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Publications (40)
Research contains assessing of the risk of heat stress and the improvement of the comfort of being outdoors for the urban population. The specialized TownScope program, banks of monitoring data of the Copernicus Climate Change Service and the Borys Sreznevsky Central Geophysical Observatory were used for the calculations. Calculations were made for...
Rain gardens are a popular element of green infrastructure, often integrated into the sponge city concept to address stormwater management issues. Such structures perform three main functions: reducing the volume of water runoff from the catchment area, reducing peak flows in the drainage system, which is critical for preventing overloading of the...
The expansion of impervious areas in the context of climate change leads to an increase in stormwater runoff. Runoff from roads, petrol stations, and service stations is the most common form of unintentional release of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHs). Rain gardens are an important practice for removing PHs from stormwater runoff, but little data exist...
Due to aging infrastructure, frequent wastewater network overflows, and potential charges for stormwater disposal, there is a need to find alternative approaches to stormwater management. Rain gardens and rainwater harvesting systems are widely used in local areas such as private homes, small businesses, and parking lots. Therefore, the aim of this...
There are a lot of devices, including rural equipment with a high level of tightness. Nowadays, a wide range of methods are used for investigation and testing: capillary, radiographic, radio wave, mass spectrometric, eddy current, surface-active substances, etc. These methods require special equipment and do not allow continuous monitoring during o...
Thermal insulation of pipelines finds application across various industries, including agricultural technologies. The energy efficiency hinges on minimizing heat losses. The task is primarily achieved through effective heat insulation. Decentralized ventilation systems prove to be efficient in rural low-rise constructions. Among these, regenerative...
Citation: Kravchenko, M.; Trach, Y.; Trach, R.; Tkachenko, T.; Mileikovskyi, V. Improving the Efficiency and Environmental Friendliness of Urban Stormwater Management by Enhancing the Water Filtration Model in Rain Gardens. Water 2024, 16, 1316. Abstract: Rain gardens are used to solve urban problems related to the negative impact of stormwater. (1...
A quantitative analysis of the most cited articles published in the Scopus scientometric database by 2023 is carried out. It is shown that most of the publications, the object of study of which are "green" structures, focus on the study of "green" roofs. It is shown that since 1981, the number of studies on green roofs has been steadily increasing:...
There are historical places with out-of-context buildings, often of low quality. To restore the places, destruction requires heavy machines and may cause strong vibrations and excess load on the historical pavement intensifying destruction and ageing. Giving the appearance of historical objects requires expensive decoration. Hiding by living plants...
Growing urbanization creates air pollution problems, which is becoming dangerous for human health and unsuitable for indoor ventilation. An effective solution is the combination of green structures with engineering systems, which requires the development of new methods and quantitative laboratory studies of gas and mass exchange processes of plants...
Rainwater drainage plays a pivotal role in ensuring road safety. Traditional drainage systems not only entail significant costs but also necessitate ongoing maintenance. Current stormwater inlets often lead to inconsistent water absorption, and factors like climate change and infrastructure wear highlight the pressing need for improvement across de...
Today, the creation of optimal microclimatic conditions is mandatory for the vast majority of premises in public buildings. The main problem in the cooling period of the year is the minimization of energy consumption. Traditional systems with recirculation require the return of exhaust air to the ventilation unit, which is obviously accompanied by...
To avoid ecological catastrophe, most cities are moving toward green building. The critical component is greening – conventional and green structures. Urban agriculture is a very prospective direction. Green roofs, terraces, and rooftop greenhouses are the most promising places for growing. This solves multiple tasks: heat loss recovery for plantin...
To avoid ecological catastrophe, most cities are moving toward green building. The important component is greening – conventional and green structures. Urban agriculture is a very prospective direction. Green roofs, terraces, and rooftop greenhouses are the most promising places for growing. This solves multiple tasks: heat loss recovery for planti...
The effectiveness and shortcomings of the "green" roof in the management of rainwater in the urban environment are analyzed. The scheme of the construction of a typical "green" roof and its classification in terms of types are shown. The proposal to increase the efficiency of stormwater management with the help of "green" roofs, through their integ...
Thermal insulation of pipelines is used in different industries including agricultural technologies. Energy efficiency depends on heat losses, which, in turn, are limited by heat insulation. Decentralized ventilation is effective in rural low-rise buildings. One such device used is a regenerative ventilator like Blauberg Vento or Vents TwinFresh. T...
In 2019, 99% of people in the world lived in areas violating WHO’s recommended air quality indicators. By WHO’s estimation, in 2019, air pollution caused 4.2 million premature deaths worldwide. The most harmful are PM2.5 particles, which penetrate the blood through the aerogematic barrier causing cardiovascular and respiratory diseases and cancer....
Today greenhouses are transformed. In the middle of the past century, they were almost glazing buildings above the ground. Due to the development of planting technologies, including mats or trays with substratum, aero – and hydroponics, etc., greenhouses now can be anywhere, including underground. This gives impetus for urban agriculture with optim...
Rainwater drainage is one of the essential components of traffic safety. Rainwater drainage structures are costly, and it needs continuous maintenance. Existing separate stormwater inlets absorb water non-evenly. Climate changes and the wear of drainage infrastructure need to be improved in the systems, even in highly developed countries. Such prob...
II International Scientific and Practical Conference "Green Construction" was conducted by the Department of Environment Protection Technologies and Labor Safety of Kyiv National University of Construction and Architecture.
Representatives of higher and general educational institutions and private companies took part in the work of the conference....
The issue of reuse of natural resources occupies an important place in resource conservation, environmental friendliness and reduction of the man-made load of construction around the world. The use of water resources is of particular importance. They are a strategic, vitally important natural resource, the national wealth of every country, one of t...
People modify 56% of the Earth's land. The world trend is changing from rapacious to considered influence such as green construction/production. Nevertheless, the terroristic war of the Russian federation against Ukraine causes the chaotic destruction and snowball-ing emissions from shell bursts and fires. Reclamation of land should attempt to repa...
For carbon neutrality of cities, we should compensate carbon dioxide gains from vehicles. Human-driven ones are not carbon-free because cyclists perform hard work. Green roofs are an adequate carbon-capturing facility, especially for the dense building. We used the previous author’s data for carbon dioxide sequestration of them. The carbon dioxide...
- Ecosystems and water resources. Engineering. Technologies
- Water supply and drainage. Engineering. Technologies
- Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning. Engineering. Technologies
- Use of thermal energy. Non-traditional sources of energy
- Fundamental and applied scientific research. Efficiency.
The latest design and operation
Rainwater management is one of the important problems of cities. At very strong downpours, storm sewer systems may not capture the rainwater, which floods pavements and roadways. The water flushes fuel and oil traces after vehicles, fallen debris, and other pollutants, which will be moved to the ground, ponds, rivers, seas, etc. In past, the proble...
Different branches of science and technics use mathematics, including geometry. For example, researches on the positive effects of “green” structures use mathematic models and geometry. Sometimes, indeterminate forms and infinities are happening. Intermediate infinite results can be correct. The following calculation can give 1/∞= 0. A superconduct...
Modern automated engineering systems have variable hydraulic/aerodynamic conditions with Reynolds number from zero to hundred thousand with a wide range of roughness. Simple approximations of the Colebrook-White equation cannot give enough precision. The aim of the work is a universal simple precise approximation of the Colebrook-White equation. Th...
Insolation is one of the most important factors of human comfort and health in premises. Nevertheless, in a cooling period, the solar radiation brings additional heat gains decreasing the energy efficiency of buildings. The best practice is to allow the maximum solar radiation in heating and transition periods, and to limit it to the minimum permis...
Program and abstracts of reports at International Scientific and Practical conference Ecology. Resources. Energy. ERE-2020.
Low air quality is one of the most widespread reasons for diseases of respiratory, cardiovascular, immune, and nervous systems. The work aims to improve indoor air quality using the most natural method – indoor phytoncide plants. R. Koch’s sedimentation method has been used. The rule of V. L. Omelianskyi calculated the total viable number. Phytonci...
У дослідженні розглянуто формування передумов сталого розвитку з урахуванням фактора безпеки. Завдяки впровадженню технологій «зеленого будівництва» створюються передумови для підвищення безпеки людини в умовах урбанізованого середовища як на етапі виробничого процесу (від виготовлення будівельних матеріалів до їхньої утилізації та під час виконанн...
У збірнику наведені матеріали I Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції
«Зелене будівництво» за напрямками: реалізація проектів зеленого будівництва в Україні; зелене будівництво в архітектурі та містобудуванні; енергоефективність будівельних проектів; передові інженерні системи та технології зеленого будівництва; екологічні стандарти будівельни...
Ефективність формування мікроклімату будівель і споруд залежить від рішень організації повітрообміну. Одним з вирішальних факторів, які впливають на ефективність повітрообміну, є розвиток вентиляційних струминних течій. При цьому широко застосовується настилання струминних течій на поверхні огороджувальних конструкцій (напівобмежені струмини). У ро...
Currently, a very big problem of cities in Europe and the world is air pollution with combustion products of car fuels, generation of heat and electricity. These impurities affect the microclimate of cities significantly. Pollution not only affects the area outside buildings, but getting into their interior through ventilation systems, which has an...
Sun shading is one of the possibilities to rise energy efficiency of buildings. Green structures that combine structures of buildings with living plants are biotechnical elements of buildings. They can rise energy efficiency of buildings. One of the useful properties of the green constructions is sun shading possibilities especially for terrace gre...
The main aspects of creation of energy-efficient «green structures» in urbocenoses of moderate-continental climate are considered. It was established that problems of exploitation of "green roofs" arise in case of violation of the technology of laying roofing layers and in case of incorrect selection of plant assortment. Technical problems in creat...