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Tarmizi Ninoersy

Tarmizi Ninoersy
Universitas Islam Negeri Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh · Fakultas Tarbiyah dan Keguruan

Dr. S.Pd.I. M.Ed.


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Publications (21)
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Based on the researcher’s observation that some students in the second grade of the junior high school feel difficult to learn dictation and do not understand the lesson when the process of teaching and learning is that they do not focus while they speak and laugh between them in the classroom, and this is the reason that some of them do not unders...
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The Purpose of this research is to enhance student learning outcomes on fiqh lesson by creating an electronic learning product namely a Developing electronic Students' Worksheet Based on Project Based Learning ( e-LKPD). Research and Development (R&D) utilizing the ADDIE Learning Statistics data analysis methodologies implemented in this research a...
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The tittle of this research is a “Comparison Between the Drill and Practice Method and the Total Physical Response Method to Improve Student’s Ability in Vocabulary Mastery (Experimental Study at MIN 20 Aceh Besar)”. The researcher chose this tittle because the researcher found that the students felt Arabic was a difficult subject. This is caused b...
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According to the researcher’s on Arabic teaching conducted in the class X-l MAN 4 Pidie Jaya the students were able to speak Arabic well. They perceived that speaking Arabic was difficult. In addition, the teachers who taught the Arabic did not use the appropriate methods . As a result, the students were not engaged and felt bored during the teachi...
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To achieve the learning objective teacher use various methods in learning. One of wich is a group learning method. The purpose of this study is to determine the effevtivenes of the application of group learning method in learning reading skill and to determine students responses to the application of group learning method in learning reading skill....
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Students of arabic language education are required to master all arabic language skills. One of the them is arabic speaking skills. Students of arabic language education must be able to speak arabic well. One of the factors that can make students being able to speak arabic well is motivation. The research aims to determine the motivation of student...
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Nahwu discusses the methods for arranging sentences correctly in Arabic by paying attention to sighot, sentence position, and the line's state at the end of the sentence. Thus, students have various kinds of difficulties in understanding Arabic grammar, especially in Nahwu. This study uses the literature review method, which describes some of the p...
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To achieve the learning objective teacher use various methods in learning. One of wich is a group learning method. The purpose of this study is to determine the effevtivenes of the application of group learning method in learning reading skill and to determine students responses to the application of group learning method in learning reading skill....
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The problem found by researcher in class V (B) MIN 23 Aceh Besar is that students are less interested in learning Arabic and make students not active in learning, so mastery in the vocabulary is low, as well the teacher does not use varied media in the learning process. Because of that the researcher tries to overcome these problems with applying c...
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So far, the making of evaluation question for Arabic language lessons at MAS Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa Aceh Besar has not been conducted in-depth qualitative research according to competency standards, especially in item construction, before being tested on students. The teacher designs the items only based on the difficulty level of the questions wi...
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Darul Lughah Al Arabiyah is an institution focused on language training and language proficiency development. Darul Lughah Al Arabiyah offers many programs, one of which is a 60-day program fluent in Arabic. The 60-day fluent Arabic program is an intensive program in four or six hours of study per day from the first book to the third of the al-arab...
Keragaman Negara Indonesia dari mulai agama, suku, ras, bahasa dan lain, membuat Indonesia menjadi Negara yang sering terjadi konflik. Salah satu pemicu konflik yang paling sering adalah sempitnya masyarakat memahami agama Islam sehingga banyak diantara mereka menjadi eskstrimisme. Untuk mengatasi semua ini, diperlukan penerapan dari nilai-nilai uk...
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Reading is an important element in the process of learning Arabic and is one of the language skills. Reading helps students to absorb knowledge and increase interest in writing. Then qiraah can improve students' knowledge with vocabulary, sentences, and editors that can be used in speaking and writing skills. The fahmul maqruk is one of the subject...
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So far, the making of evaluation question for Arabic language lessons at MAS Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa Aceh Besar has not been conducted in-depth qualitative research. The questions that tested to students were never through the maximum qualitative review stage. Thus, making of Arabic evaluation question in MAS Ruhul Islam Anak Bangsa Aceh Besar only...
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In this study, the researcher observed thatteachersin MTsN 7 Aceh Besar do not use a special method andinterestingmeans in teaching Arabic, but rather fixate on the memorization of textsand listen to the students’ memorization in class. Therefore, students find it difficult to learn Arabic and eventually find the lesson a burden. They can not expre...
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The study is entitled The Application of Arabic Conversation Lecture Patterns in the Department of Arabic Language Education, UIN Ar-Raniry Banda Aceh Through Active Debate Method. It is aimed at understanding the level of effectiveness of the method, knowing students‘ ability in Arabic conversation class towards student-centered learning, and find...
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Language is a very interesting object to talk about. Until now experts have never finished talking about it. In the context of language, students are expected to be able to understand the meaning of ideas (ideational functions), namely the function of language to express or construct ideas or information that they hear. West Aceh High School 1 is o...
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إن الموضوع لهذا البحث هو: تطوير وسيلة لوحة الجيوب في تعليم المفردات بالمدرسة الإبتدئية الإسلامية الحكومية Rukoh Banda Aceh، وقد إختاروا هذا الموضوع لأن الطلاب بتلك المدرسة لا ينشطون في تعلّم اللغة العربية لأن المدرّسة لا تستخدم الطريقة والوسيلة مناسبة أحيانا. وفي الحقيقة أن المدرّسة تستخدم الطريقة الحفظية والوسيلة الطبيعية في تعلّم اللغة العربية حا...
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تعلم المفردات مطلب أساسي من مطالب تعلم اللغة الأجنبية. ولتعليم المفردات لا يعنى أن الطلبة في تعلمهم اللغة الثانية قادرون على ترجمتها إلى اللغة الأم، بل إن معيار الكفاءة في تعليم المفردات هو أن يكون الطلبة قادرون على استعمال الكلمة المناسبة في المكان المناسب، ويستطيعون استخدامها جيدا. بعد أن تتعلم الباحثة أن الطريقة والوسيلة المستخدمة في MIN Tungkob...
Educators, in the whole education processes, are one of the essential factors in directing pedagogical and characteristic activities to achieve educational goals. To this end, their professionalism are supposed to accommodate students’ necessities in various aspects, such as spiritual, intellectual, morality, ethics as well as their basic needs....
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Language game is a medium of various kinds of media that can be used for language teaching program or a way to improve and develop language skills in their own way and compete in the conversation. In this paper the author will write what is meant by the language game of teaching methods by using conversational method, the definition of a language g...


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