Tarkus SugandaPadjadjaran University | UNPAD · Faculty of Agriculture
Tarkus Suganda
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My current researches are on developing sustainable plant diseases management and the scientific methods in plant diseases education
Additional affiliations
January 1997 - November 2016
September 1992 - March 1995
Publications (80)
Genotype–environment interaction (GEI) information is essential in plant breeding programs. The objectives of this study were to select high-yielding and stable yellow-fleshed sweet potato (YFSP) genotypes in different environments and identify the favorable environment for testing. The trials were conducted in four different locations in West Java...
Zulchi T, Husni A, Utami DW, Reflinur, Kosmiatin M, Maulana H, Suganda T, Concibido V, Karuniawan A. 2024. Evaluation of performance, diversity, and trait relationships of butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) genotypes M4 generations. Biodiversitas 25: 3476-3485. Butterfly pea, a versatile forage plant with perennial growth and adaptability, is the fo...
Induksi resistensi adalah strategi untuk meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman dengan mengaktifkan mekanisme pertahanan tanaman sehingga dapat mencegah infeksi patogen dari awal pertumbuhan tanaman. Minyak atsiri biji adas adalah salah satu agen penginduksi resistensi yang dapat meningkatkan ketahanan tanaman. Kandungan senyawa utama dalam minyak atsiri b...
Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cepae (FOC) adalah patogen penyebab penyakit moler pada bawang merah, dan termasuk salah satu patogen yang sulit untuk dikendalikan. Pengendalian menggunakan pestisida sintetik tidak dianjurkan karena mampu membahayakan ekosistem. Salah satu alternatif yang lebih ramah lingkungan untuk pengendalian adalah dengan menggunaka...
Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea L.) is a horticultural crop also known as underutilized crop. All parts of the butterfly pea can be used into various products including flowers that can be used as natural dyes and traditional medicines. Besides that, the plant parts can be used as fodder and cover crop. The development of butterfly pea in Indonesi...
White root rot disease (WRD), caused by Rigidoporus microporus, poses a serious threat to various tropical trees, resulting in substantial crop damage and even plant death. However, there is still a lack of information regarding WRD in tea plants. Due to soil-borne in nature, synthetic fungicide is not recommended to control WRD. Therefore, biocont...
Fruit flies ( Bactrocera spp.) are the major pests on mangoes that constrain the efforts to increase the production and quality of mangoes, causing yield losses of up to 100%. Kuningan Regency is one of the largest mango-producing areas in West Java. However, there is no study about the species of fruit fly in the mango plantation at Kuningan Regen...
The Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) is associated with the roots and nodules of butterfly peas (Clitoria ternatea L.). This study aims to explore the PGPR in the rhizosphere of butterfly peas and to study their potential for biofertilizer. Characterization of PGPR was based on their ability to phosphate dissolution, auxin production, an...
Antraknosa yang disebabkan oleh jamur Colletotrichum sp., merupakan penyakit yang sangat merugikan pada tanaman cabai. Mengingat pentingnya nilai ekonomi tanaman cabai, maka untuk mengendalikan penyakit antraknosa, fungisida sintetik digunakan secara intensif sehingga dapat menyebabkan berbagai dampak yang merugikan. Untuk mengurangi dampak negatif...
Purple-fleshed sweet potato (PFSP) is a major staple food and feed material in tropical countries. The pandemic of COVID-19 that encouraged healthy lifestyles worldwide further increases the importance of PFSP. Despite its importance, the investment in research to improve PFSP in Indonesia was left behind. The objective of the research was to estim...
Yield and yield attributes are important components in genotypic evaluation. The butterfly pea is a native plant of Indonesia, and it is considered an underutilized crop. The goals of this study were to evaluate genotypes using environment (year) interactions (GEIs) with yield and yield attributes, and evaluate butterfly pea genotypes based on stab...
Daya hasil adalah kemampuan tanaman untuk memproduksi hasil sesuai dengan potensinya. Ubi jalar ungu mengandung senyawa antosianin yang merupakan senyawa yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk berbagai produk karena memberikan efek yang baik untuk kesehatan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengestimasi daya hasil dan kandungan antosianin pada 12 genotip...
Yulia E, Mahmudah AI, Rahayu A, Nasahi C, Maharani Y, Suganda T, Widayat D. 2022. Phytopathogenic fungi as potential biocontrol agents against an invasive weed, Asystasia gangetica, at Sakambangan rubber plantation in Garut, West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 23: 4532-4538. Many weeds are invasive species causing both economic and ecological losse...
Penyakit bercak coklat pada tanaman tomat, yang disebabkan oleh Alternaria solani merupakan penyakit penting yang dapat menimbulkan kehilangan hasil yang cukup merugikan. Penyakit ini biasanya dikendalikan menggunakan fungisida sintetik, namun jika penggunaannya tidak bijak, fungisida sintetik dapat menimbulkan dampak negatif bagi lingkungan maupun...
Penyakit bercak cokelat yang disebabkan oleh Alternaria solani Sorr. merupakan salah satu penyakit utama pada tanaman tomat. Limbah jamur konsumsi dan serbuk gergaji merupakan limbah organik yang berpotensi untuk mengendalikan penyakit tanaman. Artikel ini membahas hasil penelitian yang mengevaluasi kemampuan air rendaman limbah jamur tiram (Pleuro...
Penyakit jamur akar putih (JAP) yang disebabkan oleh Rigidoporus microporus merupakan penyakit penting pada tanaman karet. Pengendalian penyakit JAP umumnya menggunakan fungisida sintetik yang berdampak buruk terhadap lingkungan dan berbiaya mahal. Salah satu cara pengendalian penyakit tular tanah yang lebih murah dan efisien adalah pemanfaatan mik...
One of the major diseases of shallots is basal rot disease caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae (FOC). Biocontrol agents can be used as an environmentally friendly control method. Some yeasts isolated from the rhizosphere may have the potencies to control soilborne plant pathogen such as FOC. This study was objected to obtain yeast isolates fro...
Background and Objective: Worldwide, Bactrocera carambolae and Bactrocera dorsalis are important pests in horticultural commodities. Based on the trapping with methyl eugenol attractant, it was found that the intermediate morphology between B. carambolae and B. dorsalis. This study observed the comparative biology and survivability of the interspec...
Background and Objective: Worldwide, Bactrocera carambolae and Bactrocera dorsalis are important pests in horticultural commodities.
Based on the trapping with methyl eugenol attractant, it was found that the intermediate morphology between B. carambolae and
B. dorsalis. This study observed the comparative biology and survivability of the interspec...
Aulia R, Maulana H, Filio YL, Shafira NA, Anindita PA, Suganda T, Concibido V, Karuniawan A. 2022. Assessment of rhizome yield of local Indonesian turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) during two growing seasons. Biodiversitas 23: 2534-2543. In Indonesia, rhizome yield evaluation across diverse growing seasons is very useful for selecting turmeric genotypes...
Butterfly pea (locally known as kembang telang) could be used in many functions that are valuable in the field as forage, cover crop, cut for hay, and natural dyes. This study aimed to characterize morphological performance and petal color of butterfly pea putative mutants. The research was carried out in a greenhouse of Cikeumeuh Experimental Stat...
Bunga telang (Clitoria ternatea L.) merupakan tanaman legum yang bagian bunganya telah banyak dimanfaatkan. Double petal adalah salah satu varian spesies bunga telang yang banyak ditemukan di Asia Tenggara. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi keragaman fenotipik plasma nutfah bunga telang double petal asal Indonesia (Bali, Jawa Barat, dan J...
Penyakit blas (Pyricularia oryzae) merupakan faktor pembatas utama produksi padi di seluruh areal pertanaman padi di dunia. Pestisida nabati dieksplorasi sebagai salah satu alternatif pengendalian untuk mengurangi dampak negatif fungisida yang selama ini digunakan secara intensif. Berbagai jenis tanaman telah diketahui dapat digunakan sebagai pesti...
Burung bondol jawa (Lonchura leucogastroides) merupakan salah satu hama pada tanaman padi ketika memasuki fase generatif. Petani seringkali menjaga sawah selama sehari penuh untuk mengendalikan hama burung. Cara tersebut kurang efektif karena banyak waktu petani yang terbuang hanya untuk mengendalikan burung. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetah...
Multilocation experiments are the steps to determine the genotype stability being tested. Honey sweet potato is a superior agricultural product from West Java, Indonesia. High yield and sweetness are the important traits of the new honey sweet potato breeding lines. In this study, the sweetness level used was the soluble solid level (°brix). The go...
Dewayani, Maulana H, Wicaksana N, Suganda T, Concibido V, Karuniawan A. 2021. Distribution and prevalence of scurf (Monilochaetes infuscans) on sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) in West Java, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 22: 2876-2883. Scurf (Monilochaetes infuscans) is a common sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam.) tuber skin discoloration disease, tha...
Segenap rasa syukur yang tak pernah henti kami persembahkan
ke hadirat Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas segala kemudahan dan petunjuk
dari-Nya yang tak henti-hentinya penulis terima, hingga saat ini penulis
telah menyelesaikan sebuah buku yang dengan judul “Detaser Melintasi
Cakrawala Membangun Bangsa”.
Buku ini memperkenalkan tentang Program Detasering ya...
Nafi'ah HH, Hindersah R, Mubarok S, Maulana H, Suganda T, Concibido V, Karuniawan A. 2021. Growth rate and yield response of several sweet potato clones to reduced inorganic fertilizer and biofertilizer. Biodiversitas 22: 1775-1782. Sweet potato has a high economic value because it is often utilized for staple food and industrial raw materials. Bal...
Sampai dengan Semester Genap Tahun Ajaran 2021 ini,
aktivitas pembelajaran terpaksa masih harus diselenggarakan
berupa pembelajaran jarak jauh (PJJ) daring akibat masih
berlangsungnya pandemi Covid-19. Tidak terasa, menghadapi
Semester Genap 2021 ini, kita sudah akan menyelenggarakan
PJJ daring untuk semester ketiga. Pada saat pertama kali
kampus d...
The Brown Planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stal.) is one of the pests that often causes rice crop failure in rice. One way to control N. lugens pests is to use of botanical insecticide. The purpose of this experiment is to study the effect of A. cordifolia leaves ethanol in suppressing N. lugens populations. The experiment used a Randomized Block De...
em>Turmeric is a rhizome producing plant with many utilization such as for consumption, medicine, and colorant industries. The development of superior turmeric varieties in Indonesia needs to be supported by genetic diversity information availability. Despite its potential, genetic diversity information of Indonesian turmeric has not been widely ob...
Turmeric (Curcuma longa L.) is widely used as traditional medicine, kitchen spice, and natural dyes in Indonesia. The demand and popularity of this plant is increasing; however, the national supply is still low. Turmeric breeding and crop improvement in Indonesia are needed to boost the national turmeric production. Exploration of turmeric from var...
Penyakit tanaman memiliki dampak yang sangat luas, bukan hanya sebagai pembatas tercapainya produksi pertanian yang optimum, tetapi juga terhadap sosial budaya, keamanan, kesehatan, stabilitas sosial politik, bahkan terhadap kelestarian lingkungan. Oleh karena itu, perlindungan tanaman terhadap penyakit tanaman mutlak harus dilakukan. Pengendaliann...
Dampak organisme terintroduksi terhadap 35 DAMPAK ORGANISME TERINTRODUKSI TERHADAP PLASMA NUTFAH DAN KESEHATAN, KEINDAHAN, SERTA KELESTARIAN LINGKUNGAN Tarkus Suganda, Ceppy Nasahi dan Endah Yulia Departemen Hama dan Penyakit Tumbuhan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran PENDAHULUAN Plasma nutfah merupakan salah satu komponen dari sebuah ling...
Genetic diversity among the butterfly pea genotypes is important information to support breeding program of this underutilized crop. The important characters to be targeted in the breeding program of this crop included yield and yield components of flowers that are strongly affected by the environment and have not been previously reported. This stu...
Penyakit bercak coklat (Alternaria solani) merupakan salah satu penyakit yang sangat merugikan pada tanaman tomat. Umumnya penyakit ini dikendalikan dengan penggunaan fungisida sintetik, tetapi selain menyebabkan dampak buruk bagi lingkungan, patogen ini juga mampu berubah menjadi tidak sensitif lagi terhadap bahan aktif fungisida sintetik yang dig...
p>Genetic diversity among the butterfly pea genotypes is important information to support breeding program of this underutilized crop. The important characters to be targeted in the breeding program of this crop included yield and yield components of flowers that are strongly affected by the environment and have not been previously reported. This s...
An important pest in corn plantation recently reported in Indonesia was Spodoptera frugiperda, a polyphagous pest that have a fast spread rate and caused high damage on young corn. One control that able to use is botanical insecticide. This experiment aims to determine the toxicity of neem, jatropha, clove, and citronella oil (concentrations of 0.1...
Curcuma longa or turmeric, belongs to family Zingiberaceae, has many beneficial properties to be discovered for bioprospecting. The rhizome that consists of primary and secondary metabolites i.e carbohydrates, protein, saponin, tannin, flavonoid (includes curcumin), phenol, and sterol makes turmeric acceptable and extremely valuable for human consu...
Basal rot caused by Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae (Foc) is one of the important diseases in
shallot. Biological control is one of the environmentally friendly control methods. The purpose of this
research was to obtain isolates of rhizospheric fungi of shallot which were antagonistic against Foc.
Research has been conducted at the Laboratory of Ph...
Penyakit moler (Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae, Foc) merupakan salah satu kendala utama dalam budidaya tanaman bawang merah. Jamur Foc merupakan patogen tular tanah sehingga sulit untuk dikendalikan. Pengendalian menggunakan fungisida sintetik pada tanah tidak dianjurkan untuk dilakukan karena dapat meninggalkan residu yang berbahaya bagi lingkunga...
An increase in cyberbullying has been shown by various survey results. This condition raises the attention and awareness of global society towards cyberbullying. The awareness of the global community in dealing with cyberbullying generates particular thoughts and programs or anti-cyberbullying movements. In this case, this article aims to analyze t...
Penyakit bercak daun Curvularia merupakan penyakit baru pada tanaman sawi. Pengendalian penyakit dengan fungisida sintetik sangat berbahaya karena daun sawi dikonsumsi sebagai sayuran mentah atau pengolahan minimal, untuk itu diperlukan alternatif cara pengendalian yang lebih aman bagi kesehatan seperti menginduksi resistensi tanaman menggunakan ba...
Induced systemic resistance in rice plant with plant extract to rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola Golden and Birchfiels)Rice is one of important crop that constantly infected by various pathogens. Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne graminicola) can decrease rice productivity in Southeast Asia. These nematodes have been reported in Indo...
Curvularia sp. a new fungal pathogen causing leaf spot on the leaf of mustard greenA new diseases symptom as small spots of 1.5 - 1 mm diameter has been found on mustard green's leaf of farmer's field at Tanjungsari Regency of Sumedang. This symptom is different from those previously known incited by Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicola, Pseudoce...
Resistant plants are one of the disease control techniques that considered to be effective. Resistant plants can be produced in various ways including the application of plant extracts. The aim of this study was to examine the ability of several plant extracts to increase the resistance of rice plants to bacterial leaf blight (BLB) caused by Xantho...
Induced systemic resistance in rice plant with plant extract to rice root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne graminicola Golden and Birchfiels)Rice is one of important crop that constantly infected by various pathogens. Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne graminicola) can decrease rice productivity in Southeast Asia. These nematodes have been reported in Indo...
Curvularia sp. a new fungal pathogen causing leaf spot on the leaf of mustard greenA new diseases symptom as small spots of 1.5 - 1 mm diameter has been found on mustard green's leaf of farmer's field at Tanjungsari Regency of Sumedang. This symptom is different from those previously known incited by Alternaria brassicae and A. brassicola, Pseudoce...
The paper describes the importance of suppressing yield loss and food wasting as an effort to reach the Zero Hunger goal of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 2030. However it was written in Bahasa Indonesia for the Indonesian only.
Resistance Test of Potato Clones Derived from Crossing of Atlantic x Repita to Late Blight (Phytophthora infestans)Late blight, incited by Phytophthora infestans is the most destructive disease of potato. The management that is effective and environmentally-friendly is the use of resistant variety. The objective of this study was to test the resist...
This paper is about several pronciples in teaching the Generation Z in Higher Education (Artikel ini tentang beberapa prinsip pembelajaran bagi Generasi Z di perguruan tinggi)
Preliminary study on the fungicidal effect of butterfly pea flower (Clitoria ternatea L.) against Fusarium oxysporum f.sp. cepae, the causal agent of moler diseases on shallot Butterfly pea (Clitoria ternatea) has been known worldwide to possess numerous anti microbe substances, both against bacteria, fungi, nematodes, and insects. Researches were...
Reproduction, fecundity and period of each growth phase of Plutella xylostella on some species of crucifersPlutella xylostella L. is one of major pests of cabbage (Brassica oleracea). P. xylostella, also known as diamondback moth, is an oligophagous with limited host only a crucifers. The pest often causes damage on the plant in the low to high alt...
Disease intensity of blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) of Ciherang rice variety at the endemic location and its effect on yield loss Blast is one of the most important diseases of rice worldwide. Many countries have developed data on the intensity and yield loss due to blast disease, whereas Indonesia has no such data resulted from trial spec...
Disease intensity of blast disease (Pyricularia oryzae Cav.) of Ciherang rice variety at the endemic location and its effect on yield loss Blast is one of the most important diseases of rice worldwide. Many countries have developed data on the intensity and yield loss due to blast disease, whereas Indonesia has no such data resulted from trial spec...
p>Penelitin in bertujuan untuk menguji perbedaan genotipe berdasarkan karakter morfo-agronomi di antara aksesi ‘wild cowpea’ (Vigna vexillata) dan kerabatnya dalam genus Vigna. Penelitian dilakukan di Kebun Percobaan Fakultas Pertanian Universitas Padjadjaran Bandung di Sumedang, Jawa Barat, mulai dari Oktober 2005 sampai Maret 2006. Pengujian meli...
Dalam kegiatan penelitian bidang pertanian, diperlukan adanya suatu kegiatan membuat tanaman sakit. Di Indonesia, proses pembuatan tanaman sakit, metode dan tekniknya masih belum terstandarkan. Setiap peneliti melakukannya dengan caranya masing-masing karena belum adanya acuan yang baku. Akiatnya, hasil penelitian yang dilaporkan oleh kelompok pene...
Keynote paper of Indonesian Phytopathological Society Annual Meeting (Perhimpunan Fitopatologi Indonesia - PFI), Bekasi 11-13 Nov. 2015
Profesor di Indonesia sering digugat, tetapi gugatannya sering tidak spesifik, karena profesor di Indonesia ada profesor riset dan profesor tridharma. Kalau yang digugat adalah kinerja riset dan publikasi ilmiah, maka gugatan harus lebih diarahkan kepada profesor riset di lembaga-lembaga riset yang tupoksinya memang hanya riset dan publikasi. Profe...
Antifungal Effect of Aqueous Extract of Galangal (Alpinia galanga [L] Willd.) Rhizome as Seed Treatment to Control Colletotrichum spp. of Soybean (Glycine max L.)
Colletotrichum is one of the most important seed-borne pathogens of soybean which is usually controlled with synthetic fungicide seed treatment. However, it is believed that the use of s...
Sebuah artikel ilmiah, walaupun pada dasarnya komponennya sama dengan skripsi, tesis atau disertasi (STD), tetapi terdapat beberapa perbedaan serta panjang tulisannya lebih singkat. Banyak mahasiswa yang sudah memiliki skripsi, tesis atau disertasi yang sudah dipertahankan dalam ujian, tetapi tetap kesulitan meringkasnya menjadi artikel ilmiah. Dar...
Potatos cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.) in Indonesia has been find for the first time in Malang EastJava. This nematode suppress potato growth and caused yield looses up to 70.63%. Examination the ability of soilfungus Fusarium oxysporum TR1, F. solani TR2, F. oxysporum KT1, F. chlamydosporum KT2, F. oxysporum SM1,Paecilomyces lilacin...
Potato cyst nematode (Globodera rostochiensis Woll.) is an important plant pathogen on potatoes. The development of this nematode in soil could be controlled by using soil fungi. In vitro assay to determine the capacity of soil fungi Fusarium oxysporum TR1, F. solani TR2, F. oxysporum KT1, F. chlamydosporum KT2, F. oxysporum SM1, Paecilomyces lilac...
Globodera rostochiensis (Woll) adalah nematoda sista kuning (NSK) pengganggu tanaman yang berbahaya pada tanaman kentang baik di daerah tropis maupun sub tropis. Mekanisme NSK untuk menyebabkan penyakit adalah pembentukan sinsitium yang menghambat serapan unsur hara dari tanah oleh akar tanaman. Penelitian rumah kaca ini dilakukan untuk menguji kem...
The present volume is compendiu of wide ranging modern topics on microbial diversity and forecasting based disease management strategy. It is an ssemblagee of the up-to-date information of rapid advances and developments taking place in the field of integrated plant diseases management. The chapters on control of plant diseases have been recognized...
Globodera rostochiensis (Woll) adalah nematoda sista kuning (NSK) pengganggu tanaman yang berbahaya pada tanaman kentang baik di daerah tropis maupun sub tropis. Mekanisme NSK untuk menyebabkan penyakit adalah pembentukan sinsitium yang menghambat serapan unsur hara dari tanah oleh akar tanaman. Penelitian rumah kaca ini dilakukan untuk menguji kem...
This paper is a report of our experience in preparing future plant pathologists by using a Problem-Based Learning method in teaching.
Grasses, have an ability to survive and grow well in a stressed environment. They have been reported to have an association with several fungi that referred to as plant growth promoting fungi (PGPF). PGPF plays a significant role in protecting its host from pathogens. In this study, isolation of fungi from cogon grass rhizosphere and rhizoplane has...
Suganda, T. 1999. Natural chitinous amendment for controlling root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne spp.) of tomato. Jurnal Agrikultura 10:17-19. Use of synthetic nematicide, though it is effective for controlling plant parasitic nematode, is undesirable due to its deleterious effects. Chitin, that is part of animal constituents has nematicidal effect. I...
Four hundred University of Minnesota barley breeding lines and cultivars were evaluated for resistance to net blotch caused by Pyrenophora teres f. Teres in the glasshouse. Most of the barleys were susceptible but 50 were moderately resistant or resistant. The source of resistance was probably line ND B-112, which has been extensively used as a sou...
Thesis (M.S.)--University of Minnesota, 1991. Includes bibliographical references (leaves 73-77).
Questions (5)
Dear all,
Please help me to refer to the source on comparison of plant diseases in tropical vs temperate regions. Several years ago I found this data but I lost the reference. Thank you.
Once I have read that the development of a university is started from a teaching university, then a research university, and finally a entrepreneurial university. However, I forgot the reference about it. Please help me.
I am looking for the government policy in preserving agriculture and preparing youth for future farmers. Answer with link to published articles is really appreciated.
One of the obligations or duties of a professor is to write a scientific article. However, original research is depending on many factors so that sometimes there is no enough data available for a new original article. Please help me to explain how is the merit of review article over an original research article?