Tatiana Bragina

Tatiana Bragina
All-Russian Research Institute Fisheries and Oceanography | VNIRO · Bioresources & environment department



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Biodiversity, Protected Areas, Bioresouces, Ecology, Environment
Skills and Expertise
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September 2001 - present
A. Baitursynuly Kostanay Regional Unuversity
  • Professor


Publications (38)
Background. The decline in the population and the threat of extinction that is currently applicable to most sturgeon species, as well as changes in their habitat and spawning environment have been the focus of attention for scientists and governments of different states for many years. Relevance. The preservation and restoration of fishing stocks o...
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The paper provides an overview of the principal trends of fishery research in the Azov and Black Seas Basin from the beginning of the first investigations to the modern complex scientific research of aquatic organisms and their habitats, development of innovative approaches in their sustainable use and conservation. Commencement of the ichthyofauna...
The scientific peer-reviewed journal “Aquatic Bioresources & Environtment” has been published since 2018 and functions as a discussion platform for researchers and practitioners of the vast fishery region (mainly the Southern Russia). In July 2023, the journal celebrated its fifth anniversary. The aim of this article is to review the notable milest...
The article is devoted to data on the approbation of modern methods and the refinement of species affiliation of soil-inhabiting larvae of click beetles (wireworm) based on the molecular genetic analysis (DNAbarcoding). For the first time, data obtained on the complete identity of certain DNA sequences of a number of species of click beetles living...
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Eurasian steppes have an outstanding role in conserving grassland biodiversity. However, due to the large-scale landscape transformation during the past centuries in many regions stands of dry grassland habitats have been conserved only in the form of small terrestrial habitat islands. Such habitat islands are often present on the ancient burial mo...
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Az eurázsiai sztyeppék kiemelkedő szerepet játszanak a biodiverzitás megőrzésében, azonban az elmúlt századokban tapasztalható élőhelypusztulás következtében sok esetben csak kis kiterjedésű refúgiumokban maradtak fent. Ilyen refúgiumok az ősi sztyeppi temetkezési halmok (halomsírok, más néven kurgánok), melyek nem csupán kulturális és történelmi,...
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Burrow-dwelling rodents are often considered ecosystem engineer species in arid environments. They create distinct habitat patches by building burrows: they move large amounts of soil, mix soil layers and change soil properties locally. Our aim was to explore the role of Steppe Marmot as an ecosystem engineer in shaping the plant species compositio...
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Eurasian steppes have an essential role in conserving biodiversity, but due to the huge habitat loss in the past centuries they are often preserved only in small refuges. Among such refuges are the ancient steppic burial mounds (the so called 'kurgans') which have a high cultural and historical importance and are also essential sites of nature cons...
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As part of our paper we evaluated differences between stable isotope ratios of geographic units as well as between livestock taxa.
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Identification of variation in pasture use by domesticated livestock has important implications for understanding the scale of animal husbandry and landscape use in modern and ancient societies alike. Here, we explore the influence of pasture floral composition, salinity, and water availability on the carbon (δ¹³C) and nitrogen (δ¹⁵N) isotopic comp...
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Background: The effects of trees on understorey communities is a major driver of vegetation composition. However, we have little understanding on how isolated forest patches of the forest-steppe transition affect their herb layer as compared to adjacent grasslands. Aims: Our aim was to test whether trees had a protective effect on understorey herba...
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This paper presents first materials on the fauna and distribution of the terrestrial isopods - woodlice (Oniscidea) inhabiting the central and southern parts of Kostanay Region (Kazakhstan, Northern and Southern Turgai), located in the steppe zone. Most of the specimens of woodlice were collected in the territory of the National Nature Reserve "Alt...
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The Palearctic forest-steppe biome is a narrow vegetation zone between the temperate forest and steppe biomes, which provides important habitats for many endangered species and represents an important hotspot of biodiversity. Although the number of studies on forest–grassland mosaics is increasing, information currently available about the general...
Background: Burial mounds (kurgans) of Eurasian steppes are man-made habitat islands that have the potential to harbour rich plant diversity due to micro-habitats associated with their topography. Aims: We assessed whether kurgan micro-habitats harboured different species pools and functional groups from those found on the surrounding steppes. In a...
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An annotated list of 124 species of spiders from 18 families from the Naurzum Reserve (Kostanay Region, Kazakhstan) is presented. The following species are recorded for the fauna of Kazakhstan for the first time: Cheiracanthium virescens (Sundevall, 1832), Zelotes fuscus (Thorell, 1875), Z. pseudogallicus Ponomarev, 2007, Alopecosa kovblyuki Nadoln...
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Stipa lessingiana steppes used to be prevalent on the dry Trans-Ural denudation plains, particularly, on the Sub-Ural and the Turgay Plateau. But, most of them have been lost because they were plowed up during the Virgin Land campaign in the second part of 20th century. This paper presents a detailed study of the faunistic composition and the struc...
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Temperate grasslands have suffered disproportionally from conversion to cropland, degradation and fragmentation. A large proportion of the world’s remaining near-natural grassland is situated in Kazakhstan. We aimed to assess current and emerging threats to steppe and semi-desert biodiversity in Kazakhstan and evaluate conservation research priorit...
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Steppe is among the most endangered biomes of the world, especially in Eastern Europe, where more than 90 % of original steppes have been destroyed due to conversion into croplands, afforestation and other human activities. Currently, steppe vegetation is often restricted to places unsuitable for ploughing, such as ancient burial mounds called kurg...
В стaтье рaссмaтривaются проблемы рaзвития любительскогорыболовствa кaк вaжной отрaсли рекреaции и туризмa нa примеревнутренних водоемов степной зоны. Прaвильнaя оргaнизaция этойдеятельности может не только обеспечивaть мaтериaльными блaгaмизaнимaющихся рыбной ловлей людей, но и стaть кaтaлизaторомположительных изменений в сохрaнении и использовaни...
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Дрофa и стрепет являются знaковыми видaми кaзaхстaнских степей. Многочисленные еще в середине прошлого векa популяции этихптиц к нaчaлу 1970-х гг. окaзaлись нa грaни полного исчезновения.Мaтериaлом для дaнного сообщения послужили многолетние нaблюдения в Нaурзумском зaповеднике и нa сопредельных территориях в1977–2015 гг. и нa территории Костaнaйск...
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Aim. Fauna of Kazakhstan includes about one thousand species of spiders according to the latest data (Logunov, Gromov, Timokhanov, 2012; Mikhailov, 2013). However, most of these data refers to the western and eastern regions of the country. Spiders fauna of Central Kazakhstan is poorly studied. The aim of this study is to summarize available data a...
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The paper presents new approaches for assessing the conservation value of plant communities based on the use of quantitative criteria contained in databases and eco-floristic classification of steppe vegetation in the Don basin (Rostov region). The Black Sea and Kazakhstan steppes have significant potential for environmen- tal protection. Analysis...
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In article an overview of the works in framework of the international scientific-practical conference held 26–27 February 2014 in Kostanay city (the Republic of Kazakhstan) are presented. On conference a wide spectrum of issues relatd to the progress in the formation and functioning of the system of the nature protected areas and study of the biodi...
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The paper summarizes modern data on the phytogeography, ecology and typology of the main plant communities of the steppe areas of Kazakhstan. The patterns of zonal steppe vegetation on the plains and altitudinal vegetation sequences in the mountains are shown. A new map of the phytogeographic regionalization is given. The paper reviews human impact...
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Ecological assessment of wetland ecosystems of northern Kazakhstan on the basis of hydrochemistry and algal biodiversity We studied diversity of algae and cyanobacteria in the wetlands of protected natural lakes with salinity ranging from 0.19 up to 32.7 in the arid/semiarid regions of Northern Kazakhstan. In plankton and periphyton of 34 lakes, we...
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In two arid/semiarid regions, we studied diversity of algae in lakes and pools with salinity ranging from 0.1‰ up to 39‰ In plankton and periphyton of 34 lakes in northern Kazakhstan, we found 252 species belonging to 113 genera of 8 algal divisions. In 24 pools with experimental salinity ranges in the Negev desert of Israel, we recorded 86 species...
Technical Report
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Nomination Dossier to nominate the Korgalzyn and Naruzum Strict Protected Areas (Zapovednik) as Natural UNESCO World Heritage. The insciption was successfull in the year 2008. Visit UNESCO Website: https://whc.unesco.org/en/list/1102/


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