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I`m a biologist with a PhD degree from the College of the Southern Frontier, a CONACyT Public Research Center in Mexico. I’m currently a full-time research professor at the University of Sciences and Arts of Chiapas and a co-founder and researcher of the non-profit organization Oikos: Conservation and Sustainable Development.
I'm interested in working with wildlife ecology (herpetofauna, birds and mammals), as well as on reproductive ethology in medium and small mammals. I’m a member of the the National System of Researchers in Mexico, the Mexican Mastozoology Association, the Mesoamerican Society for Biology Conservation and the Society for Conservation Biology.
Additional affiliations
August 2005 - July 2007
August 2001 - July 2003
June 2009 - present
Publications (74)
Bolson Tortoises (Gopherus flavomarginatus) are a keystone species whose burrows are a unique microhabitat for a large number of vertebrates in the Chihuahuan Desert. Through the construction of burrows, Bolson Tortoises modify the habitat, resulting in greater structural complexity. This in turn results in a greater number of niches and therefore...
Amphibians and reptiles are highly sensitive to environmental changes due to their physiological and biological characteristics. Nevertheless, the effects of landscape changes on amphibians and reptiles are rarely studied. We set out to determine the effect of landscape attributes at two different scales (landscape and patch) on herpetofaunal diver...
Ante los efectos del cambio climático y el nivel de producción mundial de petróleo, la energía eólica es la opción renovable más vendida para reducir los gases de efecto invernadero. Sin embargo, está demostrado que las instalaciones de energía eólica tienen un impacto en la mortalidad de pájaros, murciélagos y en la pérdida del hábitat de algunas...
Los cambios de cobertura vegetal y de uso de suelo pueden ocasionar la fragmentación y destrucción de ecosistemas, resultando en un impacto negativo sobre la diversidad biológica. Es probable que esto pueda estar pasando en las últimas décadas en la Reserva Biosfera Selva “El Ocote”, en Chiapas, México. Por ello, el objetivo de este proyecto de inv...
Introduction: In recent years, species distribution modeling, a technique that allows studying the distribution of organisms in each space, has become widespread. Objectives: This study aims to analyze global trends of tree species distribution modeling in the period 1990-2022, by reviewing the scientific literature. Materials and methods: We analy...
On the coast of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec, Oaxaca, in the southeast of
Mexico, there is a region that, after complex geological and biological
processes, was consolidated as an area with its own life that allowed the
development not only of an incredible wealth of plants and animals but also
of an unparalleled variety of cultures that now coexist...
Desde hace más de una década, el programa de
posgrado de la Maestría en Ciencias en Desarrollo
Sustentable y Gestión de Riesgos de la Universidad de
Ciencias y Artes de Chiapas, se ha planteado la
impostergable tarea de formar a los nuevos estudiosos
de los grandes temas actuales, como el cambio
climático, la pérdida de la biodiversidad, la educaci...
El estudio se enfocó en desarrollar un diagnóstico multidisciplinario de los factores
biológicos, ambientales, socioeconómicos y educativos que pudieran ocasionar un mal manejo de las actividades antropogénicas y contribuir a la presencia del arenavirus y a
una epidemia de fiebre hemorrágica; en una segunda fase se ejecutó una propuesta multidiscip...
Se presentan estudios genéticos llevados a cabo en cinco especies
de vertebrados; las iguanas Ctenosaura pectinata, Ctenosaura similis
y Ctenosaura oaxacana, el ave Aimophylla sumichrasti y la liebre Lepus
flavigularis (estas tres últimas, endémicas del Istmo de Tehuantepec). El gobierno
mexicano mediante leyes denota la importancia de buscar accio...
Reproduction in bats is regulated by endogenous and exogenous factors, so variations in climatic conditions can impact their reproductive success. A literature review and analysis of the effects of temperature and precipitation variability caused by climate change on bat reproduc-tion are presented. A search of scientific literature published from...
El cambio climático global, marcado por fluctuaciones de temperatura y cambios en la precipitación, representa graves amenazas para la biodiversidad mundial, especialmente para los mamíferos. A medida que las temperaturas aumentan, la idoneidad de los hábitats se modifica, provocando cambios en el rango de distribución de los mamíferos, particularm...
To carry out jaguar (Panthera onca) conservation protocols, it is essential to determine the species' habitat suitability. Therefore, the objective of this study is to analyze the spatial suitability for the conservation of Panthera onca in the northeast of México and the southern United States as a measure to mitigate the effects of climate change...
This account represents a thorough update of Mammalian Species 227 on the subject species by A. M. Greenhall, U. Schmidt, and G. Joermann, incorporating 124 relevant references published since 1984. Diphylla ecaudata Spix, 1823, a medium-sized bat and the smallest of three species in the Desmodontinae, is commonly called the hairy-legged vampire ba...
Resumen: El Conocimiento Ecológico Tradicional (CET) permite una adecuada conservación de las especies de vida silvestre, complementando al conocimiento científico. Examinamos el CET de la comunidad indígena Mero Ikook (o Mero Ikoot) de Santa María del Mar, Oaxaca, México, sobre la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis), lepórido en peligro de...
La reserva “El Zapotal” es el Área Natural Protegida (ANP) poseedora de uno de los últimos fragmentos de Selva Mediana Subperennifolia del Valle Central del estado de Chiapas; allí se distribuyen especies de flora y fauna nativas. Se realizó un estudio espacio-temporal del cambio de vegetación y uso de suelo, analizando imágenes satelitales Landsat...
Lepus flavigularis is an endemic leporid from southeastern Oaxaca, México, listed as “endangered” under Mexican law and the IUCN Red List. The main threat to the species is severe habitat fragmentation due to human activities. The jackrabbit shares the grasslands with cattle (Bos taurus), but the trophic interaction between these herbivores is unkn...
Licania arborea es un árbol maderable, importante en la medicina tradicional. En México se encuentra catalogada como amenazada, por lo que se requieren acciones inmediatas de conservación. Se determinó la viabilidad, contenido de humedad y germinación en período de almacenamiento (0, 3, 6, 9 y 12 meses). Las semillas recién recolectadas presentaron...
Differential temporality of daily activity patterns allows the coexistence of related species. This strategy is believed to be used by sympatric leporids black-tailed jackrabbit (Lepus californicus) and desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) in the Mapimi Biosphere Reserve in Mexico. Using trap cameras, we recorded the temporal niche and nine spe...
As a result of human activities causing changes to their environments, many species are facing an increased risk of extinction. In order to determine such changes and their effects on species assemblages, rapid stream assessment techniques of environmental analysis and monitoring can be used. We determined the Habitat Integrity Index (HII) and its...
Human activities have impacted many environments on earth, and thus several species are facing an increased risk of extinction. The environmental crisis requires rapid tools to assess the ecosystem health accurately. Studies have been conducted with visual indices that quantify habitat integrity by predicting species richness and diversity. However...
The COVID-19 pandemic has killing millions of people around the world. In 2020, 450 surveys were applied in Chiapas, Mexico, to know the perception about COVID-19, including knowledge about its symptoms, spread, prevention, and related mental problems, as well as to know the use of plants to strengthen the immune system and treat symptoms. A 99% of...
The inclusion of information on the phenology of any given species can significantly improve the resulting of potential distribution models. Scientific literature does not provide up-to-date information on the abiotic and biotic factors that determine the distribution of Croton guatemalensis, a species native to communities in south Mex...
Guía de aves presentes en san Cristóbal de las Casas, Chiapas, México.
Since 2000, no reviews or analyses have been carried out on scientific studies regarding bat reproductive biology. Such reviews might contribute towards identifying information gaps and global research focus and trends.
The objective of this work was to review and analyse scientific studies on different aspects of bat reproduction published in the...
The order Odonata has been regularly used as an indicator of the ecosystem’s condition. The objective of this review was to analyze the importance of Odonata for environmental assessments (assessment types, statistical approach, life stages, and sampling method, or particular metric), summarizing the current state, the trends, and identifying relat...
Este estudio adapta y propone una serie de indicadores de turismo sostenible, así como un índice de sostenibilidad turística. Se aplicaron indicadores cuantitativos y cualitativos en un centro turístico de Chiapas, México. De manera relevante se identifican los aspectos críticos que deben abordarse para incrementar la sostenibilidad, y se detalla i...
Croton guatemalensis is a threatened and multipurpose species in communities of southeastern Mexico and Central America. For the first time, its reproductive phenology and its relationship with environmental variables present in four different natural protected areas of the Zoque Tropical Forest Biological Corridor was determined. Throughout a year...
RESUMEN Una producción ganadera óptima es importante para el desarrollo de la población rural, pero el manejo inadecuado puede conducir a la competencia por recursos entre las especies. Se realizó la caracterización del sistema de manejo del ganado que cohabita con el lepórido endémico y en peligro de extinción Lepus flavigularis en Oaxaca. Se apli...
Understanding how species respond to climate change is critical for implementing conservation strategies.
We explain through potential distributions and changes in altitudinal variation, the possible impacts of climate change in an endangered micro-endemic rodent of Mexico with narrow altitudinal range, Heteromys nelsoni a...
Reflexiones sobre la resiliencia y resistencia de agricultores de café a la roya (Hemileia vastatrix).
An outbreak of a highly lethal hemorrhagic fever, caused by an Arenavirus whose reservoir was Peromyscus mexicanus, occurred in the state of Chiapas, Mexico, in June 1967. In order to determine whether any Arenavirus is nowadays present in the same region of the state of Chiapas (municipalities of Ocozocoautla de Espinosa and Berriozábal), we surve...
En México la producción de jitomate en invernadero es un negocio rentable, competitivo y en expansión. El objetivo de esta investigación, fue el de evaluar a Bacillus subtilis y al ácido salicílico como inductores de resistencia contra el tizón temprano en el cultivo de jitomate (Solanum lycopersicum). Los tratamientos con Bacillus obtuvieron los m...
Background and Aims: Croton guatemalensis is a native species that is used locally and plays an important role in the traditional medicine of people of the rural comunities of the Zoque Forest, Chiapas, Mexico. Currently it is protected by the NOM-059-SEMARNAT-2010 under “Special Protection”. The objectives of this research were to evaluate the mor...
Las islas son lugares especiales en muchos aspectos. Ecológicamente, cada isla
representa esencialmente un experimento natural. No sorprende que muchos
de los grandes historiadores naturales del mundo obtuvieran sus conocimientos
a partir de experiencias en las islas, desde Charles Darwin y Alfred Russel
Wallace hasta Robert MacArthur.
Las islas so...
The San José brush rabbit is an
endemic rabbit species on San José Island in the Gulf of
California, Baja California Sur, Mexico. The rabbit is only
known from a restricted range of approximately 20 km²
along the southwestern coastal plain of San José Island.
The black jackrabbit is endemic
to the Espiritu Santo Archipelago in the Gulf of
California, Mexico, including Espiritu Santo Island and La
Partida Island. It occurs from sea level to 300 m asl, and
its available potential habitat is not greater than 112 km2
A Mexican endemic, the Tehuantepec
jackrabbit comprises only four geographically
isolated populations (Montecillo Santa Cruz, San Francisco
del Mar Pueblo Viejo, Aguachil, and Santa María del
Mar), around the Laguna Superior and Laguna Inferior in
the Tehuantepec Isthmus, Oaxaca, Mexico.
Es de gran importancia conocer y evaluar las enfermedades zoonóticas emergentes que existen en el sureste de México, ya que representan una amenaza significativa para la salud pública. Los cambios antropogénicos, por ejemplo, la deforestación, el establecimiento de monocultivos, el au- mento de la urbanización y la densidad poblacional humana son r...
Se registró la diversidad estacional y anual de vertebrados en el pastizal abierto (hábitat de Lepus flavigularis) en Santa María del Mar, Juchitán de Zaragoza, Oaxaca. El estudio se realizó entre octubre del 2015 y mayo del 2016 mediante dos muestreos en estación húmeda y dos en seca. Se utilizaron transectos de ancho fijo para monitoreo de herpet...
Libro de resúmenes con todos los trabajos presentados durante el XIII Congreso Nacional de Mastozoología 2016, realizado en la ciudad de Tuxtla Gutiérrez, Chiapas.
Lepus flavigularis Wagner 1844 (Tehuantepec jackrabbit), a species endemic to southern Oaxaca in Mexico, and is currently considered as the jackrabbit in greatest danger of extinction worldwide. In the locality of Santa María del Mar in Oaxaca, it inhabits open pastures, sharing habitat with domestic cattle (Bos taurus). We hypothesize that L. flav...
Current management of ecotourism centers is based on intrinsic knowledge of natural and economic areas, cultural resources of local communities where tourism is developed. However, knowledge about the sustainability of these centers is far from complete, and the existence and use of indicators for diagnosis and evaluation to determine the distance...
Five hundred and twelve adults of the Odonata order, which correspond to 41 species were collected. These are grouped in 24 genera belonging to the families Calopterygidae, Coenagrionidae and Libellulidae. The percentage of individuals collected was 58.54% for the suborder Zygoptera and 41.46% for the suborder Anisoptera. Expected species accumulat...
Lagomorphs (rabbits, hares, and pikas) are widely distributed in every continent of the world, except Antarctica. They include 91 species: 31 rabbits of the genera Brachylagus, Bunolagus, Caprolagus, Nesolagus, Pentalagus, Poelagus, Prolagus, Pronolagus, Romerolagus, and Sylvilagus; 32 hares of the genus Lepus and 28 pikas of the genus...
Five hundred and twelve adults of the Odonata order, which correspond to 41 species were collected. These are grouped in 24 genera belonging
to the families Calopterygidae, Coenagrionidae and Libellulidae. The percentage of individuals collected was 58.54% for the suborder Zygoptera
and 41.46% for the suborder Anisoptera. Expected species accumulat...
Oaxaca hosts one of the greatest biodiversity in México, occupying first place in avian diversity compared to other regions of the country. However, the area is undergoing serious problems such as high defor-estation rates, soil erosion and over exploitation and extinction of species. These factors have all contributed to the current loss of biodiv...
La primera fase del libro presenta diferentes enfoques que contribuyen a la formulación
de marcos de análisis que integran a las ciencias naturales con las ciencias sociales. Durante
su lectura se transita por construcciones teórico-conceptuales en donde confluyen disciplinas
como la ecología, biología de la conservación, geografía, antropología, s...
La degradación y pérdida de hábitat ha puesto en peligro de desaparecer a cientos de especies en nuestro país. El estado de Guerrero no es la excepción. Dicha pérdida de hábitat se ve además exacerbada por las condiciones de marginación de la población y los constantes conflictos fauna-seres humanos. Entre los mamíferos, los felinos son probablemen...
En México, las políticas públicas orientadas a la conservación de la biodiversidad han acentuado la problemática ambiental y social. La situación actual de peligro de extinción que enfrenta la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis) y la pobreza que experimentan las comunidades indígenas Ikoots (huave) y Binnizá, asentadas en el área de distribu...
This study was developed in order to determine the annual and seasonal herpetofauna diversity of Montecillo Santa Cruz, Municipality of San Francisco del Mar, Oaxaca, at the south of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec. Between November 2010 and November 2011, over 48 field work days (24-dry season and 24-wet season), two 500 m long and 10 m wide transects...
RESUMEN Se determinó la proporción de semillas viables y la pérdida de viabilidad debido al periodo de almacenamiento, así como el efecto de tratamientos pregerminativos que favorecen la germinación en semillas de Cordia alliodora, Terminalia amazo-nia y Bursera bipinnata, árboles nativos de la selva tropical, Chiapas, México. Se encontró que las s...
RESUMEN. Se determinó la composición anual y estacional de la diversidad de anfibios y reptiles de Montecillo Santa Cruz, municipio de San Francisco del Mar, Oaxaca, en el Istmo de Tehuantepec. Entre noviembre de 2010 y noviembre de 2011, a lo largo de 48 días de muestreo (24 en la temporada seca y 24 durante la temporada húmeda), se establecieron...
Se determinó la composición anual y estacional de la diversidad de anfibios y reptiles de Montecillo Santa Cruz, municipio de San Francisco del Mar, Oaxaca, en el Istmo de Tehuantepec. Entre noviembre de 2010 y noviembre de 2011, a lo largo de 48 días de muestreo (24 en la temporada seca y 24 durante la temporada húmeda), se establecieron transecto...
Percentage of viable seeds, loss of viability due to storage periods, and seed treatment to promote germination were determined in seeds of Cordia alliodora, Terminalia amazonia and Bursera bipinnata, native trees of the rainforest from Chiapas, Mexico. Results showed that recently collected seeds presented more than 90% of viability and it was red...
The Oaxacan Spiny-tailed Iguana Ctenosaura oaxacana is a restricted species to the Isthmus of Tehuantepec in Southern Oaxaca, Mexico. This reptile is one of the less known iguanid species. We census-tracked a population in the South ofNiltepec, Oaxaca, Mexico from May 2010 to April 2011. Throughout one year, a total of 10 line transects were situat...
The Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) is an endemic species from southeastern Oaxaca, listed as "endangered" by Mexican law and IUCN Red List. It is closely linked to grassland ecosystems from the area. Currently, the risk is due to the intense fragmentation of habitat and poaching. In this study we determined the habitat use of the Tehua...
Uso de hábitat de la liebre en peligro de extinción, Lepus flavigularis: implicaciones para su conservación. 4 . The Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) is an endemic species from southeastern Oaxaca, listed as "endangered" by Mexican law and IUCN Red List. It is closely linked to grassland ecosystems from the area. Currently, the risk is d...
Análisis de población viable para determinar el riesgo de extinción de la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis) en Santa María del Mar, Oaxaca 3 It has been recognized the need for studies to determine the long-term viability of populations of endangered species, such as the Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) populations. Currently th...
2 y Mayra de La Paz-Cuevas 3 The biological knowledge, current distribution and conservation status of the species of jackrabbits (Lepus) in risk category distributed in islands of Baja California Sur, Mexico is very useful to take specific actions for its management and conservation. The objective of this work was to spread recent results on the a...
Análisis de población viable para determinar el riesgo de extinción de la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis) en Santa María del Mar, Oaxaca It has been recognized the need for studies to determine the long-term viability of populations of endangered species, such as the Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) populations. Currently the...
Documentamos la fecha y la duración de cada fase de la reproducción, la tasa reproductiva, el amamantamiento, el cuidado parental y los instintos de supervivencia de los lebratos de la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis), un lagomorfo en peligro crítico de extinción. Entre junio de 2006 y mayo de 2008 observamos 60 liebres adultas con collar...
El CATIE combina ciencia, educación de posgrado y cooperación técnica para mejorar el bienestar humano y reducir la pobreza rural mediante una gestión integrada de la agricultura y los recursos naturales en América Latina y el Caribe.
Information on the spatial ecology of the Tehuantepec jackrabbit (Lepus flavigularis) is important for developing management strategies to preserve it in its habitat. We radio-collared and monitored 60 jackrabbits from May 2006 to April 2008. We estimated annual and seasonal home ranges and core areas by using the fixed-kernel isopleth to 95% and 5...
Evaluamos la época reproductiva y el comportamiento reproductivo de dos poblaciones (en Los Ángeles y La Perforadora) del perrito llanero mexicano (Cynomys mexicanus) en el noreste de México durante enero a junio del 2002 y 2003. Observamos un total de 18 clanes para cada colonia. La época reproductiva comenzó a finales de enero y se extendió hasta...
Este es el primer esfuerzo para determinar el sistema de apareamiento de la liebre de Tehuantepec (Lepus flavigularis), una especie en peligro de extinción, endémica del sur de México, y cuya distribución se limita a la región del Istmo de Tehuantepec. Se observaron 60 liebres radio-marcadas entre junio del 2006 y diciembre del 2007 en la población...
he hare Tehuantepec isthmus is part of the history of the communities and Zapotec huaves the region and has a great ecological and evolutionary, but unfortunately is in danger of disappearing. Through colorful pictures and texts of swift reading (in Spanish and English), this book is an attempt to present the life story of the hare and the dynamics...
Through six years Lepus flavigularis population density data were analyzed, at two localities south Tehuantepec Isthmus, Oaxaca, Mexico. The fluctuation index (FI) was calculated for this lagomorph in two localities. FI refers to ranges in fluctuations between maximum and minimum population levels evaluated according to the average number of years...
Pocos estudios se refieren a la etología de esta especie endémica del Altiplano Mexicano (Mellink y Madrigal 1993; Pizzimienti y McClenaghan 1974; TreviñoVillarreal 1990). Recientemente Rioja (2003), en un estudio sobre la biología reproductiva de C. mexicanus en dos colonias en el altiplano Coahuilense, observó, durante año y medio, el comportamie...