prisons, including in some incidents of radicalism in prisons, minimum security. This research aims to describe the implementation of supermaximum prison security policies in Class IIA Pasir Putih Prison in order to realize penal revitalization. Researchers use the theory presented by Grind...
The purpose of this article is to present a study of the analysis of the quality of the implementation of e-legislation based on public participation in BPHN with the post-positivist research paradigm and qualitative data collection techniques in the data period from 2016-2019. The study show that the quality of the implementation of e-legislation...
Tourism has a positive impact, especially in economic aspects. The tourism activities involve interaction between the host community and tourist. One of the concepts in sustainable tourism development is Community-Based Tourism. This concept requires contribution and active participation of the local community in tourism development. The purpose of...
Organizational change is one thing that public organizations cannot avoid. A dynamic organizational environment and high public demands for good quality services make public organizations have to be able to adjust to change. But unfortunately the changes that occurred are not always well received, and in fact there is a resistance. Through a post p...
Poverty has been identified as one of the world’s biggest problems. These problems require a comprehensive solution. One of the solutions that can be done to reduce poverty is through public-private partnerships (PPP). Basically, the public and private partnership undertaken will have an impact on the effectiveness of poverty reduction, although va...
Organizational change is one thing that public organizations cannot avoid. A dynamic organizational environment and high public demands for good quality services make public organizations have to be able to adjust to change. But unfortunately the changes that occurred are not always well received, and in fact there is a resistance. Through a post p...
The upstream Ciliwung river areas are now mostly occupied by critical lands due to deforestation and can also be the response to climate change. This condition leads to disasters at the downstream, including Jakarta. Lots of government programs have been conducted to control the critical land, but the results are not visible. The failure of rehabil...
The research discusses the implementation of open data program in DKI Jakarta Province. DKI Jakarta is the first region to implement an open data program in Indonesia. The implementation of open data program should pay attention to the various supporting aspects to run properly. This research uses a post-positivist approach by qualitative data anal...
According to Hansen and Biringer, environmental threats like climate change require that we extend conservation planning beyond the boundaries of protected areas, and into a future in which ecosystems and biomes may be quite different than they are today. One of the important ecosystems to be conserved in efforts to overcome climate change is fores...
The implementation of development that places the community as the main actor is an approach that is in line with the concept of urban governance in which the community must participate in planning and managing urban affairs. One of the problems faced by many big cities in the world including Jakarta is slum areas. This paper attempts to discuss ho...
Abstract—The advancement of information and communication technology through the internet has offered a new form of participation and interaction between government and society so that in the end it can push the higher level of understanding and acceptance of society to government action. The condition achieved through the use of various e-governme...
The IPCC in 2015 has recognized the critical role of local governments in scaling up the adaptation of communities to climate change. The role will be executed properly if the leaders have an awareness of climate change as a strategic agenda in his administration. In the context of Indonesia, the vision and mission of a regional head can be a clue...
The advancement of information and communication technology through the internet has offered a new form of participation and interaction between government and society so that in the end it can push the higher level of understanding and acceptance of society to government action. The condition achieved through the use of various e-government applic...
Regulatory Impact Assessment (RIA) is a tool for improving the quality of new or modified government regulations. The absence of RIA can result in a regulation being unaccountable, non-transparent, or inconsistent. Moreover, the government will find it difficult to create policies that will benefit economic and social-welfare. In Indonesia's contex...
Corruption is a major problem faced by the Indonesian people, including those occurring in the Regional Government. To adequately address the issue of corruption, the understanding of the causes of corruption needs to be given attention so that efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption can be adjusted to the root of the problem. From the search r...
Despite the nature of public organizations that have a control mechanism, illegal practices often occur in public sectors due to the lack of control. Indonesia's Directorate General of Tax is implementing a whistleblowing system to detect illegal practices in its institution. This research describes the relation between the whistleblowing system an...
The IPCC in 2015 has recognized the critical role of local governments in scaling up the adaptation of communities to climate change. The role will be executed properly if the leaders has an awareness of climate change as strategic agenda in his administration. In the context of Indonesia, the vision and mission of a regional head can be a clue as...
This study examines whether there is discretion in various corruption cases conducted by the Head of Regions handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) in the period 2004-2010 and is indicated to be related to discretion. This study used case study on five cases of corruption by the Head of Regions handled by KPK and is a case that alre...
The government is important actors in environmental governance. Government action will be crucial to environmental conditions, one of them through the granting of environmental permits. An environmental permit is one of the instruments owned by the government in doing environmental protection so that environmental activities have the least impact o...
This study examines whether there is discretion in various corruption cases committed by the Head of Regions that handled by the Corruption Eradication Commission (CEC) in the period 2004-2010 and is indicated to be related to discretion. This study also wanted to know what the cause of corruption by the Head of Regions and efforts or solutions tha...
Corruption occurs at all levels of governance in Indonesia, including both central and local governments. In particular, corruptive behavior at the local level has involved either executive or legislative officials, who, ironically, have mostly implicated executive heads in some local governments. As a matter of fact, studies regarding discretion a...
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) partnership between the public sector and the private sector has become a new trend in Indonesia in order to overcome budget constraint. However, most CSR programs are not empowering and the LocalGovernments tend to share development burden to the private sector. Kulon Progo Regency is the poorest region in Jav...
This study discusses about the performance of the Public Complaints Section, Secretariat General of the House of Representatives in managing the delivery process of public aspirations and complaints. To deepen the analysis, this research incorporates the concepts of organization, bureaucracy, and performance. This study applies a qualitative approa...
The research discusses the policy implementation of modern market land-use control in Cirebon. The modern market development shall cause problems if it does not conform with the regulation of land-use control. This research is qualitative, the data were collected through in-depth interviews, direct observation, and literature study. The results sho...
Implementation of regional autonomy in Indonesia is characterized by a paradoxical which is the emergence of a small number of innovative regional governments that try to realize good governance as well as rampant corruption cases in other regions. One of the regions that was considered innovative but at the same time have a variety of cases of cor...
Regional government has important role in realizing good governance and free from corruption. These conditions will only be achieved through the fulfillment of certain preconditions and must look to the characteristics of regional government that in accordance with the form of the country. This paper will give a picture of prerequisites that must b...
The Regulatory Impact Assesment as known as RIA, is one of the tool that asses policy in order to increase the quality of government’s regulation. The State Ministry of National Development Planning (BAPPENAS) and also facilitated by Asia Foundation, the implementation of RIA began in 2003 and has many obstacles and challenges in practising RIA. Th...
ICT Development through E-Government is believed to assist in increasing the transparency of government. According to Bhatnagar (2009, 54), e-government systems can lead to greater transparency if the right procedures are in place; e-government can make financial or administrative transactions traceable and open to challenge by citizens. Those resp...
In one study, James Manor (1999, 101-102) stressed that democratic decentralization is always attended by an increase in the number of persons who are involved in corrupt acts. This situation according to Manor can be prevented if strong, democratic, decentralized institutions are allowed to function for extended periods through a combination of pr...
This article attempts to give the picture concerning the importance of public accountability and citizenparticipation as one of the instruments to eradicate bureaucratic corruption, seen from various theories. Thispaper provides equal and adequate understanding of the role of public accountability and citizen participationin the eradication process...
Internal Government Monitoring Systems has an important role in ensuring the implementation of good governance by each government unit. Internal Government Monitoring is the main latch to ensure the implementation of good governance practices in each of these units. In the Indonesian context, there are three main problems of the existence of the In...