Tatiana VallaeysUniversité de Montpellier | UM1 · Département Biochimie - Physiologie
Tatiana Vallaeys
Professor full ,Université de Montpellier France,
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September 2012 - September 2014
November 1991 - May 1992
October 1988 - July 1992
Publications (151)
Staphylococcus sciuri is considered to be one of the most ancestral species in the natural history of the Staphylococcus genus that consists of 48 validly described species. It belongs to the basal group of oxidase-positive and novobiocin-resistant staphylococci that diverged from macrococci approximately 250 million years ago. Contrary to other gr...
To characterize microbial communities present in natural rubber (NR) coagula from Hevea brasiliensis latex during maturation and identify microbial taxa (bacteria and fungi) having an impact on dry NR properties.
Methods and results:
Microbial community dynamics in NR coagula maturated under controlled conditions were compared and related w...
Brevibacterium constitutes a ubiquitous range of species for which only the halotolerant sulfur aroma production has been utilized in the dairy food industry. Recently, however, a wide range of new isolates from different environments including soil, sediment, and seawater has been assigned to this genus. Since these isolates show quite diverse met...
The Vibrio splendidus clade has previously been associated with epidemic outbreaks of various aquatic animals, as in the case of the cupped oyster, Crassostrea gigas. To investigate whether involved strains could present a clonal origin and to identify possible alternative background carriage animals or zooplankton, a large epidemiological survey w...
Many bacteria in the environment have adapted to the presence of toxic heavy metals. Over the last 30 years, this heavy metal tolerance was the subject of extensive research. The bacterium Cupriavidus metallidurans strain CH34, originally isolated by us in 1976 from a metal processing factory, is considered a major model organism in this field beca...
The production of red smear cheeses involves a common step of smearing i.e. the inoculation of young unripened cheeses by a given but still often undefined ripening microflora. This step is essential for (but not restricted to) the maintenance of reproducible organoleptic and textural properties of the cheese along time. As recently demonstrated in...
3) Institut Pasteur , genomique des microorganismes pathogenes. 25 rue du Dr Roux 75724 Paris cedex 15 France The production of red smear cheeses traditionally involves a common step of old-young-smearing i.e. the transfer of a given but often undefined microflora washed off from the surface of ripened cheeses to young unripened cheeses. This proce...
Extract of the 2017 annual report of the office for science and technology team of the French embassy in the united states- agriculture agronomy and biotechnology section
La proposition budgétaire américaine pour 2019 de l’administration Trump 2019 a été publiée. S’appuyant sur l’hypothèse discutée d’une croissance intérieure de 3%, cette proposition budgétaire, qui doit encore être validée par le congrès, impacterait plusieurs secteurs. Derrière l’environnement, l’agriculture subirait des coupes drastiques. En effe...
L’ « Open Access » ou « libre accès » permet la mise en ligne de contenus numériques, textes ou multimédia, à disposition de l’internaute, libres de droits. L’Open Access présente un intérêt particulier dans le domaine scientifique car il accélère la diffusion des résultats de la recherche. Les chercheurs, comme les organismes et agences de recherc...
Le comité de sécurité alimentaire du Codex Alimentarius, une commission internationale créée conjointement par la FA0 (organisation des Nations unies pour l’alimentation et l’agriculture) et l’OMS (Organisation mondiale de la Santé), où siègent 186 pays, s’est réunie à Chicago du 13 au 17 Novembre 2017 pour traiter de questions relatives à l’hygièn...
La consommation moyenne protéique des pays développés continue à croître et atteint près de 2 fois la dose recommandée, avoisinant 102 g par personne et par jour (https://www.nal.usda.gov/fnic/dietary-reference-intakes). La demande protéique mondiale affiche une croissance exponentielle qui atteindrait 250 millions de tonnes par an vers 2025 (sourc...
Since the beginning (eve) of virology, novel methods for detecting and identifying viruses have emerged and have continuously been improved. However, very few of these new methods were adapted to routine use. Recent technological advances in nucleic acid sequencing, especially those based on the next generation sequencing (NGS), have revolutionized...
Oceans provide major resources for rapidly increasing population worldwide. Ocean sustainability thus constitutes a major issue for
human health, as well as economic and ecological perspectives. Indicators of oceanic contamination have been selected in order to identify,
but also further prevent impact of human activities on marine ecosystems. Howe...
Ce rapport valorise les connaissances sur le fonctionnement et
la restauration physique des cours d’eau, ainsi que les retours
d’expériences internationaux, français et spécifiques au bassin
Rhône-Méditerranée. Il a été réalisé par l’agence de l’eau
avec l’appui du secrétariat technique de bassin et du conseil
scientifique du comité de bassin.
This review explores the main spore-forming bacteria involved in the spoilage of various processed foods. Bakery products are specifically spoiled by Bacillus species, the dominant one being Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, while different Clostridium species classically contaminate refrigerated vacuum-packed meats. These two genera have also been isola...
Koi herpesvirus disease (KHVD) is an emerging disease that causes mass mortality in koi and common carp, Cyprinus carpio L. Its causative agent is Cyprinid herpesvirus 3 (CyHV-3), also known as koi herpesvirus (KHV). Although data on the pathogenesis of this deadly virus is relatively abundant in the literature, still little is known about its geno...
Proportion of mapped reads for PoB3 sample
Proportion of mapped reads for PoB3 samples, expressed as the percent of reads that match a KHV sequence. Green bars: before quality trimming; red bars: after Q30 mapping quality trimming; blue bars: after duplicate removal.
A rapid, sensitive, and highly reproducible real-time PCR assay was developed to detect the three major Vibrio spp. pathogenic for humans in Tunisian seafood products and sediments. A conventional culture method found 102 (41.3%) of 247 analyzed samples positive for Vibrio spp.; a conventional PCR method found 126 (51%) of the 247...
Functional properties and antioxidant activities in vitro and hypoglycaemic and hypolipidemic activities in vivo of protein hydrolysates prepared from muscle of grey triggerfish (Balistes capriscus) were investigated. Baliste protein hydrolysates (BPHs) were obtained by treatment with crude enzyme preparations from Bacillus mojavensis A21 (BPH-A21)...
Biological control still remains an unexploited issue in southern countries such as Tunisia. Thus, the present study focused on the diversity of cultivable endophytic bacteria in the internal tissues (roots and leaves) of Tunisian date palm trees (Phoenix dactylifera L.). In order to assess their antagonistic potential towards date palm pathogens,...
The Vibrio genus includes species that are pathogenic both to humans and aquatic
animals. However discrimination between pathogenic species and their commensal
counterparts is not easy when addressing environmental samples and rapid methods
for discriminating without doubt closely related species and further subspecific
typing of related strains fo...
The present study describes the characterization of crude protease extract from Arthrobacter ari-laitensis Re117 and its evaluation in solid and liquid detergent. One caseinolytic protease clear band was observed in zymogram. The crude alkaline protease showed optimum activity at pH 9.0 and 50˚C, and it was highly stable over a wide range of pH fro...
The date palm tree Phoenix dactylifera L. is a major component of oasis ecosystem supporting
human and also animal life in desertic conditions. Diseases are known to affect this typical
Mediterranean tree for which well identified fungi and bacteria as causative etiologic agents
have been previously characterized, but to date none viral agent was r...
Endophytic flora plays a vital role in the colonization and survival of host plants, especially in harsh environments, such as arid regions. This flora may, however, contain pathogenic species responsible for various troublesome host diseases. The present study is aimed at investigating the diversity of both cultivable and non-cultivable endophytic...
Mycobacterial infections in fish are commonly referred to as piscine mycobacteriosis, irrespectively of the specific identity
of the causal organism. They usually cause a chronic disease and sometimes may result in high mortalities and severe economic
losses. Nearly 20 species of Mycobacterium have been reported to infect fish. Among them, Mycobact...
Clostridium botulinum and related clostridia express extremely potent toxins known as botulinum neurotoxins (BoNTs) that cause severe, potentially lethal intoxications in humans. These BoNT-producing bacteria are categorized in seven major toxinotypes (A through G) and several subtypes. The high diversity in nucleotide sequence and genetic organiza...
For a few decades, the introduction and development of molecular
methods in microbiology have shaped the detection and characterization of pathogens.
Although serological and, more punctually, viral culture methods remain
basic tools for viral diagnosis, molecular advances based on qPCR have brought
a number of novel advantages, in terms of speed,...
Endophytic flora plays a vital role in the colonization and survival of host plants, especially in harsh environments , such as arid regions. This flora may, however, contain pathogenic species responsible for various troublesome host diseases. The present study is aimed at investigating the diversity of both cultivable and non-cultivable endophyti...
Arthrobacter arilaitensis Re117 protease described here is the first Arthrobacter alkaline
metalloprotease studied. It was purified to homogeneity by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration,
ultrafiltration, and Mono Q-Sepharose with 3.72-fold increase in specific activity and 28.22% recovery.
The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated at 50 kDa...
Arthrobacter arilaitensis Re117 protease described here is the first Arthrobacter alkaline metalloprotease studied. It was purified to homogeneity by Sephadex G-100 gel filtration, ultrafiltration, and Mono Q-Sepharose with 3.72-fold increase in specific activity and 28.22% recovery. The molecular mass of the purified enzyme was estimated by sodium...
A partir de la communauté des Arthrobacter arilaitensis prélevés à la surface des fromages Livarot, 21 souches différentes ont été
sélectionnées, et comparées à la souche type A. arilaitensis Re117 dont le génome avait été séquencé. A. arilaitensis étant une
bactérie Gram+, prélevée à la surface des fromages. Cette souche est responsable de la coul...
Redundant primers were designed for the PCR amplification of DNA from chlorocatechol dioxygenase genes. These primers were used successfully to amplify 270- to 279-bp fragments from a variety of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetate- and chlorobenzoate-degrading strains, including species of Sphingomonas. Three groups of closely related sequences were amplifi...
Taxonomical distribution of Arthrobacter arilaitensis Re117 CDSs in other bacterial genomes. A CDS is considered to have a cognate present in the compared genome if its BLAST best hit presents an e-value lower than 10-3 with an overlap higher than 80%. The subset of organisms shown includes those for which >20 best matches were seen. Transposases h...
Synteny between the A. arilaitensis Re117 chromosome and the chromosomes of A. aurescens TC1, Arthrobacter sp. FB24 and A. chlorophenolicus A6. The graphic shows X-Y plots of dots forming syntenic regions between the chromosomes. Each dot represents a predicted A. arilaitensis protein having an ortholog in another Arthrobacter chromosome with coord...
Copy number and distribution of IS families in four Arthrobacter species.
Functional categories of Arthrobacter genes using the cluster of orthologous group scheme. The genes present in the three environmental strains but absent in A. arilaitensis were also analyzed (designated as "shared TC1-FB24-A6"). Functional assignments were used according to the COG database (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/COG/) and the transposases...
Effect of salt concentration on the growth rate of Arthrobacter strains. The strains were cultivated in brain heart infusion broth at 25°C and in aerobic conditions. The maximum growth rate was determined by the slope of the plot relating ln absorbance (600 nm) versus time.
Pseudogenes found in the A. arilaitensis Re117 genome.
Predicted transcriptional regulatory proteins of A. arilaitensis Re117.
Occurence of COG hits related to sugar ABC-type transport systems.
Genes in the A. arilaitensis Re117 genome with putative function in protein degradation.
Predicted acyl-CoA dehydrogenase and fatty acid--CoA ligase genes in A. arilaitensis Re117.
Distribution of ABC families in Arthrobacter arilaitensis Re117.
Venn diagram representing the shared genes between the four sequenced Arthrobacter strains. Genes are considered as shared if they are orthologous (see section "Genome analysis and annotation").Transposases have been excluded from the analysis.
Circular representation of the chromosomes of A. aurescens TC1, Arthrobacter sp. FB24 and A. chlorophenolicus A6 showing the orthology relations with A. arilaitensis Re117. The outermost circle (circle 1) represents the scale in Mbp. Circles 2 and 3 represent CDSs on positive (red) and negative (blue) strands. Circle 4 represents CDSs (in orange) w...
Codon usage and codons covered by the 64 transfer RNAs of A. arilaitensis Re117.
Genes in the A. arilaitensis Re117 genome involved in repair of DNA lesions.
Predicted transporters in Arthrobacter arilaitensis Re117.
Catabolism of amino acids by A. arilaitensis Re117.
Utilization of various carbon sources by Arthrobacter strains growing aerobically on Biotype 100 strips.
Genes assigned to glycine betaine and related osmolyte transporters in the A. arilaitensis genome.
Insertion sequences identified in the genome of A. arilaitensis.
Predicted lipase and esterase genes in A. arilaitensis Re117.
Arthrobacter arilaitensis is one of the major bacterial species found at the surface of cheeses, especially in smear-ripened cheeses, where it contributes to the typical colour, flavour and texture properties of the final product. The A. arilaitensis Re117 genome is composed of a 3,859,257 bp chromosome and two plasmids of 50,407 and 8,528 bp. The...
The genes, cDNA alpES1 and alpES1, encoding Aspergillus clavatus ES1 alkaline protease were amplified from complementary DNA (cDNA) and genomic DNA, respectively, cloned in pCR®II-TOPO plasmid and then sequenced. Sequence analysis of the cDNA alpES1 gene revealed an open reading frame (ORF) of 1212 bp encoding a pre–pro-protein of 403 amino acid re...
ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.
La flore microbienne présente à la surface des fromages à croûte lavée comprend une grande variété de
bactéries, levures et moisissures. Son activité est primordiale pour l'établissement des propriétés
organoleptiques des fromages et elle permet également de limiter la croissance des micro-organismes
indésirables. Des souches d'Arthrobacter arilait...
Origins of replication for the main replicons (chromosomes) CHR1 and CHR2 of C. metallidurans CH34 (panels A and B, respectively). (A) DnaA-binding boxes with consensus sequence TTATCCACA are given as blocked arrows. Dark shaded boxes have a perfect match with the consensus sequence, while lighter shaded boxes have one or two mismatches (marked in...
Genome dynamics in the second chromosome of Cupriavidus and Ralstonia. Nucleotide based comparison of the CHR2 replicons of four Cupriavidus species and R. solanacearum GMI1000 (denoted as Rsol) using the anchor-allignment software Murasaki (http://murasaki.dna.bio.keio.ac.jp/). Scale in Mb is shown on top. Abbreviations: Cmet, C. metallidurans CH3...
Similarity matrix between CH34 replicons and replicons of related organisms using protein based orthology data. Protein contents of all replicons for four Cupriavidus species and related organisms were compared by scoring the reciprocal best BlastP hits (values in lower part of the matrix) and subsequent cluster analysis of normalised values (upper...
Protein-based synteny between the C. metallidurans CH34 chromosomes and the genome of P. necessarius STIR1, an obligate symbiont of freshwater protozoans. (A) Synteny displays were generated by the LinePlot tool of the MaGe system using a synton size (S) of 3 genes. Both species belong to the family of Burkholderiaceae and a plausible reason for th...
Functional classification. Normalised distribution of functional content over the two large replicons of C. metallidurans CH34, based on COG assignments. These data were used for colorcoding in Figure 1 and the drawing of Figure 2.
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Novel HMR genes in Cupriavidus metallidurans CH34. Correspondance between HMR loci reported here with HMR loci reported in an earlier overview [8]. Novel genes are given in bold letter type.
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Transcription factors - meta analysis. Transcription factors across 965 organisms, including 673 bacteria (source: http://www.transcriptionfactor.org/). Note that this table consist of multiple sheets: Sheet 1, DBDoverview - general information and data from DBD; Sheet 2, DBD organism - breakdown of transcriptional regulators for each of the organi...
Functional distribution and chromosomal location of C. metallidurans CH34 genes implicated in iron uptake and -metabolism.
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Genes and pathways for sulfur oxidation (sulfur autotrophy) in C. metallidurans CH34. (A) Genetic loci encompassing sulfur oxidizing genes (sox) and sulfur oxygenase reductase genes (sor). Note that strain CH34 lacks the soxCD genes for a periplasmic sulfur dehydrogenase which is not essential for the oxidation of thiosulfate although fewer electro...
Signal transduction systems. Domain profiles of C. metallidurans CH34 and related organisms listed in Table 2 and E. coli K-12 (source: http://mistdb.com/). Only domains that occur 10 times or more in CH34 are considered. Extreme underrepresentations of domains (according to actual numbers versus genome size) are shaded in orange. Rows 25–27 hold t...
C. metallidurans CH34 genes for DNA repair and stress-related regulators.
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Efflux and transport proteins in C. metallidurans CH34. Transport proteins predicted by TransAAP analysis for the four Cupriavidus species by submitting the genomes of these species to the TransportDB website (http://www.membranetransport.org/). Only five classes were considered (indicated with blue bars). Transporters that are not present in C. me...
Functional distribution and chromosomal location of C. metallidurans CH34 genes involved in polyester (PHA/PHB) biosynthesis and degradation.
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C. metallidurans CH34 genes encoding universal stress proteins (UspA superfamily) that are induced by a variety of starvation- and stress-conditions.
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Sigma-70 sequence similarity heatmap based on pair-wise Smith-Waterman alignments of RpoD sequences. While the RpoD1 protein of CH34 (Rmet_2606 sited on CHR1) groups tightly with RpoD orthologs from the other three Cupriavidus species, the second sigma-70 factor RpoD2 (Rmet_4661 sited on CHR2) does not group with any of the RpoD orthologues in Cupr...
Schematic view of the cbb loci in C. metallidurans CH34. Loci involved in the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle (reductive pentose phosphate pathway) are dispersed over the CH34 genome although most are within the Rmet_1491 through Rmet_1544 region. Note that IS-mediated excision of this region (or parts thereoff) would lead to the impairment of autotrop...
Genetic loci in C. metallidurans CH34 for the oxidation of hydrogen. (A) hox and hyp genes needed to form and activate the two hydrogenases of CH34. The first cluster of genes governs the membrane-bound hydrogenase (MBH) and is sited on CHR1 as part of the CMGI-2 genomic island. The second gene cluster encodes the cytoplasmic hydrogenase (SH) and i...
Sigma factors of C. metallidurans CH34. The 17 sigma factors of C. metallidurans CH34 and their orthologs in related organisms (as listed in Table 2) and E. coli K-12. Note that some organisms, including strain CH34, possess multiple sigma-70 factors (RpoD proteins). All gene notations are from GenBank (and are as in Figure S5).
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Prevalence of Bug domains according to the MiST2 database. Distribution of 2,377 proteins with Bug domains across 1,216 complete and draft, bacterial and archaeal genomes (source: http://mistdb.com). Organisms without Bug domain-containing proteins are omitted from the table.
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We determined the genome sequence of Arthrospira sp. PCC 8005, a cyanobacterial strain of great interest to the European Space Agency for its nutritive value and oxygenic
properties in the Micro-Ecological Life Support System Alternative (MELiSSA) biological life support system for long-term
manned missions into space.
Analysis of ISCR8 (ISPps1) revealed that this group of insertion elements has to be subdivided into three subgroups: ISCR8, ISCR22, and ISCR23. The distinction of three subgroups is supported by phylogenetic analysis of the transposase open reading frames (ORFs). Comparison of over 20 complete and partial ISCR8/22/23 elements identified oriIS candi...
Thanks to their photosynthetic and nutritive properties, cyanobacteria of the Arthrospira genus are of interest as food supplements, as efficient oxygen producing life support system organisms for manned space flight, and for the production of biofuels. Despite these potential valuable applications, full genome sequences and genetic information in...