Tanto Pratondo UtomoLampung University · Department of Agricultural Technology
Tanto Pratondo Utomo
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Publications (44)
Agroindustri sari lemon ICF menggunakan proses produksi semi mekanis yang mengakibatkan efisiensi produksinya rendah, antara lain ditunjukkan oleh rendemen sari lemon yang dihasilkan yaitu 17,94 persen atau hanya sekitar 40 persen dari rendemen potensialnya. Pada penelitian ini dikaji penetapan produksi bersih pada tahapan proses produksi agroindus...
The sap of old oil palm trunks contains appreciable sugar, but it has not been considered a potential sugar source. This study aimed to find the best method for producing oil palm liquid sugar that complies with the Indonesian National Standard (SNI) The non-factorial experiment was arranged in a Completely Randomized Block Design (CRBD) with 6 rep...
Buku Pengetahuan Agroindustri merupakan hasil karya kolaborasi book chapter nasional dosen di Indonesia.
Biomethane is a non-renewable energy source that can be produced through the decomposition of biomass. Biomethane has comparable properties to natural gas and, thus, can be transported and stored in the available facilities and infrastructure. Currently, anaerobic digestion (AD) is one of the most favourable techniques that can be used to recover b...
Indonesia, as the largest nutmeg producer in the world, must continue to improve its performance, both upstream and downstream, in order to continue to increase its competitiveness. The nutmeg essential oil refining agro-industry in Indonesia, one of the downstream industries, generally still uses a production process which can be said to have not...
Lampung Province is one of the Sumatra archipelago's fifth sweet potato-producing provinces. To provide added value and encourage the growth of agro-industry in Lampung Province, the development of sweet potato flour processing is needed. This study aims to determine the business feasibility of sweet potato flour in Lampung Province from raw materi...
Palm oil plants, after reaching the end of their productive life, need to be rejuvenated with proper handling to prevent old palm trunks, which have been cut down, from being infested by beetles and the growth of Ganoderma sp. fungus, which can damage productive palm oil plants in the vicinity. The old oil palm trunks contain sap and have been util...
Lampung is the third largest producer of nutmeg (Myristica fragrans) in Sumatra Island, Indonesia. Most nutmeg essential oil refining industries in Lampung process nutmeg seeds, but not many distill nutmeg leaves. Therefore, it is necessary to identify the chemical compounds of nutmeg essential oil to determine the potential for further processing...
Edible coating dapat dibuat dari polisakarida pati umbi porang yang mengandung glukomanan tinggi. Glukomanan mengandung polisakarida mannan yang memiliki kemampuan membentuk lapisan film, namun masih perlu dilakukan penambahan Carboxymethyl Cellulose (CMC) agar dapat membentuk lapisan film yang lebih kokoh. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pe...
Agroindustri minyak atsiri pala selain menghasilkan produk minyak atsiri dalam proses penyulingannya, juga menghasilkan limbah cair berupa hidrosol hasil pemisahan minyak atsiri. Hidrosol yang dihasilkan dari proses penyulingan minyak atsiri pala terdapat dalam jumlah yang besar proses penyulingan membutuhkan air sekitar 30 persen dari berat bahan...
Analianasari, Murhadi M, Nurdin SU, Utomo TP, Suhandy D. 2023. The influence of coffee clones and postharvest methods on the physical quality of eight clones of local robusta coffee in West Lampung, Indonesia. Biodiversitas 24: 5779-5787. One of the qualities of coffee is a physical characteristic that can be seen directly as a determinant of the c...
Upaya alternatif untuk mememenuhi kebutuhan gula di Indonesia yang terus meningkat antara lain dengan memanfaatkan singkong, yang merupakan komoditas unggulan Provinsi Lampung, sebagai bahan baku gula cair. Saat ini, teknologi untuk memproduksi gula cair berbahan baku singkong terutama tepung tapioka dapat dikatakan telah mapan sehingga perlu dilak...
Pumpkin flour is a processed product high in carotenoids and a good source of nutrients. This nutritional content of pumpkin flour was considered to be influenced by the fruit maturity stage. Therefore, this research aimed to evaluate pumpkin flour's chemical properties, bioactive components, and antioxidant activity at different maturity stages. T...
Eau de parfume (EDP) adalah salah satu jenis parfum atau wewangian yang memiliki konsentrasi aromatik sekitar 15-20% dalam satuan mL perbotol. Indonesia memiliki potensi tanaman rempah penghasil minyak atsiri yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai bahan aromatik pembuatan parfum, salah satunya tanaman cengkeh. Penelitian ini berutujuan untuk menganalisis...
Mie aci tepung singkong merupakan olahan makanan yang terbuat dari saripati umbi tanaman singkong. Salah satu proses pembuatannya adalah proses pencetakan Mie dengan sistem press. Proses pengepresan Mie yang dilakukan kebanyakan menggunakan cara tradisional yang dinilai sangatlah sulit dan juga tidak efektif. Oleh karena itu dibuatlah inovasi alat...
One solution to reduce leaf litter is to process it into liquid smoke. This study aimed to determine the characteristics of liquid smoke from various types of dry leaves. The type of leaves used in this study were teak, fern, Spanish cherry, and crepe myrtle-dried leaves. Treatment of pyrolysis gave three types of products. The smoke liquid yields...
Batubara merupakan salah satu sumberdaya alam yang dimanfaatkan sebagai sumber energi. Salah satu perusahaan yang bergerak dalam pemanfaatan sumberdaya energi batubara adalah PT Bukit Asam Tbk. PT Bukit Asam Tbk Unit Pelabuhan Tarahan sebagai tempat bongkar muat batubara dilengkapi dengan tempat penyimpanan batubara sementara atau stockpile. Kondis...
This study aims to determine the level of antibiotic resistance of Escherichia coli bacterial isolates from broiler cecum and organic broiler cecum using the disc diffusion method on Muller-Hinton Agar as many as 10 cecum samples for each group.Collection of samples using purposive sampling method. Isolates suspected of being Escherichia coliwere f...
This research is study of inhibition power between rubber cassava leaves extract (Manihot glaziovii) and noni (Morinda citrifolia l.) in reducing Eschericia coli contamination in vannameii shrimps (Litopenaeus vannamei). Cassava leaves contains flavonoids, saponins and tannins while noni contains antraquinone and scolopetin which has antimicrobial...
Bisnis parfum atau wewangian berkembang di Indonesia terutama bisnis parfum refill atau parfum isi ulang karena kebutuhan masyarakat terhadap parfum yang terjangkau sekaligus memenuhi kebutuhan parfum sebagai suatu perlengkapan yang wajib digunakan sehari-hari. smellgood.byosn merupakan salah satu gerai parfum isi ulang yang ada di Bandar Lampung y...
Pastry industry in Bandar Lampung are well developed and like other industry they have goal to achieve many profit with minimal cost. This research aim to analyze the production process which already applied and give advice on improvements to the production process of pastry products to get the maximum profit. All data were analyzed by LINDO (Linea...
p>Processing pumpkins (Cucurbita moschata) is one alternative to prolong its shelf life and to provide flexibility in uses.. The aim of this research was to find the right harvest time to produce pumpkin flour with high yield and good quality. The experiment was designed using a complete randomized block design with 4 replications. The treatments i...
Industri minyak kayu putih di Indonesia yang dominan berbahan baku daun tanaman Melaleuca cajuputi secara umum masih memerlukan perbaikan kinerja antara lain kinerja proses penyulingan untuk meningkatkan rendemen minyak kayu putih yang dihasilkan. Tujuan kegiatan pengabdian pada masyarakat ini adalah untuk melakukan pendampingan untuk meningkatkan...
p>Pengolahan ubi kayu segar menjadi tepung merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk mengatasi sifat fisiologis ubi kayu yang mempunyai umur simpan yang relatif singkat. Akan tetapi, pada umumnya tepung ubi kayu yang diproses secara tradisional dari gaplek memiliki beberapa kelemahan. Kelemahan ini antara lain kurang mengembang pada tingkat proporsi ya...
Kopi merupakan komoditas unggulan Provinsi Lampung yang harus terus ditingkatkan potensinya agar lebih membawa manfaat bagi petani sekaligus mengatasi masalah fluktuasi harga kopi. Bagian tanaman kopi yang belum dimanfaatkan adalah bunga kopi yang memiliki aroma wangi yang khas. Komponen aromatik bunga kopi dapat diekstrak menggunakan proses hydro-...
Processing cassava into various food products is an effort to produce the economic added value of cassava. The processing also needed to reduce the damage of fresh cassava. This study was aimed to asses the performance of ‘kelanting’ as an indigenous snack and its added value. Data were collected at the Plamboyan Farmer Women's Small Group (KWT) in...
Provinsi Lampung adalah wilayah yang potensial untuk mengembangkan tanaman perkebunan. Salah satu tanaman perkebuan yang sangat terkenal dan menjadi ciri khas adalah kopi. Kopi merupakan komoditi masyarakat Lampung yang sangat potensial dan perlu dikembangkan lebih lanjut agar memiliki nilai tambah. Berdasarkan data dari BPS provinsi Lampung, produ...
Siger rice is the Lampung term of Beras Singkong Segar which is artificial rice made from cassava. Siger rice is made from cassava which contains high amylose. The amylose comes out from the granules to bind water during the cooking and easily release the water and then the rice becomes hard and chewy. Therefore, Siger rice will be made from waxy c...
Sentulfresh Indonesia Educational Tour can not avoid the effects of tight business competition, so it needs to improve the services quality continuously. The purpose of this research was to analyse level of services visitor satisfaction educational tour, and to formulate development strategies to increase the visitor satisfaction. This research was...
Farm waste is one of the potential causes for environmental pollution if it is not handled properly. One effort is to utilize livestock waste in the form of animal waste, as raw material, for the biogas industry. The purpose of this study was to determine the appropriate type of biogas reactor and feasibility of cow manure agroindustrial biogas dev...
PALAS rice was an origin rice of South Lampung Regency, Lampung Province. PALAS rice could be acronymed as Original Rice Produces of South Lampung. The purpose of this study were to identify the factors that become the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats and determine the strategy of PALAS Rice development. This research method used S...
Asap cair dari kayu karet dapat digunakan sebagai bahan pengawet ikan kembung ( Rastrelliger kanagurta ) karena mengandung senyawa fenol dan asam organik yang bersifat sebagai senyawa anti bakteri dan antioksidan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menentukan konsentrasi asap cair kayu karet redestilasi dan lama perendaman ikan terbaik pada pengasapan...
— The objective of this research was to examine the feasibility of liquid smoke production from palm ail empty fruit bunch (EFB). This research was a survey with expert respondents to collect primary data while literatures and reports study as secondary data. The result of study showed that the liquid smoke industry from EFB was feasible to be deve...
The development of rural agro-industry has strategic purpose since it is expected to increase the added value of agricultural products through the utilization and application of processing technology. Tulang Bawang is one of area with high potency for agro-industry development of in Lampung Province. This is supported by production of plantation cr...
ABSTRAK Cadangan bahan bakar minyak yang semakin berkurang mengharuskan adanya upaya penemuan bahan bakar yang terbarukan.Penelitian ini bertujuan untukmengidentifikasi potensi biomassasertamenginventarisasi faktor-faktor pendukung dan penghambat pengembangan biofuel sebagai energi terbarukan di Tulang Bawang, Lampung.Penelitian yang merupakan pene...
Bintaro fruit is a tropical plant that is widely grown in Indonesia, but it has not been utilized optimally. Seed of bintaro fruit contains saponin steroids and fatty acids such as palmitat, stearat, oleat, miristat, linolenat, and linoleat fatty acid. Kernel of bintaro fruit contains saponin and polifenol that are toxic for the pests and insects....
Rubber as one of the leading agro-industrial commodities that contributed significantly to Indonesia income needs to improve it competitiveness by using energy as efficiently as possible. The purpose of this study was to compare the energy required per unit of low-grade crumb rubber of SIR 20 and high-grade of SIR 3. The study was conducted using s...