Tarkan Akderyaİzmir Bakırçay University | İZBÜ · Department of Biomedical Engineering
Tarkan Akderya
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September 2004 - July 2010
Publications (33)
A comprehensive and comparative experimental study was conducted to determine how the thermal ageing process, applied at different temperatures for different exposure durations, affects the mechanical properties and mechanical performance of the single lap composite joints bonded by adhesives with different properties. Initially, the glass fibre/ep...
In this study, the effects of long-term natural atmospheric ageing on the thermal properties of chicken feather fibre reinforced poly(lactic acid) biocomposite materials having chicken feather fibre mass content of 2, 5, and 10% were investigated. Chicken feather fibres, which are bio-based reinforcement material, and poly(lactic acid), which is bi...
This study experimentally investigated the effects of acidic environments on the absorptive, morphological, mechanical, structural, and thermal properties of glass-carbon/epoxy-based hybrid composites. For this purpose, hybrid composite specimens were conditioned by immersion in an acidic environment with pH 1.0 at -10, 25, and 40 °C for different...
In this study, the effects of the post-ultraviolet-curing process on the flexural, absorptive, and morphological properties of poly(lactic acid) specimens produced using a fused deposition modelling technique 3D printer were experimentally investigated. In this direction, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min post-UV-curing processes were applied to poly(lactic a...
The modulus of elasticity is a critical parameter for the performance design and analysis of biofibre-based biocomposite materials. As a result of criteria such as internal heterogeneity, the random distribution of fibres and the success of interfacial adhesion between the fibre and the matrix, it becomes difficult to predict the modulus of elastic...
Composite materials are used in many engineering applications and industrial fields due to their superior properties, such as high strength, lightweight, and stiffness. These outstanding properties have made these materials an alternative to metallic materials. The vital need for new lightweight and inexpensive materials with superior strength prop...
Geleneksel 3B yazıcılardan farklı olarak, hastaların yaşam beklentilerini iyileştirmek amacıyla kullanılan biyoyazıcılar ile hastaya göre kişiselleştirilmiş doku ve organ üretme fikri, son yıllarda giderek artan bir eğilim göstermiştir. Az miktarda bir hasar gördüğünde kendisini yenileyip onarabilme yeteneğine sahip olan kemik dokusunun, büyük kemi...
Sürekli gelişen teknoloji, nüfus artışı ve bunlara paralel olarak çeşitlenen tüketim alışkanlıkları karşılanırken ekolojik dengenin bir parçası olan tüm canlıların hakları gözetilmeli, kaynaklar tüm canlılar tarafından adil kullanılmalıdır. Birleşmiş Milletler'in oluşturduğu iklim değişikliği mücadelesi ve Avrupa Yeşil Mutabakatı'nın uygulanmasının...
In this study, polylactic acid (PLA) parts produced with the 3D fused deposition modelling (FDM) technique were cured with ultraviolet irradiation (post-UV-curing) after production, and the low-velocity impact behaviour of the parts was experimentally investigated. Accordingly, PLA parts were subjected to post-UV-curing at 15-, 30-, 45-, and 60-min...
Kompozit malzeme kullanımının artması birçok sektörü olduğu gibi biyomedikal sektörünü de olumlu yönde etkilemiştir. Kalça implantı gibi hareketli implantların üretimi için uygun nitelikte malzeme seçimi ile proteze daha iyi mekanik stabilite ve kullanım ömrü sağlanmış olur. Biyohareket esnasında farklı yükleme koşullarının oluşması sebebiyle mekan...
Kompozit malzemeler, en az iki farklı malzemenin bir araya gelerek yeni bir malzeme oluşumunu gerçekleştirdiği bir malzeme grubudur. Fiber katkılı polimer kompozitler, biyouyumluluk kabiliyetleri, implantasyon üzerine yüksek hücre yapışması sağlaması, biyobozunabilirlik kabiliyetleri, düşük inflamatuar reaksiyon göstermeleri, hafif ağırlıkları, yük...
Bu araştırmanın amacı tüm dünyayı etkisi altına alan dijital dönüşüm çağının iş sağlığı ve güvenliği alanında ortaya çıkaracağı yenilikleri ele alarak kullanım alanlarına göre bu yeniliklerin getirilerini sunmak ve Endüstri 4.0 çağında iş sağlığı ve güvenliği uygulamalarındaki teknolojik gelişmeleri belirlemektir. Yazılım ve programlama, simülasyon...
In this study, the effect of an acidic environment on the bending properties of hybrid composites was investigated. Instead of conventional glass fibre/epoxy and carbon fibre/epoxy polymer composite materials, glass-carbon fibre reinforced epoxy polymer (GCFREP) hybrid composite materials against the low strength of glass fibre and high cost of car...
Bio-composite materials, which are a serious alternative to synthetic-based fibre and matrix materials due to their high characteristics and biodegradability, cause difficulties and uncertainties for usage conditions due to their high sensitivity to climatic conditions. Scientific studies have shown that climatic factors such as temperature, humidi...
Bu çalışmada, ergiyik biriktirme/yığma modelleme metodu (EBM) kullanılarak üretimi sağlanan polilaktik(asit) (PLA) numunelerinin, yapay ortamlarda hazırlanmış, pH1 asitlik derecesine sahip asit yağmuruna ve saf suya maruziyeti sonrasında mekanik özelliklerindeki değişimler incelenmiştir. Oda sıcaklıklarında pH1 asit yağmuru ve saf suya 7 gün boyunc...
Recently, bio-based polymer composites have been preferred instead of petroleum-based polymer composites due to increased sensitivity, awareness, and interest level in the fields of depletion of oil resources and environmental pollution. These eco-friendly materials, also called green composites, are reinforced with natural fibres and have superior...
Tavuk Tüyü Fiber/PLA Biyokompozitin Mekanik Özelliklerine Uzun Süreli Yaşlandırmanın Etkisinin İncelenmesi
A comprehensive and comparative experimental study has been conducted to investigate the effect of thermal-oil ageing on mechanical, thermal and internal structural properties of E-glass fibre/epoxy composite materials. E-glass fibre/epoxy composite specimens were divided into 8 groups according to the certain experimental ageing temperatures. The...
In recent years, composite materials have been increasingly used in aerospace, transportation, maritime and some industrial areas due to their high mechanical performances, ultra lightness, high strength and high corrosion resistance. In addition to areas such as aviation, defense industry and maritime, raw materials such as petroleum products, oil...
Polymer matrix composites (PMC's) can be used in a wide range of applications such as energy, marine, defence and aircraft industries. In addition to that, polymer matrix composite based pipes are widely used for submerged and underground transport of materials such as natural gas, oil, thermal water and wastewater. Environmental influences such as...
Kompozit borular metal borulara kıyasla daha yüksek mekanik dayanıma ve korozyon direncine sahip olmalarından dolayı doğal gaz, petrol, yağ ve atık su gibi çeşitli akışkanların iletiminde yoğun bir şekilde kullanılmaktadır. Filament sarım yöntemi ile üretilen kompozit borularda patlamaya karşı maksimum direnç, sarılan elyafların oryantasyon açısını...
In this study, thermal-oil cycling process was applied to adhesively bonded glass fibre reinforced single lap composite joints (SLJs) in order to investigate the effects of thermal fatigue on their tensile properties. Joints were subjected to thermal cycling to achieve the thermal fatigue effect. Initially, separated specimens were heated on a magn...
Thermal fatigue plays an important role in determining the mechanical life span and mechanical properties of composite materials and adhesives. Thereby, an extensive experimental study is planned to determine which parameter affects the mechanical properties. In this study, thermal cycling process was applied to single lap glass fibre/epoxy composi...
Thermal cycling becomes a significant case when failure of polymer matrix composites by the alteration of mechanical properties is present. While thermal cycling is happening, mechanical properties of the polymer matrix composites are being affected by different parameters. Thus, a comprehensive experimental study is designed in order to find which...
In this study, thermal fatigue process was applied to glass fibre reinforced composites in order to investigate the effects of thermal fatigue on their mechanical properties. Glass fibre reinforced composites were subjected to thermal cycling to achieve the thermal fatigue effect. Initially, specimens were heated in an oven from 25 °C to 90 °C and...
In this study, E-glass and carbon fiber reinforced polymer laminates were manufactured by eigth layered [0/90]8 plain woven fabrics using vacuum assisted reinforced infusion method (VARIM). These laminates were exposed to vibration with 50 Hz frequency and centrifugal forces of 110N and 220N as a function of cycle numbers. According to cycle number...
In this study, the failure strength of single-lap adhesively bonded joints was investigated. The glass fibre epoxy composites used as adherends were manufactured by using a vacuum-assisted resin infusion method. These composites were bonded with a commercial material of epoxy-adhesive DP-460, which can be cured easily at room temperature. The speci...
An experimental study has been performed to determine the effects of thermal ageing at three different temperatures on tensile properties of adhesively bonded fibre/epoxy composite single lap joints. Primarily, adhesively bonded composite specimens were subjected to thermal ageing process at temperatures of -18 °C, 25 °C and 70 °C. Afterwards, free...
In this study, the failure strengths of adhesively bonded joints were investigated. The glass fiber epoxy composites used as adherends were manufactured by using vacuum assisted resin infusion method (VARIM). The adhesively joint materials were Loctite-9466 and DP-460 as a brittle and ductile material, respectively. Since the strengths of these mat...