Tatlidil RezanEge University · Department of Economics
Tatlidil Rezan
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Publications (13)
İnternet’in günlük hayatta yoğun olarak kullanılması tüketicilerin alışveriş davranışlarını önemli ölçüde etkilemiştir. Mobil telefonlar ile mobil araçların ortaya çıkması ve yaygınlaşması başta iletişim ve perakende sektörü olmak üzere hemen her sektöre büyük etkilerde bulunmaya başlamıştır. Mobil araçlar ticaret ve alışverişi bilgisayarların arac...
The field of education, and especially that of higher education, is related directly to market needs as well as to social and political processes. In Europe, nowadays, this field is found itself in a prediod of transition with respect to both, its organizational structure and the establishment of its objectives. Such a transitional period is not in...
Tuketicilerin, sanayilesme surecini izleyen donemlerde goz ardi edilen ancak ozellikle son on yil icinde etkileri oldukca artan cevre kirliligine yonelik olarak, duyarliliklarinin arttigi gorulmektedir. Tuketiciler ellerindeki satin alma gucuyle isletmelerin sorumluluklarinin farkina varmalarini ve cevreyi koruyacak uygulamalara yonelmelerini de sa...
Consumers’ consciousness to environmental pollution, that had been disregarded in the period following industrialization process but whose effects has been growing especially in the past ten years, is increasing.Consumers, with their purchasing power, make companies to realize their responsibilities and tend to some applications that protect the en...
For the economic world, the ever-increasing speed with which economic changes occur requires quick and safe responses that are aimed at increasing efficiency and competitiveness, while at the same time keeping business risk to a minimum. Under such conditions, decisions taken need to be backed by a thorough and convincing investigation of the issue...
Greek schoolteachers (the term, as used in this text, signifies only elementary school teachers) do not constitute a homogenous group, since there are differentiations in terms of the gender, age, social origin, studies, viewpoints and preferences of the men and women who teach in Greece’s elementary schools. The survey that was conducted on a repr...
Finansal hizmetler sektorunde yer alan bankalarin, musteri sadakati yaratarak rekabet etmelerinde en etkili yol Musteri Ýliskileri Yonetimi (CRM) olarak adlandirilan musteriyle uzun donemli is iliksilerinin kurulmasidir. Bu iliskinin uzun donemli ve saglikli kurulabilmesi icin musterin iyi taninmasini ve izlenmesini saglayacak musteri veri tabanini...
Tourism is a vital industry in Rhodes as it is inmany Mediterranean economies. And the adoptionof a sustainable development strategy and theconsequent sustainable development policies seemto guarantee long term viability of the tourismproduct. This sustainable development in tourismwill have a direct effect on the societies who liveespecially in en...
The most effective way for banks in the financialsector to compete is the Customer RelationshipManagement, which mentions the long-rangebusiness relation with the customer. In order toensure a healthy and long range relationship, thecustomer should be well analyzed and data shouldbe updated through the use of databases. The datato be used in the da...
The National Greek Statistical Service publishesdata covering all educational levels. Many suchdata pertain to the social provenance of higher education students. One of the most interestingaspects is the parents’ educational level which, inaddition to a university student’s choices, plays avery important role in the attainment of thestudent’s goal...
One of the most significant of all post-war demographic phenomena and one that promises to loom even larger in the future is the rapid growth of cities such as in particularly developing countries. It is predicted that urban populations will nearly double by 2030 to 5.1 billion. Until the end of 1960s, rural- urban migration was viewed favorably in...